NIPS 2011
Mon Dec 12th through Sat the 17th
Granada Congress and Exhibition Centre, Granada SPAIN
25th Annual Conference
You are invited to participate in the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, which is the premier scientific meeting on Neural Computation.
Granada Spain

2011 Lecture Videos
The 2011 tutorial videos are available directly from the schedule. View Tutorial Schedule » The Workshop Videos are hosted by
Tutorial Speakers
Jonathan Pillow, UT Austin; Amir Globerson, Hebrew U & Google; Tommi Jaakkola, MIT; Peter Orbanz, Columbia U; Yee Whye The, U of Oxford; Alexander Rush, Facebook; Michael Collins, Columbia U; Naftali Tishby, Hebrew U; Amr Ahmed, Yahoo Research; Alex Smola, CMU
Winton, Microsoft Research, Google, Artificial Intelligence, DE Shaw & Co, Pascal2, Two Sigma, IBM Research, Toyota, United Technologies Research Center, eBay, Brain Products, Yahoo Labs, Universidad de Granada, Machine Learning.
25th Annual Videos
To celebrate the NIPS anniversary, assess the state of the field of Neural Computation, and discuss the history and future of NIPS, Roger Bingham nipped up to Lake Tahoe to talk with NIPS President Terrence Sejnowski, Secretary Michael Mozer, Executive Board Member John Platt and Hanna Wallach, Chair of the Board of WIML (Women in Machine Learning) who organizes one of the NIPS Workshops.