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Deep Generative Models and Downstream Applications

Jos茅 Miguel Hern谩ndez-Lobato 路 Yingzhen Li 路 Yichuan Zhang 路 Cheng Zhang 路 Austin Tripp 路 Weiwei Pan 路 Oren Rippel

Tue 14 Dec, 6 a.m. PST

Deep generative models (DGMs) have become an important research branch in deep learning, including a broad family of methods such as variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks, normalizing flows, energy based models and autoregressive models. Many of these methods have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art results in the generation of synthetic data of different types such as text, speech, images, music, molecules, etc. However, besides just generating synthetic data, DGMs are of particular relevance in many practical downstream applications. A few examples are imputation and acquisition of missing data, anomaly detection, data denoising, compressed sensing, data compression, image super-resolution, molecule optimization, interpretation of machine learning methods, identifying causal structures in data, generation of molecular structures, etc. However, at present, there seems to be a disconnection between researchers working on new DGM-based methods and researchers applying such methods to practical problems (like the ones mentioned above). This workshop aims to fill in this gap by bringing the two aforementioned communities together.

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