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Poster Session 2

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Latent Template Induction with Gumbel-CRFs

Yao Fu · Chuanqi Tan · Bin Bi · Mosha Chen · Yansong Feng · Alexander Rush

Learning to control the structure of sentences is a challenging problem in text generation. Existing work either relies on simple deterministic approaches or RL-based hard structures. We explore the use of structured variational autoencoders to infer latent templates for sentence generation using a soft, continuous relaxation in order to utilize reparameterization for training. Specifically, we propose a Gumbel-CRF, a continuous relaxation of the CRF sampling algorithm using a relaxed Forward-Filtering Backward-Sampling (FFBS) approach. As a reparameterized gradient estimator, the Gumbel-CRF gives more stable gradients than score-function based estimators. As a structured inference network, we show that it learns interpretable templates during training, which allows us to control the decoder during testing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods with experiments on data-to-text generation and unsupervised paraphrase generation.

Federated Principal Component Analysis

Andreas Grammenos · Rodrigo Mendoza Smith · Jon Crowcroft · Cecilia Mascolo

We present a federated, asynchronous, and $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-differentially private algorithm for $\PCA$ in the memory-limited setting. % Our algorithm incrementally computes local model updates using a streaming procedure and adaptively estimates its $r$ leading principal components when only $\mathcal{O}(dr)$ memory is available with $d$ being the dimensionality of the data. % We guarantee differential privacy via an input-perturbation scheme in which the covariance matrix of a dataset $\B{X} \in \R^{d \times n}$ is perturbed with a non-symmetric random Gaussian matrix with variance in $\mathcal{O}\left(\left(\frac{d}{n}\right)^2 \log d \right)$, thus improving upon the state-of-the-art. % Furthermore, contrary to previous federated or distributed algorithms for $\PCA$, our algorithm is also invariant to permutations in the incoming data, which provides robustness against straggler or failed nodes. % Numerical simulations show that, while using limited-memory, our algorithm exhibits performance that closely matches or outperforms traditional non-federated algorithms, and in the absence of communication latency, it exhibits attractive horizontal scalability.

Learning Differential Equations that are Easy to Solve

Jacob Kelly · Jesse Bettencourt · Matthew Johnson · David Duvenaud

Differential equations parameterized by neural networks become expensive to solve numerically as training progresses. We propose a remedy that encourages learned dynamics to be easier to solve. Specifically, we introduce a differentiable surrogate for the time cost of standard numerical solvers, using higher-order derivatives of solution trajectories. These derivatives are efficient to compute with Taylor-mode automatic differentiation. Optimizing this additional objective trades model performance against the time cost of solving the learned dynamics. We demonstrate our approach by training substantially faster, while nearly as accurate, models in supervised classification, density estimation, and time-series modelling tasks.

Learning Rich Rankings

Arjun Seshadri · Stephen Ragain · Johan Ugander

Although the foundations of ranking are well established, the ranking literature has primarily been focused on simple, unimodal models, e.g. the Mallows and Plackett-Luce models, that define distributions centered around a single total ordering. Explicit mixture models have provided some tools for modelling multimodal ranking data, though learning such models from data is often difficult. In this work, we contribute a contextual repeated selection (CRS) model that leverages recent advances in choice modeling to bring a natural multimodality and richness to the rankings space. We provide rigorous theoretical guarantees for maximum likelihood estimation under the model through structure-dependent tail risk and expected risk bounds. As a by-product, we also furnish the first tight bounds on the expected risk of maximum likelihood estimators for the multinomial logit (MNL) choice model and the Plackett-Luce (PL) ranking model, as well as the first tail risk bound on the PL ranking model. The CRS model significantly outperforms existing methods for modeling real world ranking data in a variety of settings, from racing to rank choice voting.

Self-supervised Co-Training for Video Representation Learning

Tengda Han · Weidi Xie · Andrew Zisserman

The objective of this paper is visual-only self-supervised video representation learning. We make the following contributions: (i) we investigate the benefit of adding semantic-class positives to instance-based Info Noise Contrastive Estimation (InfoNCE) training, showing that this form of supervised contrastive learning leads to a clear improvement in performance; (ii) we propose a novel self-supervised co-training scheme to improve the popular infoNCE loss, exploiting the complementary information from different views, RGB streams and optical flow, of the same data source by using one view to obtain positive class samples for the other; (iii) we thoroughly evaluate the quality of the learnt representation on two different downstream tasks: action recognition and video retrieval. In both cases, the proposed approach demonstrates state-of-the-art or comparable performance with other self-supervised approaches, whilst being significantly more efficient to train, i.e. requiring far less training data to achieve similar performance.

Prophet Attention: Predicting Attention with Future Attention

Fenglin Liu · Xuancheng Ren · Xian Wu · Shen Ge · Wei Fan · Yuexian Zou · Xu Sun

Recently, attention based models have been used extensively in many sequence-to-sequence learning systems. Especially for image captioning, the attention based models are expected to ground correct image regions with proper generated words. However, for each time step in the decoding process, the attention based models usually use the hidden state of the current input to attend to the image regions. Under this setting, these attention models have a deviated focus'' problem that they calculate the attention weights based on previous words instead of the one to be generated, impairing the performance of both grounding and captioning. In this paper, we propose the Prophet Attention, similar to the form of self-supervision. In the training stage, this module utilizes the future information to calculate theideal'' attention weights towards image regions. These calculated ideal'' weights are further used to regularize thedeviated'' attention. In this manner, image regions are grounded with the correct words. The proposed Prophet Attention can be easily incorporated into existing image captioning models to improve their performance of both grounding and captioning. The experiments on the Flickr30k Entities and the MSCOCO datasets show that the proposed Prophet Attention consistently outperforms baselines in both automatic metrics and human evaluations. It is worth noticing that we set new state-of-the-arts on the two benchmark datasets and achieve the 1st place on the leaderboard of the online MSCOCO benchmark in terms of the default ranking score, i.e., CIDEr-c40.

Audeo: Audio Generation for a Silent Performance Video

Kun Su · Xiulong Liu · Eli Shlizerman

We present a novel system that gets as an input, video frames of a musician playing the piano, and generates the music for that video. The generation of music from visual cues is a challenging problem and it is not clear whether it is an attainable goal at all. Our main aim in this work is to explore the plausibility of such a transformation and to identify cues and components able to carry the association of sounds with visual events. To achieve the transformation we built a full pipeline named 'Audeo' containing three components. We first translate the video frames of the keyboard and the musician hand movements into raw mechanical musical symbolic representation Piano-Roll (Roll) for each video frame which represents the keys pressed at each time step. We then adapt the Roll to be amenable for audio synthesis by including temporal correlations. This step turns out to be critical for meaningful audio generation. In the last step, we implement Midi synthesizers to generate realistic music. Audeo converts video to audio smoothly and clearly with only a few setup constraints. We evaluate Audeo on piano performance videos collected from Youtube and obtain that their generated music is of reasonable audio quality and can be successfully recognized with high precision by popular music identification software.

Cascaded Text Generation with Markov Transformers

Yuntian Deng · Alexander Rush

The two dominant approaches to neural text generation are fully autoregressive models, using serial beam search decoding, and non-autoregressive models, using parallel decoding with no output dependencies. This work proposes an autoregressive model with sub-linear parallel time generation. Noting that conditional random fields with bounded context can be decoded in parallel, we propose an efficient cascaded decoding approach for generating high-quality output. To parameterize this cascade, we introduce a Markov transformer, a variant of the popular fully autoregressive model that allows us to simultaneously decode with specific autoregressive context cutoffs. This approach requires only a small modification from standard autoregressive training, while showing competitive accuracy/speed tradeoff compared to existing methods on five machine translation datasets.

All Word Embeddings from One Embedding

Sho Takase · Sosuke Kobayashi

In neural network-based models for natural language processing (NLP), the largest part of the parameters often consists of word embeddings. Conventional models prepare a large embedding matrix whose size depends on the vocabulary size. Therefore, storing these models in memory and disk storage is costly. In this study, to reduce the total number of parameters, the embeddings for all words are represented by transforming a shared embedding. The proposed method, ALONE (all word embeddings from one), constructs the embedding of a word by modifying the shared embedding with a filter vector, which is word-specific but non-trainable. Then, we input the constructed embedding into a feed-forward neural network to increase its expressiveness. Naively, the filter vectors occupy the same memory size as the conventional embedding matrix, which depends on the vocabulary size. To solve this issue, we also introduce a memory-efficient filter construction approach. We indicate our ALONE can be used as word representation sufficiently through an experiment on the reconstruction of pre-trained word embeddings. In addition, we also conduct experiments on NLP application tasks: machine translation and summarization. We combined ALONE with the current state-of-the-art encoder-decoder model, the Transformer [36], and achieved comparable scores on WMT 2014 English-to-German translation and DUC 2004 very short summarization with less parameters.

Data Diversification: A Simple Strategy For Neural Machine Translation

Xuan-Phi Nguyen · Shafiq Joty · Kui Wu · Ai Ti Aw

We introduce Data Diversification: a simple but effective strategy to boost neural machine translation (NMT) performance. It diversifies the training data by using the predictions of multiple forward and backward models and then merging them with the original dataset on which the final NMT model is trained. Our method is applicable to all NMT models. It does not require extra monolingual data like back-translation, nor does it add more computations and parameters like ensembles of models. Our method achieves state-of-the-art BLEU scores of 30.7 and 43.7 in the WMT'14 English-German and English-French translation tasks, respectively. It also substantially improves on 8 other translation tasks: 4 IWSLT tasks (English-German and English-French) and 4 low-resource translation tasks (English-Nepali and English-Sinhala). We demonstrate that our method is more effective than knowledge distillation and dual learning, it exhibits strong correlation with ensembles of models, and it trades perplexity off for better BLEU score.

Learning Sparse Prototypes for Text Generation

Junxian He · Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick · Graham Neubig

Prototype-driven text generation uses non-parametric models that first choose from a library of sentence "prototypes" and then modify the prototype to generate the output text. While effective, these methods are inefficient at test time as a result of needing to store and index the entire training corpus. Further, existing methods often require heuristics to identify which prototypes to reference at training time. In this paper, we propose a novel generative model that automatically learns a sparse prototype support set that, nonetheless, achieves strong language modeling performance. This is achieved by (1) imposing a sparsity-inducing prior on the prototype selection distribution, and (2) utilizing amortized variational inference to learn a prototype retrieval function. In experiments, our model outperforms previous prototype-driven language models while achieving up to a 1000x memory reduction, as well as a 1000x speed-up at test time. More interestingly, we show that the learned prototypes are able to capture semantics and syntax at different granularity as we vary the sparsity of prototype selection, and that certain sentence attributes can be controlled by specifying the prototype for generation.

A Discrete Variational Recurrent Topic Model without the Reparametrization Trick

Mehdi Rezaee · Francis Ferraro

We show how to learn a neural topic model with discrete random variables---one that explicitly models each word's assigned topic---using neural variational inference that does not rely on stochastic backpropagation to handle the discrete variables. The model we utilize combines the expressive power of neural methods for representing sequences of text with the topic model's ability to capture global, thematic coherence. Using neural variational inference, we show improved perplexity and document understanding across multiple corpora. We examine the effect of prior parameters both on the model and variational parameters, and demonstrate how our approach can compete and surpass a popular topic model implementation on an automatic measure of topic quality.

AViD Dataset: Anonymized Videos from Diverse Countries

AJ Piergiovanni · Michael S Ryoo

We introduce a new public video dataset for action recognition: Anonymized Videos from Diverse countries (AViD). Unlike existing public video datasets, AViD is a collection of action videos from many different countries. The motivation is to create a public dataset that would benefit training and pretraining of action recognition models for everybody, rather than making it useful for limited countries. Further, all the face identities in the AViD videos are properly anonymized to protect their privacy. It also is a static dataset where each video is licensed with the creative commons license. We confirm that most of the existing video datasets are statistically biased to only capture action videos from a limited number of countries. We experimentally illustrate that models trained with such biased datasets do not transfer perfectly to action videos from the other countries, and show that AViD addresses such problem. We also confirm that the new AViD dataset could serve as a good dataset for pretraining the models, performing comparably or better than prior datasets. The dataset is available at

Convolutional Tensor-Train LSTM for Spatio-Temporal Learning

Jiahao Su · Wonmin Byeon · Jean Kossaifi · Furong Huang · Jan Kautz · Anima Anandkumar

Learning from spatio-temporal data has numerous applications such as human-behavior analysis, object tracking, video compression, and physics simulation. However, existing methods still perform poorly on challenging video tasks such as long-term forecasting. This is because these kinds of challenging tasks require learning long-term spatio-temporal correlations in the video sequence. In this paper, we propose a higher-order convolutional LSTM model that can efficiently learn these correlations, along with a succinct representations of the history. This is accomplished through a novel tensor train module that performs prediction by combining convolutional features across time. To make this feasible in terms of computation and memory requirements, we propose a novel convolutional tensor-train decomposition of the higher-order model. This decomposition reduces the model complexity by jointly approximating a sequence of convolutional kernels as a low-rank tensor-train factorization. As a result, our model outperforms existing approaches, but uses only a fraction of parameters, including the baseline models. Our results achieve state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of applications and datasets, including the multi-steps video prediction on the Moving-MNIST-2 and KTH action datasets as well as early activity recognition on the Something-Something V2 dataset.

End-to-End Learning and Intervention in Games

Jiayang Li · Jing Yu · Yu Nie · Zhaoran Wang

In a social system, the self-interest of agents can be detrimental to the collective good, sometimes leading to social dilemmas. To resolve such a conflict, a central designer may intervene by either redesigning the system or incentivizing the agents to change their behaviors. To be effective, the designer must anticipate how the agents react to the intervention, which is dictated by their often unknown payoff functions. Therefore, learning about the agents is a prerequisite for intervention. In this paper, we provide a unified framework for learning and intervention in games. We cast the equilibria of games as individual layers and integrate them into an end-to-end optimization framework. To enable the backward propagation through the equilibria of games, we propose two approaches, respectively based on explicit and implicit differentiation. Specifically, we cast the equilibria as the solutions to variational inequalities (VIs). The explicit approach unrolls the projection method for solving VIs, while the implicit approach exploits the sensitivity of the solutions to VIs. At the core of both approaches is the differentiation through a projection operator. Moreover, we establish the correctness of both approaches and identify the conditions under which one approach is more desirable than the other. The analytical results are validated using several real-world problems.

Cross-validation Confidence Intervals for Test Error

Pierre Bayle · Alexandre Bayle · Lucas Janson · Lester Mackey

This work develops central limit theorems for cross-validation and consistent estimators of the asymptotic variance under weak stability conditions on the learning algorithm. Together, these results provide practical, asymptotically-exact confidence intervals for k-fold test error and valid, powerful hypothesis tests of whether one learning algorithm has smaller k-fold test error than another. These results are also the first of their kind for the popular choice of leave-one-out cross-validation. In our experiments with diverse learning algorithms, the resulting intervals and tests outperform the most popular alternative methods from the literature.

Learning Robust Decision Policies from Observational Data

Muhammad Osama · Dave Zachariah · Peter Stoica

We address the problem of learning a decision policy from observational data of past decisions in contexts with features and associated outcomes. The past policy maybe unknown and in safety-critical applications, such as medical decision support, it is of interest to learn robust policies that reduce the risk of outcomes with high costs. In this paper, we develop a method for learning policies that reduce tails of the cost distribution at a specified level and, moreover, provide a statistically valid bound on the cost of each decision. These properties are valid under finite samples -- even in scenarios with uneven or no overlap between features for different decisions in the observed data -- by building on recent results in conformal prediction. The performance and statistical properties of the proposed method are illustrated using both real and synthetic data.

Improved Sample Complexity for Incremental Autonomous Exploration in MDPs

Jean Tarbouriech · Matteo Pirotta · Michal Valko · Alessandro Lazaric

We investigate the exploration of an unknown environment when no reward function is provided. Building on the incremental exploration setting introduced by Lim and Auer [1], we define the objective of learning the set of $\epsilon$-optimal goal-conditioned policies attaining all states that are incrementally reachable within $L$ steps (in expectation) from a reference state $s_0$. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-based approach that interleaves discovering new states from $s_0$ and improving the accuracy of a model estimate that is used to compute goal-conditioned policies to reach newly discovered states. The resulting algorithm, DisCo, achieves a sample complexity scaling as $\tilde{O}(L^5 S_{L+\epsilon} \Gamma_{L+\epsilon} A \epsilon^{-2})$, where $A$ is the number of actions, $S_{L+\epsilon}$ is the number of states that are incrementally reachable from $s_0$ in $L+\epsilon$ steps, and $\Gamma_{L+\epsilon}$ is the branching factor of the dynamics over such states. This improves over the algorithm proposed in [1] in both $\epsilon$ and $L$ at the cost of an extra $\Gamma_{L+\epsilon}$ factor, which is small in most environments of interest. Furthermore, DisCo is the first algorithm that can return an $\epsilon/c_{\min}$-optimal policy for any cost-sensitive shortest-path problem defined on the $L$-reachable states with minimum cost $c_{\min}$. Finally, we report preliminary empirical results confirming our theoretical findings.

Self-Imitation Learning via Generalized Lower Bound Q-learning

Yunhao Tang

Self-imitation learning motivated by lower-bound Q-learning is a novel and effective approach for off-policy learning. In this work, we propose a n-step lower bound which generalizes the original return-based lower-bound Q-learning, and introduce a new family of self-imitation learning algorithms. To provide a formal motivation for the potential performance gains provided by self-imitation learning, we show that n-step lower bound Q-learning achieves a trade-off between fixed point bias and contraction rate, drawing close connections to the popular uncorrected n-step Q-learning. We finally show that n-step lower bound Q-learning is a more robust alternative to return-based self-imitation learning and uncorrected n-step, over a wide range of benchmark tasks.

An Improved Analysis of (Variance-Reduced) Policy Gradient and Natural Policy Gradient Methods

Yanli Liu · Kaiqing Zhang · Tamer Basar · Wotao Yin

In this paper, we revisit and improve the convergence of policy gradient (PG), natural PG (NPG) methods, and their variance-reduced variants, under general smooth policy parametrizations. More specifically, with the Fisher information matrix of the policy being positive definite: i) we show that a state-of-the-art variance-reduced PG method, which has only been shown to converge to stationary points, converges to the globally optimal value up to some inherent function approximation error due to policy parametrization; ii) we show that NPG enjoys a lower sample complexity; iii) we propose SRVR-NPG, which incorporates variance-reduction into the NPG update. Our improvements follow from an observation that the convergence of (variance-reduced) PG and NPG methods can improve each other: the stationary convergence analysis of PG can be applied on NPG as well, and the global convergence analysis of NPG can help to establish the global convergence of (variance-reduced) PG methods. Our analysis carefully integrates the advantages of these two lines of works. Thanks to this improvement, we have also made variance-reduction for NPG possible for the first time, with both global convergence and an efficient finite-sample complexity.

One Solution is Not All You Need: Few-Shot Extrapolation via Structured MaxEnt RL

Saurabh Kumar · Aviral Kumar · Sergey Levine · Chelsea Finn

While reinforcement learning algorithms can learn effective policies for complex tasks, these policies are often brittle to even minor task variations, especially when variations are not explicitly provided during training. One natural approach to this problem is to train agents with manually specified variation in the training task or environment. However, this may be infeasible in practical situations, either because making perturbations is not possible, or because it is unclear how to choose suitable perturbation strategies without sacrificing performance. The key insight of this work is that learning diverse behaviors for accomplishing a task can directly lead to behavior that generalizes to varying environments, without needing to perform explicit perturbations during training. By identifying multiple solutions for the task in a single environment during training, our approach can generalize to new situations by abandoning solutions that are no longer effective and adopting those that are. We theoretically characterize a robustness set of environments that arises from our algorithm and empirically find that our diversity-driven approach can extrapolate to various changes in the environment and task.

An operator view of policy gradient methods

Dibya Ghosh · Marlos C. Machado · Nicolas Le Roux

We cast policy gradient methods as the repeated application of two operators: a policy improvement operator $\mathcal{I}$, which maps any policy $\pi$ to a better one $\mathcal{I}\pi$, and a projection operator $\mathcal{P}$, which finds the best approximation of $\mathcal{I}\pi$ in the set of realizable policies. We use this framework to introduce operator-based versions of well-known policy gradient methods such as REINFORCE and PPO, which leads to a better understanding of their original counterparts. We also use the understanding we develop of the role of $\mathcal{I}$ and $\mathcal{P}$ to propose a new global lower bound of the expected return. This new perspective allows us to further bridge the gap between policy-based and value-based methods, showing how REINFORCE and the Bellman optimality operator, for example, can be seen as two sides of the same coin.

Robust Reinforcement Learning via Adversarial training with Langevin Dynamics

Parameswaran Kamalaruban · Yu-Ting Huang · Ya-Ping Hsieh · Paul Rolland · Cheng Shi · Volkan Cevher

We introduce a \emph{sampling} perspective to tackle the challenging task of training robust Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. Leveraging the powerful Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics, we present a novel, scalable two-player RL algorithm, which is a sampling variant of the two-player policy gradient method. Our algorithm consistently outperforms existing baselines, in terms of generalization across different training and testing conditions, on several MuJoCo environments. Our experiments also show that, even for objective functions that entirely ignore potential environmental shifts, our sampling approach remains highly robust in comparison to standard RL algorithms.

Improving Sample Complexity Bounds for (Natural) Actor-Critic Algorithms

Tengyu Xu · Zhe Wang · Yingbin Liang

The actor-critic (AC) algorithm is a popular method to find an optimal policy in reinforcement learning. In the infinite horizon scenario, the finite-sample convergence rate for the AC and natural actor-critic (NAC) algorithms has been established recently, but under independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) sampling and single-sample update at each iteration. In contrast, this paper characterizes the convergence rate and sample complexity of AC and NAC under Markovian sampling, with mini-batch data for each iteration, and with actor having general policy class approximation. We show that the overall sample complexity for a mini-batch AC to attain an $\epsilon$-accurate stationary point improves the best known sample complexity of AC by an order of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1}\log(1/\epsilon))$, and the overall sample complexity for a mini-batch NAC to attain an $\epsilon$-accurate globally optimal point improves the existing sample complexity of NAC by an order of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2}/\log(1/\epsilon))$. Moreover, the sample complexity of AC and NAC characterized in this work outperforms that of policy gradient (PG) and natural policy gradient (NPG) by a factor of $\mathcal{O}((1-\gamma)^{-3})$ and $\mathcal{O}((1-\gamma)^{-4}\epsilon^{-2}/\log(1/\epsilon))$, respectively. This is the first theoretical study establishing that AC and NAC attain orderwise performance improvement over PG and NPG under infinite horizon due to the incorporation of critic.

How to Learn a Useful Critic? Model-based Action-Gradient-Estimator Policy Optimization

Pierluca D'Oro · Wojciech Jaśkowski

Deterministic-policy actor-critic algorithms for continuous control improve the actor by plugging its actions into the critic and ascending the action-value gradient, which is obtained by chaining the actor's Jacobian matrix with the gradient of the critic with respect to input actions. However, instead of gradients, the critic is, typically, only trained to accurately predict expected returns, which, on their own, are useless for policy optimization. In this paper, we propose MAGE, a model-based actor-critic algorithm, grounded in the theory of policy gradients, which explicitly learns the action-value gradient. MAGE backpropagates through the learned dynamics to compute gradient targets in temporal difference learning, leading to a critic tailored for policy improvement. On a set of MuJoCo continuous-control tasks, we demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm in comparison to model-free and model-based state-of-the-art baselines.

The Value Equivalence Principle for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Christopher Grimm · Andre Barreto · Satinder Singh · David Silver

Learning models of the environment from data is often viewed as an essential component to building intelligent reinforcement learning (RL) agents. The common practice is to separate the learning of the model from its use, by constructing a model of the environment’s dynamics that correctly predicts the observed state transitions. In this paper we argue that the limited representational resources of model-based RL agents are better used to build models that are directly useful for value-based planning. As our main contribution, we introduce the principle of value equivalence: two models are value equivalent with respect to a set of functions and policies if they yield the same Bellman updates. We propose a formulation of the model learning problem based on the value equivalence principle and analyze how the set of feasible solutions is impacted by the choice of policies and functions. Specifically, we show that, as we augment the set of policies and functions considered, the class of value equivalent models shrinks, until eventually collapsing to a single point corresponding to a model that perfectly describes the environment. In many problems, directly modelling state-to-state transitions may be both difficult and unnecessary. By leveraging the value-equivalence principle one may find simpler models without compromising performance, saving computation and memory. We illustrate the benefits of value-equivalent model learning with experiments comparing it against more traditional counterparts like maximum likelihood estimation. More generally, we argue that the principle of value equivalence underlies a number of recent empirical successes in RL, such as Value Iteration Networks, the Predictron, Value Prediction Networks, TreeQN, and MuZero, and provides a first theoretical underpinning of those results.

Doubly Robust Off-Policy Value and Gradient Estimation for Deterministic Policies

Nathan Kallus · Masatoshi Uehara

Offline reinforcement learning, wherein one uses off-policy data logged by a fixed behavior policy to evaluate and learn new policies, is crucial in applications where experimentation is limited such as medicine. We study the estimation of policy value and gradient of a deterministic policy from off-policy data when actions are continuous. Targeting deterministic policies, for which action is a deterministic function of state, is crucial since optimal policies are always deterministic (up to ties). In this setting, standard importance sampling and doubly robust estimators for policy value and gradient fail because the density ratio does not exist. To circumvent this issue, we propose several new doubly robust estimators based on different kernelization approaches. We analyze the asymptotic mean-squared error of each of these under mild rate conditions for nuisance estimators. Specifically, we demonstrate how to obtain a rate that is independent of the horizon length.

Neurosymbolic Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Exploration

Greg Anderson · Abhinav Verma · Isil Dillig · Swarat Chaudhuri

We present REVEL, a partially neural reinforcement learning (RL) framework for provably safe exploration in continuous state and action spaces. A key challenge for provably safe deep RL is that repeatedly verifying neural networks within a learning loop is computationally infeasible. We address this challenge using two policy classes: a general, neurosymbolic class with approximate gradients and a more restricted class of symbolic policies that allows efficient verification. Our learning algorithm is a mirror descent over policies: in each iteration, it safely lifts a symbolic policy into the neurosymbolic space, performs safe gradient updates to the resulting policy, and projects the updated policy into the safe symbolic subset, all without requiring explicit verification of neural networks. Our empirical results show that REVEL enforces safe exploration in many scenarios in which Constrained Policy Optimization does not, and that it can discover policies that outperform those learned through prior approaches to verified exploration.

Near-Optimal Reinforcement Learning with Self-Play

Yu Bai · Chi Jin · Tiancheng Yu

This paper considers the problem of designing optimal algorithms for reinforcement learning in two-player zero-sum games. We focus on self-play algorithms which learn the optimal policy by playing against itself without any direct supervision. In a tabular episodic Markov game with S states, A max-player actions and B min-player actions, the best existing algorithm for finding an approximate Nash equilibrium requires \tlO(S^2AB) steps of game playing, when only highlighting the dependency on (S,A,B). In contrast, the best existing lower bound scales as \Omega(S(A+B)) and has a significant gap from the upper bound. This paper closes this gap for the first time: we propose an optimistic variant of the Nash Q-learning algorithm with sample complexity \tlO(SAB), and a new Nash V-learning algorithm with sample complexity \tlO(S(A+B)). The latter result matches the information-theoretic lower bound in all problem-dependent parameters except for a polynomial factor of the length of each episode. In addition, we present a computational hardness result for learning the best responses against a fixed opponent in Markov games---a learning objective different from finding the Nash equilibrium.

Variational Policy Gradient Method for Reinforcement Learning with General Utilities

Junyu Zhang · Alec Koppel · Amrit Singh Bedi · Csaba Szepesvari · Mengdi Wang

In recent years, reinforcement learning systems with general goals beyond a cumulative sum of rewards have gained traction, such as in constrained problems, exploration, and acting upon prior experiences. In this paper, we consider policy optimization in Markov Decision Problems, where the objective is a general utility function of the state-action occupancy measure, which subsumes several of the aforementioned examples as special cases. Such generality invalidates the Bellman equation. As this means that dynamic programming no longer works, we focus on direct policy search. Analogously to the Policy Gradient Theorem \cite{sutton2000policy} available for RL with cumulative rewards, we derive a new Variational Policy Gradient Theorem for RL with general utilities, which establishes that the gradient may be obtained as the solution of a stochastic saddle point problem involving the Fenchel dual of the utility function. We develop a variational Monte Carlo gradient estimation algorithm to compute the policy gradient based on sample paths. Further, we prove that the variational policy gradient scheme converges globally to the optimal policy for the general objective, and we also establish its rate of convergence that matches or improves the convergence rate available in the case of RL with cumulative rewards.

PC-PG: Policy Cover Directed Exploration for Provable Policy Gradient Learning

Alekh Agarwal · Mikael Henaff · Sham Kakade · Wen Sun

Direct policy gradient methods for reinforcement learning are a successful approach for a variety of reasons: they are model free, they directly optimize the performance metric of interest, and they allow for richly parameterized policies. Their primary drawback is that, by being local in nature, they fail to adequately explore the environment. In contrast, while model-based approaches and Q-learning can, at least in theory, directly handle exploration through the use of optimism, their ability to handle model misspecification and function approximation is far less evident. This work introduces the the POLICY COVER GUIDED POLICY GRADIENT (PC- PG) algorithm, which provably balances the exploration vs. exploitation tradeoff using an ensemble of learned policies (the policy cover). PC-PG enjoys polynomial sample complexity and run time for both tabular MDPs and, more generally, linear MDPs in an infinite dimensional RKHS. Furthermore, PC-PG also has strong guarantees under model misspecification that go beyond the standard worst case L infinity assumptions; these include approximation guarantees for state aggregation under an average case error assumption, along with guarantees under a more general assumption where the approximation error under distribution shift is controlled. We complement the theory with empirical evaluation across a variety of domains in both reward-free and reward-driven settings.

Deep Multimodal Fusion by Channel Exchanging

Yikai Wang · Wenbing Huang · Fuchun Sun · Tingyang Xu · Yu Rong · Junzhou Huang

Deep multimodal fusion by using multiple sources of data for classification or regression has exhibited a clear advantage over the unimodal counterpart on various applications. Yet, current methods including aggregation-based and alignment-based fusion are still inadequate in balancing the trade-off between inter-modal fusion and intra-modal processing, incurring a bottleneck of performance improvement. To this end, this paper proposes Channel-Exchanging-Network (CEN), a parameter-free multimodal fusion framework that dynamically exchanges channels between sub-networks of different modalities. Specifically, the channel exchanging process is self-guided by individual channel importance that is measured by the magnitude of Batch-Normalization (BN) scaling factor during training. The validity of such exchanging process is also guaranteed by sharing convolutional filters yet keeping separate BN layers across modalities, which, as an add-on benefit, allows our multimodal architecture to be almost as compact as a unimodal network. Extensive experiments on semantic segmentation via RGB-D data and image translation through multi-domain input verify the effectiveness of our CEN compared to current state-of-the-art methods. Detailed ablation studies have also been carried out, which provably affirm the advantage of each component we propose. Our code is available at

Learning Representations from Audio-Visual Spatial Alignment

Pedro Morgado · Yi Li · Nuno Nvasconcelos

We introduce a novel self-supervised pretext task for learning representations from audio-visual content. Prior work on audio-visual representation learning leverages correspondences at the video level. Approaches based on audio-visual correspondence (AVC) predict whether audio and video clips originate from the same or different video instances. Audio-visual temporal synchronization (AVTS) further discriminates negative pairs originated from the same video instance but at different moments in time. While these approaches learn high-quality representations for downstream tasks such as action recognition, they completely disregard the spatial cues of audio and visual signals naturally occurring in the real world. To learn from these spatial cues, we tasked a network to perform contrastive audio-visual spatial alignment of 360\degree video and spatial audio. The ability to perform spatial alignment is enhanced by reasoning over the full spatial content of the 360\degree video using a transformer architecture to combine representations from multiple viewpoints. The advantages of the proposed pretext task are demonstrated on a variety of audio and visual downstream tasks, including audio-visual correspondence, spatial alignment, action recognition and video semantic segmentation. Dataset and code are available at

Knowledge Augmented Deep Neural Networks for Joint Facial Expression and Action Unit Recognition

Zijun Cui · Tengfei Song · Yuru Wang · Qiang Ji

Facial expression and action units (AUs) represent two levels of descriptions of the facial behavior. Due to the underlying facial anatomy and the need to form a meaningful coherent expression, they are strongly correlated. This paper proposes to systematically capture their dependencies and incorporate them into a deep learning framework for joint facial expression recognition and action unit detection. Specifically, we first propose a constraint optimization method to encode the generic knowledge on expression-AUs probabilistic dependencies into a Bayesian Network (BN). The BN is then integrated into a deep learning framework as a weak supervision for an AU detection model. A data-driven facial expression recognition(FER) model is then constructed from data. Finally, the FER model and AU detection model are trained jointly to refine their learning. Evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed knowledge integration in improving the performance of both the FER model and the AU detection model. The proposed AU detection model is demonstrated to be able to achieve competitive performance without AU annotations. Furthermore, the proposed Bayesian Network capturing the generic knowledge is demonstrated to generalize well to different datasets.

Causal Intervention for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Dong Zhang · Hanwang Zhang · Jinhui Tang · Xian-Sheng Hua · Qianru Sun

We present a causal inference framework to improve Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS). Specifically, we aim to generate better pixel-level pseudo-masks by using only image-level labels -- the most crucial step in WSSS. We attribute the cause of the ambiguous boundaries of pseudo-masks to the confounding context, e.g., the correct image-level classification of "horse" and "person" may be not only due to the recognition of each instance, but also their co-occurrence context, making the model inspection (e.g., CAM) hard to distinguish between the boundaries. Inspired by this, we propose a structural causal model to analyze the causalities among images, contexts, and class labels. Based on it, we develop a new method: Context Adjustment (CONTA), to remove the confounding bias in image-level classification and thus provide better pseudo-masks as ground-truth for the subsequent segmentation model. On PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS-COCO, we show that CONTA boosts various popular WSSS methods to new state-of-the-arts.

Generative View Synthesis: From Single-view Semantics to Novel-view Images

Tewodros Amberbir Habtegebrial · Varun Jampani · Orazio Gallo · Didier Stricker

Content creation, central to applications such as virtual reality, can be tedious and time-consuming. Recent image synthesis methods simplify this task by offering tools to generate new views from as little as a single input image, or by converting a semantic map into a photorealistic image. We propose to push the envelope further, and introduce Generative View Synthesis (GVS) that can synthesize multiple photorealistic views of a scene given a single semantic map. We show that the sequential application of existing techniques, e.g., semantics-to-image translation followed by monocular view synthesis, fail at capturing the scene's structure. In contrast, we solve the semantics-to-image translation in concert with the estimation of the 3D layout of the scene, thus producing geometrically consistent novel views that preserve semantic structures. We first lift the input 2D semantic map onto a 3D layered representation of the scene in feature space, thereby preserving the semantic labels of 3D geometric structures. We then project the layered features onto the target views to generate the final novel-view images. We verify the strengths of our method and compare it with several advanced baselines on three different datasets. Our approach also allows for style manipulation and image editing operations, such as the addition or removal of objects, with simple manipulations of the input style images and semantic maps respectively. For code and additional results, visit the project page at

Labelling unlabelled videos from scratch with multi-modal self-supervision

Yuki Asano · Mandela Patrick · Christian Rupprecht · Andrea Vedaldi

A large part of the current success of deep learning lies in the effectiveness of data -- more precisely: of labeled data. Yet, labelling a dataset with human annotation continues to carry high costs, especially for videos. While in the image domain, recent methods have allowed to generate meaningful (pseudo-) labels for unlabelled datasets without supervision, this development is missing for the video domain where learning feature representations is the current focus. In this work, we a) show that unsupervised labelling of a video dataset does not come for free from strong feature encoders and b) propose a novel clustering method that allows pseudo-labelling of a video dataset without any human annotations, by leveraging the natural correspondence between audio and visual modalities. An extensive analysis shows that the resulting clusters have high semantic overlap to ground truth human labels. We further introduce the first benchmarking results on unsupervised labelling of common video datasets.

Unfolding the Alternating Optimization for Blind Super Resolution

zhengxiong luo · Yan Huang · Shang Li · Liang Wang · Tieniu Tan

Previous methods decompose blind super resolution (SR) problem into two sequential steps: \textit{i}) estimating blur kernel from given low-resolution (LR) image and \textit{ii}) restoring SR image based on estimated kernel. This two-step solution involves two independently trained models, which may not well compatible with each other. Small estimation error of the first step could cause severe performance drop of the second one. While on the other hand, the first step can only utilize limited information from LR image, which makes it difficult to predict highly accurate blur kernel. Towards these issues, instead of considering these two steps separately, we adopt an alternating optimization algorithm, which can estimate blur kernel and restore SR image in a single model. Specifically, we design two convolutional neural modules, namely \textit{Restorer} and \textit{Estimator}. \textit{Restorer} restores SR image based on predicted kernel, and \textit{Estimator} estimates blur kernel with the help of restored SR image. We alternate these two modules repeatedly and unfold this process to form an end-to-end trainable network. In this way, \textit{Estimator} utilizes information from both LR and SR images, which makes the estimation of blur kernel easier. More importantly, \textit{Restorer} is trained with the kernel estimated by \textit{Estimator}, instead of ground-truth kernel, thus \textit{Restorer} could be more tolerant to the estimation error of \textit{Estimator}. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets and real-world images show that our model can largely outperform state-of-the-art methods and produce more visually favorable results at much higher speed. The source code will be publicly available.

Video Frame Interpolation without Temporal Priors

Youjian Zhang · Chaoyue Wang · Dacheng Tao

Video frame interpolation, which aims to synthesize non-exist intermediate frames in a video sequence, is an important research topic in computer vision. Existing video frame interpolation methods have achieved remarkable results under specific assumptions, such as instant or known exposure time. However, in complicated real-world situations, the temporal priors of videos, i.e. frames per second (FPS) and frame exposure time, may vary from different camera sensors. When test videos are taken under different exposure settings from training ones, the interpolated frames will suffer significant misalignment problems. In this work, we solve the video frame interpolation problem in a general situation, where input frames can be acquired under uncertain exposure (and interval) time. Unlike previous methods that can only be applied to a specific temporal prior, we derive a general curvilinear motion trajectory formula from four consecutive sharp frames or two consecutive blurry frames without temporal priors. Moreover, utilizing constraints within adjacent motion trajectories, we devise a novel optical flow refinement strategy for better interpolation results. Finally, experiments demonstrate that one well-trained model is enough for synthesizing high-quality slow-motion videos under complicated real-world situations. Codes are available on

Delving into the Cyclic Mechanism in Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation

Yuxi Li · Ning Xu · Jinlong Peng · John See · Weiyao Lin

In this paper, we take attempt to incorporate the cyclic mechanism with the vision task of semi-supervised video object segmentation. By resorting to the accurate reference mask of the first frame, we try to mitigate the error propagation problem in most of current video object segmentation pipelines. Firstly, we propose a cyclic scheme for offline training of segmentation networks. Then, we extend the offline pipeline to an online method by introducing a simple gradient correction module while keeping high efficiency as other offline methods. Finally we develop cycle effective receptive field (cycle-ERF) from gradient correction to provide a new perspective for analyzing object-specific regions of interests. We conduct comprehensive experiments on benchmarks of DAVIS17 and Youtube-VOS, demonstrating that our introduced cyclic mechanism is helpful to boost the segmentation quality.

Color Visual Illusions: A Statistics-based Computational Model

Elad Hirsch · Ayellet Tal

Visual illusions may be explained by the likelihood of patches in real-world images, as argued by input-driven paradigms in Neuro-Science. However, neither the data nor the tools existed in the past to extensively support these explanations. The era of big data opens a new opportunity to study input-driven approaches. We introduce a tool that computes the likelihood of patches, given a large dataset to learn from. Given this tool, we present a model that supports the approach and explains lightness and color visual illusions in a unified manner. Furthermore, our model generates visual illusions in natural images, by applying the same tool, reversely.

A Ranking-based, Balanced Loss Function Unifying Classification and Localisation in Object Detection

Kemal Oksuz · Baris Can Cam · Emre Akbas · Sinan Kalkan

We propose average Localisation-Recall-Precision (aLRP), a unified, bounded, balanced and ranking-based loss function for both classification and localisation tasks in object detection. aLRP extends the Localisation-Recall-Precision (LRP) performance metric (Oksuz et al., 2018) inspired from how Average Precision (AP) Loss extends precision to a ranking-based loss function for classification (Chen et al., 2020). aLRP has the following distinct advantages: (i) aLRP is the first ranking-based loss function for both classification and localisation tasks. (ii) Thanks to using ranking for both tasks, aLRP naturally enforces high-quality localisation for high-precision classification. (iii) aLRP provides provable balance between positives and negatives. (iv) Compared to on average ~6 hyperparameters in the loss functions of state-of-the-art detectors, aLRP Loss has only one hyperparameter, which we did not tune in practice. On the COCO dataset, aLRP Loss improves its ranking-based predecessor, AP Loss, up to around 5 AP points, achieves 48.9 AP without test time augmentation and outperforms all one-stage detectors. Code available at: .

Make One-Shot Video Object Segmentation Efficient Again

Tim Meinhardt · Laura Leal-Taixé

Video object segmentation (VOS) describes the task of segmenting a set of objects in each frame of a video. In the semi-supervised setting, the first mask of each object is provided at test time. Following the one-shot principle, fine-tuning VOS methods train a segmentation model separately on each given object mask. However, recently the VOS community has deemed such a test time optimization and its impact on the test runtime as unfeasible. To mitigate the inefficiencies of previous fine-tuning approaches, we present efficient One-Shot Video Object Segmentation (e-OSVOS). In contrast to most VOS approaches, e-OSVOS decouples the object detection task and predicts only local segmentation masks by applying a modified version of Mask R-CNN. The one-shot test runtime and performance are optimized without a laborious and handcrafted hyperparameter search. To this end, we meta learn the model initialization and learning rates for the test time optimization. To achieve an optimal learning behavior, we predict individual learning rates at a neuron level. % a pair of learning rates for the weights tensor and scalar bias of each neuron. Furthermore, we apply an online adaptation to address the common performance degradation throughout a sequence by continuously fine-tuning the model on previous mask predictions supported by a frame-to-frame bounding box propagation. % through changing online appearance -> online adaptation for free. bounding box propagation. e-OSVOS provides state-of-the-art results on DAVIS 2016, DAVIS 2017 and YouTube-VOS for one-shot fine-tuning methods while reducing the test runtime substantially.

SIRI: Spatial Relation Induced Network For Spatial Description Resolution

peiyao wang · Weixin Luo · Yanyu Xu · Haojie Li · Shugong Xu · Jianyu Yang · Shenghua Gao

Spatial Description Resolution, as a language-guided localization task, is proposed for target location in a panoramic street view, given corresponding language descriptions. Explicitly characterizing an object-level relationship while distilling spatial relationships are currently absent but crucial to this task. Mimicking humans, who sequentially traverse spatial relationship words and objects with a first-person view to locate their target, we propose a novel spatial relationship induced (SIRI) network. Specifically, visual features are firstly correlated at an implicit object-level in a projected latent space; then they are distilled by each spatial relationship word, resulting in each differently activated feature representing each spatial relationship. Further, we introduce global position priors to fix the absence of positional information, which may result in global positional reasoning ambiguities. Both the linguistic and visual features are concatenated to finalize the target localization. Experimental results on the Touchdown show that our method is around 24\% better than the state-of-the-art method in terms of accuracy, measured by an 80-pixel radius. Our method also generalizes well on our proposed extended dataset collected using the same settings as Touchdown. The code for this project is publicly available at

Multi-Plane Program Induction with 3D Box Priors

Yikai Li · Jiayuan Mao · Xiuming Zhang · Bill Freeman · Josh Tenenbaum · Noah Snavely · Jiajun Wu

We consider two important aspects in understanding and editing images: modeling regular, program-like texture or patterns in 2D planes, and 3D posing of these planes in the scene. Unlike prior work on image-based program synthesis, which assumes the image contains a single visible 2D plane, we present Box Program Induction (BPI), which infers a program-like scene representation that simultaneously models repeated structure on multiple 2D planes, the 3D position and orientation of the planes, and camera parameters, all from a single image. Our model assumes a box prior, i.e., that the image captures either an inner view or an outer view of a box in 3D. It uses neural networks to infer visual cues such as vanishing points, wireframe lines to guide a search-based algorithm to find the program that best explains the image. Such a holistic, structured scene representation enables 3D-aware interactive image editing operations such as inpainting missing pixels, changing camera parameters, and extrapolate the image contents.

RELATE: Physically Plausible Multi-Object Scene Synthesis Using Structured Latent Spaces

Sebastien Ehrhardt · Oliver Groth · Aron Monszpart · Martin Engelcke · Ingmar Posner · Niloy Mitra · Andrea Vedaldi

We present RELATE, a model that learns to generate physically plausible scenes and videos of multiple interacting objects. Similar to other generative approaches, RELATE is trained end-to-end on raw, unlabeled data. RELATE combines an object-centric GAN formulation with a model that explicitly accounts for correlations between individual objects. This allows the model to generate realistic scenes and videos from a physically-interpretable parameterization. Furthermore, we show that modeling the object correlation is necessary to learn to disentangle object positions and identity. We find that RELATE is also amenable to physically realistic scene editing and that it significantly outperforms prior art in object-centric scene generation in both synthetic (CLEVR, ShapeStacks) and real-world data (cars). In addition, in contrast to state-of-the-art methods in object-centric generative modeling, RELATE also extends naturally to dynamic scenes and generates videos of high visual fidelity. Source code, datasets and more results are available at

Unsupervised object-centric video generation and decomposition in 3D

Paul Henderson · Christoph Lampert

A natural approach to generative modeling of videos is to represent them as a composition of moving objects. Recent works model a set of 2D sprites over a slowly-varying background, but without considering the underlying 3D scene that gives rise to them. We instead propose to model a video as the view seen while moving through a scene with multiple 3D objects and a 3D background. Our model is trained from monocular videos without any supervision, yet learns to generate coherent 3D scenes containing several moving objects. We conduct detailed experiments on two datasets, going beyond the visual complexity supported by state-of-the-art generative approaches. We evaluate our method on depth-prediction and 3D object detection---tasks which cannot be addressed by those earlier works---and show it out-performs them even on 2D instance segmentation and tracking.

Dissecting Neural ODEs

Stefano Massaroli · Michael Poli · Jinkyoo Park · Atsushi Yamashita · Hajime Asama

Continuous deep learning architectures have recently re-emerged as Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs). This infinite-depth approach theoretically bridges the gap between deep learning and dynamical systems, offering a novel perspective. However, deciphering the inner working of these models is still an open challenge, as most applications apply them as generic black-box modules. In this work we ``open the box'', further developing the continuous-depth formulation with the aim of clarifying the influence of several design choices on the underlying dynamics.

On ranking via sorting by estimated expected utility

Clement Calauzenes · Nicolas Usunier

Ranking and selection tasks appear in different contexts with specific desiderata, such as the maximizaton of average relevance on the top of the list, the requirement of diverse rankings, or, relatedly, the focus on providing at least one relevant items to as many users as possible. This paper addresses the question of which of these tasks are asymptotically solved by sorting by decreasing order of expected utility, for some suitable notion of utility, or, equivalently, \emph{when is square loss regression consistent for ranking \emph{via} score-and-sort?}. We provide an answer to this question in the form of a structural characterization of ranking losses for which a suitable regression is consistent. This result has two fundamental corollaries. First, whenever there exists a consistent approach based on convex risk minimization, there also is a consistent approach based on regression. Second, when regression is not consistent, there are data distributions for which consistent surrogate approaches necessarily have non-trivial local minima, and optimal scoring function are necessarily discontinuous, even when the underlying data distribution is regular. In addition to providing a better understanding of surrogate approaches for ranking, these results illustrate the intrinsic difficulty of solving general ranking problems with the score-and-sort approach.

Constant-Expansion Suffices for Compressed Sensing with Generative Priors

Constantinos Daskalakis · Dhruv Rohatgi · Emmanouil Zampetakis

Generative neural networks have been empirically found very promising in providing effective structural priors for compressed sensing, since they can be trained to span low-dimensional data manifolds in high-dimensional signal spaces. Despite the non-convexity of the resulting optimization problem, it has also been shown theoretically that, for neural networks with random Gaussian weights, a signal in the range of the network can be efficiently, approximately recovered from a few noisy measurements. However, a major bottleneck of these theoretical guarantees is a network \emph{expansivity} condition: that each layer of the neural network must be larger than the previous by a logarithmic factor. Our main contribution is to break this strong expansivity assumption, showing that \emph{constant} expansivity suffices to get efficient recovery algorithms, besides it also being information-theoretically necessary. To overcome the theoretical bottleneck in existing approaches we prove a novel uniform concentration theorem for random functions that might not be Lipschitz but satisfy a relaxed notion which we call ``pseudo-Lipschitzness.'' Using this theorem we can show that a matrix concentration inequality known as the \emph{Weight Distribution Condition (WDC)}, which was previously only known to hold for Gaussian matrices with logarithmic aspect ratio, in fact holds for constant aspect ratios too. Since WDC is a fundamental matrix concentration inequality in the heart of all existing theoretical guarantees on this problem, our tighter bound immediately yields improvements in all known results in the literature on compressed sensing with deep generative priors, including one-bit recovery, phase retrieval, and more.

Model Interpretability through the Lens of Computational Complexity

Pablo Barceló · Mikaël Monet · Jorge Pérez · Bernardo Subercaseaux

In spite of several claims stating that some models are more interpretable than others --e.g., "linear models are more interpretable than deep neural networks"-- we still lack a principled notion of interpretability that allows us to formally compare among different classes of models. We make a step towards such a theory by studying whether folklore interpretability claims have a correlate in terms of computational complexity theory. We focus on post-hoc explainability queries that, intuitively, attempt to answer why individual inputs are classified in a certain way by a given model. In a nutshell, we say that a class C1 of models is more interpretable than another class C2, if the computational complexity of answering post-hoc queries for models in C2 is higher than for C1. We prove that this notion provides a good theoretical counterpart to current beliefs on the interpretability of models; in particular, we show that under our definition and assuming standard complexity-theoretical assumptions (such as P!=NP), both linear and tree-based models are strictly more interpretable than neural networks. Our complexity analysis, however, does not provide a clear-cut difference between linear and tree-based models, as we obtain different results depending on the particular {post-hoc explanations} considered. Finally, by applying a finer complexity analysis based on parameterized complexity, we are able to prove a theoretical result suggesting that shallow neural networks are more interpretable than deeper ones.

Agnostic $Q$-learning with Function Approximation in Deterministic Systems: Near-Optimal Bounds on Approximation Error and Sample Complexity

Simon Du · Jason Lee · Gaurav Mahajan · Ruosong Wang

The current paper studies the problem of agnostic $Q$-learning with function approximation in deterministic systems where the optimal $Q$-function is approximable by a function in the class $\mathcal{F}$ with approximation error $\delta \ge 0$. We propose a novel recursion-based algorithm and show that if $\delta = O\left(\rho/\sqrt{\dim_E}\right)$, then one can find the optimal policy using $O(\dim_E)$ trajectories, where $\rho$ is the gap between the optimal $Q$-value of the best actions and that of the second-best actions and $\dim_E$ is the Eluder dimension of $\mathcal{F}$. Our result has two implications: \begin{enumerate} \item In conjunction with the lower bound in [Du et al., 2020], our upper bound suggests that the condition $\delta = \widetilde{\Theta}\left(\rho/\sqrt{\dim_E}\right)$ is necessary and sufficient for algorithms with polynomial sample complexity. \item In conjunction with the obvious lower bound in the tabular case, our upper bound suggests that the sample complexity $\widetilde{\Theta}\left(\dim_E\right)$ is tight in the agnostic setting. \end{enumerate} Therefore, we help address the open problem on agnostic $Q$-learning proposed in [Wen and Van Roy, 2013]. We further extend our algorithm to the stochastic reward setting and obtain similar results.

Smoothed Analysis of Online and Differentially Private Learning

Nika Haghtalab · Tim Roughgarden · Abhishek Shetty

Practical and pervasive needs for robustness and privacy in algorithms have inspired the design of online adversarial and differentially private learning algorithms. The primary quantity that characterizes learnability in these settings is the Littlestone dimension of the class of hypotheses [Ben-David et al., 2009, Alon et al., 2019]. This characterization is often interpreted as an impossibility result because classes such as linear thresholds and neural networks have infinite Littlestone dimension. In this paper, we apply the framework of smoothed analysis [Spielman and Teng, 2004], in which adversarially chosen inputs are perturbed slightly by nature. We show that fundamentally stronger regret and error guarantees are possible with smoothed adversaries than with worst-case adversaries. In particular, we obtain regret and privacy error bounds that depend only on the VC dimension and the bracketing number of a hypothesis class, and on the magnitudes of the perturbations.

Non-Convex SGD Learns Halfspaces with Adversarial Label Noise

Ilias Diakonikolas · Vasilis Kontonis · Christos Tzamos · Nikos Zarifis

We study the problem of agnostically learning homogeneous halfspaces in the distribution-specific PAC model. For a broad family of structured distributions, including log-concave distributions, we show that non-convex SGD efficiently converges to a solution with misclassification error $O(\opt)+\eps$, where $\opt$ is the misclassification error of the best-fitting halfspace. In sharp contrast, we show that optimizing any convex surrogate inherently leads to misclassification error of $\omega(\opt)$, even under Gaussian marginals.

Hardness of Learning Neural Networks with Natural Weights

Amit Daniely · Gal Vardi

Neural networks are nowadays highly successful despite strong hardness results. The existing hardness results focus on the network architecture, and assume that the network's weights are arbitrary. A natural approach to settle the discrepancy is to assume that the network's weights are ``well-behaved" and posses some generic properties that may allow efficient learning. This approach is supported by the intuition that the weights in real-world networks are not arbitrary, but exhibit some ''random-like" properties with respect to some ''natural" distributions. We prove negative results in this regard, and show that for depth-$2$ networks, and many ``natural" weights distributions such as the normal and the uniform distribution, most networks are hard to learn. Namely, there is no efficient learning algorithm that is provably successful for most weights, and every input distribution. It implies that there is no generic property that holds with high probability in such random networks and allows efficient learning.

Classification Under Misspecification: Halfspaces, Generalized Linear Models, and Evolvability

Sitan Chen · Frederic Koehler · Ankur Moitra · Morris Yau

In this paper, we revisit the problem of distribution-independently learning halfspaces under Massart noise with rate $\eta$. Recent work resolved a long-standing problem in this model of efficiently learning to error $\eta + \epsilon$ for any $\epsilon > 0$, by giving an improper learner that partitions space into $\text{poly}(d,1/\epsilon)$ regions. Here we give a much simpler algorithm and settle a number of outstanding open questions: (1) We give the first \emph{proper} learner for Massart halfspaces that achieves $\eta + \epsilon$. (2) Based on (1), we develop a blackbox knowledge distillation procedure to convert an arbitrarily complex classifier to an equally good proper classifier. (3) By leveraging a simple but overlooked connection to \emph{evolvability}, we show any SQ algorithm requires super-polynomially many queries to achieve $\mathsf{OPT} + \epsilon$. We then zoom out to study generalized linear models and give an efficient algorithm for learning under a challenging new corruption model generalizing Massart noise. Finally we study our algorithm for learning halfspaces under Massart noise empirically and find that it exhibits some appealing fairness properties as a byproduct of its strong provable robustness guarantees.

The Complexity of Adversarially Robust Proper Learning of Halfspaces with Agnostic Noise

Ilias Diakonikolas · Daniel M. Kane · Pasin Manurangsi

We study the computational complexity of adversarially robust proper learning of halfspaces in the distribution-independent agnostic PAC model, with a focus on $L_p$ perturbations. We give a computationally efficient learning algorithm and a nearly matching computational hardness result for this problem. An interesting implication of our findings is that the $L_{\infty}$ perturbations case is provably computationally harder than the case $2 \leq p < \infty$.

The phase diagram of approximation rates for deep neural networks

Dmitry Yarotsky · Anton Zhevnerchuk

We explore the phase diagram of approximation rates for deep neural networks and prove several new theoretical results. In particular, we generalize the existing result on the existence of deep discontinuous phase in ReLU networks to functional classes of arbitrary positive smoothness, and identify the boundary between the feasible and infeasible rates. Moreover, we show that all networks with a piecewise polynomial activation function have the same phase diagram. Next, we demonstrate that standard fully-connected architectures with a fixed width independent of smoothness can adapt to smoothness and achieve almost optimal rates. Finally, we consider deep networks with periodic activations ("deep Fourier expansion") and prove that they have very fast, nearly exponential approximation rates, thanks to the emerging capability of the network to implement efficient lookup operations.

A Dynamical Central Limit Theorem for Shallow Neural Networks

Zhengdao Chen · Grant Rotskoff · Joan Bruna · Eric Vanden-Eijnden

Recent theoretical works have characterized the dynamics of wide shallow neural networks trained via gradient descent in an asymptotic mean-field limit when the width tends towards infinity. At initialization, the random sampling of the parameters leads to deviations from the mean-field limit dictated by the classical Central Limit Theorem (CLT). However, since gradient descent induces correlations among the parameters, it is of interest to analyze how these fluctuations evolve. In this work, we derive a dynamical CLT to prove that the asymptotic fluctuations around the mean limit remain bounded in mean square throughout training. The upper bound is given by a Monte-Carlo resampling error, with a variance that depends on the 2-norm of the underlying measure, which also controls the generalization error. This motivates the use of this 2-norm as a regularization term during training. Furthermore, if the mean-field dynamics converges to a measure that interpolates the training data, we prove that the asymptotic deviation eventually vanishes in the CLT scaling. We also complement these results with numerical experiments.

Learning Bounds for Risk-sensitive Learning

Jaeho Lee · Sejun Park · Jinwoo Shin

In risk-sensitive learning, one aims to find a hypothesis that minimizes a risk-averse (or risk-seeking) measure of loss, instead of the standard expected loss. In this paper, we propose to study the generalization properties of risk-sensitive learning schemes whose optimand is described via optimized certainty equivalents (OCE): our general scheme can handle various known risks, e.g., the entropic risk, mean-variance, and conditional value-at-risk, as special cases. We provide two learning bounds on the performance of empirical OCE minimizer. The first result gives an OCE guarantee based on the Rademacher average of the hypothesis space, which generalizes and improves existing results on the expected loss and the conditional value-at-risk. The second result, based on a novel variance-based characterization of OCE, gives an expected loss guarantee with a suppressed dependence on the smoothness of the selected OCE. Finally, we demonstrate the practical implications of the proposed bounds via exploratory experiments on neural networks.

Agnostic Learning of a Single Neuron with Gradient Descent

Spencer Frei · Yuan Cao · Quanquan Gu

We consider the problem of learning the best-fitting single neuron as measured by the expected square loss $\E_{(x,y)\sim \mathcal{D}}[(\sigma(w^\top x)-y)^2]$ over some unknown joint distribution $\mathcal{D}$ by using gradient descent to minimize the empirical risk induced by a set of i.i.d. samples $S\sim \mathcal{D}^n$. The activation function $\sigma$ is an arbitrary Lipschitz and non-decreasing function, making the optimization problem nonconvex and nonsmooth in general, and covers typical neural network activation functions and inverse link functions in the generalized linear model setting. In the agnostic PAC learning setting, where no assumption on the relationship between the labels $y$ and the input $x$ is made, if the optimal population risk is $\mathsf{OPT}$, we show that gradient descent achieves population risk $O(\mathsf{OPT})+\eps$ in polynomial time and sample complexity when $\sigma$ is strictly increasing. For the ReLU activation, our population risk guarantee is $O(\mathsf{OPT}^{1/2})+\eps$. When labels take the form $y = \sigma(v^\top x) + \xi$ for zero-mean sub-Gaussian noise $\xi$, we show that the population risk guarantees for gradient descent improve to $\mathsf{OPT} + \eps$. Our sample complexity and runtime guarantees are (almost) dimension independent, and when $\sigma$ is strictly increasing, require no distributional assumptions beyond boundedness. For ReLU, we show the same results under a nondegeneracy assumption for the marginal distribution of the input.

Information theoretic limits of learning a sparse rule

Clément Luneau · jean barbier · Nicolas Macris

We consider generalized linear models in regimes where the number of nonzero components of the signal and accessible data points are sublinear with respect to the size of the signal. We prove a variational formula for the asymptotic mutual information per sample when the system size grows to infinity. This result allows us to derive an expression for the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) of the Bayesian estimator when the signal entries have a discrete distribution with finite support. We find that, for such signals and suitable vanishing scalings of the sparsity and sampling rate, the MMSE is nonincreasing piecewise constant. In specific instances the MMSE even displays an all-or-nothing phase transition, that is, the MMSE sharply jumps from its maximum value to zero at a critical sampling rate. The all-or-nothing phenomenon has previously been shown to occur in high-dimensional linear regression. Our analysis goes beyond the linear case and applies to learning the weights of a perceptron with general activation function in a teacher-student scenario. In particular, we discuss an all-or-nothing phenomenon for the generalization error with a sublinear set of training examples.

From Finite to Countable-Armed Bandits

Anand Kalvit · Assaf Zeevi

We consider a stochastic bandit problem with countably many arms that belong to a finite set of types, each characterized by a unique mean reward. In addition, there is a fixed distribution over types which sets the proportion of each type in the population of arms. The decision maker is oblivious to the type of any arm and to the aforementioned distribution over types, but perfectly knows the total number of types occurring in the population of arms. We propose a fully adaptive online learning algorithm that achieves O (log n) distribution-dependent expected cumulative regret after any number of plays n, and show that this order of regret is best possible. The analysis of our algorithm relies on newly discovered concentration and convergence properties of optimism-based policies like UCB in finite-armed bandit problems with zero gap, which may be of independent interest.

Optimal Best-arm Identification in Linear Bandits

Yassir Jedra · Alexandre Proutiere

We study the problem of best-arm identification with fixed confidence in stochastic linear bandits. The objective is to identify the best arm with a given level of certainty while minimizing the sampling budget. We devise a simple algorithm whose sampling complexity matches known instance-specific lower bounds, asymptotically almost surely and in expectation. The algorithm relies on an arm sampling rule that tracks an optimal proportion of arm draws, and that remarkably can be updated as rarely as we wish, without compromising its theoretical guarantees. Moreover, unlike existing best-arm identification strategies, our algorithm uses a stopping rule that does not depend on the number of arms. Experimental results suggest that our algorithm significantly outperforms existing algorithms. The paper further provides a first analysis of the best-arm identification problem in linear bandits with a continuous set of arms.

Restless-UCB, an Efficient and Low-complexity Algorithm for Online Restless Bandits

Siwei Wang · Longbo Huang · John C. S. Lui

We study the online restless bandit problem, where the state of each arm evolves according to a Markov chain, and the reward of pulling an arm depends on both the pulled arm and the current state of the corresponding Markov chain. In this paper, we propose Restless-UCB, a learning policy that follows the explore-then-commit framework. In Restless-UCB, we present a novel method to construct offline instances, which only requires $O(N)$ time-complexity ($N$ is the number of arms) and is exponentially better than the complexity of existing learning policy. We also prove that Restless-UCB achieves a regret upper bound of $\tilde{O}((N+M^3)T^{2\over 3})$, where $M$ is the Markov chain state space size and $T$ is the time horizon. Compared to existing algorithms, our result eliminates the exponential factor (in $M,N$) in the regret upper bound, due to a novel exploitation of the sparsity in transitions in general restless bandit problems. As a result, our analysis technique can also be adopted to tighten the regret bounds of existing algorithms. Finally, we conduct experiments based on real-world dataset, to compare the Restless-UCB policy with state-of-the-art benchmarks. Our results show that Restless-UCB outperforms existing algorithms in regret, and significantly reduces the running time.

Finite Continuum-Armed Bandits

Solenne Gaucher

We consider a situation where an agent has $T$ ressources to be allocated to a larger number $N$ of actions. Each action can be completed at most once and results in a stochastic reward with unknown mean. The goal of the agent is to maximize her cumulative reward. Non trivial strategies are possible when side information on the actions is available, for example in the form of covariates. Focusing on a nonparametric setting, where the mean reward is an unknown function of a one-dimensional covariate, we propose an optimal strategy for this problem. Under natural assumptions on the reward function, we prove that the optimal regret scales as $O(T^{1/3})$ up to poly-logarithmic factors when the budget $T$ is proportional to the number of actions $N$. When $T$ becomes small compared to $N$, a smooth transition occurs. When the ratio $T/N$ decreases from a constant to $N^{-1/3}$, the regret increases progressively up to the $O(T^{1/2})$ rate encountered in continuum-armed bandits.

Adversarial Blocking Bandits

Nicholas Bishop · Hau Chan · Debmalya Mandal · Long Tran-Thanh

We consider a general adversarial multi-armed blocking bandit setting where each played arm can be blocked (unavailable) for some time periods and the reward per arm is given at each time period adversarially without obeying any distribution. The setting models scenarios of allocating scarce limited supplies (e.g., arms) where the supplies replenish and can be reused only after certain time periods. We first show that, in the optimization setting, when the blocking durations and rewards are known in advance, finding an optimal policy (e.g., determining which arm per round) that maximises the cumulative reward is strongly NP-hard, eliminating the possibility of a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the problem unless P = NP. To complement our result, we show that a greedy algorithm that plays the best available arm at each round provides an approximation guarantee that depends on the blocking durations and the path variance of the rewards. In the bandit setting, when the blocking durations and rewards are not known, we design two algorithms, RGA and RGA-META, for the case of bounded duration an path variation. In particular, when the variation budget BT is known in advance, RGA can achieve O(\sqrt{T(2\tilde{D}+K)B{T}}) dynamic approximate regret. On the other hand, when B_T is not known, we show that the dynamic approximate regret of RGA-META is at most O((K+\tilde{D})^{1/4}\tilde{B}^{1/2}T^{3/4}) where \tilde{B} is the maximal path variation budget within each batch of RGA-META (which is provably in order of o(\sqrt{T}). We also prove that if either the variation budget or the maximal blocking duration is unbounded, the approximate regret will be at least Theta(T). We also show that the regret upper bound of RGA is tight if the blocking durations are bounded above by an order of O(1).

Inference for Batched Bandits

Kelly Zhang · Lucas Janson · Susan Murphy

As bandit algorithms are increasingly utilized in scientific studies and industrial applications, there is an associated increasing need for reliable inference methods based on the resulting adaptively-collected data. In this work, we develop methods for inference on data collected in batches using a bandit algorithm. We prove that the bandit arm selection probabilities cannot generally be assumed to concentrate. Non-concentration of the arm selection probabilities makes inference on adaptively-collected data challenging because classical statistical inference approaches, such as using asymptotic normality or the bootstrap, can have inflated Type-1 error and confidence intervals with below-nominal coverage probabilities even asymptotically. In response we develop the Batched Ordinary Least Squares estimator (BOLS) that we prove is (1) asymptotically normal on data collected from both multi-arm and contextual bandits and (2) robust to non-stationarity in the baseline reward and thus leads to reliable Type-1 error control and accurate confidence intervals.

Online Algorithm for Unsupervised Sequential Selection with Contextual Information

Arun Verma · Manjesh Kumar Hanawal · Csaba Szepesvari · Venkatesh Saligrama

In this paper, we study Contextual Unsupervised Sequential Selection (USS), a new variant of the stochastic contextual bandits problem where the loss of an arm cannot be inferred from the observed feedback. In our setup, arms are associated with fixed costs and are ordered, forming a cascade. In each round, a context is presented, and the learner selects the arms sequentially till some depth. The total cost incurred by stopping at an arm is the sum of fixed costs of arms selected and the stochastic loss associated with the arm. The learner's goal is to learn a decision rule that maps contexts to arms with the goal of minimizing the total expected loss. The problem is challenging as we are faced with an unsupervised setting as the total loss cannot be estimated. Clearly, learning is feasible only if the optimal arm can be inferred (explicitly or implicitly) from the problem structure. We observe that learning is still possible when the problem instance satisfies the so-called 'Contextual Weak Dominance' (CWD) property. Under CWD, we propose an algorithm for the contextual USS problem and demonstrate that it has sub-linear regret. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets validate our algorithm.

Adversarial Attacks on Linear Contextual Bandits

Evrard Garcelon · Baptiste Roziere · Laurent Meunier · Jean Tarbouriech · Olivier Teytaud · Alessandro Lazaric · Matteo Pirotta

Contextual bandit algorithms are applied in a wide range of domains, from advertising to recommender systems, from clinical trials to education. In many of these domains, malicious agents may have incentives to force a bandit algorithm into a desired behavior For instance, an unscrupulous ad publisher may try to increase their own revenue at the expense of the advertisers; a seller may want to increase the exposure of their products, or thwart a competitor’s advertising campaign. In this paper, we study several attack scenarios and show that a malicious agent can force a linear contextual bandit algorithm to pull any desired arm T − o(T) times over a horizon of T steps, while applying adversarial modifications to either rewards or contexts with a cumulative cost that only grow logarithmically as O(log T). We also investigate the case when a malicious agent is interested in affecting the behavior of the bandit algorithm in a single context (e.g., a specific user). We first provide sufficient conditions for the feasibility of the attack and an efficient algorithm to perform an attack. We empirically validate the proposed approaches on synthetic and real-world datasets.

Crush Optimism with Pessimism: Structured Bandits Beyond Asymptotic Optimality

Kwang-Sung Jun · Chicheng Zhang

We study stochastic structured bandits for minimizing regret. The fact that the popular optimistic algorithms do not achieve the asymptotic instance-dependent regret optimality (asymptotic optimality for short) has recently alluded researchers. On the other hand, it is known that one can achieve bounded regret (i.e., does not grow indefinitely with $n$) in certain instances. Unfortunately, existing asymptotically optimal algorithms rely on forced sampling that introduces an $\omega(1)$ term w.r.t. the time horizon $n$ in their regret, failing to adapt to the ``easiness'' of the instance. In this paper, we focus on the finite hypothesis case and ask if one can achieve the asymptotic optimality while enjoying bounded regret whenever possible. We provide a positive answer by introducing a new algorithm called CRush Optimism with Pessimism (CROP) that eliminates optimistic hypotheses by pulling the informative arms indicated by a pessimistic hypothesis. Our finite-time analysis shows that CROP $(i)$ achieves a constant-factor asymptotic optimality and, thanks to the forced-exploration-free design, $(ii)$ adapts to bounded regret, and $(iii)$ its regret bound scales not with $K$ but with an effective number of arms $K_\psi$ that we introduce. We also discuss a problem class where CROP can be exponentially better than existing algorithms in \textit{nonasymptotic} regimes. This problem class also reveals a surprising fact that even a clairvoyant oracle who plays according to the asymptotically optimal arm pull scheme may suffer a linear worst-case regret.

Finding All $\epsilon$-Good Arms in Stochastic Bandits

Blake Mason · Lalit Jain · Ardhendu Tripathy · Robert Nowak

The pure-exploration problem in stochastic multi-armed bandits aims to find one or more arms with the largest (or near largest) means. Examples include finding an $\epsilon$-good arm, best-arm identification, top-$k$ arm identification, and finding all arms with means above a specified threshold. However, the problem of finding \emph{all} $\epsilon$-good arms has been overlooked in past work, although arguably this may be the most natural objective in many applications. For example, a virologist may conduct preliminary laboratory experiments on a large candidate set of treatments and move all $\epsilon$-good treatments into more expensive clinical trials. Since the ultimate clinical efficacy is uncertain, it is important to identify all $\epsilon$-good candidates. Mathematically, the all-$\epsilon$-good arm identification problem is presents significant new challenges and surprises that do not arise in the pure-exploration objectives studied in the past. We introduce two algorithms to overcome these and demonstrate their great empirical performance on a large-scale crowd-sourced dataset of $2.2$M ratings collected by the New Yorker Caption Contest as well as a dataset testing hundreds of possible cancer drugs.

An Optimal Elimination Algorithm for Learning a Best Arm

Avinatan Hassidim · Ron Kupfer · Yaron Singer

We consider the classic problem of $(\epsilon,\delta)$-\texttt{PAC} learning a best arm where the goal is to identify with confidence $1-\delta$ an arm whose mean is an $\epsilon$-approximation to that of the highest mean arm in a multi-armed bandit setting. This problem is one of the most fundamental problems in statistics and learning theory, yet somewhat surprisingly its worst case sample complexity is not well understood. In this paper we propose a new approach for $(\epsilon,\delta)$-\texttt{PAC} learning a best arm. This approach leads to an algorithm whose sample complexity converges to \emph{exactly} the optimal sample complexity of $(\epsilon,\delta)$-learning the mean of $n$ arms separately and we complement this result with a conditional matching lower bound. More specifically: \begin{itemize} \item The algorithm's sample complexity converges to \emph{exactly} $\frac{n}{2\epsilon^2}\log \frac{1}{\delta}$ as $n$ grows and $\delta \geq \frac{1}{n}$; % \item We prove that no elimination algorithm obtains sample complexity arbitrarily lower than $\frac{n}{2\epsilon^2}\log \frac{1}{\delta}$. Elimination algorithms is a broad class of $(\epsilon,\delta)$-\texttt{PAC} best arm learning algorithms that includes many algorithms in the literature. \end{itemize} When $n$ is independent of $\delta$ our approach yields an algorithm whose sample complexity converges to $\frac{2n}{\epsilon^2} \log \frac{1}{\delta}$ as $n$ grows. In comparison with the best known algorithm for this problem our approach improves the sample complexity by a factor of over 1500 and over 6000 when $\delta\geq \frac{1}{n}$.

Instance-wise Feature Grouping

Aria Masoomi · Chieh T Wu · Tingting Zhao · Zifeng Wang · Peter Castaldi · Jennifer Dy

In many learning problems, the domain scientist is often interested in discovering the groups of features that are redundant and are important for classification. Moreover, the features that belong to each group, and the important feature groups may vary per sample. But what do we mean by feature redundancy? In this paper, we formally define two types of redundancies using information theory: \textit{Representation} and \textit{Relevant redundancies}. We leverage these redundancies to design a formulation for instance-wise feature group discovery and reveal a theoretical guideline to help discover the appropriate number of groups. We approximate mutual information via a variational lower bound and learn the feature group and selector indicators with Gumbel-Softmax in optimizing our formulation. Experiments on synthetic data validate our theoretical claims. Experiments on MNIST, Fashion MNIST, and gene expression datasets show that our method discovers feature groups with high classification accuracies.

POLY-HOOT: Monte-Carlo Planning in Continuous Space MDPs with Non-Asymptotic Analysis

Weichao Mao · Kaiqing Zhang · Qiaomin Xie · Tamer Basar

Monte-Carlo planning, as exemplified by Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), has demonstrated remarkable performance in applications with finite spaces. In this paper, we consider Monte-Carlo planning in an environment with continuous state-action spaces, a much less understood problem with important applications in control and robotics. We introduce POLY-HOOT, an algorithm that augments MCTS with a continuous armed bandit strategy named Hierarchical Optimistic Optimization (HOO) (Bubeck et al., 2011). Specifically, we enhance HOO by using an appropriate polynomial, rather than logarithmic, bonus term in the upper confidence bounds. Such a polynomial bonus is motivated by its empirical successes in AlphaGo Zero (Silver et al., 2017b), as well as its significant role in achieving theoretical guarantees of finite space MCTS (Shah et al., 2019). We investigate, for the first time, the regret of the enhanced HOO algorithm in non-stationary bandit problems. Using this result as a building block, we establish non-asymptotic convergence guarantees for POLY-HOOT: the value estimate converges to an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the optimal value function at a polynomial rate. We further provide experimental results that corroborate our theoretical findings.

Online Planning with Lookahead Policies

Yonathan Efroni · Mohammad Ghavamzadeh · Shie Mannor

Real Time Dynamic Programming (RTDP) is an online algorithm based on Dynamic Programming (DP) that acts by 1-step greedy planning. Unlike DP, RTDP does not require access to the entire state space, i.e., it explicitly handles the exploration. This fact makes RTDP particularly appealing when the state space is large and it is not possible to update all states simultaneously. In this we devise a multi-step greedy RTDP algorithm, which we call $h$-RTDP, that replaces the 1-step greedy policy with a $h$-step lookahead policy. We analyze $h$-RTDP in its exact form and establish that increasing the lookahead horizon, $h$, results in an improved sample complexity, with the cost of additional computations. This is the first work that proves improved sample complexity as a result of {\em increasing} the lookahead horizon in online planning. We then analyze the performance of $h$-RTDP in three approximate settings: approximate model, approximate value updates, and approximate state representation. For these cases, we prove that the asymptotic performance of $h$-RTDP remains the same as that of a corresponding approximate DP algorithm, the best one can hope for without further assumptions on the approximation errors.

Escaping the Gravitational Pull of Softmax

Jincheng Mei · Chenjun Xiao · Bo Dai · Lihong Li · Csaba Szepesvari · Dale Schuurmans

The softmax is the standard transformation used in machine learning to map real-valued vectors to categorical distributions. Unfortunately, this transform poses serious drawbacks for gradient descent (ascent) optimization. We reveal this difficulty by establishing two negative results: (1) optimizing any expectation with respect to the softmax must exhibit sensitivity to parameter initialization (softmax gravity well''), and (2) optimizing log-probabilities under the softmax must exhibit slow convergence (softmax damping''). Both findings are based on an analysis of convergence rates using the Non-uniform \L{}ojasiewicz (N\L{}) inequalities. To circumvent these shortcomings we investigate an alternative transformation, the \emph{escort} mapping, that demonstrates better optimization properties. The disadvantages of the softmax and the effectiveness of the escort transformation are further explained using the concept of N\L{} coefficient. In addition to proving bounds on convergence rates to firmly establish these results, we also provide experimental evidence for the superiority of the escort transformation.

Online Bayesian Persuasion

Matteo Castiglioni · Andrea Celli · Alberto Marchesi · Nicola Gatti

In Bayesian persuasion, an informed sender has to design a signaling scheme that discloses the right amount of information so as to influence the behavior of a self-interested receiver. This kind of strategic interaction is ubiquitous in real economic scenarios. However, the original model by Kamenica and Gentzkow makes some stringent assumptions which limit its applicability in practice. One of the most limiting assumptions is arguably that, in order to compute an optimal signaling scheme, the sender is usually required to know the receiver's utility function. In this paper, we relax this assumption through an online learning framework in which the sender faces a receiver with unknown type. At each round, the receiver's type is chosen adversarially from a finite set of possible types. We are interested in no-regret algorithms prescribing a signaling scheme at each round of the repeated interaction with performances close to that of the best-in-hindsight signaling scheme. First, we prove a hardness result on the per-iteration running time required to achieve the no-regret property. Then, we provide algorithms for the full and partial information model which exhibit regret sublinear in the number of rounds and polynomial in the parameters of the game.

KFC: A Scalable Approximation Algorithm for $k$−center Fair Clustering

Elfarouk Harb · Ho Shan Lam

In this paper, we study the problem of fair clustering on the $k-$center objective. In fair clustering, the input is $N$ points, each belonging to at least one of $l$ protected groups, e.g. male, female, Asian, Hispanic. The objective is to cluster the $N$ points into $k$ clusters to minimize a classical clustering objective function. However, there is an additional constraint that each cluster needs to be fair, under some notion of fairness. This ensures that no group is either ``over-represented'' or ``under-represented'' in any cluster. Our work builds on the work of Chierichetti et al. (NIPS 2017), Bera et al. (NeurIPS 2019), Ahmadian et al. (KDD 2019), and Bercea et al. (APPROX 2019). We obtain a randomized $3-$approximation algorithm for the $k-$center objective function, beating the previous state of the art ($4-$approximation). We test our algorithm on real datasets, and show that our algorithm is effective in finding good clusters without over-representation or under-representation, surpassing the current state of the art in runtime speed, clustering cost, while achieving similar fairness violations.

CoinPress: Practical Private Mean and Covariance Estimation

Sourav Biswas · Yihe Dong · Gautam Kamath · Jonathan Ullman

We present simple differentially private estimators for the parameters of multivariate sub-Gaussian data that are accurate at small sample sizes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms both theoretically and empirically using synthetic and real-world datasets---showing that their asymptotic error rates match the state-of-the-art theoretical bounds, and that they concretely outperform all previous methods. Specifically, previous estimators either have weak empirical accuracy at small sample sizes, perform poorly for multivariate data, or require the user to provide strong a priori estimates for the parameters.

Auditing Differentially Private Machine Learning: How Private is Private SGD?

Matthew Jagielski · Jonathan Ullman · Alina Oprea

We investigate whether Differentially Private SGD offers better privacy in practice than what is guaranteed by its state-of-the-art analysis. We do so via novel data poisoning attacks, which we show correspond to realistic privacy attacks. While previous work (Ma et al., arXiv 2019) proposed this connection between differential privacy and data poisoning as a defense against data poisoning, our use as a tool for understanding the privacy of a specific mechanism is new. More generally, our work takes a quantitative, empirical approach to understanding the privacy afforded by specific implementations of differentially private algorithms that we believe has the potential to complement and influence analytical work on differential privacy.

Private Learning of Halfspaces: Simplifying the Construction and Reducing the Sample Complexity

Haim Kaplan · Yishay Mansour · Uri Stemmer · Eliad Tsfadia

We present a differentially private learner for halfspaces over a finite grid $G$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with sample complexity $\approx d^{2.5}\cdot 2^{\log^*|G|}$, which improves the state-of-the-art result of [Beimel et al., COLT 2019] by a $d^2$ factor. The building block for our learner is a new differentially private algorithm for approximately solving the linear feasibility problem: Given a feasible collection of $m$ linear constraints of the form $Ax\geq b$, the task is to {\em privately} identify a solution $x$ that satisfies {\em most} of the constraints. Our algorithm is iterative, where each iteration determines the next coordinate of the constructed solution $x$.

Smoothly Bounding User Contributions in Differential Privacy

Alessandro Epasto · Mohammad Mahdian · Jieming Mao · Vahab Mirrokni · Lijie Ren

A differentially private algorithm guarantees that the input of a single user won’t significantly change the output distribution of the algorithm. When a user contributes more data points, more information can be collected to improve the algorithm’s performance. But at the same time, more noise might need to be added to the algorithm in order to keep the algorithm differentially private and this might hurt the algorithm’s performance. Amin et al. (2019) initiates the study on bounding user contributions and proposes a very natural algorithm which limits the number of samples each user can contribute by a threshold.

For a better trade-off between utility and privacy guarantee, we propose a method which smoothly bounds user contributions by setting appropriate weights on data points and apply it to estimating the mean/quantiles, linear regression, and empirical risk minimization. We show that our algorithm provably outperforms the sample limiting algorithm. We conclude with experimental evaluations which validate our theoretical results.

Learning from Mixtures of Private and Public Populations

Raef Bassily · Shay Moran · Anupama Nandi

We initiate the study of a new model of supervised learning under privacy constraints. Imagine a medical study where a dataset is sampled from a population of both healthy and unhealthy individuals. Suppose healthy individuals have no privacy concerns (in such case, we call their data ``public'') while the unhealthy individuals desire stringent privacy protection for their data. In this example, the population (data distribution) is a mixture of private (unhealthy) and public (healthy) sub-populations that could be very different. Inspired by the above example, we consider a model in which the population $\cD$ is a mixture of two possibly distinct sub-populations: a private sub-population $\Dprv$ of private and sensitive data, and a public sub-population $\Dpub$ of data with no privacy concerns. Each example drawn from $\cD$ is assumed to contain a privacy-status bit that indicates whether the example is private or public. The goal is to design a learning algorithm that satisfies differential privacy only with respect to the private examples. Prior works in this context assumed a homogeneous population where private and public data arise from the same distribution, and in particular designed solutions which exploit this assumption. We demonstrate how to circumvent this assumption by considering, as a case study, the problem of learning linear classifiers in $R^d$. We show that in the case where the privacy status is correlated with the target label (as in the above example), linear classifiers in $R^d$ can be learned, in the agnostic as well as the realizable setting, with sample complexity which is comparable to that of the classical (non-private) PAC-learning. It is known that this task is impossible if all the data is considered private.

A Computational Separation between Private Learning and Online Learning

Mark Bun

A recent line of work has shown a qualitative equivalence between differentially private PAC learning and online learning: A concept class is privately learnable if and only if it is online learnable with a finite mistake bound. However, both directions of this equivalence incur significant losses in both sample and computational efficiency. Studying a special case of this connection, Gonen, Hazan, and Moran (NeurIPS 2019) showed that uniform or highly sample-efficient pure-private learners can be time-efficiently compiled into online learners. We show that, assuming the existence of one-way functions, such an efficient conversion is impossible even for general pure-private learners with polynomial sample complexity. This resolves a question of Neel, Roth, and Wu (FOCS 2019).

Instance-optimality in differential privacy via approximate inverse sensitivity mechanisms

Hilal Asi · John Duchi

We study and provide instance-optimal algorithms in differential privacy by extending and approximating the inverse sensitivity mechanism. We provide two approximation frameworks, one which only requires knowledge of local sensitivities, and a gradient-based approximation for optimization problems, which are efficiently computable for a broad class of functions. We complement our analysis with instance-specific lower bounds for vector-valued functions, which demonstrate that our mechanisms are (nearly) instance-optimal under certain assumptions and that minimax lower bounds may not provide an accurate estimate of the hardness of a problem in general: our algorithms can significantly outperform minimax bounds for well-behaved instances. Finally, we use our approximation framework to develop private mechanisms for unbounded-range mean estimation, principal component analysis, and linear regression. For PCA, our mechanisms give an efficient (pure) differentially private algorithm with near-optimal rates.

Improving Sparse Vector Technique with Renyi Differential Privacy

Yuqing Zhu · Yu-Xiang Wang

The Sparse Vector Technique (SVT) is one of the most fundamental algorithmic tools in differential privacy (DP). It also plays a central role in the state-of-the-art algorithms for adaptive data analysis and model-agnostic private learning. In this paper, we revisit SVT from the lens of Renyi differential privacy, which results in new privacy bounds, new theoretical insight and new variants of SVT algorithms. A notable example is a Gaussian mechanism version of SVT, which provides better utility over the standard (Laplace-mechanism-based) version thanks to its more concentrated noise and tighter composition. Extensive empirical evaluation demonstrates the merits of Gaussian SVT over the Laplace SVT and other alternatives, which encouragingly suggests that using Gaussian SVT as a drop-in replacement could make SVT-based algorithms practical in downstream tasks.

GS-WGAN: A Gradient-Sanitized Approach for Learning Differentially Private Generators

Dingfan Chen · Tribhuvanesh Orekondy · Mario Fritz

The wide-spread availability of rich data has fueled the growth of machine learning applications in numerous domains. However, growth in domains with highly-sensitive data (e.g., medical) is largely hindered as the private nature of data prohibits it from being shared. To this end, we propose Gradient-sanitized Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (GS-WGAN), which allows releasing a sanitized form of the sensitive data with rigorous privacy guarantees. In contrast to prior work, our approach is able to distort gradient information more precisely, and thereby enabling training deeper models which generate more informative samples. Moreover, our formulation naturally allows for training GANs in both centralized and federated (i.e., decentralized) data scenarios. Through extensive experiments, we find our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches across multiple metrics (e.g., sample quality) and datasets.

Private Identity Testing for High-Dimensional Distributions

Clément L Canonne · Gautam Kamath · Audra McMillan · Jonathan Ullman · Lydia Zakynthinou

In this work we present novel differentially private identity (goodness-of-fit) testers for natural and widely studied classes of multivariate product distributions: Gaussians in R^d with known covariance and product distributions over {\pm 1}^d. Our testers have improved sample complexity compared to those derived from previous techniques, and are the first testers whose sample complexity matches the order-optimal minimax sample complexity of O(d^1/2/alpha^2) in many parameter regimes. We construct two types of testers, exhibiting tradeoffs between sample complexity and computational complexity. Finally, we provide a two-way reduction between testing a subclass of multivariate product distributions and testing univariate distributions, and thereby obtain upper and lower bounds for testing this subclass of product distributions.

Optimal Private Median Estimation under Minimal Distributional Assumptions

Christos Tzamos · Emmanouil-Vasileios Vlatakis-Gkaragkounis · Ilias Zadik

We study the fundamental task of estimating the median of an underlying distribution from a finite number of samples, under pure differential privacy constraints. We focus on distributions satisfying the minimal assumption that they have a positive density at a small neighborhood around the median. In particular, the distribution is allowed to output unbounded values and is not required to have finite moments. We compute the exact, up-to-constant terms, statistical rate of estimation for the median by providing nearly-tight upper and lower bounds. Furthermore, we design a polynomial-time differentially private algorithm which provably achieves the optimal performance. At a technical level, our results leverage a Lipschitz Extension Lemma which allows us to design and analyze differentially private algorithms solely on appropriately defined ``typical" instances of the samples.

Learning discrete distributions: user vs item-level privacy

Yuhan Liu · Ananda Theertha Suresh · Felix Xinnan Yu · Sanjiv Kumar · Michael D Riley

Much of the literature on differential privacy focuses on item-level privacy, where loosely speaking, the goal is to provide privacy per item or training example. However, recently many practical applications such as federated learning require preserving privacy for all items of a single user, which is much harder to achieve. Therefore understanding the theoretical limit of user-level privacy becomes crucial. We study the fundamental problem of learning discrete distributions over $k$ symbols with user-level differential privacy. If each user has $m$ samples, we show that straightforward applications of Laplace or Gaussian mechanisms require the number of users to be $\mathcal{O}(k/(m\alpha^2) + k/\epsilon\alpha)$ to achieve an $\ell_1$ distance of $\alpha$ between the true and estimated distributions, with the privacy-induced penalty $k/\epsilon\alpha$ independent of the number of samples per user $m$. Moreover, we show that any mechanism that only operates on the final aggregate should require a user complexity of the same order. We then propose a mechanism such that the number of users scales as $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(k/(m\alpha^2) + k/\sqrt{m}\epsilon\alpha)$ in some settings of interest and further show that it is nearly-optimal under certain regimes. Thus the privacy penalty is $\tilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{m})$ times smaller compared to the standard mechanisms. We also propose general techniques for obtaining lower bounds on restricted differentially private estimators and a lower bound on the total variation between binomial distributions, both of which might be of independent interest.

Locally private non-asymptotic testing of discrete distributions is faster using interactive mechanisms

Thomas Berrett · Cristina Butucea

We find separation rates for testing multinomial or more general discrete distributions under the constraint of alpha-local differential privacy. We construct efficient randomized algorithms and test procedures, in both the case where only non-interactive privacy mechanisms are allowed and also in the case where all sequentially interactive privacy mechanisms are allowed. The separation rates are faster in the latter case. We prove general information theoretical bounds that allow us to establish the optimality of our algorithms among all pairs of privacy mechanisms and test procedures, in most usual cases. Considered examples include testing uniform, polynomially and exponentially decreasing distributions.

Mitigating Manipulation in Peer Review via Randomized Reviewer Assignments

Steven Jecmen · Hanrui Zhang · Ryan Liu · Nihar Shah · Vincent Conitzer · Fei Fang

We consider three important challenges in conference peer review: (i) reviewers maliciously attempting to get assigned to certain papers to provide positive reviews, possibly as part of quid-pro-quo arrangements with the authors; (ii) "torpedo reviewing," where reviewers deliberately attempt to get assigned to certain papers that they dislike in order to reject them; (iii) reviewer de-anonymization on release of the similarities and the reviewer-assignment code. On the conceptual front, we identify connections between these three problems and present a framework that brings all these challenges under a common umbrella. We then present a (randomized) algorithm for reviewer assignment that can optimally solve the reviewer-assignment problem under any given constraints on the probability of assignment for any reviewer-paper pair. We further consider the problem of restricting the joint probability that certain suspect pairs of reviewers are assigned to certain papers, and show that this problem is NP-hard for arbitrary constraints on these joint probabilities but efficiently solvable for a practical special case. Finally, we experimentally evaluate our algorithms on datasets from past conferences, where we observe that they can limit the chance that any malicious reviewer gets assigned to their desired paper to 50% while producing assignments with over 90% of the total optimal similarity.

Phase retrieval in high dimensions: Statistical and computational phase transitions

Antoine Maillard · Bruno Loureiro · Florent Krzakala · Lenka Zdeborová

We consider the phase retrieval problem of reconstructing a $n$-dimensional real or complex signal $\mathbf{X}^\star$ from $m$ (possibly noisy) observations $Y_\mu = | \sum_{i=1}^n \Phi_{\mu i} X^{\star}_i/\sqrt{n}|$, for a large class of correlated real and complex random sensing matrices $\mathbf{\Phi}$, in a high-dimensional setting where $m,n\to\infty$ while $\alpha = m/n=\Theta(1)$. First, we derive sharp asymptotics for the lowest possible estimation error achievable statistically and we unveil the existence of sharp phase transitions for the weak- and full-recovery thresholds as a function of the singular values of the matrix $\mathbf{\Phi}$. This is achieved by providing a rigorous proof of a result first obtained by the replica method from statistical mechanics. In particular, the information-theoretic transition to perfect recovery for full-rank matrices appears at $\alpha=1$ (real case) and $\alpha=2$ (complex case). Secondly, we analyze the performance of the best-known polynomial time algorithm for this problem --- approximate message-passing--- establishing the existence of statistical-to-algorithmic gap depending, again, on the spectral properties of $\mathbf{\Phi}$. Our work provides an extensive classification of the statistical and algorithmic thresholds in high-dimensional phase retrieval for a broad class of random matrices.

Higher-Order Spectral Clustering of Directed Graphs

Steinar Laenen · He Sun

Clustering is an important topic in algorithms, and has a number of applications in machine learning, computer vision, statistics, and several other research disciplines. Traditional objectives of graph clustering are to find clusters with low conductance. Not only are these objectives just applicable for undirected graphs, they are also incapable to take the relationships between clusters into account, which could be crucial for many applications. To overcome these downsides, we study directed graphs (digraphs) whose clusters exhibit further “structural” information amongst each other. Based on the Hermitian matrix representation of digraphs, we present a nearly-linear time algorithm for digraph clustering, and further show that our proposed algorithm can be implemented in sublinear time under reasonable assumptions. The significance of our theoretical work is demonstrated by extensive experimental results on the UN Comtrade Dataset: the output clustering of our algorithm exhibits not only how the clusters (sets of countries) relate to each other with respect to their import and export records, but also how these clusters evolve over time, in accordance with known facts in international trade.

Deep Transformation-Invariant Clustering

Tom Monnier · Thibault Groueix · Mathieu Aubry

Recent advances in image clustering typically focus on learning better deep representations. In contrast, we present an orthogonal approach that does not rely on abstract features but instead learns to predict transformations and performs clustering directly in image space. This learning process naturally fits in the gradient-based training of K-means and Gaussian mixture model, without requiring any additional loss or hyper-parameters. It leads us to two new deep transformation-invariant clustering frameworks, which jointly learn prototypes and transformations. More specifically, we use deep learning modules that enable us to resolve invariance to spatial, color and morphological transformations. Our approach is conceptually simple and comes with several advantages, including the possibility to easily adapt the desired invariance to the task and a strong interpretability of both cluster centers and assignments to clusters. We demonstrate that our novel approach yields competitive and highly promising results on standard image clustering benchmarks. Finally, we showcase its robustness and the advantages of its improved interpretability by visualizing clustering results over real photograph collections.

Faster DBSCAN via subsampled similarity queries

Heinrich Jiang · Jennifer Jang · Jakub Lacki

DBSCAN is a popular density-based clustering algorithm. It computes the $\epsilon$-neighborhood graph of a dataset and uses the connected components of the high-degree nodes to decide the clusters. However, the full neighborhood graph may be too costly to compute with a worst-case complexity of $O(n^2)$. In this paper, we propose a simple variant called SNG-DBSCAN, which clusters based on a subsampled $\epsilon$-neighborhood graph, only requires access to similarity queries for pairs of points and in particular avoids any complex data structures which need the embeddings of the data points themselves. The runtime of the procedure is $O(sn^2)$, where $s$ is the sampling rate. We show under some natural theoretical assumptions that $s \approx \log n/n$ is sufficient for statistical cluster recovery guarantees leading to an $O(n\log n)$ complexity. We provide an extensive experimental analysis showing that on large datasets, one can subsample as little as $0.1\%$ of the neighborhood graph, leading to as much as over 200x speedup and 250x reduction in RAM consumption compared to scikit-learn's implementation of DBSCAN, while still maintaining competitive clustering performance.

From Trees to Continuous Embeddings and Back: Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering

Ines Chami · Albert Gu · Vaggos Chatziafratis · Christopher Ré

Similarity-based Hierarchical Clustering (HC) is a classical unsupervised machine learning algorithm that has traditionally been solved with heuristic algorithms like Average-Linkage. Recently, Dasgupta reframed HC as a discrete optimization problem by introducing a global cost function measuring the quality of a given tree. In this work, we provide the first continuous relaxation of Dasgupta's discrete optimization problem with provable quality guarantees. The key idea of our method, HypHC, is showing a direct correspondence from discrete trees to continuous representations (via the hyperbolic embeddings of their leaf nodes) and back (via a decoding algorithm that maps leaf embeddings to a dendrogram), allowing us to search the space of discrete binary trees with continuous optimization. Building on analogies between trees and hyperbolic space, we derive a continuous analogue for the notion of lowest common ancestor, which leads to a continuous relaxation of Dasgupta's discrete objective. We can show that after decoding, the global minimizer of our continuous relaxation yields a discrete tree with a (1+eps)-factor approximation for Dasgupta's optimal tree, where eps can be made arbitrarily small and controls optimization challenges. We experimentally evaluate HypHC on a variety of HC benchmarks and find that even approximate solutions found with gradient descent have superior clustering quality than agglomerative heuristics or other gradient based algorithms. Finally, we highlight the flexibility of HypHC using end-to-end training in a downstream classification task.

Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering

Meng Liu · David Gleich

Graph based semi-supervised learning is the problem of learning a labeling function for the graph nodes given a few example nodes, often called seeds, usually under the assumption that the graph’s edges indicate similarity of labels. This is closely related to the local graph clustering or community detection problem of finding a cluster or community of nodes around a given seed. For this problem, we propose a novel generalization of random walk, diffusion, or smooth function methods in the literature to a convex p-norm cut function. The need for our p-norm methods is that, in our study of existing methods, we find those principled methods based on eigenvector, spectral, random walk, or linear system often have difficulty capturing the correct boundary of a target label or target cluster. In contrast, 1-norm or maxflow-mincut based methods capture the boundary, but cannot grow from small seed set; hybrid procedures that use both have many hard to set parameters. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the objective function behind these methods involving p-norms. To solve the p-norm cut problem we give a strongly local algorithm -- one whose runtime depends on the size of the output rather than the size of the graph. Our method can be thought as a nonlinear generalization of the Anderson-Chung-Lang push procedure to approximate a personalized PageRank vector efficiently. Our procedure is general and can solve other types of nonlinear objective functions, such as p-norm variants of Huber losses. We provide a theoretical analysis of finding planted target clusters with our method and show that the p-norm cut functions improve on the standard Cheeger inequalities for random walk and spectral methods. Finally, we demonstrate the speed and accuracy of our new method in synthetic and real world datasets.

Exact Recovery of Mangled Clusters with Same-Cluster Queries

Marco Bressan · Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi · Silvio Lattanzi · Andrea Paudice

We study the cluster recovery problem in the semi-supervised active clustering framework. Given a finite set of input points, and an oracle revealing whether any two points lie in the same cluster, our goal is to recover all clusters exactly using as few queries as possible. To this end, we relax the spherical $k$-means cluster assumption of Ashtiani et al.\ to allow for arbitrary ellipsoidal clusters with margin. This removes the assumption that the clustering is center-based (i.e., defined through an optimization problem), and includes all those cases where spherical clusters are individually transformed by any combination of rotations, axis scalings, and point deletions. We show that, even in this much more general setting, it is still possible to recover the latent clustering exactly using a number of queries that scales only logarithmically with the number of input points. More precisely, we design an algorithm that, given $n$ points to be partitioned into $k$ clusters, uses $O(k^3 \ln k \ln n)$ oracle queries and $\widetilde{O}(kn + k^3)$ time to recover the clustering with zero misclassification error. The $O(\cdot)$ notation hides an exponential dependence on the dimensionality of the clusters, which we show to be necessary thus characterizing the query complexity of the problem. Our algorithm is simple, easy to implement, and can also learn the clusters using low-stretch separators, a class of ellipsoids with additional theoretical guarantees. Experiments on large synthetic datasets confirm that we can reconstruct clusterings exactly and efficiently.

Simple and Scalable Sparse k-means Clustering via Feature Ranking

Zhiyue Zhang · Kenneth Lange · Jason Xu

Clustering, a fundamental activity in unsupervised learning, is notoriously difficult when the feature space is high-dimensional. Fortunately, in many realistic scenarios, only a handful of features are relevant in distinguishing clusters. This has motivated the development of sparse clustering techniques that typically rely on k-means within outer algorithms of high computational complexity. Current techniques also require careful tuning of shrinkage parameters, further limiting their scalability. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for sparse k-means clustering that is intuitive, simple to implement, and competitive with state-of-the-art algorithms. We show that our algorithm enjoys consistency and convergence guarantees. Our core method readily generalizes to several task-specific algorithms such as clustering on subsets of attributes and in partially observed data settings. We showcase these contributions thoroughly via simulated experiments and real data benchmarks, including a case study on protein expression in trisomic mice.

Efficient Clustering for Stretched Mixtures: Landscape and Optimality

Kaizheng Wang · Yuling Yan · Mateo Diaz

This paper considers a canonical clustering problem where one receives unlabeled samples drawn from a balanced mixture of two elliptical distributions and aims for a classifier to estimate the labels. Many popular methods including PCA and k-means require individual components of the mixture to be somewhat spherical, and perform poorly when they are stretched. To overcome this issue, we propose a non-convex program seeking for an affine transform to turn the data into a one-dimensional point cloud concentrating around -1 and 1, after which clustering becomes easy. Our theoretical contributions are two-fold: (1) we show that the non-convex loss function exhibits desirable geometric properties when the sample size exceeds some constant multiple of the dimension, and (2) we leverage this to prove that an efficient first-order algorithm achieves near-optimal statistical precision without good initialization. We also propose a general methodology for clustering with flexible choices of feature transforms and loss objectives.

Community detection in sparse time-evolving graphs with a dynamical Bethe-Hessian

Lorenzo Dall'Amico · Romain Couillet · Nicolas Tremblay

This article considers the problem of community detection in sparse dynamical graphs in which the community structure evolves over time. A fast spectral algorithm based on an extension of the Bethe-Hessian matrix is proposed, which benefits from the positive correlation in the class labels and in their temporal evolution and is designed to be applicable to any dynamical graph with a community structure. Under the dynamical degree-corrected stochastic block model, in the case of two classes of equal size, we demonstrate and support with extensive simulations that our proposed algorithm is capable of making non-trivial community reconstruction as soon as theoretically possible, thereby reaching the optimal detectability threshold and provably outperforming competing spectral methods.

Classification with Valid and Adaptive Coverage

Yaniv Romano · Matteo Sesia · Emmanuel Candes

Conformal inference, cross-validation+, and the jackknife+ are hold-out methods that can be combined with virtually any machine learning algorithm to construct prediction sets with guaranteed marginal coverage. In this paper, we develop specialized versions of these techniques for categorical and unordered response labels that, in addition to providing marginal coverage, are also fully adaptive to complex data distributions, in the sense that they perform favorably in terms of approximate conditional coverage compared to alternative methods. The heart of our contribution is a novel conformity score, which we explicitly demonstrate to be powerful and intuitive for classification problems, but whose underlying principle is potentially far more general. Experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the practical value of our theoretical guarantees, as well as the statistical advantages of the proposed methods over the existing alternatives.

Self-Supervised Learning by Cross-Modal Audio-Video Clustering

Humam Alwassel · Dhruv Mahajan · Bruno Korbar · Lorenzo Torresani · Bernard Ghanem · Du Tran

Visual and audio modalities are highly correlated, yet they contain different information. Their strong correlation makes it possible to predict the semantics of one from the other with good accuracy. Their intrinsic differences make cross-modal prediction a potentially more rewarding pretext task for self-supervised learning of video and audio representations compared to within-modality learning. Based on this intuition, we propose Cross-Modal Deep Clustering (XDC), a novel self-supervised method that leverages unsupervised clustering in one modality (e.g., audio) as a supervisory signal for the other modality (e.g., video). This cross-modal supervision helps XDC utilize the semantic correlation and the differences between the two modalities. Our experiments show that XDC outperforms single-modality clustering and other multi-modal variants. XDC achieves state-of-the-art accuracy among self-supervised methods on multiple video and audio benchmarks. Most importantly, our video model pretrained on large-scale unlabeled data significantly outperforms the same model pretrained with full-supervision on ImageNet and Kinetics for action recognition on HMDB51 and UCF101. To the best of our knowledge, XDC is the first self-supervised learning method that outperforms large-scale fully-supervised pretraining for action recognition on the same architecture.

HyNet: Learning Local Descriptor with Hybrid Similarity Measure and Triplet Loss

Yurun Tian · Axel Barroso Laguna · Tony Ng · Vassileios Balntas · Krystian Mikolajczyk

In this paper, we investigate how L2 normalisation affects the back-propagated descriptor gradients during training. Based on our observations, we propose HyNet, a new local descriptor that leads to state-of-the-art results in matching. HyNet introduces a hybrid similarity measure for triplet margin loss, a regularisation term constraining the descriptor norm, and a new network architecture that performs L2 normalisation of all intermediate feature maps and the output descriptors. HyNet surpasses previous methods by a significant margin on standard benchmarks that include patch matching, verification, and retrieval, as well as outperforming full end-to-end methods on 3D reconstruction tasks.

Distributionally Robust Local Non-parametric Conditional Estimation

Viet Anh Nguyen · Fan Zhang · Jose Blanchet · Erick Delage · Yinyu Ye

Conditional estimation given specific covariate values (i.e., local conditional estimation or functional estimation) is ubiquitously useful with applications in engineering, social and natural sciences. Existing data-driven non-parametric estimators mostly focus on structured homogeneous data (e.g., weakly independently and stationary data), thus they are sensitive to adversarial noise and may perform poorly under a low sample size. To alleviate these issues, we propose a new distributionally robust estimator that generates non-parametric local estimates by minimizing the worst-case conditional expected loss over all adversarial distributions in a Wasserstein ambiguity set. We show that despite being generally intractable, the local estimator can be efficiently found via convex optimization under broadly applicable settings, and it is robust to the corruption and heterogeneity of the data. Various experiments show the competitive performance of this new class of estimator.

Differentially Private Clustering: Tight Approximation Ratios

Badih Ghazi · Ravi Kumar · Pasin Manurangsi

We study the task of differentially private clustering. For several basic clustering problems, including Euclidean DensestBall, 1-Cluster, k-means, and k-median, we give efficient differentially private algorithms that achieve essentially the same approximation ratios as those that can be obtained by any non-private algorithm, while incurring only small additive errors. This improves upon existing efficient algorithms that only achieve some large constant approximation factors.

Our results also imply an improved algorithm for the Sample and Aggregate privacy framework. Furthermore, we show that one of the tools used in our 1-Cluster algorithm can be employed to get a faster quantum algorithm for ClosestPair in a moderate number of dimensions.

Faster Differentially Private Samplers via Rényi Divergence Analysis of Discretized Langevin MCMC

Arun Ganesh · Kunal Talwar

Various differentially private algorithms instantiate the exponential mechanism, and require sampling from the distribution $\exp(-f)$ for a suitable function $f$. When the domain of the distribution is high-dimensional, this sampling can be challenging. Using heuristic sampling schemes such as Gibbs sampling does not necessarily lead to provable privacy. When $f$ is convex, techniques from log-concave sampling lead to polynomial-time algorithms, albeit with large polynomials. Langevin dynamics-based algorithms offer much faster alternatives under some distance measures such as statistical distance. In this work, we establish rapid convergence for these algorithms under distance measures more suitable for differential privacy. For smooth, strongly-convex $f$, we give the first results proving convergence in R\'enyi divergence. This gives us fast differentially private algorithms for such $f$. Our techniques and simple and generic and apply also to underdamped Langevin dynamics.

Learning to Decode: Reinforcement Learning for Decoding of Sparse Graph-Based Channel Codes

Salman Habib · Allison Beemer · Joerg Kliewer

We show in this work that reinforcement learning can be successfully applied to decoding short to moderate length sparse graph-based channel codes. Specifically, we focus on low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, which for example have been standardized in the context of 5G cellular communication systems due to their excellent error correcting performance. These codes are typically decoded via belief propagation iterative decoding on the corresponding bipartite (Tanner) graph of the code via flooding, i.e., all check and variable nodes in the Tanner graph are updated at once. In contrast, in this paper we utilize a sequential update policy which selects the optimum check node (CN) scheduling in order to improve decoding performance. In particular, we model the CN update process as a multi-armed bandit process with dependent arms and employ a Q-learning scheme for optimizing the CN scheduling policy. In order to reduce the learning complexity, we propose a novel graph-induced CN clustering approach to partition the state space in such a way that dependencies between clusters are minimized. Our results show that compared to other decoding approaches from the literature, the proposed reinforcement learning scheme not only significantly improves the decoding performance, but also reduces the decoding complexity dramatically once the scheduling policy is learned.

Non-Euclidean Universal Approximation

Anastasis Kratsios · Ievgen Bilokopytov

Modifications to a neural network's input and output layers are often required to accommodate the specificities of most practical learning tasks. However, the impact of such changes on architecture's approximation capabilities is largely not understood. We present general conditions describing feature and readout maps that preserve an architecture's ability to approximate any continuous functions uniformly on compacts. As an application, we show that if an architecture is capable of universal approximation, then modifying its final layer to produce binary values creates a new architecture capable of deterministically approximating any classifier. In particular, we obtain guarantees for deep CNNs, deep ffNN, and universal Gaussian processes. Our results also have consequences within the scope of geometric deep learning. Specifically, when the input and output spaces are Hadamard manifolds, we obtain geometrically meaningful feature and readout maps satisfying our criteria. Consequently, commonly used non-Euclidean regression models between spaces of symmetric positive definite matrices are extended to universal DNNs. The same result allows us to show that the hyperbolic feed-forward networks, used for hierarchical learning, are universal. Our result is also used to show that the common practice of randomizing all but the last two layers of a DNN produces a universal family of functions with probability one. We also provide conditions on a DNN's first (resp. last) few layer's connections and activation function which guarantee that these layer's can have a width equal to the input (resp. output) space's dimension while not negatively effecting the architecture's approximation capabilities.

WoodFisher: Efficient Second-Order Approximation for Neural Network Compression

Sidak Pal Singh · Dan Alistarh

Second-order information, in the form of Hessian- or Inverse-Hessian-vector products, is a fundamental tool for solving optimization problems. Recently, there has been significant interest in utilizing this information in the context of deep neural networks; however, relatively little is known about the quality of existing approximations in this context. Our work considers this question, examines the accuracy of existing approaches, and proposes a method called WoodFisher to compute a faithful and efficient estimate of the inverse Hessian.

Our main application is to neural network compression, where we build on the classic Optimal Brain Damage/Surgeon framework. We demonstrate that WoodFisher significantly outperforms popular state-of-the-art methods for one-shot pruning. Further, even when iterative, gradual pruning is allowed, our method results in a gain in test accuracy over the state-of-the-art approaches for popular image classification datasets such as ImageNet ILSVRC. Further, we show how our method can be extended to take into account first-order information, and illustrate its ability to automatically set layer-wise pruning thresholds, or perform compression in the limited-data regime.

Deep Transformers with Latent Depth

Xian Li · Asa Cooper Stickland · Yuqing Tang · Xiang Kong

The Transformer model has achieved state-of-the-art performance in many sequence modeling tasks. However, how to leverage model capacity with large or variable depths is still an open challenge. We present a probabilistic framework to automatically learn which layer(s) to use by learning the posterior distributions of layer selection. As an extension of this framework, we propose a novel method to train one shared Transformer network for multilingual machine translation with different layer selection posteriors for each language pair. The proposed method alleviates the vanishing gradient issue and enables stable training of deep Transformers (e.g. 100 layers). We evaluate on WMT English-German machine translation and masked language modeling tasks, where our method outperforms existing approaches for training deeper Transformers. Experiments on multilingual machine translation demonstrate that this approach can effectively leverage increased model capacity and bring universal improvement for both many-to-one and one-to-many translation with diverse language pairs.

Movement Pruning: Adaptive Sparsity by Fine-Tuning

Victor Sanh · Thomas Wolf · Alexander Rush

Magnitude pruning is a widely used strategy for reducing model size in pure supervised learning; however, it is less effective in the transfer learning regime that has become standard for state-of-the-art natural language processing applications. We propose the use of movement pruning, a simple, deterministic first-order weight pruning method that is more adaptive to pretrained model fine-tuning. We give mathematical foundations to the method and compare it to existing zeroth- and first-order pruning methods. Experiments show that when pruning large pretrained language models, movement pruning shows significant improvements in high-sparsity regimes. When combined with distillation, the approach achieves minimal accuracy loss with down to only 3% of the model parameters.

Sanity-Checking Pruning Methods: Random Tickets can Win the Jackpot

Jingtong Su · Yihang Chen · Tianle Cai · Tianhao Wu · Ruiqi Gao · Liwei Wang · Jason Lee

Network pruning is a method for reducing test-time computational resource requirements with minimal performance degradation. Conventional wisdom of pruning algorithms suggests that: (1) Pruning methods exploit information from training data to find good subnetworks; (2) The architecture of the pruned network is crucial for good performance. In this paper, we conduct sanity checks for the above beliefs on several recent unstructured pruning methods and surprisingly find that: (1) A set of methods which aims to find good subnetworks of the randomly-initialized network (which we call initial tickets''), hardly exploits any information from the training data; (2) For the pruned networks obtained by these methods, randomly changing the preserved weights in each layer, while keeping the total number of preserved weights unchanged per layer, does not affect the final performance. These findings inspire us to choose a series of simple \emph{data-independent} prune ratios for each layer, and randomly prune each layer accordingly to get a subnetwork (which we callrandom tickets''). Experimental results show that our zero-shot random tickets outperforms or attains similar performance compared to existing initial tickets''. In addition, we identify one existing pruning method that passes our sanity checks. We hybridize the ratios in our random ticket with this method and propose a new method calledhybrid tickets'', which achieves further improvement.

Pruning Filter in Filter

Fanxu Meng · Hao Cheng · Ke Li · Huixiang Luo · Xiaowei Guo · Guangming Lu · Xing Sun

Pruning has become a very powerful and effective technique to compress and accelerate modern neural networks. Existing pruning methods can be grouped into two categories: filter pruning (FP) and weight pruning (WP). FP wins at hardware compatibility but loses at the compression ratio compared with WP. To converge the strength of both methods, we propose to prune the filter in the filter. Specifically, we treat a filter F, whose size is CKK, as KK stripes, i.e., 11 filters, then by pruning the stripes instead of the whole filter, we can achieves finer granularity than traditional FP while being hardware friendly. We term our method as SWP (Stripe-Wise Pruning). SWP is implemented by introducing a novel learnable matrix called Filter Skeleton, whose values reflect the optimal shape of each filter. As some recent work has shown that the pruned architecture is more crucial than the inherited important weights, we argue that the architecture of a single filter, i.e., the Filter Skeleton, also matters. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that SWP is more effective compared to the previous FP-based methods and achieves the state-of-art pruning ratio on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets without obvious accuracy drop.

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks

Tianlong Chen · Jonathan Frankle · Shiyu Chang · Sijia Liu · Yang Zhang · Zhangyang Wang · Michael Carbin

In natural language processing (NLP), enormous pre-trained models like BERT have become the standard starting point for training on a range of downstream tasks, and similar trends are emerging in other areas of deep learning. In parallel, work on the lottery ticket hypothesis has shown that models for NLP and computer vision contain smaller matching subnetworks capable of training in isolation to full accuracy and transferring to other tasks. In this work, we combine these observations to assess whether such trainable, transferrable subnetworks exist in pre-trained BERT models. For a range of downstream tasks, we indeed find matching subnetworks at 40% to 90% sparsity. We find these subnetworks at (pre-trained) initialization, a deviation from prior NLP research where they emerge only after some amount of training. Subnetworks found on the masked language modeling task (the same task used to pre-train the model) transfer universally; those found on other tasks transfer in a limited fashion if at all. As large-scale pre-training becomes an increasingly central paradigm in deep learning, our results demonstrate that the main lottery ticket observations remain relevant in this context. Codes available at

The Generalization-Stability Tradeoff In Neural Network Pruning

Brian Bartoldson · Ari Morcos · Adrian Barbu · Gordon Erlebacher

Pruning neural network parameters is often viewed as a means to compress models, but pruning has also been motivated by the desire to prevent overfitting. This motivation is particularly relevant given the perhaps surprising observation that a wide variety of pruning approaches increase test accuracy despite sometimes massive reductions in parameter counts. To better understand this phenomenon, we analyze the behavior of pruning over the course of training, finding that pruning's benefit to generalization increases with pruning's instability (defined as the drop in test accuracy immediately following pruning). We demonstrate that this "generalization-stability tradeoff'' is present across a wide variety of pruning settings and propose a mechanism for its cause: pruning regularizes similarly to noise injection. Supporting this, we find less pruning stability leads to more model flatness and the benefits of pruning do not depend on permanent parameter removal. These results explain the compatibility of pruning-based generalization improvements and the high generalization recently observed in overparameterized networks.

Greedy Optimization Provably Wins the Lottery: Logarithmic Number of Winning Tickets is Enough

Mao Ye · Lemeng Wu · Qiang Liu

Despite the great success of deep learning, recent works show that large deep neural networks are often highly redundant and can be significantly reduced in size. However, the theoretical question of how much we can prune a neural network given a specified tolerance of accuracy drop is still open. This paper provides one answer to this question by proposing a greedy optimization based pruning method. The proposed method has the guarantee that the discrepancy between the pruned network and the original network decays with exponentially fast rate w.r.t. the size of the pruned network, under weak assumptions that apply for most practical settings. Empirically, our method improves prior arts on pruning various network architectures including ResNet, MobilenetV2/V3 on ImageNet.

Firefly Neural Architecture Descent: a General Approach for Growing Neural Networks

Lemeng Wu · Bo Liu · Peter Stone · Qiang Liu

We propose firefly neural architecture descent, a general framework for progressively and dynamically growing neural networks to jointly optimize the networks' parameters and architectures. Our method works in a steepest descent fashion, which iteratively finds the best network within a functional neighborhood of the original network that includes a diverse set of candidate network structures. By using Taylor approximation, the optimal network structure in the neighborhood can be found with a greedy selection procedure. We show that firefly descent can flexibly grow networks both wider and deeper, and can be applied to learn accurate but resource-efficient neural architectures that avoid catastrophic forgetting in continual learning. Empirically, firefly descent achieves promising results on both neural architecture search and continual learning. In particular, on a challenging continual image classification task, it learns networks that are smaller in size but have higher average accuracy than those learned by the state-of-the-art methods.

HYDRA: Pruning Adversarially Robust Neural Networks

Vikash Sehwag · Shiqi Wang · Prateek Mittal · Suman Jana

In safety-critical but computationally resource-constrained applications, deep learning faces two key challenges: lack of robustness against adversarial attacks and large neural network size (often millions of parameters). While the research community has extensively explored the use of robust training and network pruning \emph{independently} to address one of these challenges, only a few recent works have studied them jointly. However, these works inherit a heuristic pruning strategy that was developed for benign training, which performs poorly when integrated with robust training techniques, including adversarial training and verifiable robust training. To overcome this challenge, we propose to make pruning techniques aware of the robust training objective and let the training objective guide the search for which connections to prune. We realize this insight by formulating the pruning objective as an empirical risk minimization problem which is solved efficiently using SGD. We demonstrate that our approach, titled HYDRA, achieves compressed networks with \textit{state-of-the-art} benign and robust accuracy, \textit{simultaneously}. We demonstrate the success of our approach across CIFAR-10, SVHN, and ImageNet dataset with four robust training techniques: iterative adversarial training, randomized smoothing, MixTrain, and CROWN-IBP. We also demonstrate the existence of highly robust sub-networks within non-robust networks.

Logarithmic Pruning is All You Need

Laurent Orseau · Marcus Hutter · Omar Rivasplata

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis is a conjecture that every large neural network contains a subnetwork that, when trained in isolation, achieves comparable performance to the large network. An even stronger conjecture has been proven recently: Every sufficiently overparameterized network contains a subnetwork that, even without training, achieves comparable accuracy to the trained large network. This theorem, however, relies on a number of strong assumptions and guarantees a polynomial factor on the size of the large network compared to the target function. In this work, we remove the most limiting assumptions of this previous work while providing significantly tighter bounds: the overparameterized network only needs a logarithmic factor (in all variables but depth) number of neurons per weight of the target subnetwork.

Optimal Lottery Tickets via Subset Sum: Logarithmic Over-Parameterization is Sufficient

Ankit Pensia · Shashank Rajput · Alliot Nagle · Harit Vishwakarma · Dimitris Papailiopoulos

The strong lottery ticket hypothesis (LTH) postulates that one can approximate any target neural network by only pruning the weights of a sufficiently over-parameterized random network. A recent work by Malach et al. [MYSS20] establishes the first theoretical analysis for the strong LTH: one can provably approximate a neural network of width $d$ and depth $l$, by pruning a random one that is a factor $O(d^4 l^2)$ wider and twice as deep. This polynomial over-parameterization requirement is at odds with recent experimental research that achieves good approximation with networks that are a small factor wider than the target. In this work, we close the gap and offer an exponential improvement to the over-parameterization requirement for the existence of lottery tickets. We show that any target network of width $d$ and depth $l$ can be approximated by pruning a random network that is a factor $O(log(dl))$ wider and twice as deep. Our analysis heavily relies on connecting pruning random ReLU networks to random instances of the Subset Sum problem. We then show that this logarithmic over-parameterization is essentially optimal for constant depth networks. Finally, we verify several of our theoretical insights with experiments.

Higher-Order Certification For Randomized Smoothing

Jeet Mohapatra · Ching-Yun Ko · Tsui-Wei Weng · Pin-Yu Chen · Sijia Liu · Luca Daniel

Randomized smoothing is a recently proposed defense against adversarial attacks that has achieved state-of-the-art provable robustness against $\ell_2$ perturbations. A number of works have extended the guarantees to other metrics, such as $\ell_1$ or $\ell_\infty$, by using different smoothing measures. Although the current framework has been shown to yield near-optimal $\ell_p$ radii, the total safety region certified by the current framework can be arbitrarily small compared to the optimal. In this work, we propose a framework to improve the certified safety region for these smoothed classifiers without changing the underlying smoothing scheme. The theoretical contributions are as follows: 1) We generalize the certification for randomized smoothing by reformulating certified radius calculation as a nested optimization problem over a class of functions. 2) We provide a method to calculate the certified safety region using zeroth-order and first-order information for Gaussian-smoothed classifiers. We also provide a framework that generalizes the calculation for certification using higher-order information. 3) We design efficient, high-confidence estimators for the relevant statistics of the first-order information. Combining the theoretical contribution 2) and 3) allows us to certify safety region that are significantly larger than ones provided by the current methods. On CIFAR and Imagenet, the new regions achieve significant improvements on general $\ell_1$ certified radii and on the $\ell_2$ certified radii for color-space attacks ($\ell_2$ perturbation restricted to only one color/channel) while also achieving smaller improvements on the general $\ell_2$ certified radii. As discussed in the future works section, our framework can also provide a way to circumvent the current impossibility results on achieving higher magnitudes of certified radii without requiring the use of data-dependent smoothing techniques.

Adversarial robustness via robust low rank representations

Pranjal Awasthi · Himanshu Jain · Ankit Singh Rawat · Aravindan Vijayaraghavan

Adversarial robustness measures the susceptibility of a classifier to imperceptible perturbations made to the inputs at test time. In this work we highlight the benefits of natural low rank representations that often exist for real data such as images, for training neural networks with certified robustness guarantees.

Our first contribution is for certified robustness to perturbations measured in L_2 norm. We exploit low rank data representations to provide improved guarantees over state-of-the-art randomized smoothing-based approaches on standard benchmark datasets such as CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100.

Our second contribution is for the more challenging setting of certified robustness to perturbations measured in L\infty norm. We demonstrate empirically that natural low rank representations have inherent robustness properties that can be leveraged to provide significantly better guarantees for certified robustness to L\infty perturbations in those representations. Our certificate of L\infty robustness relies on a natural quantity involving the \infty -> 2 matrix operator norm associated with the representation, to translate robustness guarantees from L2 to L_\infty perturbations.

A key technical ingredient for our certification guarantees is a fast algorithm with provable guarantees based on the multiplicative weights update method to provide upper bounds on the above matrix norm. Our algorithmic guarantees improve upon the state of the art for this problem, and may be of independent interest.

Denoised Smoothing: A Provable Defense for Pretrained Classifiers

Hadi Salman · Mingjie Sun · Greg Yang · Ashish Kapoor · J. Zico Kolter

We present a method for provably defending any pretrained image classifier against $\ell_p$ adversarial attacks. This method, for instance, allows public vision API providers and users to seamlessly convert pretrained non-robust classification services into provably robust ones. By prepending a custom-trained denoiser to any off-the-shelf image classifier and using randomized smoothing, we effectively create a new classifier that is guaranteed to be $\ell_p$-robust to adversarial examples, without modifying the pretrained classifier. Our approach applies to both the white-box and the black-box settings of the pretrained classifier. We refer to this defense as denoised smoothing, and we demonstrate its effectiveness through extensive experimentation on ImageNet and CIFAR-10. Finally, we use our approach to provably defend the Azure, Google, AWS, and ClarifAI image classification APIs. Our code replicating all the experiments in the paper can be found at:

Margins are Insufficient for Explaining Gradient Boosting

Allan Grønlund · Lior Kamma · Kasper Green Larsen

Boosting is one of the most successful ideas in machine learning, achieving great practical performance with little fine-tuning. The success of boosted classifiers is most often attributed to improvements in margins. The focus on margin explanations was pioneered in the seminal work by Schaphire et al. (1998) and has culminated in the $k$'th margin generalization bound by Gao and Zhou (2013), which was recently proved to be near-tight for some data distributions (Gr\o nlund et al. 2019). In this work, we first demonstrate that the $k$'th margin bound is inadequate in explaining the performance of state-of-the-art gradient boosters. We then explain the short comings of the $k$'th margin bound and prove a stronger and more refined margin-based generalization bound that indeed succeeds in explaining the performance of modern gradient boosters. Finally, we improve upon the recent generalization lower bound by Gr\o nlund et al. (2019).

On the Power of Louvain in the Stochastic Block Model

Vincent Cohen-Addad · Adrian Kosowski · Frederik Mallmann-Trenn · David Saulpic

A classic problem in machine learning and data analysis is to partition the vertices of a network in such a way that vertices in the same set are densely connected and vertices in different sets are loosely connected.

In practice, the most popular approaches rely on local search algorithms; not only for the ease of implementation and the efficiency, but also because of the accuracy of these methods on many real world graphs. For example, the Louvain algorithm -- a local search based algorithm -- has quickly become the method of choice for clustering in social networks. However, explaining the success of these methods remains an open problem: in the worst-case, the runtime can be up to \Omega(n^2), much worse than what is typically observed in practice, and no guarantee on the quality of its output can be established.

The goal of this paper is to shed light on the inner-workings of Louvain; only if we understand Louvain, can we rely on it and further improve it. To achieve this goal, we study the behavior of Louvain in the famous two-bloc Stochastic Block Model, which has a clear ground-truth and serves as the standard testbed for graph clustering algorithms. We provide valuable tools for the analysis of Louvain, but also for many other combinatorial algorithms. For example, we show that the probability for a node to have more edges towards its own community is 1/2 + \Omega( \min( \Delta(p-q)/\sqrt{np},1 )) in the SBM(n,p,q), where \Delta is the imbalance. Note that this bound is asymptotically tight and useful for the analysis of a wide range of algorithms (Louvain, Kernighan-Lin, Simulated Annealing etc).

Robust large-margin learning in hyperbolic space

Melanie Weber · Manzil Zaheer · Ankit Singh Rawat · Aditya Menon · Sanjiv Kumar

Recently, there has been a surge of interest in representation learning in hyperbolic spaces, driven by their ability to represent hierarchical data with significantly fewer dimensions than standard Euclidean spaces. However, the viability and benefits of hyperbolic spaces for downstream machine learning tasks have received less attention. In this paper, we present, to our knowledge, the first theoretical guarantees for learning a classifier in hyperbolic rather than Euclidean space. Specifically, we consider the problem of learning a large-margin classifier for data possessing a hierarchical structure. Our first contribution is a hyperbolic perceptron algorithm, which provably converges to a separating hyperplane. We then provide an algorithm to efficiently learn a large-margin hyperplane, relying on the careful injection of adversarial examples. Finally, we prove that for hierarchical data that embeds well into hyperbolic space, the low embedding dimension ensures superior guarantees when learning the classifier directly in hyperbolic space.

Self-Learning Transformations for Improving Gaze and Head Redirection

Yufeng Zheng · Seonwook Park · Xucong Zhang · Shalini De Mello · Otmar Hilliges

Many computer vision tasks rely on labeled data. Rapid progress in generative modeling has led to the ability to synthesize photorealistic images. However, controlling specific aspects of the generation process such that the data can be used for supervision of downstream tasks remains challenging. In this paper we propose a novel generative model for images of faces, that is capable of producing high-quality images under fine-grained control over eye gaze and head orientation angles. This requires the disentangling of many appearance related factors including gaze and head orientation but also lighting, hue etc. We propose a novel architecture which learns to discover, disentangle and encode these extraneous variations in a self-learned manner. We further show that explicitly disentangling task-irrelevant factors results in more accurate modelling of gaze and head orientation. A novel evaluation scheme shows that our method improves upon the state-of-the-art in redirection accuracy and disentanglement between gaze direction and head orientation changes. Furthermore, we show that in the presence of limited amounts of real-world training data, our method allows for improvements in the downstream task of semi-supervised cross-dataset gaze estimation. Please check our project page at:

Exactly Computing the Local Lipschitz Constant of ReLU Networks

Matt Jordan · Alex Dimakis

The local Lipschitz constant of a neural network is a useful metric with applications in robustness, generalization, and fairness evaluation. We provide novel analytic results relating the local Lipschitz constant of nonsmooth vector-valued functions to a maximization over the norm of the generalized Jacobian. We present a sufficient condition for which backpropagation always returns an element of the generalized Jacobian, and reframe the problem over this broad class of functions. We show strong inapproximability results for estimating Lipschitz constants of ReLU networks, and then formulate an algorithm to compute these quantities exactly. We leverage this algorithm to evaluate the tightness of competing Lipschitz estimators and the effects of regularized training on the Lipschitz constant.

Optimizing Mode Connectivity via Neuron Alignment

Norman J Tatro · Pin-Yu Chen · Payel Das · Igor Melnyk · Prasanna Sattigeri · Rongjie Lai

The loss landscapes of deep neural networks are not well understood due to their high nonconvexity. Empirically, the local minima of these loss functions can be connected by a learned curve in model space, along which the loss remains nearly constant; a feature known as mode connectivity. Yet, current curve finding algorithms do not consider the influence of symmetry in the loss surface created by model weight permutations. We propose a more general framework to investigate the effect of symmetry on landscape connectivity by accounting for the weight permutations of the networks being connected. To approximate the optimal permutation, we introduce an inexpensive heuristic referred to as neuron alignment. Neuron alignment promotes similarity between the distribution of intermediate activations of a model along the curve with that of the endpoint models. We provide theoretical analysis establishing the benefit of alignment to mode connectivity based on this simple heuristic. We empirically verify that the permutation given by alignment is locally optimal via a proximal alternating minimization scheme. Empirically, optimizing the weight permutation is critical for efficiently learning a simple, planar, low-loss curve between networks that successfully generalizes. Our alignment method can significantly alleviate the recently identified robust loss barrier on the path connecting two adversarial robust models and find more robust and accurate models on the path.

An Efficient Framework for Clustered Federated Learning

Avishek Ghosh · Jichan Chung · Dong Yin · Kannan Ramchandran

We address the problem of Federated Learning (FL) where users are distributed and partitioned into clusters. This setup captures settings where different groups of users have their own objectives (learning tasks) but by aggregating their data with others in the same cluster (same learning task), they can leverage the strength in numbers in order to perform more efficient Federated Learning. We propose a new framework dubbed the Iterative Federated Clustering Algorithm (IFCA), which alternately estimates the cluster identities of the users and optimizes model parameters for the user clusters via gradient descent. We analyze the convergence rate of this algorithm first in a linear model with squared loss and then for generic strongly convex and smooth loss functions. We show that in both settings, with good initialization, IFCA converges at an exponential rate, and discuss the optimality of the statistical error rate. When the clustering structure is ambiguous, we propose to train the models by combining IFCA with the weight sharing technique in multi-task learning. In the experiments, we show that our algorithm can succeed even if we relax the requirements on initialization with random initialization and multiple restarts. We also present experimental results showing that our algorithm is efficient in non-convex problems such as neural networks. We demonstrate the benefits of IFCA over the baselines on several clustered FL benchmarks.

On the distance between two neural networks and the stability of learning

Jeremy Bernstein · Arash Vahdat · Yisong Yue · Ming-Yu Liu

This paper relates parameter distance to gradient breakdown for a broad class of nonlinear compositional functions. The analysis leads to a new distance function called deep relative trust and a descent lemma for neural networks. Since the resulting learning rule seems to require little to no learning rate tuning, it may unlock a simpler workflow for training deeper and more complex neural networks. The Python code used in this paper is here:

One Ring to Rule Them All: Certifiably Robust Geometric Perception with Outliers

Heng Yang · Luca Carlone

We propose the first general and practical framework to design certifiable algorithms for robust geometric perception in the presence of a large amount of outliers. We investigate the use of a truncated least squares (TLS) cost function, which is known to be robust to outliers, but leads to hard, nonconvex, and nonsmooth optimization problems. Our first contribution is to show that –for a broad class of geometric perception problems– TLS estimation can be reformulated as an optimization over the ring of polynomials and Lasserre’s hierarchy of convex moment relaxations is empirically tight at the minimum relaxation order (i.e., certifiably obtains the global minimum of the nonconvex TLS problem). Our second contribution is to exploit the structural sparsity of the objective and constraint polynomials and leverage basis reduction to significantly reduce the size of the semidefinite program (SDP) resulting from the moment relaxation, without compromising its tightness. Our third contribution is to develop scalable dual optimality certifiers from the lens of sums-of-squares (SOS) relaxation, that can compute the suboptimality gap and possibly certify global optimality of any candidate solution (e.g., returned by fast heuristics such as RANSAC or graduated non-convexity). Our dual certifiers leverage Douglas-Rachford Splitting to solve a convex feasibility SDP. Numerical experiments across different perception problems, including single rotation averaging, shape alignment, 3D point cloud and mesh registration, and high-integrity satellite pose estimation, demonstrate the tightness of our relaxations, the correctness of the certification, and the scalability of the proposed dual certifiers to large problems, beyond the reach of current SDP solvers.

Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance under Uncertainty with Probabilistic Safety Barrier Certificates

Wenhao Luo · Wen Sun · Ashish Kapoor

Safety in terms of collision avoidance for multi-robot systems is a difficult challenge under uncertainty, non-determinism, and lack of complete information. This paper aims to propose a collision avoidance method that accounts for both measurement uncertainty and motion uncertainty. In particular, we propose Probabilistic Safety Barrier Certificates (PrSBC) using Control Barrier Functions to define the space of admissible control actions that are probabilistically safe with formally provable theoretical guarantee. By formulating the chance constrained safety set into deterministic control constraints with PrSBC, the method entails minimally modifying an existing controller to determine an alternative safe controller via quadratic programming constrained to PrSBC constraints. The key advantage of the approach is that no assumptions about the form of uncertainty are required other than finite support, also enabling worst-case guarantees. We demonstrate effectiveness of the approach through experiments on realistic simulation environments.

Consequences of Misaligned AI

Simon Zhuang · Dylan Hadfield-Menell

AI systems often rely on two key components: a specified goal or reward function and an optimization algorithm to compute the optimal behavior for that goal. This approach is intended to provide value for a principal: the user on whose behalf the agent acts. The objectives given to these agents often refer to a partial specification of the principal's goals. We consider the cost of this incompleteness by analyzing a model of a principal and an agent in a resource constrained world where the L features of the state correspond to different sources of utility for the principal. We assume that the reward function given to the agent only has support on J < L features. The contributions of our paper are as follows: 1) we propose a novel model of an incomplete principal—agent problem from artificial intelligence; 2) we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which indefinitely optimizing for any incomplete proxy objective leads to arbitrarily low overall utility; and 3) we show how modifying the setup to allow reward functions that reference the full state or allowing the principal to update the proxy objective over time can lead to higher utility solutions. The results in this paper argue that we should view the design of reward functions as an interactive and dynamic process and identifies a theoretical scenario where some degree of interactivity is desirable.

Certified Defense to Image Transformations via Randomized Smoothing

Marc Fischer · Maximilian Baader · Martin Vechev

We extend randomized smoothing to cover parameterized transformations (e.g., rotations, translations) and certify robustness in the parameter space (e.g., rotation angle). This is particularly challenging as interpolation and rounding effects mean that image transformations do not compose, in turn preventing direct certification of the perturbed image (unlike certification with $\ell^p$ norms). We address this challenge by introducing three different defenses, each with a different guarantee (heuristic, distributional and individual) stemming from the method used to bound the interpolation error. Importantly, in the individual case, we show how to efficiently compute the inverse of an image transformation, enabling us to provide individual guarantees in the online setting. We provide an implementation of all methods at

Certifying Strategyproof Auction Networks

Michael Curry · Ping-yeh Chiang · Tom Goldstein · John Dickerson

Optimal auctions maximize a seller's expected revenue subject to individual rationality and strategyproofness for the buyers. Myerson's seminal work in 1981 settled the case of auctioning a single item; however, subsequent decades of work have yielded little progress moving beyond a single item, leaving the design of revenue-maximizing auctions as a central open problem in the field of mechanism design. A recent thread of work in ``differentiable economics'' has used tools from modern deep learning to instead learn good mechanisms. We focus on the RegretNet architecture, which can represent auctions with arbitrary numbers of items and participants; it is trained to be empirically strategyproof, but the property is never exactly verified leaving potential loopholes for market participants to exploit. We propose ways to explicitly verify strategyproofness under a particular valuation profile using techniques from the neural network verification literature. Doing so requires making several modifications to the RegretNet architecture in order to represent it exactly in an integer program. We train our network and produce certificates in several settings, including settings for which the optimal strategyproof mechanism is not known.

Enabling certification of verification-agnostic networks via memory-efficient semidefinite programming

Sumanth Dathathri · Krishnamurthy Dvijotham · Alexey Kurakin · Aditi Raghunathan · Jonathan Uesato · Rudy Bunel · Shreya Shankar · Jacob Steinhardt · Ian Goodfellow · Percy Liang · Pushmeet Kohli

Convex relaxations have emerged as a promising approach for verifying properties of neural networks, but widely used using Linear Programming (LP) relaxations only provide meaningful certificates when networks are specifically trained to facilitate verification. This precludes many important applications which involve \emph{verification-agnostic} networks that are not trained specifically to promote verifiability. On the other hand, semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have shown success on verification-agnostic networks, such as adversarially trained image classifiers without additional regularization, but do not currently scale beyond small networks due to poor time and space asymptotics. In this work, we propose a first-order dual SDP algorithm that provides (1) any-time bounds (2) requires memory only linear in the total number of network activations and (3) has per-iteration complexity that scales linearly with the complexity of a forward/backward pass through the network. By exploiting iterative eigenvector methods, we express all solver operations in terms of forward and backward passes through the network, enabling efficient use of hardware optimized for deep learning. This allows us to dramatically improve the magnitude of $\ell_\infty$ perturbations for which we can verify robustness verification-agnostic networks ($1\% \to 88\%$ on MNIST, $6\%\to 40\%$ on CIFAR-10). We also demonstrate tight verification for a quadratic stability specification for the decoder of a variational autoencoder.

Improving robustness against common corruptions by covariate shift adaptation

Steffen Schneider · Evgenia Rusak · Luisa Eck · Oliver Bringmann · Wieland Brendel · Matthias Bethge

Today’s state-of-the-art machine vision models are vulnerable to image corruptions like blurring or compression artefacts, limiting their performance in many real-world applications. We here argue that popular benchmarks to measure model robustness against common corruptions (like ImageNet-C) underestimate model robustness in many (but not all) application scenarios. The key insight is that in many scenarios, multiple unlabeled examples of the corruptions are available and can be used for unsupervised online adaptation. Replacing the activation statistics estimated by batch normalization on the training set with the statistics of the corrupted images consistently improves the robustness across 25 different popular computer vision models. Using the corrected statistics, ResNet-50 reaches 62.2% mCE on ImageNet-C compared to 76.7% without adaptation. With the more robust DeepAugment+AugMix model, we improve the state of the art achieved by a ResNet50 model up to date from 53.6% mCE to 45.4% mCE. Even adapting to a single sample improves robustness for the ResNet-50 and AugMix models, and 32 samples are sufficient to improve the current state of the art for a ResNet-50 architecture. We argue that results with adapted statistics should be included whenever reporting scores in corruption benchmarks and other out-of-distribution generalization settings.

Deeply Learned Spectral Total Variation Decomposition

Tamara G. Grossmann · Yury Korolev · Guy Gilboa · Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

Non-linear spectral decompositions of images based on one-homogeneous functionals such as total variation have gained considerable attention in the last few years. Due to their ability to extract spectral components corresponding to objects of different size and contrast, such decompositions enable filtering, feature transfer, image fusion and other applications. However, obtaining this decomposition involves solving multiple non-smooth optimisation problems and is therefore computationally highly intensive. In this paper, we present a neural network approximation of a non-linear spectral decomposition. We report up to four orders of magnitude (×10,000) speedup in processing of mega-pixel size images, compared to classical GPU implementations. Our proposed network, TVspecNET, is able to implicitly learn the underlying PDE and, despite being entirely data driven, inherits invariances of the model based transform. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach towards learning a non-linear spectral decomposition of images. Not only do we gain a staggering computational advantage, but this approach can also be seen as a step towards studying neural networks that can decompose an image into spectral components defined by a user rather than a handcrafted functional.

Stochastic Segmentation Networks: Modelling Spatially Correlated Aleatoric Uncertainty

Miguel Monteiro · Loic Le Folgoc · Daniel Coelho de Castro · Nick Pawlowski · Bernardo Marques · Konstantinos Kamnitsas · Mark van der Wilk · Ben Glocker

In image segmentation, there is often more than one plausible solution for a given input. In medical imaging, for example, experts will often disagree about the exact location of object boundaries. Estimating this inherent uncertainty and predicting multiple plausible hypotheses is of great interest in many applications, yet this ability is lacking in most current deep learning methods. In this paper, we introduce stochastic segmentation networks (SSNs), an efficient probabilistic method for modelling aleatoric uncertainty with any image segmentation network architecture. In contrast to approaches that produce pixel-wise estimates, SSNs model joint distributions over entire label maps and thus can generate multiple spatially coherent hypotheses for a single image. By using a low-rank multivariate normal distribution over the logit space to model the probability of the label map given the image, we obtain a spatially consistent probability distribution that can be efficiently computed by a neural network without any changes to the underlying architecture. We tested our method on the segmentation of real-world medical data, including lung nodules in 2D CT and brain tumours in 3D multimodal MRI scans. SSNs outperform state-of-the-art for modelling correlated uncertainty in ambiguous images while being much simpler, more flexible, and more efficient.

Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models

Shaojie Bai · Vladlen Koltun · J. Zico Kolter

We propose a new class of implicit networks, the multiscale deep equilibrium model (MDEQ), suited to large-scale and highly hierarchical pattern recognition domains. An MDEQ directly solves for and backpropagates through the equilibrium points of multiple feature resolutions simultaneously, using implicit differentiation to avoid storing intermediate states (and thus requiring only O(1) memory consumption). These simultaneously-learned multi-resolution features allow us to train a single model on a diverse set of tasks and loss functions, such as using a single MDEQ to perform both image classification and semantic segmentation. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach on two large-scale vision tasks: ImageNet classification and semantic segmentation on high-resolution images from the Cityscapes dataset. In both settings, MDEQs are able to match or exceed the performance of recent competitive computer vision models: the first time such performance and scale have been achieved by an implicit deep learning approach. The code and pre-trained models are at

Faithful Embeddings for Knowledge Base Queries

Haitian Sun · Andrew Arnold · Tania Bedrax Weiss · Fernando Pereira · William Cohen

The deductive closure of an ideal knowledge base (KB) contains exactly the logical queries that the KB can answer. However, in practice KBs are both incomplete and over-specified, failing to answer some queries that have real-world answers. \emph{Query embedding} (QE) techniques have been recently proposed where KB entities and KB queries are represented jointly in an embedding space, supporting relaxation and generalization in KB inference. However, experiments in this paper show that QE systems may disagree with deductive reasoning on answers that do not require generalization or relaxation. We address this problem with a novel QE method that is more faithful to deductive reasoning, and show that this leads to better performance on complex queries to incomplete KBs. Finally we show that inserting this new QE module into a neural question-answering system leads to substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art.

GradAug: A New Regularization Method for Deep Neural Networks

Taojiannan Yang · Sijie Zhu · Chen Chen

We propose a new regularization method to alleviate over-fitting in deep neural networks. The key idea is utilizing randomly transformed training samples to regularize a set of sub-networks, which are originated by sampling the width of the original network, in the training process. As such, the proposed method introduces self-guided disturbances to the raw gradients of the network and therefore is termed as Gradient Augmentation (GradAug). We demonstrate that GradAug can help the network learn well-generalized and more diverse representations. Moreover, it is easy to implement and can be applied to various structures and applications. GradAug improves ResNet-50 to 78.79% on ImageNet classification, which is a new state-of-the-art accuracy. By combining with CutMix, it further boosts the performance to 79.67%, which outperforms an ensemble of advanced training tricks. The generalization ability is evaluated on COCO object detection and instance segmentation where GradAug significantly surpasses other state-of-the-art methods. GradAug is also robust to image distortions and FGSM adversarial attacks and is highly effective in low data regimes. Code is available at \url{}

Monotone operator equilibrium networks

Ezra Winston · J. Zico Kolter

Implicit-depth models such as Deep Equilibrium Networks have recently been shown to match or exceed the performance of traditional deep networks while being much more memory efficient. However, these models suffer from unstable convergence to a solution and lack guarantees that a solution exists. On the other hand, Neural ODEs, another class of implicit-depth models, do guarantee existence of a unique solution but perform poorly compared with traditional networks. In this paper, we develop a new class of implicit-depth model based on the theory of monotone operators, the Monotone Operator Equilibrium Network (monDEQ). We show the close connection between finding the equilibrium point of an implicit network and solving a form of monotone operator splitting problem, which admits efficient solvers with guaranteed, stable convergence. We then develop a parameterization of the network which ensures that all operators remain monotone, which guarantees the existence of a unique equilibrium point. Finally, we show how to instantiate several versions of these models, and implement the resulting iterative solvers, for structured linear operators such as multi-scale convolutions. The resulting models vastly outperform the Neural ODE-based models while also being more computationally efficient. Code is available at

Hierarchical nucleation in deep neural networks

Diego Doimo · Aldo Glielmo · Alessio Ansuini · Alessandro Laio

Deep convolutional networks (DCNs) learn meaningful representations where data that share the same abstract characteristics are positioned closer and closer. Understanding these representations and how they are generated is of unquestioned practical and theoretical interest. In this work we study the evolution of the probability density of the ImageNet dataset across the hidden layers in some state-of-the-art DCNs. We find that the initial layers generate a unimodal probability density getting rid of any structure irrelevant for classification. In subsequent layers density peaks arise in a hierarchical fashion that mirrors the semantic hierarchy of the concepts. Density peaks corresponding to single categories appear only close to the output and via a very sharp transition which resembles the nucleation process of a heterogeneous liquid. This process leaves a footprint in the probability density of the output layer where the topography of the peaks allows reconstructing the semantic relationships of the categories.

What Do Neural Networks Learn When Trained With Random Labels?

Hartmut Maennel · Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin · Ilya Tolstikhin · Robert Baldock · Olivier Bousquet · Sylvain Gelly · Daniel Keysers

We study deep neural networks (DNNs) trained on natural image data with entirely random labels. Despite its popularity in the literature, where it is often used to study memorization, generalization, and other phenomena, little is known about what DNNs learn in this setting. In this paper, we show analytically for convolutional and fully connected networks that an alignment between the principal components of network parameters and data takes place when training with random labels. We study this alignment effect by investigating neural networks pre-trained on randomly labelled image data and subsequently fine-tuned on disjoint datasets with random or real labels. We show how this alignment produces a positive transfer: networks pre-trained with random labels train faster downstream compared to training from scratch even after accounting for simple effects, such as weight scaling. We analyze how competing effects, such as specialization at later layers, may hide the positive transfer. These effects are studied in several network architectures, including VGG16 and ResNet18, on CIFAR10 and ImageNet.

H-Mem: Harnessing synaptic plasticity with Hebbian Memory Networks

Thomas Limbacher · Robert Legenstein

The ability to base current computations on memories from the past is critical for many cognitive tasks such as story understanding. Hebbian-type synaptic plasticity is believed to underlie the retention of memories over medium and long time scales in the brain. However, it is unclear how such plasticity processes are integrated with computations in cortical networks. Here, we propose Hebbian Memory Networks (H-Mems), a simple neural network model that is built around a core hetero-associative network subject to Hebbian plasticity. We show that the network can be optimized to utilize the Hebbian plasticity processes for its computations. H-Mems can one-shot memorize associations between stimulus pairs and use these associations for decisions later on. Furthermore, they can solve demanding question-answering tasks on synthetic stories. Our study shows that neural network models are able to enrich their computations with memories through simple Hebbian plasticity processes.

ExpandNets: Linear Over-parameterization to Train Compact Convolutional Networks

Shuxuan Guo · Jose M. Alvarez · Mathieu Salzmann

We introduce an approach to training a given compact network. To this end, we leverage over-parameterization, which typically improves both neural network optimization and generalization. Specifically, we propose to expand each linear layer of the compact network into multiple consecutive linear layers, without adding any nonlinearity. As such, the resulting expanded network, or ExpandNet, can be contracted back to the compact one algebraically at inference. In particular, we introduce two convolutional expansion strategies and demonstrate their benefits on several tasks, including image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. As evidenced by our experiments, our approach outperforms both training the compact network from scratch and performing knowledge distillation from a teacher. Furthermore, our linear over-parameterization empirically reduces gradient confusion during training and improves the network generalization.

Throughput-Optimal Topology Design for Cross-Silo Federated Learning

Othmane Marfoq · CHUAN XU · Giovanni Neglia · Richard Vidal

Federated learning usually employs a client-server architecture where an orchestrator iteratively aggregates model updates from remote clients and pushes them back a refined model. This approach may be inefficient in cross-silo settings, as close-by data silos with high-speed access links may exchange information faster than with the orchestrator, and the orchestrator may become a communication bottleneck. In this paper we define the problem of topology design for cross-silo federated learning using the theory of max-plus linear systems to compute the system throughput---number of communication rounds per time unit. We also propose practical algorithms that, under the knowledge of measurable network characteristics, find a topology with the largest throughput or with provable throughput guarantees. In realistic Internet networks with 10~Gbps access links for silos, our algorithms speed up training by a factor 9 and 1.5 in comparison to the master-slave architecture and to state-of-the-art MATCHA, respectively. Speedups are even larger with slower access links.

Wavelet Flow: Fast Training of High Resolution Normalizing Flows

Jason Yu · Konstantinos Derpanis · Marcus Brubaker

Normalizing flows are a class of probabilistic generative models which allow for both fast density computation and efficient sampling and are effective at modelling complex distributions like images. A drawback among current methods is their significant training cost, sometimes requiring months of GPU training time to achieve state-of-the-art results. This paper introduces Wavelet Flow, a multi-scale, normalizing flow architecture based on wavelets. A Wavelet Flow has an explicit representation of signal scale that inherently includes models of lower resolution signals and conditional generation of higher resolution signals, i.e., super resolution. A major advantage of Wavelet Flow is the ability to construct generative models for high resolution data (e.g., 1024 × 1024 images) that are impractical with previous models. Furthermore, Wavelet Flow is competitive with previous normalizing flows in terms of bits per dimension on standard (low resolution) benchmarks while being up to 15× faster to train.

Woodbury Transformations for Deep Generative Flows

You Lu · Bert Huang

Normalizing flows are deep generative models that allow efficient likelihood calculation and sampling. The core requirement for this advantage is that they are constructed using functions that can be efficiently inverted and for which the determinant of the function's Jacobian can be efficiently computed. Researchers have introduced various such flow operations, but few of these allow rich interactions among variables without incurring significant computational costs. In this paper, we introduce Woodbury transformations, which achieve efficient invertibility via the Woodbury matrix identity and efficient determinant calculation via Sylvester's determinant identity. In contrast with other operations used in state-of-the-art normalizing flows, Woodbury transformations enable (1) high-dimensional interactions, (2) efficient sampling, and (3) efficient likelihood evaluation. Other similar operations, such as 1x1 convolutions, emerging convolutions, or periodic convolutions allow at most two of these three advantages. In our experiments on multiple image datasets, we find that Woodbury transformations allow learning of higher-likelihood models than other flow architectures while still enjoying their efficiency advantages.

Why Normalizing Flows Fail to Detect Out-of-Distribution Data

Polina Kirichenko · Pavel Izmailov · Andrew Wilson

Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) data is crucial for robust machine learning systems. Normalizing flows are flexible deep generative models that often surprisingly fail to distinguish between in- and out-of-distribution data: a flow trained on pictures of clothing assigns higher likelihood to handwritten digits. We investigate why normalizing flows perform poorly for OOD detection. We demonstrate that flows learn local pixel correlations and generic image-to-latent-space transformations which are not specific to the target image datasets, focusing on flows based on coupling layers. We show that by modifying the architecture of flow coupling layers we can bias the flow towards learning the semantic structure of the target data, improving OOD detection. Our investigation reveals that properties that enable flows to generate high-fidelity images can have a detrimental effect on OOD detection.

The Convex Relaxation Barrier, Revisited: Tightened Single-Neuron Relaxations for Neural Network Verification

Christian Tjandraatmadja · Ross Anderson · Joey Huchette · Will Ma · KRUNAL KISHOR PATEL · Juan Pablo Vielma

We improve the effectiveness of propagation- and linear-optimization-based neural network verification algorithms with a new tightened convex relaxation for ReLU neurons. Unlike previous single-neuron relaxations which focus only on the univariate input space of the ReLU, our method considers the multivariate input space of the affine pre-activation function preceding the ReLU. Using results from submodularity and convex geometry, we derive an explicit description of the tightest possible convex relaxation when this multivariate input is over a box domain. We show that our convex relaxation is significantly stronger than the commonly used univariate-input relaxation which has been proposed as a natural convex relaxation barrier for verification. While our description of the relaxation may require an exponential number of inequalities, we show that they can be separated in linear time and hence can be efficiently incorporated into optimization algorithms on an as-needed basis. Based on this novel relaxation, we design two polynomial-time algorithms for neural network verification: a linear-programming-based algorithm that leverages the full power of our relaxation, and a fast propagation algorithm that generalizes existing approaches. In both cases, we show that for a modest increase in computational effort, our strengthened relaxation enables us to verify a significantly larger number of instances compared to similar algorithms.

Regret in Online Recommendation Systems

Kaito Ariu · Narae Ryu · Se-Young Yun · Alexandre Proutiere

This paper proposes a theoretical analysis of recommendation systems in an online setting, where items are sequentially recommended to users over time. In each round, a user, randomly picked from a population of $m$ users, arrives. The decision-maker observes the user and selects an item from a catalogue of $n$ items. Importantly, an item cannot be recommended twice to the same user. The probabilities that a user likes each item are unknown, and the performance of the recommendation algorithm is captured through its regret, considering as a reference an Oracle algorithm aware of these probabilities. We investigate various structural assumptions on these probabilities: we derive for each of them regret lower bounds, and devise algorithms achieving these limits. Interestingly, our analysis reveals the relative weights of the different components of regret: the component due to the constraint of not presenting the same item twice to the same user, that due to learning the chances users like items, and finally that arising when learning the underlying structure.

Simplify and Robustify Negative Sampling for Implicit Collaborative Filtering

Jingtao Ding · Yuhan Quan · Quanming Yao · Yong Li · Depeng Jin

Negative sampling approaches are prevalent in implicit collaborative filtering for obtaining negative labels from massive unlabeled data. As two major concerns in negative sampling, efficiency and effectiveness are still not fully achieved by recent works that use complicate structures and overlook risk of false negative instances. In this paper, we first provide a novel understanding of negative instances by empirically observing that only a few instances are potentially important for model learning, and false negatives tend to have stable predictions over many training iterations. Above findings motivate us to simplify the model by sampling from designed memory that only stores a few important candidates and, more importantly, tackle the untouched false negative problem by favouring high-variance samples stored in memory, which achieves efficient sampling of true negatives with high-quality. Empirical results on two synthetic datasets and three real-world datasets demonstrate both robustness and superiorities of our negative sampling method. The implementation is available at

Myersonian Regression

Allen Liu · Renato Leme · Jon Schneider

Motivated by pricing applications in online advertising, we study a variant of linear regression with a discontinuous loss function that we term Myersonian regression. In this variant, we wish to find a linear function $f : \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that well approximates a set of points $(x_i, v_i) \in \mathbb{R}^d \times [0, 1]$ in the following sense: we receive a loss of $v_i$ when $f(x_i) > v_i$ and a loss of $v_i - f(x_i)$ when $f(x_i) \leq v_i$. This arises naturally in the economic application of designing a pricing policy for differentiated items (where the loss is the gap between the performance of our policy and the optimal Myerson prices). We show that Myersonian regression is NP-hard to solve exactly and furthermore that no fully polynomial-time approximation scheme exists for Myersonian regression conditioned on the Exponential Time Hypothesis being true. In contrast to this, we demonstrate a polynomial-time approximation scheme for Myersonian regression that obtains an $\epsilon m$ additive approximation to the optimal possible revenue and can be computed in time $O(\exp(\mathrm{poly}(1/\epsilon))\poly(m, n))$. We show that this algorithm is stable and generalizes well over distributions of samples.

On Convergence of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers over Feature Transformations

Luka Rimanic · Cedric Renggli · Bo Li · Ce Zhang

The k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) classifier is a fundamental non-parametric machine learning algorithm. However, it is well known that it suffers from the curse of dimensionality, which is why in practice one often applies a kNN classifier on top of a (pre-trained) feature transformation. From a theoretical perspective, most, if not all theoretical results aimed at understanding the kNN classifier are derived for the raw feature space. This leads to an emerging gap between our theoretical understanding of kNN and its practical applications. In this paper, we take a first step towards bridging this gap. We provide a novel analysis on the convergence rates of a kNN classifier over transformed features. This analysis requires in-depth understanding of the properties that connect both the transformed space and the raw feature space. More precisely, we build our convergence bound upon two key properties of the transformed space: (1) safety -- how well can one recover the raw posterior from the transformed space, and (2) smoothness -- how complex this recovery function is. Based on our result, we are able to explain why some (pre-trained) feature transformations are better suited for a kNN classifier than other. We empirically validate that both properties have an impact on the kNN convergence on 30 feature transformations with 6 benchmark datasets spanning from the vision to the text domain.

Learning Utilities and Equilibria in Non-Truthful Auctions

Hu Fu · Tao Lin

In non-truthful auctions, agents' utility for a strategy depends on the strategies of the opponents and also the prior distribution over their private types; the set of Bayes Nash equilibria generally has an intricate dependence on the prior. Using the First Price Auction as our main demonstrating example, we show that $\tilde O(n / \epsilon^2)$ samples from the prior with $n$ agents suffice for an algorithm to learn the interim utilities for all monotone bidding strategies. As a consequence, this number of samples suffice for learning all approximate equilibria. We give almost matching (up to polylog factors) lower bound on the sample complexity for learning utilities. We also consider a setting where agents must pay a search cost to discover their own types. Drawing on a connection between this setting and the first price auction, discovered recently by Kleinberg et al. (2016), we show that $\tilde O(n / \epsilon^2)$ samples suffice for utilities and equilibria to be estimated in a near welfare-optimal descending auction in this setting. En route, we improve the sample complexity bound, recently obtained by Guo et al. (2019), for the Pandora's Box problem, which is a classical model for sequential consumer search.

Contextual Reserve Price Optimization in Auctions via Mixed Integer Programming

Joey Huchette · Haihao Lu · Hossein Esfandiari · Vahab Mirrokni

We study the problem of learning a linear model to set the reserve price in an auction, given contextual information, in order to maximize expected revenue from the seller side. First, we show that it is not possible to solve this problem in polynomial time unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. Second, we present a strong mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulation for this problem, which is capable of exactly modeling the nonconvex and discontinuous expected reward function. Moreover, we show that this MIP formulation is ideal (i.e. the strongest possible formulation) for the revenue function of a single impression. Since it can be computationally expensive to exactly solve the MIP formulation in practice, we also study the performance of its linear programming (LP) relaxation. Though it may work well in practice, we show that, unfortunately, in the worst case the optimal objective of the LP relaxation can be O(number of samples) times larger than the optimal objective of the true problem. Finally, we present computational results, showcasing that the MIP formulation, along with its LP relaxation, are able to achieve superior in- and out-of-sample performance, as compared to state-of-the-art algorithms on both real and synthetic datasets. More broadly, we believe this work offers an indication of the strength of optimization methodologies like MIP to exactly model intrinsic discontinuities in machine learning problems.

Secretary and Online Matching Problems with Machine Learned Advice

Antonios Antoniadis · Themis Gouleakis · Pieter Kleer · Pavel Kolev

The classical analysis of online algorithms, due to its worst-case nature, can be quite pessimistic when the input instance at hand is far from worst-case. Often this is not an issue with machine learning approaches, which shine in exploiting patterns in past inputs in order to predict the future. However, such predictions, although usually accurate, can be arbitrarily poor. Inspired by a recent line of work, we augment three well-known online settings with machine learned predictions about the future, and develop algorithms that take them into account. In particular, we study the following online selection problems: (i) the classical secretary problem, (ii) online bipartite matching and (iii) the graphic matroid secretary problem. Our algorithms still come with a worst-case performance guarantee in the case that predictions are subpar while obtaining an improved competitive ratio (over the best-known classical online algorithm for each problem) when the predictions are sufficiently accurate. For each algorithm, we establish a trade-off between the competitive ratios obtained in the two respective cases.

On the Error Resistance of Hinge-Loss Minimization

Kunal Talwar

Commonly used classification algorithms in machine learning, such as support vector machines, minimize a convex surrogate loss on training examples. In practice, these algorithms are surprisingly robust to errors in the training data. In this work, we identify a set of conditions on the data under which such surrogate loss minimization algorithms provably learn the correct classifier. This allows us to establish, in a unified framework, the robustness of these algorithms under various models on data as well as error. In particular, we show that if the data is linearly classifiable with a slightly non-trivial margin (i.e. a margin at least $C\div\sqrt{d}$ for $d$-dimensional unit vectors), and the class-conditional distributions are near isotropic and logconcave, then surrogate loss minimization has negligible error on the uncorrupted data even when a constant fraction of examples are adversarially mislabeled.

Polynomial-Time Computation of Optimal Correlated Equilibria in Two-Player Extensive-Form Games with Public Chance Moves and Beyond

Gabriele Farina · Tuomas Sandholm

Unlike normal-form games, where correlated equilibria have been studied for more than 45 years, extensive-form correlation is still generally not well understood. Part of the reason for this gap is that the sequential nature of extensive-form games allows for a richness of behaviors and incentives that are not possible in normal-form settings. This richness translates to a significantly different complexity landscape surrounding extensive-form correlated equilibria. As of today, it is known that finding an optimal extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE), extensive-form coarse correlated equilibrium (EFCCE), or normal-form coarse correlated equilibrium (NFCCE) in a two-player extensive-form game is computationally tractable when the game does not include chance moves, and intractable when the game involves chance moves. In this paper we significantly refine this complexity threshold by showing that, in two-player games, an optimal correlated equilibrium can be computed in polynomial time, provided that a certain condition is satisfied. We show that the condition holds, for example, when all chance moves are public, that is, both players observe all chance moves. This implies that an optimal EFCE, EFCCE and NFCCE can be computed in polynomial time in the game size in two-player games with public chance moves.

Chaos, Extremism and Optimism: Volume Analysis of Learning in Games

Yun Kuen Cheung · Georgios Piliouras

We perform volume analysis of Multiplicative Weights Updates (MWU) and its optimistic variant (OMWU) in zero-sum as well as coordination games. Our analysis provides new insights into these game/dynamical systems, which seem hard to achieve via the classical techniques within Computer Science and Machine Learning.

First, we examine these dynamics not in their original space (simplex of actions) but in a dual space (aggregate payoffs of actions). Second, we explore how the volume of a set of initial conditions evolves over time when it is pushed forward according to the algorithm. This is reminiscent of approaches in evolutionary game theory where replicator dynamics, the continuous-time analogue of MWU, is known to preserve volume in all games. Interestingly, when we examine discrete-time dynamics, the choices of the game and the algorithm both play a critical role. So whereas MWU expands volume in zero-sum games and is thus Lyapunov chaotic, we show that OMWU contracts volume, providing an alternative understanding for its known convergent behavior. Yet, we also prove a no-free-lunch type of theorem, in the sense that when examining coordination games the roles are reversed.

Using these tools, we prove two novel, rather negative properties of MWU in zero-sum games. (1) Extremism: even in games with a unique fully-mixed Nash equilibrium, the system recurrently gets stuck near pure-strategy profiles, despite them being clearly unstable from game-theoretic perspective. (2) Unavoidability: given any set of good states (with a rather relaxed interpretation of “good” states), the system cannot avoid bad states indefinitely.

A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Empirical Revenue Maximization Algorithm with Endogenous Sampling

Xiaotie Deng · Ron Lavi · Tao Lin · Qi Qi · Wenwei WANG · Xiang Yan

The Empirical Revenue Maximization (ERM) is one of the most important price learning algorithms in auction design: as the literature shows it can learn approximately optimal reserve prices for revenue-maximizing auctioneers in both repeated auctions and uniform-price auctions. However, in these applications the agents who provide inputs to ERM have incentives to manipulate the inputs to lower the outputted price. We generalize the definition of an incentive-awareness measure proposed by Lavi et al (2019), to quantify the reduction of ERM's outputted price due to a change of m>=1 out of N input samples, and provide specific convergence rates of this measure to zero as N goes to infinity for different types of input distributions. By adopting this measure, we construct an efficient, approximately incentive-compatible, and revenue-optimal learning algorithm using ERM in repeated auctions against non-myopic bidders, and show approximate group incentive-compatibility in uniform-price auctions.

A Bandit Learning Algorithm and Applications to Auction Design

Kim Thang Nguyen

We consider online bandit learning in which at every time step, an algorithm has to make a decision and then observe only its reward. The goal is to design efficient (polynomial-time) algorithms that achieve a total reward approximately close to that of the best fixed decision in hindsight. In this paper, we introduce a new notion of $(\lambda,\mu)$-concave functions and present a bandit learning algorithm that achieves a performance guarantee which is characterized as a function of the concavity parameters $\lambda$ and $\mu$. The algorithm is based on the mirror descent algorithm in which the update directions follow the gradient of the multilinear extensions of the reward functions. The regret bound induced by our algorithm is $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ which is nearly optimal. We apply our algorithm to auction design, specifically to welfare maximization, revenue maximization, and no-envy learning in auctions. In welfare maximization, we show that a version of fictitious play in smooth auctions guarantees a competitive regret bound which is determined by the smooth parameters. In revenue maximization, we consider the simultaneous second-price auctions with reserve prices in multi-parameter environments. We give a bandit algorithm which achieves the total revenue at least $1/2$ times that of the best fixed reserve prices in hindsight. In no-envy learning, we study the bandit item selection problem where the player valuation is submodular and provide an efficient $1/2$-approximation no-envy algorithm.

No-regret Learning in Price Competitions under Consumer Reference Effects

Negin Golrezaei · Patrick Jaillet · Jason Cheuk Nam Liang

We study long-run market stability for repeated price competitions between two firms, where consumer demand depends on firms' posted prices and consumers’ price expectations called reference prices. Consumers' reference prices vary over time according to a memory-based dynamic, which is a weighted average of all historical prices. We focus on the setting where firms are not aware of demand functions and how reference prices are formed but have access to an oracle that provides a measure of consumers' responsiveness to the current posted prices. We show that if the firms run no-regret algorithms, in particular, online mirror descent (OMD), with decreasing step sizes, the market stabilizes in the sense that firms' prices and reference prices converge to a stable Nash Equilibrium (SNE). Interestingly, we also show that there exist constant step sizes under which the market stabilizes. We further characterize the rate of convergence to the SNE for both decreasing and constant OMD step sizes.

Robust and Heavy-Tailed Mean Estimation Made Simple, via Regret Minimization

Sam Hopkins · Jerry Li · Fred Zhang

We study the problem of estimating the mean of a distribution in high dimensions when either the samples are adversarially corrupted or the distribution is heavy-tailed. Recent developments in robust statistics have established efficient and (near) optimal procedures for both settings. However, the algorithms developed on each side tend to be sophisticated and do not directly transfer to the other, with many of them having ad-hoc or complicated analyses.

In this paper, we provide a meta-problem and a duality theorem that lead to a new unified view on robust and heavy-tailed mean estimation in high dimensions. We show that the meta-problem can be solved either by a variant of the Filter algorithm from the recent literature on robust estimation or by the quantum entropy scoring scheme (QUE), due to Dong, Hopkins and Li (NeurIPS '19). By leveraging our duality theorem, these results translate into simple and efficient algorithms for both robust and heavy-tailed settings. Furthermore, the QUE-based procedure has run-time that matches the fastest known algorithms on both fronts.

Our analysis of Filter is through the classic regret bound of the multiplicative weights update method. This connection allows us to avoid the technical complications in previous works and improve upon the run-time analysis of a gradient-descent-based algorithm for robust mean estimation by Cheng, Diakonikolas, Ge and Soltanolkotabi (ICML '20).

Partially View-aligned Clustering

Zhenyu Huang · Peng Hu · Joey Tianyi Zhou · Jiancheng Lv · Xi Peng

In this paper, we study one challenging issue in multi-view data clustering. To be specific, for two data matrices $\mathbf{X}^{(1)}$ and $\mathbf{X}^{(2)}$ corresponding to two views, we do not assume that $\mathbf{X}^{(1)}$ and $\mathbf{X}^{(2)}$ are fully aligned in row-wise. Instead, we assume that only a small portion of the matrices has established the correspondence in advance. Such a partially view-aligned problem (PVP) could lead to the intensive labor of capturing or establishing the aligned multi-view data, which has less been touched so far to the best of our knowledge. To solve this practical and challenging problem, we propose a novel multi-view clustering method termed partially view-aligned clustering (PVC). To be specific, PVC proposes to use a differentiable surrogate of the non-differentiable Hungarian algorithm and recasts it as a pluggable module. As a result, the category-level correspondence of the unaligned data could be established in a latent space learned by a neural network, while learning a common space across different views using the ``aligned'' data. Extensive experimental results show promising results of our method in clustering partially view-aligned data.

MeshSDF: Differentiable Iso-Surface Extraction

Edoardo Remelli · Artem Lukoianov · Stephan Richter · Benoit Guillard · Timur Bagautdinov · Pierre Baque · Pascal Fua

Geometric Deep Learning has recently made striking progress with the advent of continuous Deep Implicit Fields. They allow for detailed modeling of watertight surfaces of arbitrary topology while not relying on a 3D Euclidean grid, resulting in a learnable parameterization that is not limited in resolution.

Unfortunately, these methods are often not suitable for applications that require an explicit mesh-based surface representation because converting an implicit field to such a representation relies on the Marching Cubes algorithm, which cannot be differentiated with respect to the underlying implicit field.

In this work, we remove this limitation and introduce a differentiable way to produce explicit surface mesh representations from Deep Signed Distance Functions. Our key insight is that by reasoning on how implicit field perturbations impact local surface geometry, one can ultimately differentiate the 3D location of surface samples with respect to the underlying deep implicit field. We exploit this to define MeshSDF, an end-to-end differentiable mesh representation which can vary its topology.

We use two different applications to validate our theoretical insight: Single-View Reconstruction via Differentiable Rendering and Physically-Driven Shape Optimization. In both cases our differentiable parameterization gives us an edge over state-of-the-art algorithms.

Joint Policy Search for Multi-agent Collaboration with Imperfect Information

Yuandong Tian · Qucheng Gong · Yu Jiang

To learn good joint policies for multi-agent collaboration with incomplete information remains a fundamental challenge. While for two-player zero-sum games, coordinate-ascent approaches (optimizing one agent's policy at a time, e.g., self-play) work with guarantees, in multi-agent cooperative setting they often converge to sub-optimal Nash equilibrium. On the other hand, directly modeling joint policy changes in incomplete information game is nontrivial due to complicated interplay of policies (e.g., upstream updates affect downstream state reachability). In this paper, we show global changes of game values can be decomposed to policy changes localized at each information set, with a novel term named \emph{policy-change density}. Based on this, we propose \emph{Joint Policy Search} (JPS) that iteratively improves joint policies of collaborative agents in incomplete information games, without re-evaluating the entire game. On multiple collaborative tabular games, JPS is proven to never worsen performance and can improve solutions provided by unilateral approaches (e.g, CFR), outperforming algorithms designed for collaborative policy learning (e.g. BAD). Furthermore, for real-world game whose states are too many to enumerate, \ours{} has an online form that naturally links with gradient updates. We test it to Contract Bridge, a 4-player imperfect-information game where a team of $2$ collaborates to compete against the other. In its bidding phase, players bid in turn to find a good contract through a limited information channel. Based on a strong baseline agent that bids competitive bridge purely through domain-agnostic self-play, JPS improves collaboration of team players and outperforms WBridge5, a championship-winning software, by $+0.63$ IMPs (International Matching Points) per board over $1000$ games, substantially better than previous SoTA ($+0.41$ IMPs/b against WBridge5). Note that $+0.1$ IMPs/b is regarded as a nontrivial improvement in Computer Bridge.

On Infinite-Width Hypernetworks

Etai Littwin · Tomer Galanti · Lior Wolf · Greg Yang

{\em Hypernetworks} are architectures that produce the weights of a task-specific {\em primary network}. A notable application of hypernetworks in the recent literature involves learning to output functional representations. In these scenarios, the hypernetwork learns a representation corresponding to the weights of a shallow MLP, which typically encodes shape or image information. While such representations have seen considerable success in practice, they remain lacking in the theoretical guarantees in the wide regime of the standard architectures. In this work, we study wide over-parameterized hypernetworks. We show that unlike typical architectures, infinitely wide hypernetworks do not guarantee convergence to a global minima under gradient descent. We further show that convexity can be achieved by increasing the dimensionality of the hypernetwork's output, to represent wide MLPs. In the dually infinite-width regime, we identify the functional priors of these architectures by deriving their corresponding GP and NTK kernels, the latter of which we refer to as the {\em hyperkernel}. As part of this study, we make a mathematical contribution by deriving tight bounds on high order Taylor expansion terms of standard fully connected ReLU networks.

Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Limited Data

Tero Karras · Miika Aittala · Janne Hellsten · Samuli Laine · Jaakko Lehtinen · Timo Aila

Training generative adversarial networks (GAN) using too little data typically leads to discriminator overfitting, causing training to diverge. We propose an adaptive discriminator augmentation mechanism that significantly stabilizes training in limited data regimes. The approach does not require changes to loss functions or network architectures, and is applicable both when training from scratch and when fine-tuning an existing GAN on another dataset. We demonstrate, on several datasets, that good results are now possible using only a few thousand training images, often matching StyleGAN2 results with an order of magnitude fewer images. We expect this to open up new application domains for GANs. We also find that the widely used CIFAR-10 is, in fact, a limited data benchmark, and improve the record FID from 5.59 to 2.42.

Reinforcement Learning with Combinatorial Actions: An Application to Vehicle Routing

Arthur Delarue · Ross Anderson · Christian Tjandraatmadja

Value-function-based methods have long played an important role in reinforcement learning. However, finding the best next action given a value function of arbitrary complexity is nontrivial when the action space is too large for enumeration. We develop a framework for value-function-based deep reinforcement learning with a combinatorial action space, in which the action selection problem is explicitly formulated as a mixed-integer optimization problem. As a motivating example, we present an application of this framework to the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), a combinatorial optimization problem in which a set of locations must be covered by a single vehicle with limited capacity. On each instance, we model an action as the construction of a single route, and consider a deterministic policy which is improved through a simple policy iteration algorithm. Our approach is competitive with other reinforcement learning methods and achieves an average gap of 1.7% with state-of-the-art OR methods on standard library instances of medium size.

A Self-Tuning Actor-Critic Algorithm

Tom Zahavy · Zhongwen Xu · Vivek Veeriah · Matteo Hessel · Junhyuk Oh · Hado van Hasselt · David Silver · Satinder Singh

Reinforcement learning algorithms are highly sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters, typically requiring significant manual effort to identify hyperparameters that perform well on a new domain. In this paper, we take a step towards addressing this issue by using metagradients to automatically adapt hyperparameters online by meta-gradient descent (Xu et al., 2018). We apply our algorithm, Self-Tuning Actor-Critic (STAC), to self-tune all the differentiable hyperparameters of an actor-critic loss function, to discover auxiliary tasks, and to improve off-policy learning using a novel leaky V-trace operator. STAC is simple to use, sample efficient and does not require a significant increase in compute. Ablative studies show that the overall performance of STAC improved as we adapt more hyperparameters. When applied to the Arcade Learning Environment (Bellemare et al. 2012), STAC improved the median human normalized score in 200M steps from 243% to 364%. When applied to the DM Control suite (Tassa et al., 2018), STAC improved the mean score in 30M steps from 217 to 389 when learning with features, from 108 to 202 when learning from pixels, and from 195 to 295 in the Real-World Reinforcement Learning Challenge (Dulac-Arnold et al., 2020).

Residual Force Control for Agile Human Behavior Imitation and Extended Motion Synthesis

Ye Yuan · Kris Kitani

Reinforcement learning has shown great promise for synthesizing realistic human behaviors by learning humanoid control policies from motion capture data. However, it is still very challenging to reproduce sophisticated human skills like ballet dance, or to stably imitate long-term human behaviors with complex transitions. The main difficulty lies in the dynamics mismatch between the humanoid model and real humans. That is, motions of real humans may not be physically possible for the humanoid model. To overcome the dynamics mismatch, we propose a novel approach, residual force control (RFC), that augments a humanoid control policy by adding external residual forces into the action space. During training, the RFC-based policy learns to apply residual forces to the humanoid to compensate for the dynamics mismatch and better imitate the reference motion. Experiments on a wide range of dynamic motions demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of convergence speed and the quality of learned motions. Notably, we showcase a physics-based virtual character empowered by RFC that can perform highly agile ballet dance moves such as pirouette, arabesque and jeté. Furthermore, we propose a dual-policy control framework, where a kinematic policy and an RFC-based policy work in tandem to synthesize multi-modal infinite-horizon human motions without any task guidance or user input. Our approach is the first humanoid control method that successfully learns from a large-scale human motion dataset (Human3.6M) and generates diverse long-term motions. Code and videos are available at

See, Hear, Explore: Curiosity via Audio-Visual Association

Victoria Dean · Shubham Tulsiani · Abhinav Gupta

Exploration is one of the core challenges in reinforcement learning. A common formulation of curiosity-driven exploration uses the difference between the real future and the future predicted by a learned model. However, predicting the future is an inherently difficult task which can be ill-posed in the face of stochasticity. In this paper, we introduce an alternative form of curiosity that rewards novel associations between different senses. Our approach exploits multiple modalities to provide a stronger signal for more efficient exploration. Our method is inspired by the fact that, for humans, both sight and sound play a critical role in exploration. We present results on several Atari environments and Habitat (a photorealistic navigation simulator), showing the benefits of using an audio-visual association model for intrinsically guiding learning agents in the absence of external rewards. For videos and code, see

Finite-Time Analysis for Double Q-learning

Huaqing Xiong · Lin Zhao · Yingbin Liang · Wei Zhang

Although Q-learning is one of the most successful algorithms for finding the best action-value function (and thus the optimal policy) in reinforcement learning, its implementation often suffers from large overestimation of Q-function values incurred by random sampling. The double Q-learning algorithm proposed in~\citet{hasselt2010double} overcomes such an overestimation issue by randomly switching the update between two Q-estimators, and has thus gained significant popularity in practice. However, the theoretical understanding of double Q-learning is rather limited. So far only the asymptotic convergence has been established, which does not characterize how fast the algorithm converges. In this paper, we provide the first non-asymptotic (i.e., finite-time) analysis for double Q-learning. We show that both synchronous and asynchronous double Q-learning are guaranteed to converge to an $\epsilon$-accurate neighborhood of the global optimum by taking $\tilde{\Omega}\left(\left( \frac{1}{(1-\gamma)^6\epsilon^2}\right)^{\frac{1}{\omega}} +\left(\frac{1}{1-\gamma}\right)^{\frac{1}{1-\omega}}\right)$ iterations, where $\omega\in(0,1)$ is the decay parameter of the learning rate, and $\gamma$ is the discount factor. Our analysis develops novel techniques to derive finite-time bounds on the difference between two inter-connected stochastic processes, which is new to the literature of stochastic approximation.

Adaptive Discretization for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Sean Sinclair · Tianyu Wang · Gauri Jain · Siddhartha Banerjee · Christina Yu

We introduce the technique of adaptive discretization to design an efficient model-based episodic reinforcement learning algorithm in large (potentially continuous) state-action spaces. Our algorithm is based on optimistic one-step value iteration extended to maintain an adaptive discretization of the space. From a theoretical perspective we provide worst-case regret bounds for our algorithm which are competitive compared to the state-of-the-art model-based algorithms. Moreover, our bounds are obtained via a modular proof technique which can potentially extend to incorporate additional structure on the problem.

From an implementation standpoint, our algorithm has much lower storage and computational requirements due to maintaining a more efficient partition of the state and action spaces. We illustrate this via experiments on several canonical control problems, which shows that our algorithm empirically performs significantly better than fixed discretization in terms of both faster convergence and lower memory usage. Interestingly, we observe empirically that while fixed discretization model-based algorithms vastly outperform their model-free counterparts, the two achieve comparable performance with adaptive discretization.

Object Goal Navigation using Goal-Oriented Semantic Exploration

Devendra Singh Chaplot · Dhiraj Prakashchand Gandhi · Abhinav Gupta · Russ Salakhutdinov

This work studies the problem of object goal navigation which involves navigating to an instance of the given object category in unseen environments. End-to-end learning-based navigation methods struggle at this task as they are ineffective at exploration and long-term planning. We propose a modular system called, `Goal-Oriented Semantic Exploration' which builds an episodic semantic map and uses it to explore the environment efficiently based on the goal object category. Empirical results in visually realistic simulation environments show that the proposed model outperforms a wide range of baselines including end-to-end learning-based methods as well as modular map-based methods and led to the winning entry of the CVPR-2020 Habitat ObjectNav Challenge. Ablation analysis indicates that the proposed model learns semantic priors of the relative arrangement of objects in a scene, and uses them to explore efficiently. Domain-agnostic module design allows us to transfer our model to a mobile robot platform and achieve similar performance for object goal navigation in the real-world.

Online Algorithms for Multi-shop Ski Rental with Machine Learned Advice

Shufan Wang · Jian Li · Shiqiang Wang

We study the problem of augmenting online algorithms with machine learned (ML) advice. In particular, we consider the \emph{multi-shop ski rental} (MSSR) problem, which is a generalization of the classical ski rental problem. In MSSR, each shop has different prices for buying and renting a pair of skis, and a skier has to make decisions on when and where to buy. We obtain both deterministic and randomized online algorithms with provably improved performance when either a single or multiple ML predictions are used to make decisions. These online algorithms have no knowledge about the quality or the prediction error type of the ML prediction. The performance of these online algorithms are robust to the poor performance of the predictors, but improve with better predictions. Extensive experiments using both synthetic and real world data traces verify our theoretical observations and show better performance against algorithms that purely rely on online decision making.

Planning in Markov Decision Processes with Gap-Dependent Sample Complexity

Anders Jonsson · Emilie Kaufmann · Pierre Menard · Omar Darwiche Domingues · Edouard Leurent · Michal Valko

We propose MDP-GapE, a new trajectory-based Monte-Carlo Tree Search algorithm for planning in a Markov Decision Process in which transitions have a finite support. We prove an upper bound on the number of sampled trajectories needed for MDP-GapE to identify a near-optimal action with high probability. This problem-dependent result is expressed in terms of the sub-optimality gaps of the state-action pairs that are visited during exploration. Our experiments reveal that MDP-GapE is also effective in practice, in contrast with other algorithms with sample complexity guarantees in the fixed-confidence setting, that are mostly theoretical.

A new convergent variant of Q-learning with linear function approximation

Diogo Carvalho · Francisco S. Melo · Pedro A. Santos

In this work, we identify a novel set of conditions that ensure convergence with probability 1 of Q-learning with linear function approximation, by proposing a two time-scale variation thereof. In the faster time scale, the algorithm features an update similar to that of DQN, where the impact of bootstrapping is attenuated by using a Q-value estimate akin to that of the target network in DQN. The slower time-scale, in turn, can be seen as a modified target network update. We establish the convergence of our algorithm, provide an error bound and discuss our results in light of existing convergence results on reinforcement learning with function approximation. Finally, we illustrate the convergent behavior of our method in domains where standard Q-learning has previously been shown to diverge.

A Unified Switching System Perspective and Convergence Analysis of Q-Learning Algorithms

Donghwan Lee · Niao He

This paper develops a novel and unified framework to analyze the convergence of a large family of Q-learning algorithms from the switching system perspective. We show that the nonlinear ODE models associated with Q-learning and many of its variants can be naturally formulated as affine switching systems. Building on their asymptotic stability, we obtain a number of interesting results: (i) we provide a simple ODE analysis for the convergence of asynchronous Q-learning under relatively weak assumptions; (ii) we establish the first convergence analysis of the averaging Q-learning algorithm; and (iii) we derive a new sufficient condition for the convergence of Q-learning with linear function approximation.

Adversarially Robust Streaming Algorithms via Differential Privacy

Avinatan Hassidim · Haim Kaplan · Yishay Mansour · Yossi Matias · Uri Stemmer

A streaming algorithm is said to be adversarially robust if its accuracy guarantees are maintained even when the data stream is chosen maliciously, by an adaptive adversary. We establish a connection between adversarial robustness of streaming algorithms and the notion of differential privacy. This connection allows us to design new adversarially robust streaming algorithms that outperform the current state-of-the-art constructions for many interesting regimes of parameters.

Generalized Boosting

Arun Suggala · Bingbin Liu · Pradeep Ravikumar

Boosting is a widely used learning technique in machine learning for solving classification problems. In boosting, one predicts the label of an example using an ensemble of weak classifiers. While boosting has shown tremendous success on many classification problems involving tabular data, it performs poorly on complex classification tasks involving low-level features such as image classification tasks. This drawback stems from the fact that boosting builds an additive model of weak classifiers, each of which has very little predictive power. Often, the resulting additive models are not powerful enough to approximate the complex decision boundaries of real-world classification problems. In this work, we present a general framework for boosting where, similar to traditional boosting, we aim to boost the performance of a weak learner and transform it into a strong learner. However, unlike traditional boosting, our framework allows for more complex forms of aggregation of weak learners. In this work, we specifically focus on one form of aggregation - \emph{function composition}. We show that many popular greedy algorithms for learning deep neural networks (DNNs) can be derived from our framework using function compositions for aggregation. Moreover, we identify the drawbacks of these greedy algorithms and propose new algorithms that fix these issues. Using thorough empirical evaluation, we show that our learning algorithms have superior performance over traditional additive boosting algorithms, as well as existing greedy learning techniques for DNNs. An important feature of our algorithms is that they come with strong theoretical guarantees.

A Topological Filter for Learning with Label Noise

Pengxiang Wu · Songzhu Zheng · Mayank Goswami · Dimitris Metaxas · Chao Chen

Noisy labels can impair the performance of deep neural networks. To tackle this problem, in this paper, we propose a new method for filtering label noise. Unlike most existing methods relying on the posterior probability of a noisy classifier, we focus on the much richer spatial behavior of data in the latent representational space. By leveraging the high-order topological information of data, we are able to collect most of the clean data and train a high-quality model. Theoretically we prove that this topological approach is guaranteed to collect the clean data with high probability. Empirical results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-arts and is robust to a broad spectrum of noise types and levels.

Learning by Minimizing the Sum of Ranked Range

Shu Hu · Yiming Ying · xin wang · Siwei Lyu

In forming learning objectives, one oftentimes needs to aggregate a set of individual values to a single output. Such cases occur in the aggregate loss, which combines individual losses of a learning model over each training sample, and in the individual loss for multi-label learning, which combines prediction scores over all class labels. In this work, we introduce the sum of ranked range (SoRR) as a general approach to form learning objectives. A ranked range is a consecutive sequence of sorted values of a set of real numbers. The minimization of SoRR is solved with the difference of convex algorithm (DCA). We explore two applications in machine learning of the minimization of the SoRR framework, namely the AoRR aggregate loss for binary classification and the TKML individual loss for multi-label/multi-class classification. Our empirical results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed optimization framework and demonstrate the applicability of proposed losses using synthetic and real datasets.

Partial Optimal Transport with applications on Positive-Unlabeled Learning

Laetitia Chapel · Mokhtar Z. Alaya · Gilles Gasso

Classical optimal transport problem seeks a transportation map that preserves the total mass between two probability distributions, requiring their masses to be equal. This may be too restrictive in some applications such as color or shape matching, since the distributions may have arbitrary masses and/or only a fraction of the total mass has to be transported. In this paper, we address the partial Wasserstein and Gromov-Wasserstein problems and propose exact algorithms to solve them. We showcase the new formulation in a positive-unlabeled (PU) learning application. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of optimal transport in this context and we first highlight that partial Wasserstein-based metrics prove effective in usual PU learning settings. We then demonstrate that partial Gromov-Wasserstein metrics are efficient in scenarii in which the samples from the positive and the unlabeled datasets come from different domains or have different features.

Assisted Learning: A Framework for Multi-Organization Learning

Xun Xian · Xinran Wang · Jie Ding · Reza Ghanadan

In an increasing number of AI scenarios, collaborations among different organizations or agents (e.g., human and robots, mobile units) are often essential to accomplish an organization-specific mission. However, to avoid leaking useful and possibly proprietary information, organizations typically enforce stringent security constraints on sharing modeling algorithms and data, which significantly limits collaborations. In this work, we introduce the Assisted Learning framework for organizations to assist each other in supervised learning tasks without revealing any organization's algorithm, data, or even task. An organization seeks assistance by broadcasting task-specific but nonsensitive statistics and incorporating others' feedback in one or more iterations to eventually improve its predictive performance. Theoretical and experimental studies, including real-world medical benchmarks, show that Assisted Learning can often achieve near-oracle learning performance as if data and training processes were centralized.

Learning Disentangled Representations and Group Structure of Dynamical Environments

Robin Quessard · Thomas Barrett · William Clements

Learning disentangled representations is a key step towards effectively discovering and modelling the underlying structure of environments. In the natural sciences, physics has found great success by describing the universe in terms of symmetry preserving transformations. Inspired by this formalism, we propose a framework, built upon the theory of group representation, for learning representations of a dynamical environment structured around the transformations that generate its evolution. Experimentally, we learn the structure of explicitly symmetric environments without supervision from observational data generated by sequential interactions. We further introduce an intuitive disentanglement regularisation to ensure the interpretability of the learnt representations. We show that our method enables accurate long-horizon predictions, and demonstrate a correlation between the quality of predictions and disentanglement in the latent space.

Posterior Network: Uncertainty Estimation without OOD Samples via Density-Based Pseudo-Counts

Bertrand Charpentier · Daniel Zügner · Stephan Günnemann

Accurate estimation of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty is crucial to build safe and reliable systems. Traditional approaches, such as dropout and ensemble methods, estimate uncertainty by sampling probability predictions from different submodels, which leads to slow uncertainty estimation at inference time. Recent works address this drawback by directly predicting parameters of prior distributions over the probability predictions with a neural network. While this approach has demonstrated accurate uncertainty estimation, it requires defining arbitrary target parameters for in-distribution data and makes the unrealistic assumption that out-of-distribution (OOD) data is known at training time.

In this work we propose the Posterior Network (PostNet), which uses Normalizing Flows to predict an individual closed-form posterior distribution over predicted probabilites for any input sample. The posterior distributions learned by PostNet accurately reflect uncertainty for in- and out-of-distribution data -- without requiring access to OOD data at training time. PostNet achieves state-of-the art results in OOD detection and in uncertainty calibration under dataset shifts.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks

Patrick Lewis · Ethan Perez · Aleksandra Piktus · Fabio Petroni · Vladimir Karpukhin · Naman Goyal · Heinrich Küttler · Mike Lewis · Wen-tau Yih · Tim Rocktäschel · Sebastian Riedel · Douwe Kiela

Large pre-trained language models have been shown to store factual knowledge in their parameters, and achieve state-of-the-art results when fine-tuned on downstream NLP tasks. However, their ability to access and precisely manipulate knowledge is still limited, and hence on knowledge-intensive tasks, their performance lags behind task-specific architectures. Additionally, providing provenance for their decisions and updating their world knowledge remain open research problems. Pre-trained models with a differentiable access mechanism to explicit non-parametric memory can overcome this issue, but have so far been only investigated for extractive downstream tasks. We explore a general-purpose fine-tuning recipe for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) -- models which combine pre-trained parametric and non-parametric memory for language generation. We introduce RAG models where the parametric memory is a pre-trained seq2seq model and the non-parametric memory is a dense vector index of Wikipedia, accessed with a pre-trained neural retriever. We compare two RAG formulations, one which conditions on the same retrieved passages across the whole generated sequence, the other can use different passages per token. We fine-tune and evaluate our models on a wide range of knowledge-intensive NLP tasks and set the state-of-the-art on three open domain QA tasks, outperforming parametric seq2seq models and task-specific retrieve-and-extract architectures. For language generation tasks, we find that RAG models generate more specific, diverse and factual language than a state-of-the-art parametric-only seq2seq baseline.

Improving Natural Language Processing Tasks with Human Gaze-Guided Neural Attention

Ekta Sood · Simon Tannert · Philipp Mueller · Andreas Bulling

A lack of corpora has so far limited advances in integrating human gaze data as a supervisory signal in neural attention mechanisms for natural language processing (NLP). We propose a novel hybrid text saliency model (TSM) that, for the first time, combines a cognitive model of reading with explicit human gaze supervision in a single machine learning framework. On four different corpora we demonstrate that our hybrid TSM duration predictions are highly correlated with human gaze ground truth. We further propose a novel joint modeling approach to integrate TSM predictions into the attention layer of a network designed for a specific upstream NLP task without the need for any task-specific human gaze data. We demonstrate that our joint model outperforms the state of the art in paraphrase generation on the Quora Question Pairs corpus by more than 10% in BLEU-4 and achieves state of the art performance for sentence compression on the challenging Google Sentence Compression corpus. As such, our work introduces a practical approach for bridging between data-driven and cognitive models and demonstrates a new way to integrate human gaze-guided neural attention into NLP tasks.

COBE: Contextualized Object Embeddings from Narrated Instructional Video

Gedas Bertasius · Lorenzo Torresani

Many objects in the real world undergo dramatic variations in visual appearance. For example, a tomato may be red or green, sliced or chopped, fresh or fried, liquid or solid. Training a single detector to accurately recognize tomatoes in all these different states is challenging. On the other hand, contextual cues (e.g., the presence of a knife, a cutting board, a strainer or a pan) are often strongly indicative of how the object appears in the scene. Recognizing such contextual cues is useful not only to improve the accuracy of object detection or to determine the state of the object, but also to understand its functional properties and to infer ongoing or upcoming human-object interactions. A fully-supervised approach to recognizing object states and their contexts in the real-world is unfortunately marred by the long-tailed, open-ended distribution of the data, which would effectively require massive amounts of annotations to capture the appearance of objects in all their different forms. Instead of relying on manually-labeled data for this task, we propose a new framework for learning Contextualized OBject Embeddings (COBE) from automatically-transcribed narrations of instructional videos. We leverage the semantic and compositional structure of language by training a visual detector to predict a contextualized word embedding of the object and its associated narration. This enables the learning of an object representation where concepts relate according to a semantic language metric. Our experiments show that our detector learns to predict a rich variety of contextual object information, and that it is highly effective in the settings of few-shot and zero-shot learning.

Beyond Homophily in Graph Neural Networks: Current Limitations and Effective Designs

Jiong Zhu · Yujun Yan · Lingxiao Zhao · Mark Heimann · Leman Akoglu · Danai Koutra

We investigate the representation power of graph neural networks in the semi-supervised node classification task under heterophily or low homophily, i.e., in networks where connected nodes may have different class labels and dissimilar features. Many popular GNNs fail to generalize to this setting, and are even outperformed by models that ignore the graph structure (e.g., multilayer perceptrons). Motivated by this limitation, we identify a set of key designs—ego- and neighbor-embedding separation, higher-order neighborhoods, and combination of intermediate representations—that boost learning from the graph structure under heterophily. We combine them into a graph neural network, H2GCN, which we use as the base method to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of the identified designs. Going beyond the traditional benchmarks with strong homophily, our empirical analysis shows that the identified designs increase the accuracy of GNNs by up to 40% and 27% over models without them on synthetic and real networks with heterophily, respectively, and yield competitive performance under homophily.

Evolving Graphical Planner: Contextual Global Planning for Vision-and-Language Navigation

Zhiwei Deng · Karthik Narasimhan · Olga Russakovsky

The ability to perform effective planning is crucial for building an instruction-following agent. When navigating through a new environment, an agent is challenged with (1) connecting the natural language instructions with its progressively growing knowledge of the world; and (2) performing long-range planning and decision making in the form of effective exploration and error correction. Current methods are still limited on both fronts despite extensive efforts. In this paper, we introduce Evolving Graphical Planner (EGP), a module that allows global planning for navigation based on raw sensory input. The module dynamically constructs a graphical representation, generalizes the local action space to allow for more flexible decision making, and performs efficient planning on a proxy representation. We demonstrate our model on a challenging Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task with photorealistic images, and achieve superior performance compared to previous navigation architectures. Concretely, we achieve 53% success rate on the test split of Room-to-Room navigation task (Anderson et al.) through pure imitation learning, outperforming previous architectures by up to 5%.

Can Q-Learning with Graph Networks Learn a Generalizable Branching Heuristic for a SAT Solver?

Vitaly Kurin · Saad Godil · Shimon Whiteson · Bryan Catanzaro

We present Graph-Q-SAT, a branching heuristic for a Boolean SAT solver trained with value-based reinforcement learning (RL) using Graph Neural Networks for function approximation. Solvers using Graph-Q-SAT are complete SAT solvers that either provide a satisfying assignment or proof of unsatisfiability, which is required for many SAT applications. The branching heuristics commonly used in SAT solvers make poor decisions during their warm-up period, whereas Graph-Q-SAT is trained to examine the structure of the particular problem instance to make better decisions early in the search. Training Graph-Q-SAT is data efficient and does not require elaborate dataset preparation or feature engineering. We train Graph-Q-SAT using RL interfacing with MiniSat solver and show that Graph-Q-SAT can reduce the number of iterations required to solve SAT problems by 2-3X. Furthermore, it generalizes to unsatisfiable SAT instances, as well as to problems with 5X more variables than it was trained on. We show that for larger problems, reductions in the number of iterations lead to wall clock time reductions, the ultimate goal when designing heuristics. We also show positive zero-shot transfer behavior when testing Graph-Q-SAT on a task family different from that used for training. While more work is needed to apply Graph-Q-SAT to reduce wall clock time in modern SAT solving settings, it is a compelling proof-of-concept showing that RL equipped with Graph Neural Networks can learn a generalizable branching heuristic for SAT search.

Probably Approximately Correct Constrained Learning

Luiz Chamon · Alejandro Ribeiro

As learning solutions reach critical applications in social, industrial, and medical domains, the need to curtail their behavior has become paramount. There is now ample evidence that without explicit tailoring, learning can lead to biased, unsafe, and prejudiced solutions. To tackle these problems, we develop a generalization theory of constrained learning based on the probably approximately correct (PAC) learning framework. In particular, we show that imposing requirements does not make a learning problem harder in the sense that any PAC learnable class is also PAC constrained learnable using a constrained counterpart of the empirical risk minimization (ERM) rule. For typical parametrized models, however, this learner involves solving a constrained non-convex optimization program for which even obtaining a feasible solution is challenging. To overcome this issue, we prove that under mild conditions the empirical dual problem of constrained learning is also a PAC constrained learner that now leads to a practical constrained learning algorithm based solely on solving unconstrained problems. We analyze the generalization properties of this solution and use it to illustrate how constrained learning can address problems in fair and robust classification.

Sharp uniform convergence bounds through empirical centralization

Cyrus Cousins · Matteo Riondato

We introduce the use of empirical centralization to derive novel practical, probabilistic, sample-dependent bounds to the Supremum Deviation (SD) of empirical means of functions in a family from their expectations. Our bounds have optimal dependence on the maximum (i.e., wimpy) variance and the function ranges, and the same dependence on the number of samples as existing SD bounds. To compute the SD bounds in practice, we develop tightly-concentrated Monte Carlo estimators of the empirical Rademacher average of the empirically-centralized family, and we show novel concentration results for the empirical wimpy variance. Our experimental evaluation shows that our bounds greatly outperform non-centralized bounds and are extremely practical even at small sample sizes.

Interpolation Technique to Speed Up Gradients Propagation in Neural ODEs

Talgat Daulbaev · Alexandr Katrutsa · Larisa Markeeva · Julia Gusak · Andrzej Cichocki · Ivan Oseledets

We propose a simple interpolation-based method for the efficient approximation of gradients in neural ODE models. We compare it with reverse dynamic method (known in literature as “adjoint method”) to train neural ODEs on classification, density estimation and inference approximation tasks. We also propose a theoretical justification of our approach using logarithmic norm formalism. As a result, our method allows faster model training than the reverse dynamic method what was confirmed and validated by extensive numerical experiments for several standard benchmarks.

Gaussian Gated Linear Networks

David Budden · Adam Marblestone · Eren Sezener · Tor Lattimore · Gregory Wayne · Joel Veness

We propose the Gaussian Gated Linear Network (G-GLN), an extension to the recently proposed GLN family of deep neural networks. Instead of using backpropagation to learn features, GLNs have a distributed and local credit assignment mechanism based on optimizing a convex objective. This gives rise to many desirable properties including universality, data-efficient online learning, trivial interpretability and robustness to catastrophic forgetting. We extend the GLN framework from classification to multiple regression and density modelling by generalizing geometric mixing to a product of Gaussian densities. The G-GLN achieves competitive or state-of-the-art performance on several univariate and multivariate regression benchmarks, and we demonstrate its applicability to practical tasks including online contextual bandits and density estimation via denoising.

BayReL: Bayesian Relational Learning for Multi-omics Data Integration

Ehsan Hajiramezanali · Arman Hasanzadeh · Nick Duffield · Krishna Narayanan · Xiaoning Qian

High-throughput molecular profiling technologies have produced high-dimensional multi-omics data, enabling systematic understanding of living systems at the genome scale. Studying molecular interactions across different data types helps reveal signal transduction mechanisms across different classes of molecules. In this paper, we develop a novel Bayesian representation learning method that infers the relational interactions across multi-omics data types. Our method, Bayesian Relational Learning (BayReL) for multi-omics data integration, takes advantage of a priori known relationships among the same class of molecules, modeled as a graph at each corresponding view, to learn view-specific latent variables as well as a multi-partite graph that encodes the interactions across views. Our experiments on several real-world datasets demonstrate enhanced performance of BayReL in inferring meaningful interactions compared to existing baselines.

Manifold structure in graph embeddings

Patrick Rubin-Delanchy

Statistical analysis of a graph often starts with embedding, the process of representing its nodes as points in space. How to choose the embedding dimension is a nuanced decision in practice, but in theory a notion of true dimension is often available. In spectral embedding, this dimension may be very high. However, this paper shows that existing random graph models, including graphon and other latent position models, predict the data should live near a much lower-dimensional set. One may therefore circumvent the curse of dimensionality by employing methods which exploit hidden manifold structure.

GAIT-prop: A biologically plausible learning rule derived from backpropagation of error

Nasir Ahmad · Marcel A. J. van Gerven · Luca Ambrogioni

Traditional backpropagation of error, though a highly successful algorithm for learning in artificial neural network models, includes features which are biologically implausible for learning in real neural circuits. An alternative called target propagation proposes to solve this implausibility by using a top-down model of neural activity to convert an error at the output of a neural network into layer-wise and plausible ‘targets’ for every unit. These targets can then be used to produce weight updates for network training. However, thus far, target propagation has been heuristically proposed without demonstrable equivalence to backpropagation. Here, we derive an exact correspondence between backpropagation and a modified form of target propagation (GAIT-prop) where the target is a small perturbation of the forward pass. Specifically, backpropagation and GAIT-prop give identical updates when synaptic weight matrices are orthogonal. In a series of simple computer vision experiments, we show near-identical performance between backpropagation and GAIT-prop with a soft orthogonality-inducing regularizer.

Learning to Learn with Feedback and Local Plasticity

Jack Lindsey · Ashok Litwin-Kumar

Interest in biologically inspired alternatives to backpropagation is driven by the desire to both advance connections between deep learning and neuroscience and address backpropagation's shortcomings on tasks such as online, continual learning. However, local synaptic learning rules like those employed by the brain have so far failed to match the performance of backpropagation in deep networks. In this study, we employ meta-learning to discover networks that learn using feedback connections and local, biologically inspired learning rules. Importantly, the feedback connections are not tied to the feedforward weights, avoiding biologically implausible weight transport. Our experiments show that meta-trained networks effectively use feedback connections to perform online credit assignment in multi-layer architectures. Surprisingly, this approach matches or exceeds a state-of-the-art gradient-based online meta-learning algorithm on regression and classification tasks, excelling in particular at continual learning. Analysis of the weight updates employed by these models reveals that they differ qualitatively from gradient descent in a way that reduces interference between updates. Our results suggest the existence of a class of biologically plausible learning mechanisms that not only match gradient descent-based learning, but also overcome its limitations.

A Theoretical Framework for Target Propagation

Alexander Meulemans · Francesco Carzaniga · Johan Suykens · João Sacramento · Benjamin F. Grewe

The success of deep learning, a brain-inspired form of AI, has sparked interest in understanding how the brain could similarly learn across multiple layers of neurons. However, the majority of biologically-plausible learning algorithms have not yet reached the performance of backpropagation (BP), nor are they built on strong theoretical foundations. Here, we analyze target propagation (TP), a popular but not yet fully understood alternative to BP, from the standpoint of mathematical optimization. Our theory shows that TP is closely related to Gauss-Newton optimization and thus substantially differs from BP. Furthermore, our analysis reveals a fundamental limitation of difference target propagation (DTP), a well-known variant of TP, in the realistic scenario of non-invertible neural networks. We provide a first solution to this problem through a novel reconstruction loss that improves feedback weight training, while simultaneously introducing architectural flexibility by allowing for direct feedback connections from the output to each hidden layer. Our theory is corroborated by experimental results that show significant improvements in performance and in the alignment of forward weight updates with loss gradients, compared to DTP.

Inductive Quantum Embedding

Santosh Kumar Srivastava · Dinesh Khandelwal · Dhiraj Madan · Dinesh Garg · Hima Karanam · L Venkata Subramaniam

Quantum logic inspired embedding (aka Quantum Embedding (QE)) of a Knowledge-Base (KB) was proposed recently by Garg:2019. It is claimed that the QE preserves the logical structure of the input KB given in the form of unary and binary predicates hierarchy. Such structure preservation allows one to perform Boolean logic style deductive reasoning directly over these embedding vectors. The original QE idea, however, is limited to the transductive (not inductive) setting. Moreover, the original QE scheme runs quite slow on real applications involving millions of entities. This paper alleviates both of these key limitations. We start by reformulating the original QE problem to allow for the induction. On the way, we also underscore some interesting analytic and geometric properties of the solution and leverage them to design a faster training scheme. As an application, we show that one can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the well-known NLP task of fine-grained entity type classification by using the inductive QE approach. Our training runs 9-times faster than the original QE scheme on this task.

Optimizing Neural Networks via Koopman Operator Theory

Akshunna S. Dogra · William Redman

Koopman operator theory, a powerful framework for discovering the underlying dynamics of nonlinear dynamical systems, was recently shown to be intimately connected with neural network training. In this work, we take the first steps in making use of this connection. As Koopman operator theory is a linear theory, a successful implementation of it in evolving network weights and biases offers the promise of accelerated training, especially in the context of deep networks, where optimization is inherently a non-convex problem. We show that Koopman operator theoretic methods allow for accurate predictions of weights and biases of feedforward, fully connected deep networks over a non-trivial range of training time. During this window, we find that our approach is >10x faster than various gradient descent based methods (e.g. Adam, Adadelta, Adagrad), in line with our complexity analysis. We end by highlighting open questions in this exciting intersection between dynamical systems and neural network theory, and additional methods by which our results may be generalized.

Biological credit assignment through dynamic inversion of feedforward networks

Bill Podlaski · Christian K. Machens

Learning depends on changes in synaptic connections deep inside the brain. In multilayer networks, these changes are triggered by error signals fed back from the output, generally through a stepwise inversion of the feedforward processing steps. The gold standard for this process --- backpropagation --- works well in artificial neural networks, but is biologically implausible. Several recent proposals have emerged to address this problem, but many of these biologically-plausible schemes are based on learning an independent set of feedback connections. This complicates the assignment of errors to each synapse by making it dependent upon a second learning problem, and by fitting inversions rather than guaranteeing them. Here, we show that feedforward network transformations can be effectively inverted through dynamics. We derive this dynamic inversion from the perspective of feedback control, where the forward transformation is reused and dynamically interacts with fixed or random feedback to propagate error signals during the backward pass. Importantly, this scheme does not rely upon a second learning problem for feedback because accurate inversion is guaranteed through the network dynamics. We map these dynamics onto generic feedforward networks, and show that the resulting algorithm performs well on several supervised and unsupervised datasets. Finally, we discuss potential links between dynamic inversion and second-order optimization. Overall, our work introduces an alternative perspective on credit assignment in the brain, and proposes a special role for temporal dynamics and feedback control during learning.

On 1/n neural representation and robustness

Josue Nassar · Piotr Sokol · Sueyeon Chung · Kenneth D Harris · Il Memming Park

Understanding the nature of representation in neural networks is a goal shared by neuroscience and machine learning. It is therefore exciting that both fields converge not only on shared questions but also on similar approaches. A pressing question in these areas is understanding how the structure of the representation used by neural networks affects both their generalization, and robustness to perturbations. In this work, we investigate the latter by juxtaposing experimental results regarding the covariance spectrum of neural representations in the mouse V1 (Stringer et al) with artificial neural networks. We use adversarial robustness to probe Stringer et al’s theory regarding the causal role of a 1/n covariance spectrum. We empirically investigate the benefits such a neural code confers in neural networks, and illuminate its role in multi-layer architectures. Our results show that imposing the experimentally observed structure on artificial neural networks makes them more robust to adversarial attacks. Moreover, our findings complement the existing theory relating wide neural networks to kernel methods, by showing the role of intermediate representations.

Real World Games Look Like Spinning Tops

Wojciech Czarnecki · Gauthier Gidel · Brendan Tracey · Karl Tuyls · Shayegan Omidshafiei · David Balduzzi · Max Jaderberg

This paper investigates the geometrical properties of real world games (e.g. Tic-Tac-Toe, Go, StarCraft II). We hypothesise that their geometrical structure resembles a spinning top, with the upright axis representing transitive strength, and the radial axis representing the non-transitive dimension, which corresponds to the number of cycles that exist at a particular transitive strength. We prove the existence of this geometry for a wide class of real world games by exposing their temporal nature. Additionally, we show that this unique structure also has consequences for learning - it clarifies why populations of strategies are necessary for training of agents, and how population size relates to the structure of the game. Finally, we empirically validate these claims by using a selection of nine real world two-player zero-sum symmetric games, showing 1) the spinning top structure is revealed and can be easily reconstructed by using a new method of Nash clustering to measure the interaction between transitive and cyclical strategy behaviour, and 2) the effect that population size has on the convergence of learning in these games.

Quantitative Propagation of Chaos for SGD in Wide Neural Networks

Valentin De Bortoli · Alain Durmus · Xavier Fontaine · Umut Simsekli

In this paper, we investigate the limiting behavior of a continuous-time counterpart of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm applied to two-layer overparameterized neural networks, as the number or neurons (i.e., the size of the hidden layer) $N \to \plusinfty$. Following a probabilistic approach, we show `propagation of chaos' for the particle system defined by this continuous-time dynamics under different scenarios, indicating that the statistical interaction between the particles asymptotically vanishes. In particular, we establish quantitative convergence with respect to $N$ of any particle to a solution of a mean-field McKean-Vlasov equation in the metric space endowed with the Wasserstein distance. In comparison to previous works on the subject, we consider settings in which the sequence of stepsizes in SGD can potentially depend on the number of neurons and the iterations. We then identify two regimes under which different mean-field limits are obtained, one of them corresponding to an implicitly regularized version of the minimization problem at hand. We perform various experiments on real datasets to validate our theoretical results, assessing the existence of these two regimes on classification problems and illustrating our convergence results.

Network size and size of the weights in memorization with two-layers neural networks

Sebastien Bubeck · Ronen Eldan · Yin Tat Lee · Dan Mikulincer

In 1988, Eric B. Baum showed that two-layers neural networks with threshold activation function can perfectly memorize the binary labels of $n$ points in general position in $\R^d$ using only $\ulcorner n/d \urcorner$ neurons. We observe that with ReLU networks, using four times as many neurons one can fit arbitrary real labels. Moreover, for approximate memorization up to error $\epsilon$, the neural tangent kernel can also memorize with only $O\left(\frac{n}{d} \cdot \log(1/\epsilon) \right)$ neurons (assuming that the data is well dispersed too). We show however that these constructions give rise to networks where the \emph{magnitude} of the neurons' weights are far from optimal. In contrast we propose a new training procedure for ReLU networks, based on {\em complex} (as opposed to {\em real}) recombination of the neurons, for which we show approximate memorization with both $O\left(\frac{n}{d} \cdot \frac{\log(1/\epsilon)}{\epsilon}\right)$ neurons, as well as nearly-optimal size of the weights.

Consistent Estimation of Identifiable Nonparametric Mixture Models from Grouped Observations

Alexander Ritchie · Robert Vandermeulen · Clayton Scott

Recent research has established sufficient conditions for finite mixture models to be identifiable from grouped observations. These conditions allow the mixture components to be nonparametric and have substantial (or even total) overlap. This work proposes an algorithm that consistently estimates any identifiable mixture model from grouped observations. Our analysis leverages an oracle inequality for weighted kernel density estimators of the distribution on groups, together with a general result showing that consistent estimation of the distribution on groups implies consistent estimation of mixture components. A practical implementation is provided for paired observations, and the approach is shown to outperform existing methods, especially when mixture components overlap significantly.

All-or-nothing statistical and computational phase transitions in sparse spiked matrix estimation

jean barbier · Nicolas Macris · Cynthia Rush

We determine statistical and computational limits for estimation of a rank-one matrix (the spike) corrupted by an additive gaussian noise matrix, in a sparse limit, where the underlying hidden vector (that constructs the rank-one matrix) has a number of non-zero components that scales sub-linearly with the total dimension of the vector, and the signal-to-noise ratio tends to infinity at an appropriate speed. We prove explicit low-dimensional variational formulas for the asymptotic mutual information between the spike and the observed noisy matrix and analyze the approximate message passing algorithm in the sparse regime. For Bernoulli and Bernoulli-Rademacher distributed vectors, and when the sparsity and signal strength satisfy an appropriate scaling relation, we find all-or-nothing phase transitions for the asymptotic minimum and algorithmic mean-square-errors. These jump from their maximum possible value to zero, at well defined signal-to-noise thresholds whose asymptotic values we determine exactly. In the asymptotic regime the statistical-to-algorithmic gap diverges indicating that sparse recovery is hard for approximate message passing.

Soft Contrastive Learning for Visual Localization

Janine Thoma · Danda Pani Paudel · Luc V Gool

Localization by image retrieval is inexpensive and scalable due to its simple mapping and matching techniques. The localization accuracy, however, depends on the quality of the underlying image features, often obtained using contrastive learning. Most contrastive learning strategies learn features that distinguish between different classes. In the context of localization, however, there is no natural definition of classes. Therefore, images are artificially separated into positive/negative classes with respect to the chosen anchor images, based on some geometric proximity measure. In this paper, we show why such divisions are problematic for learning localization features. We argue that any artificial division based on a proximity measure is undesirable due to the inherently ambiguous supervision for images near the proximity threshold. To avoid this problem, we propose a novel technique that uses soft positive/negative assignments of images for contrastive learning. Our soft assignment makes a gradual distinction between close and far images in both geometric and feature space. Experiments on four large-scale benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our soft contrastive learning over the state-of-the-art method for retrieval-based visual localization.

A Flexible Framework for Designing Trainable Priors with Adaptive Smoothing and Game Encoding

Bruno Lecouat · Jean Ponce · Julien Mairal

We introduce a general framework for designing and training neural network layers whose forward passes can be interpreted as solving non-smooth convex optimization problems, and whose architectures are derived from an optimization algorithm. We focus on convex games, solved by local agents represented by the nodes of a graph and interacting through regularization functions. This approach is appealing for solving imaging problems, as it allows the use of classical image priors within deep models that are trainable end to end. The priors used in this presentation include variants of total variation, Laplacian regularization, bilateral filtering, sparse coding on learned dictionaries, and non-local self similarities. Our models are fully interpretable as well as parameter and data efficient. Our experiments demonstrate their effectiveness on a large diversity of tasks ranging from image denoising and compressed sensing for fMRI to dense stereo matching.

Human Parsing Based Texture Transfer from Single Image to 3D Human via Cross-View Consistency

Fang Zhao · Shengcai Liao · Kaihao Zhang · Ling Shao

This paper proposes a human parsing based texture transfer model via cross-view consistency learning to generate the texture of 3D human body from a single image. We use the semantic parsing of human body as input for providing both the shape and pose information to reduce the appearance variation of human image and preserve the spatial distribution of semantic parts. Meanwhile, in order to improve the prediction for textures of invisible parts, we explicitly enforce the consistency across different views of the same subject by exchanging the textures predicted by two views to render images during training. The perceptual loss and total variation regularization are optimized to maximize the similarity between rendered and input images, which does not necessitate extra 3D texture supervision. Experimental results on pedestrian images and fashion photos demonstrate that our method can produce higher quality textures with convincing details than other texture generation methods.

Cross-Scale Internal Graph Neural Network for Image Super-Resolution

Shangchen Zhou · Jiawei Zhang · Wangmeng Zuo · Chen Change Loy

Non-local self-similarity in natural images has been well studied as an effective prior in image restoration. However, for single image super-resolution (SISR), most existing deep non-local methods (e.g., non-local neural networks) only exploit similar patches within the same scale of the low-resolution (LR) input image. Consequently, the restoration is limited to using the same-scale information while neglecting potential high-resolution (HR) cues from other scales. In this paper, we explore the cross-scale patch recurrence property of a natural image, i.e., similar patches tend to recur many times across different scales. This is achieved using a novel cross-scale internal graph neural network (IGNN). Specifically, we dynamically construct a cross-scale graph by searching k-nearest neighboring patches in the downsampled LR image for each query patch in the LR image. We then obtain the corresponding k HR neighboring patches in the LR image and aggregate them adaptively in accordance to the edge label of the constructed graph. In this way, the HR information can be passed from k HR neighboring patches to the LR query patch to help it recover more detailed textures. Besides, these internal image-specific LR/HR exemplars are also significant complements to the external information learned from the training dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of IGNN against the state-of-the-art SISR methods including existing non-local networks on standard benchmarks.

GPS-Net: Graph-based Photometric Stereo Network

Zhuokun Yao · Kun Li · Ying Fu · Haofeng Hu · Boxin Shi

Learning-based photometric stereo methods predict the surface normal either in a per-pixel or an all-pixel manner. Per-pixel methods explore the inter-image intensity variation of each pixel but ignore features from the intra-image spatial domain. All-pixel methods explore the intra-image intensity variation of each input image but pay less attention to the inter-image lighting variation. In this paper, we present a Graph-based Photometric Stereo Network, which unifies per-pixel and all-pixel processings to explore both inter-image and intra-image information. For per-pixel operation, we propose the Unstructured Feature Extraction Layer to connect an arbitrary number of input image-light pairs into graph structures, and introduce Structure-aware Graph Convolution filters to balance the input data by appropriately weighting shadows and specular highlights. For all-pixel operation, we propose the Normal Regression Network to make efficient use of the intra-image spatial information for predicting a surface normal map with rich details. Experimental results on the real-world benchmark show that our method achieves excellent performance under both sparse and dense lighting distributions.

Convolutional Generation of Textured 3D Meshes

Dario Pavllo · Graham Spinks · Thomas Hofmann · Marie-Francine Moens · Aurelien Lucchi

While recent generative models for 2D images achieve impressive visual results, they clearly lack the ability to perform 3D reasoning. This heavily restricts the degree of control over generated objects as well as the possible applications of such models. In this work, we bridge this gap by leveraging recent advances in differentiable rendering. We design a framework that can generate triangle meshes and associated high-resolution texture maps, using only 2D supervision from single-view natural images. A key contribution of our work is the encoding of the mesh and texture as 2D representations, which are semantically aligned and can be easily modeled by a 2D convolutional GAN. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on Pascal3D+ Cars and CUB, both in an unconditional setting and in settings where the model is conditioned on class labels, attributes, and text. Finally, we propose an evaluation methodology that assesses the mesh and texture quality separately.

Beta R-CNN: Looking into Pedestrian Detection from Another Perspective

Zixuan Xu · Banghuai Li · Ye Yuan · Anhong Dang

Recently significant progress has been made in pedestrian detection, but it remains challenging to achieve high performance in occluded and crowded scenes. It could be mostly attributed to the widely used representation of pedestrians, i.e., 2Daxis-aligned bounding box, which just describes the approximate location and size of the object. Bounding box models the object as a uniform distribution within the boundary, making pedestrians indistinguishable in occluded and crowded scenes due to much noise. To eliminate the problem, we propose a novel representation based on 2D beta distribution, named Beta Representation. It pictures a pedestrianby explicitly constructing the relationship between full-body and visible boxes, and emphasizes the center of visual mass by assigning different probability valuesto pixels. As a result, Beta Representation is much better for distinguishing highly-overlapped instances in crowded scenes with a new NMS strategy named BetaNMS. What’s more, to fully exploit Beta Representation, a novel pipeline Beta R-CNN equipped with BetaHead and BetaMask is proposed, leading to high detection performance in occluded and crowded scenes.

Neural Sparse Representation for Image Restoration

Yuchen Fan · Jiahui Yu · Yiqun Mei · Yulun Zhang · Yun Fu · Ding Liu · Thomas Huang

Inspired by the robustness and efficiency of sparse representation in sparse coding based image restoration models, we investigate the sparsity of neurons in deep networks. Our method structurally enforces sparsity constraints upon hidden neurons. The sparsity constraints are favorable for gradient-based learning algorithms and attachable to convolution layers in various networks. Sparsity in neurons enables computation saving by only operating on non-zero components without hurting accuracy. Meanwhile, our method can magnify representation dimensionality and model capacity with negligible additional computation cost. Experiments show that sparse representation is crucial in deep neural networks for multiple image restoration tasks, including image super-resolution, image denoising, and image compression artifacts removal.

GRAF: Generative Radiance Fields for 3D-Aware Image Synthesis

Katja Schwarz · Yiyi Liao · Michael Niemeyer · Andreas Geiger

While 2D generative adversarial networks have enabled high-resolution image synthesis, they largely lack an understanding of the 3D world and the image formation process. Thus, they do not provide precise control over camera viewpoint or object pose. To address this problem, several recent approaches leverage intermediate voxel-based representations in combination with differentiable rendering. However, existing methods either produce low image resolution or fall short in disentangling camera and scene properties, e.g., the object identity may vary with the viewpoint. In this paper, we propose a generative model for radiance fields which have recently proven successful for novel view synthesis of a single scene. In contrast to voxel-based representations, radiance fields are not confined to a coarse discretization of the 3D space, yet allow for disentangling camera and scene properties while degrading gracefully in the presence of reconstruction ambiguity. By introducing a multi-scale patch-based discriminator, we demonstrate synthesis of high-resolution images while training our model from unposed 2D images alone. We systematically analyze our approach on several challenging synthetic and real-world datasets. Our experiments reveal that radiance fields are a powerful representation for generative image synthesis, leading to 3D consistent models that render with high fidelity.

Watch out! Motion is Blurring the Vision of Your Deep Neural Networks

Qing Guo · Felix Juefei-Xu · Xiaofei Xie · Lei Ma · Jian Wang · Bing Yu · Wei Feng · Yang Liu

The state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable against adversarial examples with additive random-like noise perturbations. While such examples are hardly found in the physical world, the image blurring effect caused by object motion, on the other hand, commonly occurs in practice, making the study of which greatly important especially for the widely adopted real-time image processing tasks (e.g., object detection, tracking). In this paper, we initiate the first step to comprehensively investigate the potential hazards of blur effect for DNN, caused by object motion. We propose a novel adversarial attack method that can generate visually natural motion-blurred adversarial examples, named motion-based adversarial blur attack (ABBA). To this end, we first formulate the kernel-prediction-based attack where an input image is convolved with kernels in a pixel-wise way, and the misclassification capability is achieved by tuning the kernel weights. To generate visually more natural and plausible examples, we further propose the saliency-regularized adversarial kernel prediction, where the salient region serves as a moving object, and the predicted kernel is regularized to achieve naturally visual effects. Besides, the attack is further enhanced by adaptively tuning the translations of object and background. A comprehensive evaluation on the NeurIPS'17 adversarial competition dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of ABBA by considering various kernel sizes, translations, and regions. The in-depth study further confirms that our method shows a more effective penetrating capability to the state-of-the-art GAN-based deblurring mechanisms compared with other blurring methods. We release the code to \url{}.

Continuous Object Representation Networks: Novel View Synthesis without Target View Supervision

Nicolai Hani · Selim Engin · Jun-Jee Chao · Volkan Isler

Novel View Synthesis (NVS) is concerned with synthesizing views under camera viewpoint transformations from one or multiple input images. NVS requires explicit reasoning about 3D object structure and unseen parts of the scene to synthesize convincing results. As a result, current approaches typically rely on supervised training with either ground truth 3D models or multiple target images. We propose Continuous Object Representation Networks (CORN), a conditional architecture that encodes an input image's geometry and appearance that map to a 3D consistent scene representation. We can train CORN with only two source images per object by combining our model with a neural renderer. A key feature of CORN is that it requires no ground truth 3D models or target view supervision. Regardless, CORN performs well on challenging tasks such as novel view synthesis and single-view 3D reconstruction and achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art approaches that use direct supervision. For up-to-date information, data, and code, please see our project page:

Learning Semantic-aware Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks

Heliang Zheng · Jianlong Fu · Yanhong Zeng · Jiebo Luo · Zheng-Jun Zha

The recent advances in image generation have been achieved by style-based image generators. Such approaches learn to disentangle latent factors in different image scales and encode latent factors as “style” to control image synthesis. However, existing approaches cannot further disentangle fine-grained semantics from each other, which are often conveyed from feature channels. In this paper, we propose a novel image synthesis approach by learning Semantic-aware relative importance for feature channels in Generative Adversarial Networks (SariGAN). Such a model disentangles latent factors according to the semantic of feature channels by channel-/group- wise fusion of latent codes and feature channels. Particularly, we learn to cluster feature channels by semantics and propose an adaptive group-wise Normalization (AdaGN) to independently control the styles of different channel groups. For example, we can adjust the statistics of channel groups for a human face to control the open and close of the mouth, while keeping other facial features unchanged. We propose to use adversarial training, a channel grouping loss, and a mutual information loss for joint optimization, which not only enables high-fidelity image synthesis but leads to superior interpretable properties. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms the SOTA style-based approaches in both unconditional image generation and conditional image inpainting tasks.

3D Multi-bodies: Fitting Sets of Plausible 3D Human Models to Ambiguous Image Data

Benjamin Biggs · David Novotny · Sebastien Ehrhardt · Hanbyul Joo · Ben Graham · Andrea Vedaldi

We consider the problem of obtaining dense 3D reconstructions of deformable objects from single and partially occluded views. In such cases, the visual evidence is usually insufficient to identify a 3D reconstruction uniquely, so we aim at recovering several plausible reconstructions compatible with the input data. We suggest that ambiguities can be modeled more effectively by parametrizing the possible body shapes and poses via a suitable 3D model, such as SMPL for humans. We propose to learn a multi-hypothesis neural network regressor using a best-of-M loss, where each of the M hypotheses is constrained to lie on a manifold of plausible human poses by means of a generative model. We show that our method outperforms alternative approaches in ambiguous pose recovery on standard benchmarks for 3D humans, and in heavily occluded versions of these benchmarks.

Learning to Detect Objects with a 1 Megapixel Event Camera

Etienne Perot · Pierre de Tournemire · Davide Nitti · Jonathan Masci · Amos Sironi

Event cameras encode visual information with high temporal precision, low data-rate, and high-dynamic range. Thanks to these characteristics, event cameras are particularly suited for scenarios with high motion, challenging lighting conditions and requiring low latency. However, due to the novelty of the field, the performance of event-based systems on many vision tasks is still lower compared to conventional frame-based solutions. The main reasons for this performance gap are: the lower spatial resolution of event sensors, compared to frame cameras; the lack of large-scale training datasets; the absence of well established deep learning architectures for event-based processing. In this paper, we address all these problems in the context of an event-based object detection task. First, we publicly release the first high-resolution large-scale dataset for object detection. The dataset contains more than 14 hours recordings of a 1 megapixel event camera, in automotive scenarios, together with 25M bounding boxes of cars, pedestrians, and two-wheelers, labeled at high frequency. Second, we introduce a novel recurrent architecture for event-based detection and a temporal consistency loss for better-behaved training. The ability to compactly represent the sequence of events into the internal memory of the model is essential to achieve high accuracy. Our model outperforms by a large margin feed-forward event-based architectures. Moreover, our method does not require any reconstruction of intensity images from events, showing that training directly from raw events is possible, more efficient, and more accurate than passing through an intermediate intensity image. Experiments on the dataset introduced in this work, for which events and gray level images are available, show performance on par with that of highly tuned and studied frame-based detectors.

A Loss Function for Generative Neural Networks Based on Watson’s Perceptual Model

Steffen Czolbe · Oswin Krause · Ingemar Cox · Christian Igel

To train Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) to generate realistic imagery requires a loss function that reflects human perception of image similarity. We propose such a loss function based on Watson's perceptual model, which computes a weighted distance in frequency space and accounts for luminance and contrast masking. We extend the model to color images, increase its robustness to translation by using the Fourier Transform, remove artifacts due to splitting the image into blocks, and make it differentiable. In experiments, VAEs trained with the new loss function generated realistic, high-quality image samples. Compared to using the Euclidean distance and the Structural Similarity Index, the images were less blurry; compared to deep neural network based losses, the new approach required less computational resources and generated images with less artifacts.

GANSpace: Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls

Erik Härkönen · Aaron Hertzmann · Jaakko Lehtinen · Sylvain Paris

This paper describes a simple technique to analyze Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and create interpretable controls for image synthesis, such as change of viewpoint, aging, lighting, and time of day. We identify important latent directions based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) applied either in latent space or feature space. Then, we show that a large number of interpretable controls can be defined by layer-wise perturbation along the principal directions. Moreover, we show that BigGAN can be controlled with layer-wise inputs in a StyleGAN-like manner. We show results on different GANs trained on various datasets, and demonstrate good qualitative matches to edit directions found through earlier supervised approaches.

Deep Energy-based Modeling of Discrete-Time Physics

Takashi Matsubara · Ai Ishikawa · Takaharu Yaguchi

Physical phenomena in the real world are often described by energy-based modeling theories, such as Hamiltonian mechanics or the Landau theory, which yield various physical laws. Recent developments in neural networks have enabled the mimicking of the energy conservation law by learning the underlying continuous-time differential equations. However, this may not be possible in discrete time, which is often the case in practical learning and computation. Moreover, other physical laws have been overlooked in the previous neural network models. In this study, we propose a deep energy-based physical model that admits a specific differential geometric structure. From this structure, the conservation or dissipation law of energy and the mass conservation law follow naturally. To ensure the energetic behavior in discrete time, we also propose an automatic discrete differentiation algorithm that enables neural networks to employ the discrete gradient method.

SLIP: Learning to Predict in Unknown Dynamical Systems with Long-Term Memory

Paria Rashidinejad · Jiantao Jiao · Stuart Russell

We present an efficient and practical (polynomial time) algorithm for online prediction in unknown and partially observed linear dynamical systems (LDS) under stochastic noise. When the system parameters are known, the optimal linear predictor is the Kalman filter. However, in unknown systems, the performance of existing predictive models is poor in important classes of LDS that are only marginally stable and exhibit long-term forecast memory. We tackle this problem by bounding the generalized Kolmogorov width of the Kalman filter coefficient set. This motivates the design of an algorithm, which we call spectral LDS improper predictor (SLIP), based on conducting a tight convex relaxation of the Kalman predictive model via spectral methods. We provide a finite-sample analysis, showing that our algorithm competes with the Kalman filter in hindsight with only logarithmic regret. Our regret analysis relies on Mendelson’s small-ball method, providing sharp error bounds without concentration, boundedness, or exponential forgetting assumptions. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that SLIP outperforms state-of-the-art methods in LDS prediction. Our theoretical and experimental results shed light on the conditions required for efficient probably approximately correct (PAC) learning of the Kalman filter from partially observed data.

Weak Form Generalized Hamiltonian Learning

Kevin Course · Trefor Evans · Prasanth Nair

We present a method for learning generalized Hamiltonian decompositions of ordinary differential equations given a set of noisy time series measurements. Our method simultaneously learns a continuous time model and a scalar energy function for a general dynamical system. Learning predictive models in this form allows one to place strong, high-level, physics inspired priors onto the form of the learnt governing equations for general dynamical systems. Moreover, having shown how our method extends and unifies some previous work in deep learning with physics inspired priors, we present a novel method for learning continuous time models from the weak form of the governing equations which is less computationally taxing than standard adjoint methods.

Disentangling by Subspace Diffusion

David Pfau · Irina Higgins · Alex Botev · Sébastien Racanière

We present a novel nonparametric algorithm for symmetry-based disentangling of data manifolds, the Geometric Manifold Component Estimator (GEOMANCER). GEOMANCER provides a partial answer to the question posed by Higgins et al.(2018): is it possible to learn how to factorize a Lie group solely from observations of the orbit of an object it acts on? We show that fully unsupervised factorization of a data manifold is possible if the true metric of the manifold is known and each factor manifold has nontrivial holonomy – for example, rotation in 3D. Our algorithm works by estimating the subspaces that are invariant under random walk diffusion, giving an approximation to the de Rham decomposition from differential geometry. We demonstrate the efficacy of GEOMANCER on several complex synthetic manifolds. Our work reduces the question of whether unsupervised disentangling is possible to the question of whether unsupervised metric learning is possible, providing a unifying insight into the geometric nature of representation learning.

Simultaneous Preference and Metric Learning from Paired Comparisons

Austin Xu · Mark Davenport

A popular model of preference in the context of recommendation systems is the so-called ideal point model. In this model, a user is represented as a vector u together with a collection of items x1 ... xN in a common low-dimensional space. The vector u represents the user's "ideal point," or the ideal combination of features that represents a hypothesized most preferred item. The underlying assumption in this model is that a smaller distance between u and an item xj indicates a stronger preference for xj. In the vast majority of the existing work on learning ideal point models, the underlying distance has been assumed to be Euclidean. However, this eliminates any possibility of interactions between features and a user's underlying preferences. In this paper, we consider the problem of learning an ideal point representation of a user's preferences when the distance metric is an unknown Mahalanobis metric. Specifically, we present a novel approach to estimate the user's ideal point u and the Mahalanobis metric from paired comparisons of the form "item xi is preferred to item xj.'' This can be viewed as a special case of a more general metric learning problem where the location of some points are unknown a priori. We conduct extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets to exhibit the effectiveness of our algorithm.

Hausdorff Dimension, Heavy Tails, and Generalization in Neural Networks

Umut Simsekli · Ozan Sener · George Deligiannidis · Murat Erdogdu

Despite its success in a wide range of applications, characterizing the generalization properties of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in non-convex deep learning problems is still an important challenge. While modeling the trajectories of SGD via stochastic differential equations (SDE) under heavy-tailed gradient noise has recently shed light over several peculiar characteristics of SGD, a rigorous treatment of the generalization properties of such SDEs in a learning theoretical framework is still missing. Aiming to bridge this gap, in this paper, we prove generalization bounds for SGD under the assumption that its trajectories can be well-approximated by a \emph{Feller process}, which defines a rich class of Markov processes that include several recent SDE representations (both Brownian or heavy-tailed) as its special case. We show that the generalization error can be controlled by the \emph{Hausdorff dimension} of the trajectories, which is intimately linked to the tail behavior of the driving process. Our results imply that heavier-tailed processes should achieve better generalization; hence, the tail-index of the process can be used as a notion of ``capacity metric''. We support our theory with experiments on deep neural networks illustrating that the proposed capacity metric accurately estimates the generalization error, and it does not necessarily grow with the number of parameters unlike the existing capacity metrics in the literature.

Hold me tight! Influence of discriminative features on deep network boundaries

Guillermo Ortiz-Jimenez · Apostolos Modas · Seyed-Mohsen Moosavi · Pascal Frossard

Important insights towards the explainability of neural networks reside in the characteristics of their decision boundaries. In this work, we borrow tools from the field of adversarial robustness, and propose a new perspective that relates dataset features to the distance of samples to the decision boundary. This enables us to carefully tweak the position of the training samples and measure the induced changes on the boundaries of CNNs trained on large-scale vision datasets. We use this framework to reveal some intriguing properties of CNNs. Specifically, we rigorously confirm that neural networks exhibit a high invariance to non-discriminative features, and show that the decision boundaries of a DNN can only exist as long as the classifier is trained with some features that hold them together. Finally, we show that the construction of the decision boundary is extremely sensitive to small perturbations of the training samples, and that changes in certain directions can lead to sudden invariances in the orthogonal ones. This is precisely the mechanism that adversarial training uses to achieve robustness.

Training Generative Adversarial Networks by Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

Chongli Qin · Yan Wu · Jost Tobias Springenberg · Andy Brock · Jeff Donahue · Timothy Lillicrap · Pushmeet Kohli

The instability of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) training has frequently been attributed to gradient descent. Consequently, recent methods have aimed to tailor the models and training procedures to stabilise the discrete updates. In contrast, we study the continuous-time dynamics induced by GAN training. Both theory and toy experiments suggest that these dynamics are in fact surprisingly stable. From this perspective, we hypothesise that instabilities in training GANs arise from the integration error in discretising the continuous dynamics. We experimentally verify that well-known ODE solvers (such as Runge-Kutta) can stabilise training - when combined with a regulariser that controls the integration error. Our approach represents a radical departure from previous methods which typically use adaptive optimisation and stabilisation techniques that constrain the functional space (e.g. Spectral Normalisation). Evaluation on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet shows that our method outperforms several strong baselines, demonstrating its efficacy.

Sparse Graphical Memory for Robust Planning

Scott Emmons · Ajay Jain · Misha Laskin · Thanard Kurutach · Pieter Abbeel · Deepak Pathak

To operate effectively in the real world, agents should be able to act from high-dimensional raw sensory input such as images and achieve diverse goals across long time-horizons. Current deep reinforcement and imitation learning methods can learn directly from high-dimensional inputs but do not scale well to long-horizon tasks. In contrast, classical graphical methods like A* search are able to solve long-horizon tasks, but assume that the state space is abstracted away from raw sensory input. Recent works have attempted to combine the strengths of deep learning and classical planning; however, dominant methods in this domain are still quite brittle and scale poorly with the size of the environment. We introduce Sparse Graphical Memory (SGM), a new data structure that stores states and feasible transitions in a sparse memory. SGM aggregates states according to a novel two-way consistency objective, adapting classic state aggregation criteria to goal-conditioned RL: two states are redundant when they are interchangeable both as goals and as starting states. Theoretically, we prove that merging nodes according to two-way consistency leads to an increase in shortest path lengths that scales only linearly with the merging threshold. Experimentally, we show that SGM significantly outperforms current state of the art methods on long horizon, sparse-reward visual navigation tasks. Project video and code are available at

Task-Agnostic Online Reinforcement Learning with an Infinite Mixture of Gaussian Processes

Mengdi Xu · Wenhao Ding · Jiacheng Zhu · ZUXIN LIU · Baiming Chen · Ding Zhao

Continuously learning to solve unseen tasks with limited experience has been extensively pursued in meta-learning and continual learning, but with restricted assumptions such as accessible task distributions, independently and identically distributed tasks, and clear task delineations. However, real-world physical tasks frequently violate these assumptions, resulting in performance degradation. This paper proposes a continual online model-based reinforcement learning approach that does not require pre-training to solve task-agnostic problems with unknown task boundaries. We maintain a mixture of experts to handle nonstationarity, and represent each different type of dynamics with a Gaussian Process to efficiently leverage collected data and expressively model uncertainty. We propose a transition prior to account for the temporal dependencies in streaming data and update the mixture online via sequential variational inference. Our approach reliably handles the task distribution shift by generating new models for never-before-seen dynamics and reusing old models for previously seen dynamics. In experiments, our approach outperforms alternative methods in non-stationary tasks, including classic control with changing dynamics and decision making in different driving scenarios.

Bayesian Robust Optimization for Imitation Learning

Daniel S. Brown · Scott Niekum · Marek Petrik

One of the main challenges in imitation learning is determining what action an agent should take when outside the state distribution of the demonstrations. Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) can enable generalization to new states by learning a parameterized reward function, but these approaches still face uncertainty over the true reward function and corresponding optimal policy. Existing safe imitation learning approaches based on IRL deal with this uncertainty using a maxmin framework that optimizes a policy under the assumption of an adversarial reward function, whereas risk-neutral IRL approaches either optimize a policy for the mean or MAP reward function. While completely ignoring risk can lead to overly aggressive and unsafe policies, optimizing in a fully adversarial sense is also problematic as it can lead to overly conservative policies that perform poorly in practice. To provide a bridge between these two extremes, we propose Bayesian Robust Optimization for Imitation Learning (BROIL). BROIL leverages Bayesian reward function inference and a user specific risk tolerance to efficiently optimize a robust policy that balances expected return and conditional value at risk. Our empirical results show that BROIL provides a natural way to interpolate between return-maximizing and risk-minimizing behaviors and outperforms existing risk-sensitive and risk-neutral inverse reinforcement learning algorithms.

Learning Parities with Neural Networks

Amit Daniely · Eran Malach

In recent years we see a rapidly growing line of research which shows learnability of various models via common neural network algorithms. Yet, besides a very few outliers, these results show learnability of models that can be learned using linear methods. Namely, such results show that learning neural-networks with gradient-descent is competitive with learning a linear classifier on top of a data-independent representation of the examples. This leaves much to be desired, as neural networks are far more successful than linear methods. Furthermore, on the more conceptual level, linear models don't seem to capture the``deepness" of deep networks. In this paper we make a step towards showing leanability of models that are inherently non-linear. We show that under certain distributions, sparse parities are learnable via gradient decent on depth-two network. On the other hand, under the same distributions, these parities cannot be learned efficiently by linear methods.

Learning the Linear Quadratic Regulator from Nonlinear Observations

Zakaria Mhammedi · Dylan Foster · Max Simchowitz · Dipendra Misra · Wen Sun · Akshay Krishnamurthy · Alexander Rakhlin · John Langford

We introduce a new problem setting for continuous control called the LQR with Rich Observations, or RichLQR. In our setting, the environment is summarized by a low-dimensional continuous latent state with linear dynamics and quadratic costs, but the agent operates on high-dimensional, nonlinear observations such as images from a camera. To enable sample-efficient learning, we assume that the learner has access to a class of decoder functions (e.g., neural networks) that is flexible enough to capture the mapping from observations to latent states. We introduce a new algorithm, RichID, which learns a near-optimal policy for the RichLQR with sample complexity scaling only with the dimension of the latent state space and the capacity of the decoder function class. RichID is oracle-efficient and accesses the decoder class only through calls to a least-squares regression oracle. To our knowledge, our results constitute the first provable sample complexity guarantee for continuous control with an unknown nonlinearity in the system model.

Optimal Robustness-Consistency Trade-offs for Learning-Augmented Online Algorithms

Alexander Wei · Fred Zhang

We study the problem of improving the performance of online algorithms by incorporating machine-learned predictions. The goal is to design algorithms that are both consistent and robust, meaning that the algorithm performs well when predictions are accurate and maintains worst-case guarantees. Such algorithms have been studied in a recent line of works due to Lykouris and Vassilvitskii (ICML '18) and Purohit et al (NeurIPS '18). They provide robustness-consistency trade-offs for a variety of online problems. However, they leave open the question of whether these trade-offs are tight, i.e., to what extent to such trade-offs are necessary. In this paper, we provide the first set of non-trivial lower bounds for competitive analysis using machine-learned predictions. We focus on the classic problems of ski-rental and non-clairvoyant scheduling and provide optimal trade-offs in various settings.

Stateful Posted Pricing with Vanishing Regret via Dynamic Deterministic Markov Decision Processes

Yuval Emek · Ron Lavi · Rad Niazadeh · Yangguang Shi

In this paper, a rather general online problem called \emph{dynamic resource allocation with capacity constraints (DRACC)} is introduced and studied in the realm of posted price mechanisms. This problem subsumes several applications of stateful pricing, including but not limited to posted prices for online job scheduling and matching over a dynamic bipartite graph. As the existing online learning techniques do not yield vanishing-regret mechanisms for this problem, we develop a novel online learning framework defined over deterministic Markov decision processes with \emph{dynamic} state transition and reward functions. We then prove that if the Markov decision process is guaranteed to admit an oracle that can simulate any given policy from any initial state with bounded loss --- a condition that is satisfied in the DRACC problem --- then the online learning problem can be solved with vanishing regret. Our proof technique is based on a reduction to online learning with \emph{switching cost}, in which an online decision maker incurs an extra cost every time she switches from one arm to another. We formally demonstrate this connection and further show how DRACC can be used in our proposed applications of stateful pricing.

On the Theory of Transfer Learning: The Importance of Task Diversity

Nilesh Tripuraneni · Michael Jordan · Chi Jin

We provide new statistical guarantees for transfer learning via representation learning--when transfer is achieved by learning a feature representation shared across different tasks. This enables learning on new tasks using far less data than is required to learn them in isolation. Formally, we consider $t+1$ tasks parameterized by functions of the form $f_j \circ h$ in a general function class $F \circ H$, where each $f_j$ is a task-specific function in $F$ and $h$ is the shared representation in $H$. Letting $C(\cdot)$ denote the complexity measure of the function class, we show that for diverse training tasks (1) the sample complexity needed to learn the shared representation across the first $t$ training tasks scales as $C(H) + t C(F)$, despite no explicit access to a signal from the feature representation and (2) with an accurate estimate of the representation, the sample complexity needed to learn a new task scales only with $C(F)$. Our results depend upon a new general notion of task diversity--applicable to models with general tasks, features, and losses--as well as a novel chain rule for Gaussian complexities. Finally, we exhibit the utility of our general framework in several models of importance in the literature.

Online Agnostic Boosting via Regret Minimization

Nataly Brukhim · Xinyi Chen · Elad Hazan · Shay Moran

Boosting is a widely used machine learning approach based on the idea of aggregating weak learning rules. While in statistical learning numerous boosting methods exist both in the realizable and agnostic settings, in online learning they exist only in the realizable case. In this work we provide the first agnostic online boosting algorithm; that is, given a weak learner with only marginally-better-than-trivial regret guarantees, our algorithm boosts it to a strong learner with sublinear regret. Our algorithm is based on an abstract (and simple) reduction to online convex optimization, which efficiently converts an arbitrary online convex optimizer to an online booster. Moreover, this reduction extends to the statistical as well as the online realizable settings, thus unifying the 4 cases of statistical/online and agnostic/realizable boosting.

Minimax Classification with 0-1 Loss and Performance Guarantees

Santiago Mazuelas · Andrea Zanoni · Aritz Pérez

Supervised classification techniques use training samples to find classification rules with small expected 0-1 loss. Conventional methods achieve efficient learning and out-of-sample generalization by minimizing surrogate losses over specific families of rules. This paper presents minimax risk classifiers (MRCs) that do not rely on a choice of surrogate loss and family of rules. MRCs achieve efficient learning and out-of-sample generalization by minimizing worst-case expected 0-1 loss w.r.t. uncertainty sets that are defined by linear constraints and include the true underlying distribution. In addition, MRCs' learning stage provides performance guarantees as lower and upper tight bounds for expected 0-1 loss. We also present MRCs' finite-sample generalization bounds in terms of training size and smallest minimax risk, and show their competitive classification performance w.r.t. state-of-the-art techniques using benchmark datasets.

Robust Density Estimation under Besov IPM Losses

Ananya Uppal · Shashank Singh · Barnabas Poczos

We study minimax convergence rates of nonparametric density estimation under the Huber contamination model, in which a ``contaminated'' proportion of the data comes from an unknown outlier distribution. We provide the first results for this problem under a large family of losses, called Besov integral probability metrics (IPMs), that include L^p, Wasserstein, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises, and other commonly used metrics. Under a range of smoothness assumptions on the population and outlier distributions, we show that a re-scaled thresholding wavelet estimator converges at the minimax optimal rate under a wide variety of losses and also exhibits optimal dependence on the contamination proportion. We also provide a purely data-dependent extension of the estimator that adapts to both an unknown contamination proportion and the unknown smoothness of the true density. Finally, based on connections shown recently between density estimation under IPM losses and generative adversarial networks (GANs), we show that certain GAN architectures are robustly minimax optimal.

Online Multitask Learning with Long-Term Memory

Mark Herbster · Stephen Pasteris · Lisa Tse

We introduce a novel online multitask setting. In this setting each task is partitioned into a sequence of segments that is unknown to the learner. Associated with each segment is a hypothesis from some hypothesis class. We give algorithms that are designed to exploit the scenario where there are many such segments but significantly fewer associated hypotheses. We prove regret bounds that hold for any segmentation of the tasks and any association of hypotheses to the segments. In the single-task setting this is equivalent to switching with long-term memory in the sense of [Bousquet and Warmuth 2011]. We provide an algorithm that predicts on each trial in time linear in the number of hypotheses when the hypothesis class is finite. We also consider infinite hypothesis classes from reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for which we give an algorithm whose per trial time complexity is cubic in the number of cumulative trials. In the single-task special case this is the first example of an efficient regret-bounded switching algorithm with long-term memory for a non-parametric hypothesis class.

Improving Local Identifiability in Probabilistic Box Embeddings

Shib Dasgupta · Michael Boratko · Dongxu Zhang · Luke Vilnis · Xiang Li · Andrew McCallum

Geometric embeddings have recently received attention for their natural ability to represent transitive asymmetric relations via containment. Box embeddings, where objects are represented by n-dimensional hyperrectangles, are a particularly promising example of such an embedding as they are closed under intersection and their volume can be calculated easily, allowing them to naturally represent calibrated probability distributions. The benefits of geometric embeddings also introduce a problem of local identifiability, however, where whole neighborhoods of parameters result in equivalent loss which impedes learning. Prior work addressed some of these issues by using an approximation to Gaussian convolution over the box parameters, however this intersection operation also increases the sparsity of the gradient. In this work we model the box parameters with min and max Gumbel distributions, which were chosen such that the space is still closed under the operation of intersection. The calculation of the expected intersection volume involves all parameters, and we demonstrate experimentally that this drastically improves the ability of such models to learn.

Finite-Sample Analysis of Contractive Stochastic Approximation Using Smooth Convex Envelopes

Zaiwei Chen · Siva Theja Maguluri · Sanjay Shakkottai · Karthikeyan Shanmugam

Stochastic Approximation (SA) is a popular approach for solving fixed-point equations where the information is corrupted by noise. In this paper, we consider an SA involving a contraction mapping with respect to an arbitrary norm, and show its finite-sample error bounds while using different stepsizes. The idea is to construct a smooth Lyapunov function using the generalized Moreau envelope, and show that the iterates of SA have negative drift with respect to that Lyapunov function. Our result is applicable in Reinforcement Learning (RL). In particular, we use it to establish the first-known convergence rate of the V-trace algorithm for off-policy TD-learning [18]. Importantly, our construction results in only a logarithmic dependence of the convergence bound on the size of the state-space.

Synthetic Data Generators -- Sequential and Private

Olivier Bousquet · Roi Livni · Shay Moran

We study the sample complexity of private synthetic data generation over an unbounded sized class of statistical queries, and show that any class that is privately proper PAC learnable admits a private synthetic data generator (perhaps non-efficient). A differentially private synthetic generator is an algorithm that receives an IID data and publishes synthetic data that is indistinguishable from the true data w.r.t a given fixed class of statistical queries. The synthetic data set can then be used by a data scientist without compromising the privacy of the original data set. Previous work on synthetic data generators focused on the case that the query class $\D$ is finite and obtained sample complexity bounds that scale logarithmically with the size $|\D|$. Here we construct a private synthetic data generator whose sample complexity is independent of the domain size, and we replace finiteness with the assumption that $\D$ is privately PAC learnable (a formally weaker task, hence we obtain equivalence between the two tasks). Our proof relies on a new type of synthetic data generator, Sequential Synthetic Data Generators, which we believe may be of interest of their own right. A sequential SDG is defined by a sequential game between a generator that proposes synthetic distributions and a discriminator that tries to distinguish between real and fake distributions. We characterize the classes that admit a sequential-SDG and show that they are exactly Littlestone classes. Given the online nature of the sequential setting, it is natural that Littlestone classes arise in this context. Nevertheless, the characterization of sequential--SDGs by Littlestone classes turns out to be technically challenging, and to the best of the author's knowledge, does not follow via simple reductions to online prediction.

Near-Optimal SQ Lower Bounds for Agnostically Learning Halfspaces and ReLUs under Gaussian Marginals

Ilias Diakonikolas · Daniel Kane · Nikos Zarifis

We study the fundamental problems of agnostically learning halfspaces and ReLUs under Gaussian marginals. In the former problem, given labeled examples $(\bx, y)$ from an unknown distribution on $\R^d \times \{ \pm 1\}$, whose marginal distribution on $\bx$ is the standard Gaussian and the labels $y$ can be arbitrary, the goal is to output a hypothesis with 0-1 loss $\opt+\eps$, where $\opt$ is the 0-1 loss of the best-fitting halfspace. In the latter problem, given labeled examples $(\bx, y)$ from an unknown distribution on $\R^d \times \R$, whose marginal distribution on $\bx$ is the standard Gaussian and the labels $y$ can be arbitrary, the goal is to output a hypothesis with square loss $\opt+\eps$, where $\opt$ is the square loss of the best-fitting ReLU. We prove Statistical Query (SQ) lower bounds of $d^{\poly(1/\eps)}$ for both of these problems. Our SQ lower bounds provide strong evidence that current upper bounds for these tasks are essentially best possible.

Statistical-Query Lower Bounds via Functional Gradients

Surbhi Goel · Aravind Gollakota · Adam Klivans

We give the first statistical-query lower bounds for agnostically learning any non-polynomial activation with respect to Gaussian marginals (e.g., ReLU, sigmoid, sign). For the specific problem of ReLU regression (equivalently, agnostically learning a ReLU), we show that any statistical-query algorithm with tolerance $n^{-(1/\epsilon)^b}$ must use at least $2^{n^c} \epsilon$ queries for some constants $b, c > 0$, where $n$ is the dimension and $\epsilon$ is the accuracy parameter. Our results rule out {\em general} (as opposed to correlational) SQ learning algorithms, which is unusual for real-valued learning problems. Our techniques involve a gradient boosting procedure for ``amplifying'' recent lower bounds due to Diakonikolas et al.\ (COLT 2020) and Goel et al.\ (ICML 2020) on the SQ dimension of functions computed by two-layer neural networks. The crucial new ingredient is the use of a nonstandard convex functional during the boosting procedure. This also yields a best-possible reduction between two commonly studied models of learning: agnostic learning and probabilistic concepts.

PAC-Bayes Learning Bounds for Sample-Dependent Priors

Pranjal Awasthi · Satyen Kale · Stefani Karp · Mehryar Mohri

We present a series of new PAC-Bayes learning guarantees for randomized algorithms with sample-dependent priors. Our most general bounds make no assumption on the priors and are given in terms of certain covering numbers under the infinite-Renyi divergence and the L1 distance. We show how to use these general bounds to derive leaning bounds in the setting where the sample-dependent priors obey an infinite-Renyi divergence or L1-distance sensitivity condition. We also provide a flexible framework for computing PAC-Bayes bounds, under certain stability assumptions on the sample-dependent priors, and show how to use this framework to give more refined bounds when the priors satisfy an infinite-Renyi divergence sensitivity condition.

Sharpened Generalization Bounds based on Conditional Mutual Information and an Application to Noisy, Iterative Algorithms

Mahdi Haghifam · Jeffrey Negrea · Ashish Khisti · Daniel Roy · Gintare Karolina Dziugaite

The information-theoretic framework of Russo and Zou (2016) and Xu and Raginsky (2017) provides bounds on the generalization error of a learning algorithm in terms of the mutual information between the algorithm's output and the training sample. In this work, we study the proposal, by Steinke and Zakynthinou (2020), to reason about the generalization error of a learning algorithm by introducing a super sample that contains the training sample as a random subset and computing mutual information conditional on the super sample. We first show that these new bounds based on the conditional mutual information are tighter than those based on the unconditional mutual information. We then introduce yet tighter bounds, building on the "individual sample" idea of Bu et al. (2019) and the "data dependent" ideas of Negrea et al. (2019), using disintegrated mutual information. Finally, we apply these bounds to the study of Langevin dynamics algorithm, showing that conditioning on the super sample allows us to exploit information in the optimization trajectory to obtain tighter bounds based on hypothesis tests.

Decision trees as partitioning machines to characterize their generalization properties

Jean-Samuel Leboeuf · Frédéric LeBlanc · Mario Marchand

Decision trees are popular machine learning models that are simple to build and easy to interpret. Even though algorithms to learn decision trees date back to almost 50 years, key properties affecting their generalization error are still weakly bounded. Hence, we revisit binary decision trees on real-valued features from the perspective of partitions of the data. We introduce the notion of partitioning function, and we relate it to the growth function and to the VC dimension. Using this new concept, we are able to find the exact VC dimension of decision stumps, which is given by the largest integer $d$ such that $2\ell \ge \binom{d}{\floor{\frac{d}{2}}}$, where $\ell$ is the number of real-valued features. We provide a recursive expression to bound the partitioning functions, resulting in a upper bound on the growth function of any decision tree structure. This allows us to show that the VC dimension of a binary tree structure with $N$ internal nodes is of order $N \log(N\ell)$. Finally, we elaborate a pruning algorithm based on these results that performs better than the CART algorithm on a number of datasets, with the advantage that no cross-validation is required.

A Limitation of the PAC-Bayes Framework

Roi Livni · Shay Moran

PAC-Bayes is a useful framework for deriving generalization bounds which was introduced by McAllester ('98). This framework has the flexibility of deriving distribution- and algorithm-dependent bounds, which are often tighter than VC-related uniform convergence bounds. In this manuscript we present a limitation for the PAC-Bayes framework. We demonstrate an easy learning task which is not amenable to a PAC-Bayes analysis. Specifically, we consider the task of linear classification in 1D; it is well-known that this task is learnable using just $O(\log(1/\delta)/\epsilon)$ examples. On the other hand, we show that this fact can not be proved using a PAC-Bayes analysis: for any algorithm that learns 1-dimensional linear classifiers there exists a (realizable) distribution for which the PAC-Bayes bound is arbitrarily large.

Conditioning and Processing: Techniques to Improve Information-Theoretic Generalization Bounds

Hassan Hafez-Kolahi · Zeinab Golgooni · Shohreh Kasaei · Mahdieh Soleymani

Obtaining generalization bounds for learning algorithms is one of the main subjects studied in theoretical machine learning. In recent years, information-theoretic bounds on generalization have gained the attention of researchers. This approach provides an insight into learning algorithms by considering the mutual information between the model and the training set. In this paper, a probabilistic graphical representation of this approach is adopted and two general techniques to improve the bounds are introduced, namely conditioning and processing. In conditioning, a random variable in the graph is considered as given, while in processing a random variable is substituted with one of its children. These techniques can be used to improve the bounds by either sharpening them or increasing their applicability. It is demonstrated that the proposed framework provides a simple and unified way to explain a variety of recent tightening results. New improved bounds derived by utilizing these techniques are also proposed.

Second Order PAC-Bayesian Bounds for the Weighted Majority Vote

Andres Masegosa · Stephan Lorenzen · Christian Igel · Yevgeny Seldin

We present a novel analysis of the expected risk of weighted majority vote in multiclass classification. The analysis takes correlation of predictions by ensemble members into account and provides a bound that is amenable to efficient minimization, which yields improved weighting for the majority vote. We also provide a specialized version of our bound for binary classification, which allows to exploit additional unlabeled data for tighter risk estimation. In experiments, we apply the bound to improve weighting of trees in random forests and show that, in contrast to the commonly used first order bound, minimization of the new bound typically does not lead to degradation of the test error of the ensemble.

PAC-Bayes Analysis Beyond the Usual Bounds

Omar Rivasplata · Ilja Kuzborskij · Csaba Szepesvari · John Shawe-Taylor

We focus on a stochastic learning model where the learner observes a finite set of training examples and the output of the learning process is a data-dependent distribution over a space of hypotheses. The learned data-dependent distribution is then used to make randomized predictions, and the high-level theme addressed here is guaranteeing the quality of predictions on examples that were not seen during training, i.e. generalization. In this setting the unknown quantity of interest is the expected risk of the data-dependent randomized predictor, for which upper bounds can be derived via a PAC-Bayes analysis, leading to PAC-Bayes bounds.

Specifically, we present a basic PAC-Bayes inequality for stochastic kernels, from which one may derive extensions of various known PAC-Bayes bounds as well as novel bounds. We clarify the role of the requirements of fixed ‘data-free’ priors, bounded losses, and i.i.d. data. We highlight that those requirements were used to upper-bound an exponential moment term, while the basic PAC-Bayes theorem remains valid without those restrictions. We present three bounds that illustrate the use of data-dependent priors, including one for the unbounded square loss.

Maximum-Entropy Adversarial Data Augmentation for Improved Generalization and Robustness

Long Zhao · Ting Liu · Xi Peng · Dimitris Metaxas

Adversarial data augmentation has shown promise for training robust deep neural networks against unforeseen data shifts or corruptions. However, it is difficult to define heuristics to generate effective fictitious target distributions containing "hard" adversarial perturbations that are largely different from the source distribution. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective regularization term for adversarial data augmentation. We theoretically derive it from the information bottleneck principle, which results in a maximum-entropy formulation. Intuitively, this regularization term encourages perturbing the underlying source distribution to enlarge predictive uncertainty of the current model, so that the generated "hard" adversarial perturbations can improve the model robustness during training. Experimental results on three standard benchmarks demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms the existing state of the art by a statistically significant margin.

Probabilistic Orientation Estimation with Matrix Fisher Distributions

David Mohlin · Josephine Sullivan · Gérald Bianchi

This paper focuses on estimating probability distributions over the set of 3D ro- tations (SO(3)) using deep neural networks. Learning to regress models to the set of rotations is inherently difficult due to differences in topology between R^N and SO(3). We overcome this issue by using a neural network to out- put the parameters for a matrix Fisher distribution since these parameters are homeomorphic to R^9 . By using a negative log likelihood loss for this distri- bution we get a loss which is convex with respect to the network outputs. By optimizing this loss we improve state-of-the-art on several challenging applica- ble datasets, namely Pascal3D+, ModelNet10-SO(3). Our code is available at _fisherdistributions

Discover, Hallucinate, and Adapt: Open Compound Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

KwanYong Park · Sanghyun Woo · Inkyu Shin · In So Kweon

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation has been attracting attention recently, as it could be beneficial for various label-scarce real-world scenarios (e.g., robot control, autonomous driving, medical imaging, etc.). Despite the significant progress in this field, current works mainly focus on a single-source single-target setting, which cannot handle more practical settings of multiple targets or even unseen targets. In this paper, we investigate open compound domain adaptation (OCDA), which deals with mixed and novel situations at the same time, for semantic segmentation. We present a novel framework based on three main design principles: discover, hallucinate, and adapt. The scheme first clusters compound target data based on style, discovering multiple latent domains (discover). Then, it hallucinates multiple latent target domains in source by using image-translation (hallucinate). This step ensures the latent domains in the source and the target to be paired. Finally, target-to-source alignment is learned separately between domains (adapt). In high-level, our solution replaces a hard OCDA problem with much easier multiple UDA problems. We evaluate our solution on standard benchmark GTA to C-driving, and achieved new state-of-the-art results.

Inference Stage Optimization for Cross-scenario 3D Human Pose Estimation

Jianfeng Zhang · Xuecheng Nie · Jiashi Feng

Existing 3D human pose estimation models suffer performance drop when applying to new scenarios with unseen poses due to their limited generalizability. In this work, we propose a novel framework, Inference Stage Optimization (ISO), for improving the generalizability of 3D pose models when source and target data come from different pose distributions. Our main insight is that the target data, even though not labeled, carry valuable priors about their underlying distribution. To exploit such information, the proposed ISO performs geometry-aware self-supervised learning (SSL) on each single target instance and updates the 3D pose model before making prediction. In this way, the model can mine distributional knowledge about the target scenario and quickly adapt to it with enhanced generalization performance. In addition, to handle sequential target data, we propose an online mode for implementing our ISO framework via streaming the SSL, which substantially enhances its effectiveness. We systematically analyze why and how our ISO framework works on diverse benchmarks under cross-scenario setup. Remarkably, it yields new state-of-the-art of 83.6% 3D PCK on MPI-INF-3DHP, improving upon the previous best result by 9.7%.

Deep Wiener Deconvolution: Wiener Meets Deep Learning for Image Deblurring

Jiangxin Dong · Stefan Roth · Bernt Schiele

We present a simple and effective approach for non-blind image deblurring, combining classical techniques and deep learning. In contrast to existing methods that deblur the image directly in the standard image space, we propose to perform an explicit deconvolution process in a feature space by integrating a classical Wiener deconvolution framework with learned deep features. A multi-scale feature refinement module then predicts the deblurred image from the deconvolved deep features, progressively recovering detail and small-scale structures. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner and evaluated on scenarios with both simulated and real-world image blur. Our extensive experimental results show that the proposed deep Wiener deconvolution network facilitates deblurred results with visibly fewer artifacts. Moreover, our approach quantitatively outperforms state-of-the-art non-blind image deblurring methods by a wide margin.

Calibrating CNNs for Lifelong Learning

Pravendra Singh · Vinay Kumar Verma · Pratik Mazumder · Lawrence Carin · Piyush Rai

We present an approach for lifelong/continual learning of convolutional neural networks (CNN) that does not suffer from the problem of catastrophic forgetting when moving from one task to the other. We show that the activation maps generated by the CNN trained on the old task can be calibrated using very few calibration parameters, to become relevant to the new task. Based on this, we calibrate the activation maps produced by each network layer using spatial and channel-wise calibration modules and train only these calibration parameters for each new task in order to perform lifelong learning. Our calibration modules introduce significantly less computation and parameters as compared to the approaches that dynamically expand the network. Our approach is immune to catastrophic forgetting since we store the task-adaptive calibration parameters, which contain all the task-specific knowledge and is exclusive to each task. Further, our approach does not require storing data samples from the old tasks, which is done by many replay based methods. We perform extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets (SVHN, CIFAR, ImageNet, and MS-Celeb), all of which show substantial improvements over state-of-the-art methods (e.g., a 29% absolute increase in accuracy on CIFAR-100 with 10 classes at a time). On large-scale datasets, our approach yields 23.8% and 9.7% absolute increase in accuracy on ImageNet-100 and MS-Celeb-10K datasets, respectively, by employing very few (0.51% and 0.35% of model parameters) task-adaptive calibration parameters.

Long-Tailed Classification by Keeping the Good and Removing the Bad Momentum Causal Effect

Kaihua Tang · Jianqiang Huang · Hanwang Zhang

As the class size grows, maintaining a balanced dataset across many classes is challenging because the data are long-tailed in nature; it is even impossible when the sample-of-interest co-exists with each other in one collectable unit, e.g., multiple visual instances in one image. Therefore, long-tailed classification is the key to deep learning at scale. However, existing methods are mainly based on re-weighting/re-sampling heuristics that lack a fundamental theory. In this paper, we establish a causal inference framework, which not only unravels the whys of previous methods, but also derives a new principled solution. Specifically, our theory shows that the SGD momentum is essentially a confounder in long-tailed classification. On one hand, it has a harmful causal effect that misleads the tail prediction biased towards the head. On the other hand, its induced mediation also benefits the representation learning and head prediction. Our framework elegantly disentangles the paradoxical effects of the momentum, by pursuing the direct causal effect caused by an input sample. In particular, we use causal intervention in training, and counterfactual reasoning in inference, to remove the bad'' while keep thegood''. We achieve new state-of-the-arts on three long-tailed visual recognition benchmarks: Long-tailed CIFAR-10/-100, ImageNet-LT for image classification and LVIS for instance segmentation.

Diverse Image Captioning with Context-Object Split Latent Spaces

Shweta Mahajan · Stefan Roth

Diverse image captioning models aim to learn one-to-many mappings that are innate to cross-domain datasets, such as of images and texts. Current methods for this task are based on generative latent variable models, eg. VAEs with structured latent spaces. Yet, the amount of multimodality captured by prior work is limited to that of the paired training data -- the true diversity of the underlying generative process is not fully captured. To address this limitation, we leverage the contextual descriptions in the dataset that explain similar contexts in different visual scenes. To this end, we introduce a novel factorization of the latent space, termed context-object split, to model diversity in contextual descriptions across images and texts within the dataset. Our framework not only enables diverse captioning through context-based pseudo supervision, but extends this to images with novel objects and without paired captions in the training data. We evaluate our COS-CVAE approach on the standard COCO dataset and on the held-out COCO dataset consisting of images with novel objects, showing significant gains in accuracy and diversity.

An Analysis of SVD for Deep Rotation Estimation

Jake Levinson · Carlos Esteves · Kefan Chen · Noah Snavely · Angjoo Kanazawa · Afshin Rostamizadeh · Ameesh Makadia

Symmetric orthogonalization via SVD, and closely related procedures, are well-known techniques for projecting matrices onto O(n) or SO(n). These tools have long been used for applications in computer vision, for example optimal 3D alignment problems solved by orthogonal Procrustes, rotation averaging, or Essential matrix decomposition. Despite its utility in different settings, SVD orthogonalization as a procedure for producing rotation matrices is typically overlooked in deep learning models, where the preferences tend toward classic representations like unit quaternions, Euler angles, and axis-angle, or more recently-introduced methods. Despite the importance of 3D rotations in computer vision and robotics, a single universally effective representation is still missing. Here, we explore the viability of SVD orthogonalization for 3D rotations in neural networks. We present a theoretical analysis of SVD as used for projection onto the rotation group. Our extensive quantitative analysis shows simply replacing existing representations with the SVD orthogonalization procedure obtains state of the art performance in many deep learning applications covering both supervised and unsupervised training.

DISK: Learning local features with policy gradient

Michał Tyszkiewicz · Pascal Fua · Eduard Trulls

Local feature frameworks are difficult to learn in an end-to-end fashion due to the discreteness inherent to the selection and matching of sparse keypoints. We introduce DISK (DIScrete Keypoints), a novel method that overcomes these obstacles by leveraging principles from Reinforcement Learning (RL), optimizing end-to-end for a high number of correct feature matches. Our simple yet expressive probabilistic model lets us keep the training and inference regimes close, while maintaining good enough convergence properties to reliably train from scratch. Our features can be extracted very densely while remaining discriminative, challenging commonly held assumptions about what constitutes a good keypoint, as showcased in Fig. 1, and deliver state-of-the-art results on three public benchmarks.

Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity Estimation

Divyansh Garg · Yan Wang · Bharath Hariharan · Mark Campbell · Kilian Weinberger · Wei-Lun Chao

Existing approaches to depth or disparity estimation output a distribution over a set of pre-defined discrete values. This leads to inaccurate results when the true depth or disparity does not match any of these values. The fact that this distribution is usually learned indirectly through a regression loss causes further problems in ambiguous regions around object boundaries. We address these issues using a new neural network architecture that is capable of outputting arbitrary depth values, and a new loss function that is derived from the Wasserstein distance between the true and the predicted distributions. We validate our approach on a variety of tasks, including stereo disparity and depth estimation, and the downstream 3D object detection. Our approach drastically reduces the error in ambiguous regions, especially around object boundaries that greatly affect the localization of objects in 3D, achieving the state-of-the-art in 3D object detection for autonomous driving.

GOCor: Bringing Globally Optimized Correspondence Volumes into Your Neural Network

Prune Truong · Martin Danelljan · Luc V Gool · Radu Timofte

The feature correlation layer serves as a key neural network module in numerous computer vision problems that involve dense correspondences between image pairs. It predicts a correspondence volume by evaluating dense scalar products between feature vectors extracted from pairs of locations in two images. However, this point-to-point feature comparison is insufficient when disambiguating multiple similar regions in an image, severely affecting the performance of the end task. We propose GOCor, a fully differentiable dense matching module, acting as a direct replacement to the feature correlation layer. The correspondence volume generated by our module is the result of an internal optimization procedure that explicitly accounts for similar regions in the scene. Moreover, our approach is capable of effectively learning spatial matching priors to resolve further matching ambiguities. We analyze our GOCor module in extensive ablative experiments. When integrated into state-of-the-art networks, our approach significantly outperforms the feature correlation layer for the tasks of geometric matching, optical flow, and dense semantic matching. The code and trained models will be made available at

On the Value of Out-of-Distribution Testing: An Example of Goodhart's Law

Damien Teney · Ehsan Abbasnejad · Kushal Kafle · Robik Shrestha · Christopher Kanan · Anton van den Hengel

Out-of-distribution (OOD) testing is increasingly popular for evaluating a machine learning system's ability to generalize beyond the biases of a training set. OOD benchmarks are designed to present a different joint distribution of data and labels between training and test time. VQA-CP has become the standard OOD benchmark for visual question answering, but we discovered three troubling practices in its current use. First, most published methods rely on explicit knowledge of the construction of the OOD splits. They often rely on inverting'' the distribution of labels, e.g. answering mostlyyes'' when the common training answer was ``no''. Second, the OOD test set is used for model selection. Third, a model's in-domain performance is assessed after retraining it on in-domain splits (VQA v2) that exhibit a more balanced distribution of labels. These three practices defeat the objective of evaluating generalization, and put into question the value of methods specifically designed for this dataset. We show that embarrassingly-simple methods, including one that generates answers at random, surpass the state of the art on some question types. We provide short- and long-term solutions to avoid these pitfalls and realize the benefits of OOD evaluation.

A Dictionary Approach to Domain-Invariant Learning in Deep Networks

Ze Wang · Xiuyuan Cheng · Guillermo Sapiro · Qiang Qiu

In this paper, we consider domain-invariant deep learning by explicitly modeling domain shifts with only a small amount of domain-specific parameters in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). By exploiting the observation that a convolutional filter can be well approximated as a linear combination of a small set of dictionary atoms, we show for the first time, both empirically and theoretically, that domain shifts can be effectively handled by decomposing a convolutional layer into a domain-specific atom layer and a domain-shared coefficient layer, while both remain convolutional. An input channel will now first convolve spatially only with each respective domain-specific dictionary atom to ``absorb" domain variations, and then output channels are linearly combined using common decomposition coefficients trained to promote shared semantics across domains. We use toy examples, rigorous analysis, and real-world examples with diverse datasets and architectures, to show the proposed plug-in framework's effectiveness in cross and joint domain performance and domain adaptation. With the proposed architecture, we need only a small set of dictionary atoms to model each additional domain, which brings a negligible amount of additional parameters, typically a few hundred.

Balanced Meta-Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

Jiawei Ren · Cunjun Yu · shunan sheng · Xiao Ma · Haiyu Zhao · Shuai Yi · Hongsheng Li

Deep classifiers have achieved great success in visual recognition. However, real-world data is long-tailed by nature, leading to the mismatch between training and testing distributions. In this paper, we show that the Softmax function, though used in most classification tasks, gives a biased gradient estimation under the long-tailed setup. This paper presents Balanced Softmax, an elegant unbiased extension of Softmax, to accommodate the label distribution shift between training and testing. Theoretically, we derive the generalization bound for multiclass Softmax regression and show our loss minimizes the bound. In addition, we introduce Balanced Meta-Softmax, applying a complementary Meta Sampler to estimate the optimal class sample rate and further improve long-tailed learning. In our experiments, we demonstrate that Balanced Meta-Softmax outperforms state-of-the-art long-tailed classification solutions on both visual recognition and instance segmentation tasks.

Evidential Sparsification of Multimodal Latent Spaces in Conditional Variational Autoencoders

Masha Itkina · Boris Ivanovic · Ransalu Senanayake · Mykel J Kochenderfer · Marco Pavone

Discrete latent spaces in variational autoencoders have been shown to effectively capture the data distribution for many real-world problems such as natural language understanding, human intent prediction, and visual scene representation. However, discrete latent spaces need to be sufficiently large to capture the complexities of real-world data, rendering downstream tasks computationally challenging. For instance, performing motion planning in a high-dimensional latent representation of the environment could be intractable. We consider the problem of sparsifying the discrete latent space of a trained conditional variational autoencoder, while preserving its learned multimodality. As a post hoc latent space reduction technique, we use evidential theory to identify the latent classes that receive direct evidence from a particular input condition and filter out those that do not. Experiments on diverse tasks, such as image generation and human behavior prediction, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed technique at reducing the discrete latent sample space size of a model while maintaining its learned multimodality.

Sparse Symplectically Integrated Neural Networks

Daniel DiPietro · Shiying Xiong · Bo Zhu

We introduce Sparse Symplectically Integrated Neural Networks (SSINNs), a novel model for learning Hamiltonian dynamical systems from data. SSINNs combine fourth-order symplectic integration with a learned parameterization of the Hamiltonian obtained using sparse regression through a mathematically elegant function space. This allows for interpretable models that incorporate symplectic inductive biases and have low memory requirements. We evaluate SSINNs on four classical Hamiltonian dynamical problems: the Hénon-Heiles system, nonlinearly coupled oscillators, a multi-particle mass-spring system, and a pendulum system. Our results demonstrate promise in both system prediction and conservation of energy, often outperforming the current state-of-the-art black-box prediction techniques by an order of magnitude. Further, SSINNs successfully converge to true governing equations from highly limited and noisy data, demonstrating potential applicability in the discovery of new physical governing equations.

Node Embeddings and Exact Low-Rank Representations of Complex Networks

Sudhanshu Chanpuriya · Cameron Musco · Konstantinos Sotiropoulos · Charalampos Tsourakakis

Low-dimensional embeddings, from classical spectral embeddings to modern neural-net-inspired methods, are a cornerstone in the modeling and analysis of complex networks. Recent work by Seshadhri et al. (PNAS 2020) suggests that such embeddings cannot capture local structure arising in complex networks. In particular, they show that any network generated from a natural low-dimensional model cannot be both sparse and have high triangle density (high clustering coefficient), two hallmark properties of many real-world networks.

In this work we show that the results of Seshadhri et al. are intimately connected to the model they use rather than the low-dimensional structure of complex networks. Specifically, we prove that a minor relaxation of their model can generate sparse graphs with high triangle density. Surprisingly, we show that this same model leads to exact low-dimensional factorizations of many real-world networks. We give a simple algorithm based on logistic principal component analysis (LPCA) that succeeds in finding such exact embeddings. Finally, we perform a large number of experiments that verify the ability of very low-dimensional embeddings to capture local structure in real-world networks.

Global Convergence of Deep Networks with One Wide Layer Followed by Pyramidal Topology

Quynh Nguyen · Marco Mondelli

Recent works have shown that gradient descent can find a global minimum for over-parameterized neural networks where the widths of all the hidden layers scale polynomially with N (N being the number of training samples). In this paper, we prove that, for deep networks, a single layer of width N following the input layer suffices to ensure a similar guarantee. In particular, all the remaining layers are allowed to have constant widths, and form a pyramidal topology. We show an application of our result to the widely used LeCun's initialization and obtain an over-parameterization requirement for the single wide layer of order N^2.

Towards Understanding Hierarchical Learning: Benefits of Neural Representations

Minshuo Chen · Yu Bai · Jason Lee · Tuo Zhao · Huan Wang · Caiming Xiong · Richard Socher

Deep neural networks can empirically perform efficient hierarchical learning, in which the layers learn useful representations of the data. However, how they make use of the intermediate representations are not explained by recent theories that relate them to ``shallow learners'' such as kernels. In this work, we demonstrate that intermediate \emph{neural representations} add more flexibility to neural networks and can be advantageous over raw inputs. We consider a fixed, randomly initialized neural network as a representation function fed into another trainable network. When the trainable network is the quadratic Taylor model of a wide two-layer network, we show that neural representation can achieve improved sample complexities compared with the raw input: For learning a low-rank degree-$p$ polynomial ($p \geq 4$) in $d$ dimension, neural representation requires only $\widetilde{O}(d^{\ceil{p/2}})$ samples, while the best-known sample complexity upper bound for the raw input is $\widetilde{O}(d^{p-1})$. We contrast our result with a lower bound showing that neural representations do not improve over the raw input (in the infinite width limit), when the trainable network is instead a neural tangent kernel. Our results characterize when neural representations are beneficial, and may provide a new perspective on why depth is important in deep learning.

Stochasticity of Deterministic Gradient Descent: Large Learning Rate for Multiscale Objective Function

Lingkai Kong · Molei Tao

This article suggests that deterministic Gradient Descent, which does not use any stochastic gradient approximation, can still exhibit stochastic behaviors. In particular, it shows that if the objective function exhibit multiscale behaviors, then in a large learning rate regime which only resolves the macroscopic but not the microscopic details of the objective, the deterministic GD dynamics can become chaotic and convergent not to a local minimizer but to a statistical distribution. In this sense, deterministic GD resembles stochastic GD even though no stochasticity is injected. A sufficient condition is also established for approximating this long-time statistical limit by a rescaled Gibbs distribution, which for example allows escapes from local minima to be quantified. Both theoretical and numerical demonstrations are provided, and the theoretical part relies on the construction of a stochastic map that uses bounded noise (as opposed to Gaussian noise).

Stochastic Gradient Descent in Correlated Settings: A Study on Gaussian Processes

Hao Chen · Lili Zheng · Raed AL Kontar · Garvesh Raskutti

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its variants have established themselves as the go-to algorithms for large-scale machine learning problems with independent samples due to their generalization performance and intrinsic computational advantage. However, the fact that the stochastic gradient is a biased estimator of the full gradient with correlated samples has led to the lack of theoretical understanding of how SGD behaves under correlated settings and hindered its use in such cases. In this paper, we focus on the Gaussian process (GP) and take a step forward towards breaking the barrier by proving minibatch SGD converges to a critical point of the full loss function, and recovers model hyperparameters with rate $O(\frac{1}{K})$ up to a statistical error term depending on the minibatch size. Numerical studies on both simulated and real datasets demonstrate that minibatch SGD has better generalization over state-of-the-art GP methods while reducing the computational burden and opening a new, previously unexplored, data size regime for GPs.

Penalized Langevin dynamics with vanishing penalty for smooth and log-concave targets

Avetik Karagulyan · Arnak Dalalyan

We study the problem of sampling from a probability distribution on $\mathbb R^p$ defined via a convex and smooth potential function. We first consider a continuous-time diffusion-type process, termed Penalized Langevin dynamics (PLD), the drift of which is the negative gradient of the potential plus a linear penalty that vanishes when time goes to infinity. An upper bound on the Wasserstein-2 distance between the distribution of the PLD at time $t$ and the target is established. This upper bound highlights the influence of the speed of decay of the penalty on the accuracy of approximation. As a consequence, in the case of low-temperature limit we infer a new result on the convergence of the penalized gradient flow for the optimization problem.

Universal guarantees for decision tree induction via a higher-order splitting criterion

Guy Blanc · Neha Gupta · Jane Lange · Li-Yang Tan

We propose a simple extension of {\sl top-down decision tree learning heuristics} such as ID3, C4.5, and CART. Our algorithm achieves provable guarantees for all target functions $f: \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$ with respect to the uniform distribution, circumventing impossibility results showing that existing heuristics fare poorly even for simple target functions. The crux of our extension is a new splitting criterion that takes into account the correlations between $f$ and {\sl small subsets} of its attributes. The splitting criteria of existing heuristics (e.g. Gini impurity and information gain), in contrast, are based solely on the correlations between $f$ and its {\sl individual} attributes. Our algorithm satisfies the following guarantee: for all target functions $f : \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$, sizes $s\in \N$, and error parameters $\eps$, it constructs a decision tree of size $s^{\tilde{O}((\log s)^2/\eps^2)}$ that achieves error $\le O(\opt_s) + \eps$, where $\opt_s$ denotes the error of the optimal size-$s$ decision tree for $f$. A key technical notion that drives our analysis is the {\sl noise stability} of $f$, a well-studied smoothness measure of $f$.

Learning Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Sparse Latent Variables

Guy Bresler · Rares-Darius Buhai

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are a common family of undirected graphical models with latent variables. An RBM is described by a bipartite graph, with all observed variables in one layer and all latent variables in the other. We consider the task of learning an RBM given samples generated according to it. The best algorithms for this task currently have time complexity $\tilde{O}(n^2)$ for ferromagnetic RBMs (i.e., with attractive potentials) but $\tilde{O}(n^d)$ for general RBMs, where $n$ is the number of observed variables and $d$ is the maximum degree of a latent variable. Let the \textit{MRF neighborhood} of an observed variable be its neighborhood in the Markov Random Field of the marginal distribution of the observed variables. In this paper, we give an algorithm for learning general RBMs with time complexity $\tilde{O}(n^{2^s+1})$, where $s$ is the maximum number of latent variables connected to the MRF neighborhood of an observed variable. This is an improvement when $s < \log_2 (d-1)$, which corresponds to RBMs with sparse latent variables. Furthermore, we give a version of this learning algorithm that recovers a model with small prediction error and whose sample complexity is independent of the minimum potential in the Markov Random Field of the observed variables. This is of interest because the sample complexity of current algorithms scales with the inverse of the minimum potential, which cannot be controlled in terms of natural properties of the RBM.

The Adaptive Complexity of Maximizing a Gross Substitutes Valuation

Ron Kupfer · Sharon Qian · Eric Balkanski · Yaron Singer

In this paper, we study the adaptive complexity of maximizing a monotone gross substitutes function under a cardinality constraint. Our main result is an algorithm that achieves a 1-epsilon approximation in O(log n) adaptive rounds for any constant epsilon > 0, which is an exponential speedup in parallel running time compared to previously studied algorithms for gross substitutes functions. We show that the algorithmic results are tight in the sense that there is no algorithm that obtains a constant factor approximation in o(log n) rounds. Both the upper and lower bounds are under the assumption that queries are only on feasible sets (i.e., of size at most k). We also show that under a stronger model, where non-feasible queries are allowed, there is no non-adaptive algorithm that obtains an approximation better than 1/2 + epsilon. Both lower bounds extend to the class of OXS functions. Additionally, we conduct experiments on synthetic and real data sets to demonstrate the near-optimal performance and efficiency of the algorithm in practice.

Hedging in games: Faster convergence of external and swap regrets

Xi Chen · Binghui Peng

We consider the setting where players run the Hedge algorithm or its optimistic variant \cite{syrgkanis2015fast} to play an n-action game repeatedly for T rounds. 1) For two-player games, we show that the regret of optimistic Hedge decays at \tilde{O}( 1/T ^{5/6} ), improving the previous bound O(1/T^{3/4}) by \cite{syrgkanis2015fast}. 2) In contrast, we show that the convergence rate of vanilla Hedge is no better than \tilde{\Omega}(1/ \sqrt{T})}, addressing an open question posted in \cite{syrgkanis2015fast}. For general m-player games, we show that the swap regret of each player decays at rate \tilde{O}(m^{1/2} (n/T)^{3/4}) when they combine optimistic Hedge with the classical external-to-internal reduction of Blum and Mansour \cite{blum2007external}. The algorithm can also be modified to achieve the same rate against itself and a rate of \tilde{O}(\sqrt{n/T}) against adversaries. Via standard connections, our upper bounds also imply faster convergence to coarse correlated equilibria in two-player games and to correlated equilibria in multiplayer games.

Nonasymptotic Guarantees for Spiked Matrix Recovery with Generative Priors

Jorio Cocola · Paul Hand · Vlad Voroninski

Many problems in statistics and machine learning require the reconstruction of a rank-one signal matrix from noisy data. Enforcing additional prior information on the rank-one component is often key to guaranteeing good recovery performance. One such prior on the low-rank component is sparsity, giving rise to the sparse principal component analysis problem. Unfortunately, there is strong evidence that this problem suffers from a computational-to-statistical gap, which may be fundamental. In this work, we study an alternative prior where the low-rank component is in the range of a trained generative network. We provide a non-asymptotic analysis with optimal sample complexity, up to logarithmic factors, for rank-one matrix recovery under an expansive-Gaussian network prior. Specifically, we establish a favorable global optimization landscape for a nonlinear least squares objective, provided the number of samples is on the order of the dimensionality of the input to the generative model. This result suggests that generative priors have no computational-to-statistical gap for structured rank-one matrix recovery in the finite data, nonasymptotic regime. We present this analysis in the case of both the Wishart and Wigner spiked matrix models.

In search of robust measures of generalization

Gintare Karolina Dziugaite · Alexandre Drouin · Brady Neal · Nitarshan Rajkumar · Ethan Caballero · Linbo Wang · Ioannis Mitliagkas · Daniel Roy

One of the principal scientific challenges in deep learning is explaining generalization, i.e., why the particular way the community now trains networks to achieve small training error also leads to small error on held-out data from the same population. It is widely appreciated that some worst-case theories -- such as those based on the VC dimension of the class of predictors induced by modern neural network architectures -- are unable to explain empirical performance. A large volume of work aims to close this gap, primarily by developing bounds on generalization error, optimization error, and excess risk. When evaluated empirically, however, most of these bounds are numerically vacuous. Focusing on generalization bounds, this work addresses the question of how to evaluate such bounds empirically. Jiang et al. (2020) recently described a large-scale empirical study aimed at uncovering potential causal relationships between bounds/measures and generalization. Building on their study, we highlight where their proposed methods can obscure failures and successes of generalization measures in explaining generalization. We argue that generalization measures should instead be evaluated within the framework of distributional robustness.

On Convergence and Generalization of Dropout Training

Poorya Mianjy · Raman Arora

We study dropout in two-layer neural networks with rectified linear unit (ReLU) activations. Under mild overparametrization and assuming that the limiting kernel can separate the data distribution with a positive margin, we show that the dropout training with logistic loss achieves $\epsilon$-suboptimality in the test error in $O(1/\epsilon)$ iterations.

Dynamical mean-field theory for stochastic gradient descent in Gaussian mixture classification

Francesca Mignacco · Florent Krzakala · Pierfrancesco Urbani · Lenka Zdeborová

We analyze in a closed form the learning dynamics of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for a single layer neural network classifying a high-dimensional Gaussian mixture where each cluster is assigned one of two labels. This problem provides a prototype of a non-convex loss landscape with interpolating regimes and a large generalization gap. We define a particular stochastic process for which SGD can be extended to a continuous-time limit that we call stochastic gradient flow. In the full-batch limit we recover the standard gradient flow. We apply dynamical mean-field theory from statistical physics to track the dynamics of the algorithm in the high-dimensional limit via a self-consistent stochastic process. We explore the performance of the algorithm as a function of control parameters shedding light on how it navigates the loss landscape.

Complex Dynamics in Simple Neural Networks: Understanding Gradient Flow in Phase Retrieval

Stefano Sarao Mannelli · Giulio Biroli · Chiara Cammarota · Florent Krzakala · Pierfrancesco Urbani · Lenka Zdeborová

Despite the widespread use of gradient-based algorithms for optimising high-dimensional non-convex functions, understanding their ability of finding good minima instead of being trapped in spurious ones remains to a large extent an open problem. Here we focus on gradient flow dynamics for phase retrieval from random measurements. When the ratio of the number of measurements over the input dimension is small the dynamics remains trapped in spurious minima with large basins of attraction. We find analytically that above a critical ratio those critical points become unstable developing a negative direction toward the signal. By numerical experiments we show that in this regime the gradient flow algorithm is not trapped; it drifts away from the spurious critical points along the unstable direction and succeeds in finding the global minimum. Using tools from statistical physics we characterise this phenomenon, which is related to a BBP-type transition in the Hessian of the spurious minima.

Correspondence learning via linearly-invariant embedding

Riccardo Marin · Marie-Julie Rakotosaona · Simone Melzi · Maks Ovsjanikov

In this paper, we propose a fully differentiable pipeline for estimating accurate dense correspondences between 3D point clouds. The proposed pipeline is an extension and a generalization of the functional maps framework. However, instead of using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions as done in virtually all previous works in this domain, we demonstrate that learning the basis from data can both improve robustness and lead to better accuracy in challenging settings. We interpret the basis as a learned embedding into a higher dimensional space. Following the functional map paradigm the optimal transformation in this embedding space must be linear and we propose a separate architecture aimed at estimating the transformation by learning optimal descriptor functions. This leads to the first end-to-end trainable functional map-based correspondence approach in which both the basis and the descriptors are learned from data. Interestingly, we also observe that learning a canonical embedding leads to worse results, suggesting that leaving an extra linear degree of freedom to the embedding network gives it more robustness, thereby also shedding light onto the success of previous methods. Finally, we demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in challenging non-rigid 3D point cloud correspondence applications.

PIE-NET: Parametric Inference of Point Cloud Edges

Xiaogang Wang · Yuelang Xu · Kai Xu · Andrea Tagliasacchi · Bin Zhou · Ali Mahdavi-Amiri · Hao Zhang

We introduce an end-to-end learnable technique to robustly identify feature edges in 3D point cloud data. We represent these edges as a collection of parametric curves (i.e.,~lines, circles, and B-splines). Accordingly, our deep neural network, coined PIE-NET, is trained for parametric inference of edges. The network relies on a "region proposal" architecture, where a first module proposes an over-complete collection of edge and corner points, and a second module ranks each proposal to decide whether it should be considered. We train and evaluate our method on the ABC dataset, a large dataset of CAD models, and compare our results to those produced by traditional (non-learning) processing pipelines, as well as a recent deep learning based edge detector (EC-NET). Our results significantly improve over the state-of-the-art from both a quantitative and qualitative standpoint.

Neural Non-Rigid Tracking

Aljaz Bozic · Pablo Palafox · Michael Zollhöfer · Angela Dai · Justus Thies · Matthias Niessner

We introduce a novel, end-to-end learnable, differentiable non-rigid tracker that enables state-of-the-art non-rigid reconstruction by a learned robust optimization. Given two input RGB-D frames of a non-rigidly moving object, we employ a convolutional neural network to predict dense correspondences and their confidences. These correspondences are used as constraints in an as-rigid-as-possible (ARAP) optimization problem. By enabling gradient back-propagation through the weighted non-linear least squares solver, we are able to learn correspondences and confidences in an end-to-end manner such that they are optimal for the task of non-rigid tracking. Under this formulation, correspondence confidences can be learned via self-supervision, informing a learned robust optimization, where outliers and wrong correspondences are automatically down-weighted to enable effective tracking. Compared to state-of-the-art approaches, our algorithm shows improved reconstruction performance, while simultaneously achieving 85 times faster correspondence prediction than comparable deep-learning based methods.

Continuous Surface Embeddings

Natalia Neverova · David Novotny · Marc Szafraniec · Vasil Khalidov · Patrick Labatut · Andrea Vedaldi

In this work, we focus on the task of learning and representing dense correspondences in deformable object categories. While this problem has been considered before, solutions so far have been rather ad-hoc for specific object types (i.e., humans), often with significant manual work involved. However, scaling the geometry understanding to all objects in nature requires more automated approaches that can also express correspondences between related, but geometrically different objects. To this end, we propose a new, learnable image-based representation of dense correspondences. Our model predicts, for each pixel in a 2D image, an embedding vector of the corresponding vertex in the object mesh, therefore establishing dense correspondences between image pixels and 3D object geometry. We demonstrate that the proposed approach performs on par or better than the state-of-the-art methods for dense pose estimation for humans, while being conceptually simpler. We also collect a new in-the-wild dataset of dense correspondences for animal classes and demonstrate that our framework scales naturally to the new deformable object categories.

Learning to Orient Surfaces by Self-supervised Spherical CNNs

Riccardo Spezialetti · Federico Stella · Marlon Marcon · Luciano Silva · Samuele Salti · Luigi Di Stefano

Defining and reliably finding a canonical orientation for 3D surfaces is key to many Computer Vision and Robotics applications. This task is commonly addressed by handcrafted algorithms exploiting geometric cues deemed as distinctive and robust by the designer. Yet, one might conjecture that humans learn the notion of the inherent orientation of 3D objects from experience and that machines may do so alike. In this work, we show the feasibility of learning a robust canonical orientation for surfaces represented as point clouds. Based on the observation that the quintessential property of a canonical orientation is equivariance to 3D rotations, we propose to employ Spherical CNNs, a recently introduced machinery that can learn equivariant representations defined on the Special Ortoghonal group SO(3). Specifically, spherical correlations compute feature maps whose elements define 3D rotations. Our method learns such feature maps from raw data by a self-supervised training procedure and robustly selects a rotation to transform the input point cloud into a learned canonical orientation. Thereby, we realize the first end-to-end learning approach to define and extract the canonical orientation of 3D shapes, which we aptly dub Compass. Experiments on several public datasets prove its effectiveness at orienting local surface patches as well as whole objects.

SDF-SRN: Learning Signed Distance 3D Object Reconstruction from Static Images

Chen-Hsuan Lin · Chaoyang Wang · Simon Lucey

Dense 3D object reconstruction from a single image has recently witnessed remarkable advances, but supervising neural networks with ground-truth 3D shapes is impractical due to the laborious process of creating paired image-shape datasets. Recent efforts have turned to learning 3D reconstruction without 3D supervision from RGB images with annotated 2D silhouettes, dramatically reducing the cost and effort of annotation. These techniques, however, remain impractical as they still require multi-view annotations of the same object instance during training. As a result, most experimental efforts to date have been limited to synthetic datasets. In this paper, we address this issue and propose SDF-SRN, an approach that requires only a single view of objects at training time, offering greater utility for real-world scenarios. SDF-SRN learns implicit 3D shape representations to handle arbitrary shape topologies that may exist in the datasets. To this end, we derive a novel differentiable rendering formulation for learning signed distance functions (SDF) from 2D silhouettes. Our method outperforms the state of the art under challenging single-view supervision settings on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

Neural Unsigned Distance Fields for Implicit Function Learning

Julian Chibane · Mohamad Aymen mir · Gerard Pons-Moll

In this work we target a learnable output representation that allows continuous, high resolution outputs of arbitrary shape. Recent works represent 3D surfaces implicitly with a Neural Network, thereby breaking previous barriers in resolution, and ability to represent diverse topologies. However, neural implicit representations are limited to closed surfaces, which divide the space into inside and outside. Many real world objects such as walls of a scene scanned by a sensor, clothing, or a car with inner structures are not closed. This constitutes a significant barrier, in terms of data pre-processing (objects need to be artificially closed creating artifacts), and the ability to output open surfaces. In this work, we propose Neural Distance Fields (NDF), a neural network based model which predicts the unsigned distance field for arbitrary 3D shapes given sparse point clouds. NDF represent surfaces at high resolutions as prior implicit models, but do not require closed surface data, and significantly broaden the class of representable shapes in the output. NDF allow to extract the surface as very dense point clouds and as meshes.
We also show that NDF allow for surface normal calculation and can be rendered using a slight modification of sphere tracing. We find NDF can be used for multi-target regression (multiple outputs for one input) with techniques that have been exclusively used for rendering in graphics.
Experiments on ShapeNet show that NDF, while simple, is the state-of-the art, and allows to reconstruct shapes with inner structures, such as the chairs inside a bus. Notably, we show that NDF are not restricted to 3D shapes, and can approximate more general open surfaces such as curves, manifolds, and functions. Code is available for research at

Skeleton-bridged Point Completion: From Global Inference to Local Adjustment

Yinyu Nie · Yiqun Lin · Xiaoguang Han · Shihui Guo · Jian Chang · Shuguang Cui · Jian.J Zhang

Point completion refers to complete the missing geometries of objects from partial point clouds. Existing works usually estimate the missing shape by decoding a latent feature encoded from the input points. However, real-world objects are usually with diverse topologies and surface details, which a latent feature may fail to represent to recover a clean and complete surface. To this end, we propose a skeleton-bridged point completion network (SK-PCN) for shape completion. Given a partial scan, our method first predicts its 3D skeleton to obtain the global structure, and completes the surface by learning displacements from skeletal points. We decouple the shape completion into structure estimation and surface reconstruction, which eases the learning difficulty and benefits our method to obtain on-surface details. Besides, considering the missing features during encoding input points, SK-PCN adopts a local adjustment strategy that merges the input point cloud to our predictions for surface refinement. Comparing with previous methods, our skeleton-bridged manner better supports point normal estimation to obtain the full surface mesh beyond point clouds. The qualitative and quantitative experiments on both point cloud and mesh completion show that our approach outperforms the existing methods on various object categories.

Rotation-Invariant Local-to-Global Representation Learning for 3D Point Cloud

SEOHYUN KIM · JaeYoo Park · Bohyung Han

We propose a local-to-global representation learning algorithm for 3D point cloud data, which is appropriate for handling various geometric transformations, especially rotation, without explicit data augmentation with respect to the transformations. Our model takes advantage of multi-level abstraction based on graph convolutional neural networks, which constructs a descriptor hierarchy to encode rotation-invariant shape information of an input object in a bottom-up manner. The descriptors in each level are obtained from a neural network based on a graph via stochastic sampling of 3D points, which is effective in making the learned representations robust to the variations of input data. The proposed algorithm presents the state-of-the-art performance on the rotation-augmented 3D object recognition and segmentation benchmarks. We further analyze its characteristics through comprehensive ablative experiments.

Deep Shells: Unsupervised Shape Correspondence with Optimal Transport

Marvin Eisenberger · Aysim Toker · Laura Leal-Taixé · Daniel Cremers

We propose a novel unsupervised learning approach to 3D shape correspondence that builds a multiscale matching pipeline into a deep neural network. This approach is based on smooth shells, the current state-of-the-art axiomatic correspondence method, which requires an a priori stochastic search over the space of initial poses. Our goal is to replace this costly preprocessing step by directly learning good initializations from the input surfaces. To that end, we systematically derive a fully differentiable, hierarchical matching pipeline from entropy regularized optimal transport. This allows us to combine it with a local feature extractor based on smooth, truncated spectral convolution filters. Finally, we show that the proposed unsupervised method significantly improves over the state-of-the-art on multiple datasets, even in comparison to the most recent supervised methods. Moreover, we demonstrate compelling generalization results by applying our learned filters to examples that significantly deviate from the training set.

Dense Correspondences between Human Bodies via Learning Transformation Synchronization on Graphs

Xiangru Huang · Haitao Yang · Etienne Vouga · Qixing Huang

We introduce an approach for establishing dense correspondences between partial scans of human models and a complete template model. Our approach's key novelty lies in formulating dense correspondence computation as initializing and synchronizing local transformations between the scan and the template model. We introduce an optimization formulation for synchronizing transformations among a graph of the input scan, which automatically enforces smoothness of correspondences and recovers the underlying articulated deformations. We then show how to convert the iterative optimization procedure among a graph of the input scan into an end-to-end trainable network. The network design utilizes additional trainable parameters to break the barrier of the original optimization formulation's exact and robust recovery conditions. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach considerably outperforms baseline approaches in accuracy and robustness.

3D Shape Reconstruction from Vision and Touch

Edward Smith · Roberto Calandra · Adriana Romero · Georgia Gkioxari · David Meger · Jitendra Malik · Michal Drozdzal

When a toddler is presented a new toy, their instinctual behaviour is to pick it up and inspect it with their hand and eyes in tandem, clearly searching over its surface to properly understand what they are playing with. At any instance here, touch provides high fidelity localized information while vision provides complementary global context. However, in 3D shape reconstruction, the complementary fusion of visual and haptic modalities remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we study this problem and present an effective chart-based approach to multi-modal shape understanding which encourages a similar fusion vision and touch information. To do so, we introduce a dataset of simulated touch and vision signals from the interaction between a robotic hand and a large array of 3D objects. Our results show that (1) leveraging both vision and touch signals consistently improves single- modality baselines; (2) our approach outperforms alternative modality fusion methods and strongly benefits from the proposed chart-based structure; (3) the reconstruction quality increases with the number of grasps provided; and (4) the touch information not only enhances the reconstruction at the touch site but also extrapolates to its local neighborhood.

Canonical 3D Deformer Maps: Unifying parametric and non-parametric methods for dense weakly-supervised category reconstruction

David Novotny · Roman Shapovalov · Andrea Vedaldi

We propose the Canonical 3D Deformer Map, a new representation of the 3D shape of common object categories that can be learned from a collection of 2D images of independent objects. Our method builds in a novel way on concepts from parametric deformation models, non-parametric 3D reconstruction, and canonical embeddings, combining their individual advantages. In particular, it learns to associate each image pixel with a deformation model of the corresponding 3D object point which is canonical, i.e. intrinsic to the identity of the point and shared across objects of the category. The result is a method that, given only sparse 2D supervision at training time, can, at test time, reconstruct the 3D shape and texture of objects from single views, while establishing meaningful dense correspondences between object instances. It also achieves state-of-the-art results in dense 3D reconstruction on public in-the-wild datasets of faces, cars, and birds.

Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance

Lior Yariv · Yoni Kasten · Dror Moran · Meirav Galun · Matan Atzmon · Basri Ronen · Yaron Lipman

In this work we address the challenging problem of multiview 3D surface reconstruction. We introduce a neural network architecture that simultaneously learns the unknown geometry, camera parameters, and a neural renderer that approximates the light reflected from the surface towards the camera. The geometry is represented as a zero level-set of a neural network, while the neural renderer, derived from the rendering equation, is capable of (implicitly) modeling a wide set of lighting conditions and materials. We trained our network on real world 2D images of objects with different material properties, lighting conditions, and noisy camera initializations from the DTU MVS dataset. We found our model to produce state of the art 3D surface reconstructions with high fidelity, resolution and detail.

Neural Sparse Voxel Fields

Lingjie Liu · Jiatao Gu · Kyaw Zaw Lin · Tat-Seng Chua · Christian Theobalt

Photo-realistic free-viewpoint rendering of real-world scenes using classical computer graphics techniques is challenging, because it requires the difficult step of capturing detailed appearance and geometry models. Recent studies have demonstrated promising results by learning scene representations that implicitly encodes both geometry and appearance without 3D supervision. However, existing approaches in practice often show blurry renderings caused by the limited network capacity or the difficulty in finding accurate intersections of camera rays with the scene geometry. Synthesizing high-resolution imagery from these representations often requires time-consuming optical ray marching. In this work, we introduce Neural Sparse Voxel Fields (NSVF), a new neural scene representation for fast and high-quality free-viewpoint rendering. The NSVF defines a series of voxel-bounded implicit fields organized in a sparse voxel octree to model local properties in each cell. We progressively learn the underlying voxel structures with a differentiable ray-marching operation from only a set of posed RGB images. With the sparse voxel octree structure, rendering novel views at inference time can be accelerated by skipping the voxels without relevant scene content. Our method is over 10 times faster than the state-of-the-art while achieving higher quality results. Furthermore, by utilizing an explicit sparse voxel representation, our method can be easily applied to scene editing and scene composition. we also demonstrate various kinds of challenging tasks, including multi-object learning, free-viewpoint rendering of a moving human, and large-scale scene rendering.

RepPoints v2: Verification Meets Regression for Object Detection

Yihong Chen · Zheng Zhang · Yue Cao · Liwei Wang · Stephen Lin · Han Hu

Verification and regression are two general methodologies for prediction in neural networks. Each has its own strengths: verification can be easier to infer accurately, and regression is more efficient and applicable to continuous target variables. Hence, it is often beneficial to carefully combine them to take advantage of their benefits. In this paper, we take this philosophy to improve state-of-the-art object detection, specifically by RepPoints. Though RepPoints provides high performance, we find that its heavy reliance on regression for object localization leaves room for improvement. We introduce verification tasks into the localization prediction of RepPoints, producing RepPoints v2, which proves consistent improvements of about 2.0 mAP over the original RepPoints on COCO object detection benchmark using different backbones and training methods. RepPoints v2 also achieves 52.1 mAP on the COCO \texttt{test-dev} by a single model. Moreover, we show that the proposed approach can more generally elevate other object detection frameworks as well as applications such as instance segmentation.

Efficient Contextual Bandits with Continuous Actions

Maryam Majzoubi · Chicheng Zhang · Rajan Chari · Akshay Krishnamurthy · John Langford · Aleksandrs Slivkins

We create a computationally tractable learning algorithm for contextual bandits with continuous actions having unknown structure. The new reduction-style algorithm composes with most supervised learning representations. We prove that this algorithm works in a general sense and verify the new functionality with large-scale experiments.

Collapsing Bandits and Their Application to Public Health Intervention

Aditya Mate · Jackson Killian · Haifeng Xu · Andrew Perrault · Milind Tambe

We propose and study Collapsing Bandits, a new restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) setting in which each arm follows a binary-state Markovian process with a special structure: when an arm is played, the state is fully observed, thus“collapsing” any uncertainty, but when an arm is passive, no observation is made, thus allowing uncertainty to evolve. The goal is to keep as many arms in the “good” state as possible by planning a limited budget of actions per round. Such CollapsingBandits are natural models for many healthcare domains in which health workers must simultaneously monitor patients and deliver interventions in a way that maximizes the health of their patient cohort. Our main contributions are as follows: (i) Building on the Whittle index technique for RMABs, we derive conditions under which the Collapsing Bandits problem is indexable. Our derivation hinges on novel conditions that characterize when the optimal policies may take the form of either“forward” or “reverse” threshold policies. (ii) We exploit the optimality of threshold policies to build fast algorithms for computing the Whittle index, including a closed-form. (iii) We evaluate our algorithm on several data distributions including data from a real-world healthcare task in which a worker must monitor and deliver interventions to maximize their patients’ adherence to tuberculosis medication. Our algorithm achieves a 3-order-of-magnitude speedup compared to state-of-the-art RMAB techniques, while achieving similar performance. The code is available at:

Learning to Play Sequential Games versus Unknown Opponents

Pier Giuseppe Sessa · Ilija Bogunovic · Maryam Kamgarpour · Andreas Krause

We consider a repeated sequential game between a learner, who plays first, and an opponent who responds to the chosen action. We seek to design strategies for the learner to successfully interact with the opponent. While most previous approaches consider known opponent models, we focus on the setting in which the opponent's model is unknown. To this end, we use kernel-based regularity assumptions to capture and exploit the structure in the opponent's response. We propose a novel algorithm for the learner when playing against an adversarial sequence of opponents. The algorithm combines ideas from bilevel optimization and online learning to effectively balance between exploration (learning about the opponent's model) and exploitation (selecting highly rewarding actions for the learner). Our results include algorithm's regret guarantees that depend on the regularity of the opponent's response and scale sublinearly with the number of game rounds. Moreover, we specialize our approach to repeated Stackelberg games, and empirically demonstrate its effectiveness in a traffic routing and wildlife conservation task.

Interferobot: aligning an optical interferometer by a reinforcement learning agent

Dmitry Sorokin · Alexander Ulanov · Ekaterina Sazhina · Alexander Lvovsky

Limitations in acquiring training data restrict potential applications of deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods to the training of real-world robots. Here we train an RL agent to align a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, which is an essential part of many optical experiments, based on images of interference fringes acquired by a monocular camera. The agent is trained in a simulated environment, without any hand-coded features or a priori information about the physics, and subsequently transferred to a physical interferometer. Thanks to a set of domain randomizations simulating uncertainties in physical measurements, the agent successfully aligns this interferometer without any fine-tuning, achieving a performance level of a human expert.

Reinforcement Learning in Factored MDPs: Oracle-Efficient Algorithms and Tighter Regret Bounds for the Non-Episodic Setting

Ziping Xu · Ambuj Tewari

We study reinforcement learning in non-episodic factored Markov decision processes (FMDPs). We propose two near-optimal and oracle-efficient algorithms for FMDPs. Assuming oracle access to an FMDP planner, they enjoy a Bayesian and a frequentist regret bound respectively, both of which reduce to the near-optimal bound $O(DS\sqrt{AT})$ for standard non-factored MDPs. We propose a tighter connectivity measure, factored span, for FMDPs and prove a lower bound that depends on the factored span rather than the diameter $D$. In order to decrease the gap between lower and upper bounds, we propose an adaptation of the REGAL.C algorithm whose regret bound depends on the factored span. Our oracle-efficient algorithms outperform previously proposed near-optimal algorithms on computer network administration simulations.

Reinforcement Learning with Feedback Graphs

Christoph Dann · Yishay Mansour · Mehryar Mohri · Ayush Sekhari · Karthik Sridharan

We study RL in the tabular MDP setting where the agent receives additional observations per step in the form of transitions samples. Such additional observations can be provided in many tasks by auxiliary sensors or by leveraging prior knowledge about the environment (e.g., when certain actions yield similar outcome). We formalize this setting using a feedback graph over state-action pairs and show that model-based algorithms can incorporate additional observations for more sample-efficient learning. We give a regret bound that predominantly depends on the size of the maximum acyclic subgraph of the feedback graph, in contrast with a polynomial dependency on the number of states and actions in the absence of side observations. Finally, we highlight fundamental challenges for leveraging a small dominating set of the feedback graph, as compared to the well-studied bandit setting, and propose a new algorithm that can use such a dominating set to learn a near-optimal policy faster.

A Unifying View of Optimism in Episodic Reinforcement Learning

Gergely Neu · Ciara Pike-Burke

The principle of ``optimism in the face of uncertainty'' underpins many theoretically successful reinforcement learning algorithms. In this paper we provide a general framework for designing, analyzing and implementing such algorithms in the episodic reinforcement learning problem. This framework is built upon Lagrangian duality, and demonstrates that every model-optimistic algorithm that constructs an optimistic MDP has an equivalent representation as a value-optimistic dynamic programming algorithm. Typically, it was thought that these two classes of algorithms were distinct, with model-optimistic algorithms benefiting from a cleaner probabilistic analysis while value-optimistic algorithms are easier to implement and thus more practical. With the framework developed in this paper, we show that it is possible to get the best of both worlds by providing a class of algorithms which have a computationally efficient dynamic-programming implementation and also a simple probabilistic analysis. Besides being able to capture many existing algorithms in the tabular setting, our framework can also address large-scale problems under realizable function approximation, where it enables a simple model-based analysis of some recently proposed methods.

Provably Efficient Reward-Agnostic Navigation with Linear Value Iteration

Andrea Zanette · Alessandro Lazaric · Mykel J Kochenderfer · Emma Brunskill

There has been growing progress on theoretical analyses for provably efficient learning in MDPs with linear function approximation, but much of the existing work has made strong assumptions to enable exploration by conventional exploration frameworks. Typically these assumptions are stronger than what is needed to find good solutions in the batch setting. In this work, we show how under a more standard notion of low inherent Bellman error, typically employed in least-square value iteration-style algorithms, we can provide strong PAC guarantees on learning a near optimal value function provided that the linear space is sufficiently ``explorable''. We present a computationally tractable algorithm for the reward-free setting and show how it can be used to learn a near optimal policy for any (linear) reward function, which is revealed only once learning has completed. If this reward function is also estimated from the samples gathered during pure exploration, our results also provide same-order PAC guarantees on the performance of the resulting policy for this setting.

On Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation

Ruosong Wang · Simon Du · Lin Yang · Russ Salakhutdinov

Reward-free reinforcement learning (RL) is a framework which is suitable for both the batch RL setting and the setting where there are many reward functions of interest. During the exploration phase, an agent collects samples without using a pre-specified reward function. After the exploration phase, a reward function is given, and the agent uses samples collected during the exploration phase to compute a near-optimal policy. Jin et al. [2020] showed that in the tabular setting, the agent only needs to collect polynomial number of samples (in terms of the number states, the number of actions, and the planning horizon) for reward-free RL. However, in practice, the number of states and actions can be large, and thus function approximation schemes are required for generalization. In this work, we give both positive and negative results for reward-free RL with linear function approximation. We give an algorithm for reward-free RL in the linear Markov decision process setting where both the transition and the reward admit linear representations. The sample complexity of our algorithm is polynomial in the feature dimension and the planning horizon, and is completely independent of the number of states and actions. We further give an exponential lower bound for reward-free RL in the setting where only the optimal $Q$-function admits a linear representation. Our results imply several interesting exponential separations on the sample complexity of reward-free RL.

On Efficiency in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Zheng Wen · Doina Precup · Morteza Ibrahimi · Andre Barreto · Benjamin Van Roy · Satinder Singh

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) approaches promise to provide more efficient solutions to sequential decision making problems, both in terms of statistical as well as computational efficiency. While this has been demonstrated empirically over time in a variety of tasks, theoretical results quantifying the benefits of such methods are still few and far between. In this paper, we discuss the kind of structure in a Markov decision process which gives rise to efficient HRL methods. Specifically, we formalize the intuition that HRL can exploit well repeating "subMDPs", with similar reward and transition structure. We show that, under reasonable assumptions, a model-based Thompson sampling-style HRL algorithm that exploits this structure is statistically efficient, as established through a finite-time regret bound. We also establish conditions under which planning with structure-induced options is near-optimal and computationally efficient.

Towards Minimax Optimal Reinforcement Learning in Factored Markov Decision Processes

Yi Tian · Jian Qian · Suvrit Sra

We study minimax optimal reinforcement learning in episodic factored Markov decision processes (FMDPs), which are MDPs with conditionally independent transition components. Assuming the factorization is known, we propose two model-based algorithms. The first one achieves minimax optimal regret guarantees for a rich class of factored structures, while the second one enjoys better computational complexity with a slightly worse regret. A key new ingredient of our algorithms is the design of a bonus term to guide exploration. We complement our algorithms by presenting several structure dependent lower bounds on regret for FMDPs that reveal the difficulty hiding in the intricacy of the structures.

Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning through Optimistic Policy Search and Planning

Sebastian Curi · Felix Berkenkamp · Andreas Krause

Model-based reinforcement learning algorithms with probabilistic dynamical models are amongst the most data-efficient learning methods. This is often attributed to their ability to distinguish between epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty. However, while most algorithms distinguish these two uncertainties for learning the model, they ignore it when optimizing the policy, which leads to greedy and insufficient exploration. At the same time, there are no practical solvers for optimistic exploration algorithms. In this paper, we propose a practical optimistic exploration algorithm (H-UCRL). H-UCRL reparameterizes the set of plausible models and hallucinates control directly on the epistemic uncertainty. By augmenting the input space with the hallucinated inputs, H-UCRL can be solved using standard greedy planners. Furthermore, we analyze H-UCRL and construct a general regret bound for well-calibrated models, which is provably sublinear in the case of Gaussian Process models. Based on this theoretical foundation, we show how optimistic exploration can be easily combined with state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms and different probabilistic models. Our experiments demonstrate that optimistic exploration significantly speeds-up learning when there are penalties on actions, a setting that is notoriously difficult for existing model-based reinforcement learning algorithms.

Belief-Dependent Macro-Action Discovery in POMDPs using the Value of Information

Genevieve Flaspohler · Nick Roy · John Fisher III

This work introduces macro-action discovery using value-of-information (VoI) for robust and efficient planning in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). POMDPs are a powerful framework for planning under uncertainty. Previous approaches have used high-level macro-actions within POMDP policies to reduce planning complexity. However, macro-action design is often heuristic and rarely comes with performance guarantees. Here, we present a method for extracting belief-dependent, variable-length macro-actions directly from a low-level POMDP model. We construct macro-actions by chaining sequences of open-loop actions together when the task-specific value of information (VoI) --- the change in expected task performance caused by observations in the current planning iteration --- is low. Importantly, we provide performance guarantees on the resulting VoI macro-action policies in the form of bounded regret relative to the optimal policy. In simulated tracking experiments, we achieve higher reward than both closed-loop and hand-coded macro-action baselines, selectively using VoI macro-actions to reduce planning complexity while maintaining near-optimal task performance.

High-Throughput Synchronous Deep RL

Iou-Jen Liu · Raymond A. Yeh · Alex Schwing

Various parallel actor-learner methods reduce long training times for deep reinforcement learning. Synchronous methods enjoy training stability while having lower data throughput. In contrast, asynchronous methods achieve high throughput but suffer from stability issues and lower sample efficiency due to ‘stale policies.’ To combine the advantages of both methods we propose High-Throughput Synchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning (HTS-RL). In HTS-RL, we perform learning and rollouts concurrently, devise a system design which avoids ‘stale policies’ and ensure that actors interact with environment replicas in an asynchronous manner while maintaining full determinism. We evaluate our approach on Atari games and the Google Research Football environment. Compared to synchronous baselines, HTS-RL is 2−6X faster. Compared to state-of-the-art asynchronous methods, HTS-RL has competitive throughput and consistently achieves higher average episode rewards.

AttendLight: Universal Attention-Based Reinforcement Learning Model for Traffic Signal Control

Afshin Oroojlooy · Mohammadreza Nazari · Davood Hajinezhad · Jorge Silva

We propose AttendLight, an end-to-end Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm for the problem of traffic signal control. Previous approaches for this problem have the shortcoming that they require training for each new intersection with a different structure or traffic flow distribution. AttendLight solves this issue by training a single, universal model for intersections with any number of roads, lanes, phases (possible signals), and traffic flow. To this end, we propose a deep RL model which incorporates two attention models. The first attention model is introduced to handle different numbers of roads-lanes; and the second attention model is intended for enabling decision-making with any number of phases in an intersection. As a result, our proposed model works for any intersection configuration, as long as a similar configuration is represented in the training set. Experiments were conducted with both synthetic and real-world standard benchmark datasets. Our numerical experiment covers intersections with three or four approaching roads; one-directional/bi-directional roads with one, two, and three lanes; different number of phases; and different traffic flows. We consider two regimes: (i) single-environment training, single-deployment, and (ii) multi-environment training, multi-deployment. AttendLight outperforms both classical and other RL-based approaches on all cases in both regimes.

Dynamic Submodular Maximization

Morteza Monemizadeh

One of the basic primitives in the class of submodular optimization problems is the submodular maximization under a cardinality constraint. Here we are given a ground set $V$ that is endowed with a monotone submodular function $f: 2^V \rightarrow \REAL^+$ and a parameter $0 < k \le n$ and the goal is to return an optimal set $S \subseteq V$ of at most $k$ elements, i.e., $f(S)$ is maximum among all subsets of $V$ of size at most $k$. This basic primitive has many applications in machine learning as well as combinatorial optimization. Example applications are agglomerative clustering, exemplar-based clustering, categorical feature compression, document and corpus summarization, recommender systems, search result diversification, data subset selection, minimum spanning tree, max flow, global minimum cut, maximum matching, traveling salesman problem, max clique, max cut, set cover and knapsack, among the others. In this paper, we propose the first dynamic algorithm for this problem. Given a stream of inserts and deletes of elements of an underlying ground set $V$, we develop a dynamic algorithm that with high probability, maintains a $(\frac{1}{2} - \epsilon)$-approximation of a cardinality-constrained monotone submodular maximization for any sequence of $z$ updates (inserts and deletes) in time $O(k^2z\epsilon^{-3}\cdot \log^5 n)$, where $n$ is the maximum size of $V$ at any time. That is, the amortized update time of our algorithm is $O(k^2\epsilon^{-3}\cdot \log^5 n)$.

Adaptive Shrinkage Estimation for Streaming Graphs

Nesreen K. Ahmed · Nick Duffield

Networks are a natural representation of complex systems across the sciences, and higher-order dependencies are central to the understanding and modeling of these systems. However, in many practical applications such as online social networks, networks are massive, dynamic, and naturally streaming, where pairwise interactions among vertices become available one at a time in some arbitrary order. The massive size and streaming nature of these networks allow only partial observation, since it is infeasible to analyze the entire network. Under such scenarios, it is challenging to study the higher-order structural and connectivity patterns of streaming networks. In this work, we consider the fundamental problem of estimating the higher-order dependencies using adaptive sampling. We propose a novel adaptive, single-pass sampling framework and unbiased estimators for higher-order network analysis of large streaming networks. Our algorithms exploit adaptive techniques to identify edges that are highly informative for efficiently estimating the higher-order structure of streaming networks from small sample data. We also introduce a novel James-Stein shrinkage estimator to reduce the estimation error. Our approach is fully analytic, computationally efficient, and can be incrementally updated in a streaming setting. Numerical experiments on large networks show that our approach is superior to baseline methods.

Near-Optimal Comparison Based Clustering

Michaël Perrot · Pascal Esser · Debarghya Ghoshdastidar

The goal of clustering is to group similar objects into meaningful partitions. This process is well understood when an explicit similarity measure between the objects is given. However, far less is known when this information is not readily available and, instead, one only observes ordinal comparisons such as ``object i is more similar to j than to k.'' In this paper, we tackle this problem using a two-step procedure: we estimate a pairwise similarity matrix from the comparisons before using a clustering method based on semi-definite programming (SDP). We theoretically show that our approach can exactly recover a planted clustering using a near-optimal number of passive comparisons. We empirically validate our theoretical findings and demonstrate the good behaviour of our method on real data.

Impossibility Results for Grammar-Compressed Linear Algebra

Amir Abboud · Arturs Backurs · Karl Bringmann · Marvin Künnemann

To handle vast amounts of data, it is natural and popular to compress vectors and matrices. When we compress a vector from size N down to size n << N, it certainly makes it easier to store and transmit efficiently, but does it also make it easier to process?

In this paper we consider lossless compression schemes, and ask if we can run our computations on the compressed data as efficiently as if the original data was that small. That is, if an operation has time complexity T(input-size), can we perform it on the compressed representation in time T(n) rather than T(N)? We consider the most basic linear algebra operations: inner product, matrix-vector multiplication, and matrix multiplication. In particular, given two compressed vectors, can we compute their inner product in time O(n)? Or perhaps we must decompress first and then multiply, spending Omega(N) time?

The answer depends on the compression scheme. While for simple ones such as Run-Length-Encoding (RLE) the inner product can be done in O(n) time, we prove that this is impossible for compressions from a richer class: essentially n^2 or even larger runtimes are needed in the worst case (under complexity assumptions). This is the class of \emph{grammar-compressions} containing most popular methods such as the Lempel-Ziv family. These schemes are more compressing than the simple RLE, but alas, we prove that performing computations on them is much harder.

Statistical control for spatio-temporal MEG/EEG source imaging with desparsified mutli-task Lasso

Jerome-Alexis Chevalier · Joseph Salmon · Alexandre Gramfort · Bertrand Thirion

Detecting where and when brain regions activate in a cognitive task or in a given clinical condition is the promise of non-invasive techniques like magnetoencephalography (MEG) or electroencephalography (EEG). This problem, referred to as source localization, or source imaging, poses however a high-dimensional statistical inference challenge. While sparsity promoting regularizations have been proposed to address the regression problem, it remains unclear how to ensure statistical control of false detections in this setting. Moreover, MEG/EEG source imaging requires to work with spatio-temporal data and autocorrelated noise. To deal with this, we adapt the desparsified Lasso estimator ---an estimator tailored for high dimensional linear model that asymptotically follows a Gaussian distribution under sparsity and moderate feature correlation assumptions--- to temporal data corrupted with autocorrelated noise. We call it the desparsified multi-task Lasso (d-MTLasso). We combine d-MTLasso with spatially constrained clustering to reduce data dimension and with ensembling to mitigate the arbitrary choice of clustering; the resulting estimator is called ensemble of clustered desparsified multi-task Lasso (ecd-MTLasso). With respect to the current procedures, the two advantages of ecd-MTLasso are that i)it offers statistical guarantees and ii)it allows to trade spatial specificity for sensitivity, leading to a powerful adaptive method. Extensive simulations on realistic head geometries, as well as empirical results on various MEG datasets, demonstrate the high recovery performance of ecd-MTLasso and its primary practical benefit: offer a statistically principled way to threshold MEG/EEG source maps.

Submodular Meta-Learning

Arman Adibi · Aryan Mokhtari · Hamed Hassani

In this paper, we introduce a discrete variant of the Meta-learning framework. Meta-learning aims at exploiting prior experience and data to improve performance on future tasks. By now, there exist numerous formulations for Meta-learning in the continuous domain. Notably, the Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) formulation views each task as a continuous optimization problem and based on prior data learns a suitable initialization that can be adapted to new, unseen tasks after a few simple gradient updates. Motivated by this terminology, we propose a novel Meta-learning framework in the discrete domain where each task is equivalent to maximizing a set function under a cardinality constraint. Our approach aims at using prior data, i.e., previously visited tasks, to train a proper initial solution set that can be quickly adapted to a new task at a relatively low computational cost. This approach leads to (i) a personalized solution for each task, and (ii) significantly reduced computational cost at test time compared to the case where the solution is fully optimized once the new task is revealed. The training procedure is performed by solving a challenging discrete optimization problem for which we present deterministic and randomized algorithms. In the case where the tasks are monotone and submodular, we show strong theoretical guarantees for our proposed methods even though the training objective may not be submodular. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on two real-world problem instances where we observe that our methods lead to a significant reduction in computational complexity in solving the new tasks while incurring a small performance loss compared to when the tasks are fully optimized.

Fairness in Streaming Submodular Maximization: Algorithms and Hardness

Marwa El Halabi · Slobodan Mitrović · Ashkan Norouzi-Fard · Jakab Tardos · Jakub Tarnawski

Submodular maximization has become established as the method of choice for the task of selecting representative and diverse summaries of data. However, if datapoints have sensitive attributes such as gender or age, such machine learning algorithms, left unchecked, are known to exhibit bias: under- or over-representation of particular groups. This has made the design of fair machine learning algorithms increasingly important. In this work we address the question: Is it possible to create fair summaries for massive datasets? To this end, we develop the first streaming approximation algorithms for submodular maximization under fairness constraints, for both monotone and non-monotone functions. We validate our findings empirically on exemplar-based clustering, movie recommendation, DPP-based summarization, and maximum coverage in social networks, showing that fairness constraints do not significantly impact utility.

Fast Adaptive Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint

Georgios Amanatidis · Federico Fusco · Philip Lazos · Stefano Leonardi · Rebecca Reiffenhäuser

Constrained submodular maximization problems encompass a wide variety of applications, including personalized recommendation, team formation, and revenue maximization via viral marketing. The massive instances occurring in modern-day applications can render existing algorithms prohibitively slow. Moreover, frequently those instances are also inherently stochastic. Focusing on these challenges, we revisit the classic problem of maximizing a (possibly non-monotone) submodular function subject to a knapsack constraint. We present a simple randomized greedy algorithm that achieves a $5.83$ approximation and runs in $O(n \log n)$ time, i.e., at least a factor $n$ faster than other state-of-the-art algorithms. The robustness of our approach allows us to further transfer it to a stochastic version of the problem. There, we obtain a 9-approximation to the best adaptive policy, which is the first constant approximation for non-monotone objectives. Experimental evaluation of our algorithms showcases their improved performance on real and synthetic data.

Direct Policy Gradients: Direct Optimization of Policies in Discrete Action Spaces

Guy Lorberbom · Chris Maddison · Nicolas Heess · Tamir Hazan · Danny Tarlow

Direct optimization (McAllester et al., 2010; Song et al., 2016) is an appealing framework that replaces integration with optimization of a random objective for approximating gradients in models with discrete random variables (Lorberbom et al., 2018). A* sampling (Maddison et al., 2014) is a framework for optimizing such random objectives over large spaces. We show how to combine these techniques to yield a reinforcement learning algorithm that approximates a policy gradient by finding trajectories that optimize a random objective. We call the resulting algorithms \emph{direct policy gradient} (DirPG) algorithms. A main benefit of DirPG algorithms is that they allow the insertion of domain knowledge in the form of upper bounds on return-to-go at training time, like is used in heuristic search, while still directly computing a policy gradient. We further analyze their properties, showing there are cases where DirPG has an exponentially larger probability of sampling informative gradients compared to REINFORCE. We also show that there is a built-in variance reduction technique and that a parameter that was previously viewed as a numerical approximation can be interpreted as controlling risk sensitivity. Empirically, we evaluate the effect of key degrees of freedom and show that the algorithm performs well in illustrative domains compared to baselines.

Efficient active learning of sparse halfspaces with arbitrary bounded noise

Chicheng Zhang · Jie Shen · Pranjal Awasthi

We study active learning of homogeneous $s$-sparse halfspaces in $\mathbb{R}^d$ under the setting where the unlabeled data distribution is isotropic log-concave and each label is flipped with probability at most $\eta$ for a parameter $\eta \in \big[0, \frac12\big)$, known as the bounded noise. Even in the presence of mild label noise, i.e. $\eta$ is a small constant, this is a challenging problem and only recently have label complexity bounds of the form $\tilde{O}(s \cdot polylog(d, \frac{1}{\epsilon}))$ been established in [Zhang 2018] for computationally efficient algorithms. In contrast, under high levels of label noise, the label complexity bounds achieved by computationally efficient algorithms are much worse: the best known result [Awasthi et al. 2016] provides a computationally efficient algorithm with label complexity $\tilde{O}((s ln d/\epsilon)^{poly(1/(1-2\eta))})$, which is label-efficient only when the noise rate $\eta$ is a fixed constant. In this work, we substantially improve on it by designing a polynomial time algorithm for active learning of $s$-sparse halfspaces, with a label complexity of $\tilde{O}\big(\frac{s}{(1-2\eta)^4} polylog (d, \frac 1 \epsilon) \big)$. This is the first efficient algorithm with label complexity polynomial in $\frac{1}{1-2\eta}$ in this setting, which is label-efficient even for $\eta$ arbitrarily close to $\frac12$. Our active learning algorithm and its theoretical guarantees also immediately translate to new state-of-the-art label and sample complexity results for full-dimensional active and passive halfspace learning under arbitrary bounded noise.

Learning Structured Distributions From Untrusted Batches: Faster and Simpler

Sitan Chen · Jerry Li · Ankur Moitra

We revisit the problem of learning from untrusted batches introduced by Qiao and Valiant [QV17]. Recently, Jain and Orlitsky [JO19] gave a simple semidefinite programming approach based on the cut-norm that achieves essentially information-theoretically optimal error in polynomial time. Concurrently, Chen et al. [CLM19] considered a variant of the problem where μ is assumed to be structured, e.g. log-concave, monotone hazard rate, t-modal, etc. In this case, it is possible to achieve the same error with sample complexity sublinear in n, and they exhibited a quasi-polynomial time algorithm for doing so using Haar wavelets.

In this paper, we find an appealing way to synthesize the techniques of [JO19] and [CLM19] to give the best of both worlds: an algorithm which runs in polynomial time and can exploit structure in the underlying distribution to achieve sublinear sample complexity. Along the way, we simplify the approach of [JO19] by avoiding the need for SDP rounding and giving a more direct interpretation of it through the lens of soft filtering, a powerful recent technique in high-dimensional robust estimation. We validate the usefulness of our algorithms in preliminary experimental evaluations.

Outlier Robust Mean Estimation with Subgaussian Rates via Stability

Ilias Diakonikolas · Daniel M. Kane · Ankit Pensia

We study the problem of outlier robust high-dimensional mean estimation under a finite covariance assumption, and more broadly under finite low-degree moment assumptions. We consider a standard stability condition from the recent robust statistics literature and prove that, except with exponentially small failure probability, there exists a large fraction of the inliers satisfying this condition. As a corollary, it follows that a number of recently developed algorithms for robust mean estimation, including iterative filtering and non-convex gradient descent, give optimal error estimators with (near-)subgaussian rates. Previous analyses of these algorithms gave significantly suboptimal rates. As a corollary of our approach, we obtain the first computationally efficient algorithm for outlier robust mean estimation with subgaussian rates under a finite covariance assumption.

Fictitious Play for Mean Field Games: Continuous Time Analysis and Applications

Sarah Perrin · Julien Perolat · Mathieu Lauriere · Matthieu Geist · Romuald Elie · Olivier Pietquin

In this paper, we deepen the analysis of continuous time Fictitious Play learning algorithm to the consideration of various finite state Mean Field Game settings (finite horizon, $\gamma$-discounted), allowing in particular for the introduction of an additional common noise. We first present a theoretical convergence analysis of the continuous time Fictitious Play process and prove that the induced exploitability decreases at a rate $O(\frac{1}{t})$. Such analysis emphasizes the use of exploitability as a relevant metric for evaluating the convergence towards a Nash equilibrium in the context of Mean Field Games. These theoretical contributions are supported by numerical experiments provided in either model-based or model-free settings. We provide hereby for the first time converging learning dynamics for Mean Field Games in the presence of common noise.

Hitting the High Notes: Subset Selection for Maximizing Expected Order Statistics

Aranyak Mehta · Uri Nadav · Alexandros Psomas · Aviad Rubinstein

We consider the fundamental problem of selecting $k$ out of $n$ random variables in a way that the expected highest or second-highest value is maximized. This question captures several applications where we have uncertainty about the quality of candidates (e.g. auction bids, search results) and have the capacity to explore only a small subset due to an exogenous constraint. For example, consider a second price auction where system constraints (e.g., costly retrieval or model computation) allow the participation of only $k$ out of $n$ bidders, and the goal is to optimize the expected efficiency (highest bid) or expected revenue (second highest bid). We study the case where we are given an explicit description of each random variable. We give a PTAS for the problem of maximizing the expected highest value. For the second-highest value, we prove a hardness result: assuming the Planted Clique Hypothesis, there is no constant factor approximation algorithm that runs in polynomial time. Surprisingly, under the assumption that each random variable has monotone hazard rate (MHR), a simple score-based algorithm, namely picking the $k$ random variables with the largest $1/\sqrt{k}$ top quantile value, is a constant approximation to the expected highest and second highest value, \emph{simultaneously}.

PAC-Bayesian Bound for the Conditional Value at Risk

Zakaria Mhammedi · Benjamin Guedj · Robert Williamson

Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) is a 'coherent risk measure' which generalizes expectation (reduced to a boundary parameter setting). Widely used in mathematical finance, it is garnering increasing interest in machine learning as an alternate approach to regularization, and as a means for ensuring fairness.
This paper presents a generalization bound for learning algorithms that minimize the CVaR of the empirical loss. The bound is of PAC-Bayesian type and is guaranteed to be small when the empirical CVaR is small. We achieve this by reducing the problem of estimating CVaR to that of merely estimating an expectation. This then enables us, as a by-product, to obtain concentration inequalities for CVaR even when the random variable in question is unbounded.

Universal Function Approximation on Graphs

Rickard Brüel Gabrielsson

In this work we produce a framework for constructing universal function approximators on graph isomorphism classes. We prove how this framework comes with a collection of theoretically desirable properties and enables novel analysis. We show how this allows us to achieve state-of-the-art performance on four different well-known datasets in graph classification and separate classes of graphs that other graph-learning methods cannot. Our approach is inspired by persistent homology, dependency parsing for NLP, and multivalued functions. The complexity of the underlying algorithm is O(#edges x #nodes) and code is publicly available (

Model Class Reliance for Random Forests

Gavin Smith · Roberto Mansilla · James Goulding

Variable Importance (VI) has traditionally been cast as the process of estimating each variables contribution to a predictive model's overall performance. Analysis of a single model instance, however, guarantees no insight into a variables relevance to underlying generative processes. Recent research has sought to address this concern via analysis of Rashomon sets - sets of alternative model instances that exhibit equivalent predictive performance to some reference model, but which take different functional forms. Measures such as Model Class Reliance (MCR) have been proposed, that are computed against Rashomon sets, in order to ascertain how much a variable must be relied on to make robust predictions, or whether alternatives exist. If MCR range is tight, we have no choice but to use a variable; if range is high then there exists competing, perhaps fairer models, that provide alternative explanations of the phenomena being examined. Applications are wide, from enabling construction of `fairer' models in areas such as recidivism, health analytics and ethical marketing. Tractable estimation of MCR for non-linear models is currently restricted to Kernel Regression under squared loss \cite{fisher2019all}. In this paper we introduce a new technique that extends computation of Model Class Reliance (MCR) to Random Forest classifiers and regressors. The proposed approach addresses a number of open research questions, and in contrast to prior Kernel SVM MCR estimation, runs in linearithmic rather than polynomial time. Taking a fundamentally different approach to previous work, we provide a solution for this important model class, identifying situations where irrelevant covariates do not improve predictions.

Hypersolvers: Toward Fast Continuous-Depth Models

Michael Poli · Stefano Massaroli · Atsushi Yamashita · Hajime Asama · Jinkyoo Park

The infinite-depth paradigm pioneered by Neural ODEs has launched a renaissance in the search for novel dynamical system-inspired deep learning primitives; however, their utilization in problems of non-trivial size has often proved impossible due to poor computational scalability. This work paves the way for scalable Neural ODEs with time-to-prediction comparable to traditional discrete networks. We introduce hypersolvers, neural networks designed to solve ODEs with low overhead and theoretical guarantees on accuracy. The synergistic combination of hypersolvers and Neural ODEs allows for cheap inference and unlocks a new frontier for practical application of continuous-depth models. Experimental evaluations on standard benchmarks, such as sampling for continuous normalizing flows, reveal consistent pareto efficiency over classical numerical methods.

Almost Surely Stable Deep Dynamics

Nathan Lawrence · Philip Loewen · Michael Forbes · Johan Backstrom · Bhushan Gopaluni

We introduce a method for learning provably stable deep neural network based dynamic models from observed data. Specifically, we consider discrete-time stochastic dynamic models, as they are of particular interest in practical applications such as estimation and control. However, these aspects exacerbate the challenge of guaranteeing stability. Our method works by embedding a Lyapunov neural network into the dynamic model, thereby inherently satisfying the stability criterion. To this end, we propose two approaches and apply them in both the deterministic and stochastic settings: one exploits convexity of the Lyapunov function, while the other enforces stability through an implicit output layer. We demonstrate the utility of each approach through numerical examples.

Learning Optimal Representations with the Decodable Information Bottleneck

Yann Dubois · Douwe Kiela · David Schwab · Ramakrishna Vedantam

We address the question of characterizing and finding optimal representations for supervised learning. Traditionally, this question has been tackled using the Information Bottleneck, which compresses the inputs while retaining information about the targets, in a decoder-agnostic fashion. In machine learning, however, our goal is not compression but rather generalization, which is intimately linked to the predictive family or decoder of interest (e.g. linear classifier). We propose the Decodable Information Bottleneck (DIB) that considers information retention and compression from the perspective of the desired predictive family. As a result, DIB gives rise to representations that are optimal in terms of expected test performance and can be estimated with guarantees. Empirically, we show that the framework can be used to enforce a small generalization gap on downstream classifiers and to predict the generalization ability of neural networks.

Provable Online CP/PARAFAC Decomposition of a Structured Tensor via Dictionary Learning

Sirisha Rambhatla · Xingguo Li · Jarvis Haupt

We consider the problem of factorizing a structured 3-way tensor into its constituent Canonical Polyadic (CP) factors. This decomposition, which can be viewed as a generalization of singular value decomposition (SVD) for tensors, reveals how the tensor dimensions (features) interact with each other. However, since the factors are a priori unknown, the corresponding optimization problems are inherently non-convex. The existing guaranteed algorithms which handle this non-convexity incur an irreducible error (bias), and only apply to cases where all factors have the same structure. To this end, we develop a provable algorithm for online structured tensor factorization, wherein one of the factors obeys some incoherence conditions, and the others are sparse. Specifically we show that, under some relatively mild conditions on initialization, rank, and sparsity, our algorithm recovers the factors exactly (up to scaling and permutation) at a linear rate. Complementary to our theoretical results, our synthetic and real-world data evaluations showcase superior performance compared to related techniques.

Measuring Systematic Generalization in Neural Proof Generation with Transformers

Nicolas Gontier · Koustuv Sinha · Siva Reddy · Chris Pal

We are interested in understanding how well Transformer language models (TLMs) can perform reasoning tasks when trained on knowledge encoded in the form of natural language. We investigate their systematic generalization abilities on a logical reasoning task in natural language, which involves reasoning over relationships between entities grounded in first-order logical proofs. Specifically, we perform soft theorem-proving by leveraging TLMs to generate natural language proofs. We test the generated proofs for logical consistency, along with the accuracy of the final inference. We observe length-generalization issues when evaluated on longer-than-trained sequences. However, we observe TLMs improve their generalization performance after being exposed to longer, exhaustive proofs. In addition, we discover that TLMs are able to generalize better using backward-chaining proofs compared to their forward-chaining counterparts, while they find it easier to generate forward chaining proofs. We observe that models that are not trained to generate proofs are better at generalizing to problems based on longer proofs. This suggests that Transformers have efficient internal reasoning strategies that are harder to interpret. These results highlight the systematic generalization behavior of TLMs in the context of logical reasoning, and we believe this work motivates deeper inspection of their underlying reasoning strategies.

Online Decision Based Visual Tracking via Reinforcement Learning

ke Song · Wei Zhang · Ran Song · Yibin Li

A deep visual tracker is typically based on either object detection or template matching while each of them is only suitable for a particular group of scenes. It is straightforward to consider fusing them together to pursue more reliable tracking. However, this is not wise as they follow different tracking principles. Unlike previous fusion-based methods, we propose a novel ensemble framework, named DTNet, with an online decision mechanism for visual tracking based on hierarchical reinforcement learning. The decision mechanism substantiates an intelligent switching strategy where the detection and the template trackers have to compete with each other to conduct tracking within different scenes that they are adept in. Besides, we present a novel detection tracker which avoids the common issue of incorrect proposal. Extensive results show that our DTNet achieves state-of-the-art tracking performance as well as good balance between accuracy and efficiency. The project website is available at

On the Modularity of Hypernetworks

Tomer Galanti · Lior Wolf

In the context of learning to map an input $I$ to a function $h_I:\mathcal{X}\to \mathbb{R}$, two alternative methods are compared: (i) an embedding-based method, which learns a fixed function in which $I$ is encoded as a conditioning signal $e(I)$ and the learned function takes the form $h_I(x) = q(x,e(I))$, and (ii) hypernetworks, in which the weights $\theta_I$ of the function $h_I(x) = g(x;\theta_I)$ are given by a hypernetwork $f$ as $\theta_I=f(I)$. In this paper, we define the property of modularity as the ability to effectively learn a different function for each input instance $I$. For this purpose, we adopt an expressivity perspective of this property and extend the theory of~\cite{devore} and provide a lower bound on the complexity (number of trainable parameters) of neural networks as function approximators, by eliminating the requirements for the approximation method to be robust. Our results are then used to compare the complexities of $q$ and $g$, showing that under certain conditions and when letting the functions $e$ and $f$ be as large as we wish, $g$ can be smaller than $q$ by orders of magnitude. This sheds light on the modularity of hypernetworks in comparison with the embedding-based method. Besides, we show that for a structured target function, the overall number of trainable parameters in a hypernetwork is smaller by orders of magnitude than the number of trainable parameters of a standard neural network and an embedding method.

Pushing the Limits of Narrow Precision Inferencing at Cloud Scale with Microsoft Floating Point

Bita Darvish Rouhani · Daniel Lo · Ritchie Zhao · Ming Liu · Jeremy Fowers · Kalin Ovtcharov · Anna Vinogradsky · Sarah Massengill · Lita Yang · Ray Bittner · Alessandro Forin · Haishan Zhu · Taesik Na · Prerak Patel · Shuai Che · Lok Chand Koppaka · XIA SONG · Subhojit Som · Kaustav Das · Saurabh K T · Steve Reinhardt · Sitaram Lanka · Eric Chung · Doug Burger

In this paper, we explore the limits of Microsoft Floating Point (MSFP), a new class of datatypes developed for production cloud-scale inferencing on custom hardware. Through the co-evolution of hardware design and algorithms, MSFP16 incurs 3x lower cost compared to Bfloat16 and MSFP12 has 4x lower cost compared to INT8 while delivering a comparable or better accuracy. MSFP incurs negligible impact to accuracy (<1%), requires no changes to the model topology, and is integrated with a mature cloud production pipeline. MSFP supports various classes of deep learning models including CNNs, RNNs, and Transformers without modification. Finally, we characterize the accuracy and implementation of MSFP and demonstrate its efficacy on a number of production scenarios, including models that power major online scenarios such as web search, question-answering, and image classification.

Counterexample-Guided Learning of Monotonic Neural Networks

Aishwarya Sivaraman · Golnoosh Farnadi · Todd Millstein · Guy Van den Broeck

The widespread adoption of deep learning is often attributed to its automatic feature construction with minimal inductive bias. However, in many real-world tasks, the learned function is intended to satisfy domain-specific constraints. We focus on monotonicity constraints, which are common and require that the function's output increases with increasing values of specific input features. We develop a counterexample-guided technique to provably enforce monotonicity constraints at prediction time. Additionally, we propose a technique to use monotonicity as an inductive bias for deep learning. It works by iteratively incorporating monotonicity counterexamples in the learning process. Contrary to prior work in monotonic learning, we target general ReLU neural networks and do not further restrict the hypothesis space. We have implemented these techniques in a tool called COMET. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results compared to existing monotonic learners, and can improve the model quality compared to those that were trained without taking monotonicity constraints into account.

Permute-and-Flip: A new mechanism for differentially private selection

Ryan McKenna · Daniel Sheldon

We consider the problem of differentially private selection. Given a finite set of candidate items, and a quality score for each item, our goal is to design a differentially private mechanism that returns an item with a score that is as high as possible. The most commonly used mechanism for this task is the exponential mechanism. In this work, we propose a new mechanism for this task based on a careful analysis of the privacy constraints. The expected score of our mechanism is always at least as large as the exponential mechanism, and can offer improvements up to a factor of two. Our mechanism is simple to implement and runs in linear time.

Outstanding Paper
No-Regret Learning Dynamics for Extensive-Form Correlated Equilibrium

Andrea Celli · Alberto Marchesi · Gabriele Farina · Nicola Gatti

The existence of simple, uncoupled no-regret dynamics that converge to correlated equilibria in normal-form games is a celebrated result in the theory of multi-agent systems. Specifically, it has been known for more than 20 years that when all players seek to minimize their internal regret in a repeated normal-form game, the empirical frequency of play converges to a normal-form correlated equilibrium. Extensive-form (that is, tree-form) games generalize normal-form games by modeling both sequential and simultaneous moves, as well as private information. Because of the sequential nature and presence of partial information in the game, extensive-form correlation has significantly different properties than the normal-form counterpart, many of which are still open research directions. Extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE) has been proposed as the natural extensive-form counterpart to normal-form correlated equilibrium. However, it was currently unknown whether EFCE emerges as the result of uncoupled agent dynamics. In this paper, we give the first uncoupled no-regret dynamics that converge to the set of EFCEs in n-player general-sum extensive-form games with perfect recall. First, we introduce a notion of trigger regret in extensive-form games, which extends that of internal regret in normal-form games. When each player has low trigger regret, the empirical frequency of play is a close to an EFCE. Then, we give an efficient no-trigger-regret algorithm. Our algorithm decomposes trigger regret into local subproblems at each decision point for the player, and constructs a global strategy of the player from the local solutions at each decision point.

Spike and slab variational Bayes for high dimensional logistic regression

Kolyan Ray · Botond Szabo · Gabriel Clara

Variational Bayes (VB) is a popular scalable alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference. We study a mean-field spike and slab VB approximation of widely used Bayesian model selection priors in sparse high-dimensional logistic regression. We provide non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees for the VB posterior in both $\ell_2$ and prediction loss for a sparse truth, giving optimal (minimax) convergence rates. Since the VB algorithm does not depend on the unknown truth to achieve optimality, our results shed light on effective prior choices. We confirm the improved performance of our VB algorithm over common sparse VB approaches in a numerical study.

How does Weight Correlation Affect Generalisation Ability of Deep Neural Networks?

Gaojie Jin · Xinping Yi · Liang Zhang · Lijun Zhang · Sven Schewe · Xiaowei Huang

This paper studies the novel concept of weight correlation in deep neural networks and discusses its impact on the networks' generalisation ability. For fully-connected layers, the weight correlation is defined as the average cosine similarity between weight vectors of neurons, and for convolutional layers, the weight correlation is defined as the cosine similarity between filter matrices. Theoretically, we show that, weight correlation can, and should, be incorporated into the PAC Bayesian framework for the generalisation of neural networks, and the resulting generalisation bound is monotonic with respect to the weight correlation. We formulate a new complexity measure, which lifts the PAC Bayes measure with weight correlation, and experimentally confirm that it is able to rank the generalisation errors of a set of networks more precisely than existing measures. More importantly, we develop a new regulariser for training, and provide extensive experiments that show that the generalisation error can be greatly reduced with our novel approach.

Learning discrete distributions with infinite support

Doron Cohen · Aryeh Kontorovich · Geoffrey Wolfer

We present a novel approach to estimating discrete distributions with (potentially) infinite support in the total variation metric. In a departure from the established paradigm, we make no structural assumptions whatsoever on the sampling distribution. In such a setting, distribution-free risk bounds are impossible, and the best one could hope for is a fully empirical data-dependent bound. We derive precisely such bounds, and demonstrate that these are, in a well-defined sense, the best possible. Our main discovery is that the half-norm of the empirical distribution provides tight upper and lower estimates on the empirical risk. Furthermore, this quantity decays at a nearly optimal rate as a function of the true distribution. The optimality follows from a minimax result, of possible independent interest. Additional structural results are provided, including an exact Rademacher complexity calculation and apparently a first connection between the total variation risk and the missing mass.

Off-policy Policy Evaluation For Sequential Decisions Under Unobserved Confounding

Hongseok Namkoong · Ramtin Keramati · Steve Yadlowsky · Emma Brunskill

When observed decisions depend only on observed features, off-policy policy evaluation (OPE) methods for sequential decision problems can estimate the performance of evaluation policies before deploying them. However, this assumption is frequently violated due to unobserved confounders, unrecorded variables that impact both the decisions and their outcomes. We assess robustness of OPE methods under unobserved confounding by developing worst-case bounds on the performance of an evaluation policy. When unobserved confounders can affect every decision in an episode, we demonstrate that even small amounts of per-decision confounding can heavily bias OPE methods. Fortunately, in a number of important settings found in healthcare, policy-making, and technology, unobserved confounders may directly affect only one of the many decisions made, and influence future decisions/rewards only through the directly affected decision. Under this less pessimistic model of one-decision confounding, we propose an efficient loss-minimization-based procedure for computing worst-case bounds, and prove its statistical consistency. On simulated healthcare examples---management of sepsis and interventions for autistic children---where this is a reasonable model, we demonstrate that our method invalidates non-robust results and provides meaningful certificates of robustness, allowing reliable selection of policies under unobserved confounding.

A Maximum-Entropy Approach to Off-Policy Evaluation in Average-Reward MDPs

Nevena Lazic · Dong Yin · Mehrdad Farajtabar · Nir Levine · Dilan Gorur · Chris Harris · Dale Schuurmans

This work focuses on off-policy evaluation (OPE) with function approximation in infinite-horizon undiscounted Markov decision processes (MDPs). For MDPs that are ergodic and linear (i.e. where rewards and dynamics are linear in some known features), we provide the first finite-sample OPE error bound, extending the existing results beyond the episodic and discounted cases. In a more general setting, when the feature dynamics are approximately linear and for arbitrary rewards, we propose a new approach for estimating stationary distributions with function approximation. We formulate this problem as finding the maximum-entropy distribution subject to matching feature expectations under empirical dynamics. We show that this results in an exponential-family distribution whose sufficient statistics are the features, paralleling maximum-entropy approaches in supervised learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed OPE approaches in multiple environments.

Instance-based Generalization in Reinforcement Learning

Martin Bertran · Natalia Martinez · Mariano Phielipp · Guillermo Sapiro

Agents trained via deep reinforcement learning (RL) routinely fail to generalize to unseen environments, even when these share the same underlying dynamics as the training levels. Understanding the generalization properties of RL is one of the challenges of modern machine learning. Towards this goal, we analyze policy learning in the context of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) and formalize the dynamics of training levels as instances. We prove that, independently of the exploration strategy, reusing instances introduces significant changes on the effective Markov dynamics the agent observes during training. Maximizing expected rewards impacts the learned belief state of the agent by inducing undesired instance-specific speed-running policies instead of generalizable ones, which are sub-optimal on the training set. We provide generalization bounds to the value gap in train and test environments based on the number of training instances, and use insights based on these to improve performance on unseen levels. We propose training a shared belief representation over an ensemble of specialized policies, from which we compute a consensus policy that is used for data collection, disallowing instance-specific exploitation. We experimentally validate our theory, observations, and the proposed computational solution over the CoinRun benchmark.

Efficient Planning in Large MDPs with Weak Linear Function Approximation

Roshan Shariff · Csaba Szepesvari

Large-scale Markov decision processes (MDPs) require planning algorithms with runtime independent of the number of states of the MDP. We consider the planning problem in MDPs using linear value function approximation with only weak requirements: low approximation error for the optimal value function, and a small set of “core” states whose features span those of other states. In particular, we make no assumptions about the representability of policies or value functions of non-optimal policies. Our algorithm produces almost-optimal actions for any state using a generative oracle (simulator) for the MDP, while its computation time scales polynomially with the number of features, core states, and actions and the effective horizon.

Multi-agent active perception with prediction rewards

Mikko Lauri · Frans Oliehoek

Multi-agent active perception is a task where a team of agents cooperatively gathers observations to compute a joint estimate of a hidden variable. The task is decentralized and the joint estimate can only be computed after the task ends by fusing observations of all agents. The objective is to maximize the accuracy of the estimate. The accuracy is quantified by a centralized prediction reward determined by a centralized decision-maker who perceives the observations gathered by all agents after the task ends. In this paper, we model multi-agent active perception as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) with a convex centralized prediction reward. We prove that by introducing individual prediction actions for each agent, the problem is converted into a standard Dec-POMDP with a decentralized prediction reward. The loss due to decentralization is bounded, and we give a sufficient condition for when it is zero. Our results allow application of any Dec-POMDP solution algorithm to multi-agent active perception problems, and enable planning to reduce uncertainty without explicit computation of joint estimates. We demonstrate the empirical usefulness of our results by applying a standard Dec-POMDP algorithm to multi-agent active perception problems, showing increased scalability in the planning horizon.

Gamma-Models: Generative Temporal Difference Learning for Infinite-Horizon Prediction

Michael Janner · Igor Mordatch · Sergey Levine

We introduce the gamma-model, a predictive model of environment dynamics with an infinite, probabilistic horizon. Replacing standard single-step models with gamma-models leads to generalizations of the procedures central to model-based control, including the model rollout and model-based value estimation. The gamma-model, trained with a generative reinterpretation of temporal difference learning, is a natural continuous analogue of the successor representation and a hybrid between model-free and model-based mechanisms. Like a value function, it contains information about the long-term future; like a standard predictive model, it is independent of task reward. We instantiate the gamma-model as both a generative adversarial network and normalizing flow, discuss how its training reflects an inescapable tradeoff between training-time and testing-time compounding errors, and empirically investigate its utility for prediction and control.

The LoCA Regret: A Consistent Metric to Evaluate Model-Based Behavior in Reinforcement Learning

Harm Van Seijen · Hadi Nekoei · Evan Racah · Sarath Chandar

Deep model-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) has the potential to substantially improve the sample-efficiency of deep RL. While various challenges have long held it back, a number of papers have recently come out reporting success with deep model-based methods. This is a great development, but the lack of a consistent metric to evaluate such methods makes it difficult to compare various approaches. For example, the common single-task sample-efficiency metric conflates improvements due to model-based learning with various other aspects, such as representation learning, making it difficult to assess true progress on model-based RL. To address this, we introduce an experimental setup to evaluate model-based behavior of RL methods, inspired by work from neuroscience on detecting model-based behavior in humans and animals. Our metric based on this setup, the Local Change Adaptation (LoCA) regret, measures how quickly an RL method adapts to a local change in the environment. Our metric can identify model-based behavior, even if the method uses a poor representation and provides insight in how close a method's behavior is from optimal model-based behavior. We use our setup to evaluate the model-based behavior of MuZero on a variation of the classic Mountain Car task.

Expert-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Offline Policy Learning and Evaluation

Aaron Sonabend · Junwei Lu · Leo Anthony Celi · Tianxi Cai · Peter Szolovits

Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a promising approach for learning optimal policies in environments where direct exploration is expensive or unfeasible. However, the adoption of such policies in practice is often challenging, as they are hard to interpret within the application context, and lack measures of uncertainty for the learned policy value and its decisions. To overcome these issues, we propose an Expert-Supervised RL (ESRL) framework which uses uncertainty quantification for offline policy learning. In particular, we have three contributions: 1) the method can learn safe and optimal policies through hypothesis testing, 2) ESRL allows for different levels of risk averse implementations tailored to the application context, and finally, 3) we propose a way to interpret ESRL’s policy at every state through posterior distributions, and use this framework to compute off-policy value function posteriors. We provide theoretical guarantees for our estimators and regret bounds consistent with Posterior Sampling for RL (PSRL). Sample efficiency of ESRL is independent of the chosen risk aversion threshold and quality of the behavior policy.

Model-based Policy Optimization with Unsupervised Model Adaptation

Jian Shen · Han Zhao · Weinan Zhang · Yong Yu

Model-based reinforcement learning methods learn a dynamics model with real data sampled from the environment and leverage it to generate simulated data to derive an agent. However, due to the potential distribution mismatch between simulated data and real data, this could lead to degraded performance. Despite much effort being devoted to reducing this distribution mismatch, existing methods fail to solve it explicitly. In this paper, we investigate how to bridge the gap between real and simulated data due to inaccurate model estimation for better policy optimization. To begin with, we first derive a lower bound of the expected return, which naturally inspires a bound maximization algorithm by aligning the simulated and real data distributions. To this end, we propose a novel model-based reinforcement learning framework AMPO, which introduces unsupervised model adaptation to minimize the integral probability metric (IPM) between feature distributions from real and simulated data. Instantiating our framework with Wasserstein-1 distance gives a practical model-based approach. Empirically, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of sample efficiency on a range of continuous control benchmark tasks.

Deep Reinforcement and InfoMax Learning

Bogdan Mazoure · Remi Tachet des Combes · Thang Long Doan · Philip Bachman · R Devon Hjelm

We posit that a reinforcement learning (RL) agent will perform better when it uses representations that are better at predicting the future, particularly in terms of few-shot learning and domain adaptation. To test that hypothesis, we introduce an objective based on Deep InfoMax (DIM) which trains the agent to predict the future by maximizing the mutual information between its internal representation of successive timesteps. We provide an intuitive analysis of the convergence properties of our approach from the perspective of Markov chain mixing times, and argue that convergence of the lower bound on mutual information is related to the inverse absolute spectral gap of the transition model. We test our approach in several synthetic settings, where it successfully learns representations that are predictive of the future. Finally, we augment C51, a strong distributional RL agent, with our temporal DIM objective and demonstrate on a continual learning task (inspired by Ms.~PacMan) and on the recently introduced Procgen environment that our approach improves performance, which supports our core hypothesis.

Zap Q-Learning With Nonlinear Function Approximation

Shuhang Chen · Adithya M Devraj · Fan Lu · Ana Busic · Sean Meyn

Zap Q-learning is a recent class of reinforcement learning algorithms, motivated primarily as a means to accelerate convergence. Stability theory has been absent outside of two restrictive classes: the tabular setting, and optimal stopping. This paper introduces a new framework for analysis of a more general class of recursive algorithms known as stochastic approximation. Based on this general theory, it is shown that Zap Q-learning is consistent under a non-degeneracy assumption, even when the function approximation architecture is nonlinear. Zap Q-learning with neural network function approximation emerges as a special case, and is tested on examples from OpenAI Gym. Based on multiple experiments with a range of neural network sizes, it is found that the new algorithms converge quickly and are robust to choice of function approximation architecture.

MDP Homomorphic Networks: Group Symmetries in Reinforcement Learning

Elise van der Pol · Daniel E Worrall · Herke van Hoof · Frans Oliehoek · Max Welling

This paper introduces MDP homomorphic networks for deep reinforcement learning. MDP homomorphic networks are neural networks that are equivariant under symmetries in the joint state-action space of an MDP. Current approaches to deep reinforcement learning do not usually exploit knowledge about such structure. By building this prior knowledge into policy and value networks using an equivariance constraint, we can reduce the size of the solution space. We specifically focus on group-structured symmetries (invertible transformations). Additionally, we introduce an easy method for constructing equivariant network layers numerically, so the system designer need not solve the constraints by hand, as is typically done. We construct MDP homomorphic MLPs and CNNs that are equivariant under either a group of reflections or rotations. We show that such networks converge faster than unstructured baselines on CartPole, a grid world and Pong.

Stochastic Latent Actor-Critic: Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Latent Variable Model

Alex X. Lee · Anusha Nagabandi · Pieter Abbeel · Sergey Levine

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms can use high-capacity deep networks to learn directly from image observations. However, these high-dimensional observation spaces present a number of challenges in practice, since the policy must now solve two problems: representation learning and task learning. In this work, we tackle these two problems separately, by explicitly learning latent representations that can accelerate reinforcement learning from images. We propose the stochastic latent actor-critic (SLAC) algorithm: a sample-efficient and high-performing RL algorithm for learning policies for complex continuous control tasks directly from high-dimensional image inputs. SLAC provides a novel and principled approach for unifying stochastic sequential models and RL into a single method, by learning a compact latent representation and then performing RL in the model's learned latent space. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our method outperforms both model-free and model-based alternatives in terms of final performance and sample efficiency, on a range of difficult image-based control tasks. Our code and videos of our results are available at our website.

FLAMBE: Structural Complexity and Representation Learning of Low Rank MDPs

Alekh Agarwal · Sham Kakade · Akshay Krishnamurthy · Wen Sun

In order to deal with the curse of dimensionality in reinforcement learning (RL), it is common practice to make parametric assumptions where values or policies are functions of some low dimensional feature space. This work focuses on the representation learning question: how can we learn such features? Under the assumption that the underlying (unknown) dynamics correspond to a low rank transition matrix, we show how the representation learning question is related to a particular non-linear matrix decomposition problem. Structurally, we make precise connections between these low rank MDPs and latent variable models, showing how they significantly generalize prior formulations, such as block MDPs, for representation learning in RL. Algorithmically, we develop FLAMBE, which engages in exploration and representation learning for provably efficient RL in low rank transition models. On a technical level, our analysis eliminates reachability assumptions that appear in prior results on the simpler block MDP model and may be of independent interest.

Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning of Undercomplete POMDPs

Chi Jin · Sham Kakade · Akshay Krishnamurthy · Qinghua Liu

Partial observability is a common challenge in many reinforcement learning applications, which requires an agent to maintain memory, infer latent states, and integrate this past information into exploration. This challenge leads to a number of computational and statistical hardness results for learning general Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). This work shows that these hardness barriers do not preclude efficient reinforcement learning for rich and interesting subclasses of POMDPs. In particular, we present a sample-efficient algorithm, OOM-UCB, for episodic finite undercomplete POMDPs, where the number of observations is larger than the number of latent states and where exploration is essential for learning, thus distinguishing our results from prior works. OOM-UCB achieves an optimal sample complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/\varepsilon^2)$ for finding an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy, along with being polynomial in all other relevant quantities. As an interesting special case, we also provide a computationally and statistically efficient algorithm for POMDPs with deterministic state transitions.

Provably Efficient Online Hyperparameter Optimization with Population-Based Bandits

Jack Parker-Holder · Vu Nguyen · Stephen J Roberts

Many of the recent triumphs in machine learning are dependent on well-tuned hyperparameters. This is particularly prominent in reinforcement learning (RL) where a small change in the configuration can lead to failure. Despite the importance of tuning hyperparameters, it remains expensive and is often done in a naive and laborious way. A recent solution to this problem is Population Based Training (PBT) which updates both weights and hyperparameters in a \emph{single training run} of a population of agents. PBT has been shown to be particularly effective in RL, leading to widespread use in the field. However, PBT lacks theoretical guarantees since it relies on random heuristics to explore the hyperparameter space. This inefficiency means it typically requires vast computational resources, which is prohibitive for many small and medium sized labs. In this work, we introduce the first provably efficient PBT-style algorithm, Population-Based Bandits (PB2). PB2 uses a probabilistic model to guide the search in an efficient way, making it possible to discover high performing hyperparameter configurations with far fewer agents than typically required by PBT. We show in a series of RL experiments that PB2 is able to achieve high performance with a modest computational budget.

Self-Supervised MultiModal Versatile Networks

Jean-Baptiste Alayrac · Adria Recasens · Rosalia Schneider · Relja Arandjelović · Jason Ramapuram · Jeffrey De Fauw · Lucas Smaira · Sander Dieleman · Andrew Zisserman

Videos are a rich source of multi-modal supervision. In this work, we learn representations using self-supervision by leveraging three modalities naturally present in videos: visual, audio and language streams. To this end, we introduce the notion of a multimodal versatile network -- a network that can ingest multiple modalities and whose representations enable downstream tasks in multiple modalities. In particular, we explore how best to combine the modalities, such that fine-grained representations of the visual and audio modalities can be maintained, whilst also integrating text into a common embedding. Driven by versatility, we also introduce a novel process of deflation, so that the networks can be effortlessly applied to the visual data in the form of video or a static image. We demonstrate how such networks trained on large collections of unlabelled video data can be applied on video, video-text, image and audio tasks. Equipped with these representations, we obtain state-of-the-art performance on multiple challenging benchmarks including UCF101, HMDB51, Kinetics600, AudioSet and ESC-50 when compared to previous self-supervised work. Our models are publicly available.

Deep Subspace Clustering with Data Augmentation

Mahdi Abavisani · Alireza Naghizadeh · Dimitris Metaxas · Vishal Patel

The idea behind data augmentation techniques is based on the fact that slight changes in the percept do not change the brain cognition. In classification, neural networks use this fact by applying transformations to the inputs to learn to predict the same label. However, in deep subspace clustering (DSC), the ground-truth labels are not available, and as a result, one cannot easily use data augmentation techniques. We propose a technique to exploit the benefits of data augmentation in DSC algorithms. We learn representations that have consistent subspaces for slightly transformed inputs. In particular, we introduce a temporal ensembling component to the objective function of DSC algorithms to enable the DSC networks to maintain consistent subspaces for random transformations in the input data. In addition, we provide a simple yet effective unsupervised procedure to find efficient data augmentation policies. An augmentation policy is defined as an image processing transformation with a certain magnitude and probability of being applied to each image in each epoch. We search through the policies in a search space of the most common augmentation policies to find the best policy such that the DSC network yields the highest mean Silhouette coefficient in its clustering results on a target dataset. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on four standard subspace clustering datasets.

Learning Retrospective Knowledge with Reverse Reinforcement Learning

Shangtong Zhang · Vivek Veeriah · Shimon Whiteson

We present a Reverse Reinforcement Learning (Reverse RL) approach for representing retrospective knowledge. General Value Functions (GVFs) have enjoyed great success in representing predictive knowledge, i.e., answering questions about possible future outcomes such as “how much fuel will be consumed in expectation if we drive from A to B?”. GVFs, however, cannot answer questions like “how much fuel do we expect a car to have given it is at B at time t?”. To answer this question, we need to know when that car had a full tank and how that car came to B. Since such questions emphasize the influence of possible past events on the present, we refer to their answers as retrospective knowledge. In this paper, we show how to represent retrospective knowledge with Reverse GVFs, which are trained via Reverse RL. We demonstrate empirically the utility of Reverse GVFs in both representation learning and anomaly detection.

The MAGICAL Benchmark for Robust Imitation

Sam Toyer · Rohin Shah · Andrew Critch · Stuart Russell

Imitation Learning (IL) algorithms are typically evaluated in the same environment that was used to create demonstrations. This rewards precise reproduction of demonstrations in one particular environment, but provides little information about how robustly an algorithm can generalise the demonstrator's intent to substantially different deployment settings. This paper presents the MAGICAL benchmark suite, which permits systematic evaluation of generalisation by quantifying robustness to different kinds of distribution shift that an IL algorithm is likely to encounter in practice. Using the MAGICAL suite, we confirm that existing IL algorithms overfit significantly to the context in which demonstrations are provided. We also show that standard methods for reducing overfitting are effective at creating narrow perceptual invariances, but are not sufficient to enable transfer to contexts that require substantially different behaviour, which suggests that new approaches will be needed in order to robustly generalise demonstrator intent. Code and data for the MAGICAL suite is available at

Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Low-Rank Matrix Estimation

Devavrat Shah · Dogyoon Song · Zhi Xu · Yuzhe Yang

We consider the question of learning $Q$-function in a sample efficient manner for reinforcement learning with continuous state and action spaces under a generative model. If $Q$-function is Lipschitz continuous, then the minimal sample complexity for estimating $\epsilon$-optimal $Q$-function is known to scale as $\Omega(\frac{1}{\epsilon^{d_1+d_2+2}})$ per classical non-parametric learning theory, where $d_1$ and $d_2$ denote the dimensions of the state and action spaces respectively. The $Q$-function, when viewed as a kernel, induces a Hilbert-Schmidt operator and hence possesses square-summable spectrum. This motivates us to consider a parametric class of $Q$-functions parameterized by its "rank" $r$, which contains all Lipschitz $Q$-functions as $r\to\infty$. As our key contribution, we develop a simple, iterative learning algorithm that finds $\epsilon$-optimal $Q$-function with sample complexity of $\widetilde{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^{\max(d_1, d_2)+2}})$ when the optimal $Q$-function has low rank $r$ and the discounting factor $\gamma$ is below a certain threshold. Thus, this provides an exponential improvement in sample complexity. To enable our result, we develop a novel Matrix Estimation algorithm that faithfully estimates an unknown low-rank matrix in the $\ell_\infty$ sense even in the presence of arbitrary bounded noise, which might be of interest in its own right. Empirical results on several stochastic control tasks confirm the efficacy of our "low-rank" algorithms.

Counterfactual Data Augmentation using Locally Factored Dynamics

Silviu Pitis · Elliot Creager · Animesh Garg

Many dynamic processes, including common scenarios in robotic control and reinforcement learning (RL), involve a set of interacting subprocesses. Though the subprocesses are not independent, their interactions are often sparse, and the dynamics at any given time step can often be decomposed into locally independent} causal mechanisms. Such local causal structures can be leveraged to improve the sample efficiency of sequence prediction and off-policy reinforcement learning. We formalize this by introducing local causal models (LCMs), which are induced from a global causal model by conditioning on a subset of the state space. We propose an approach to inferring these structures given an object-oriented state representation, as well as a novel algorithm for Counterfactual Data Augmentation (CoDA). CoDA uses local structures and an experience replay to generate counterfactual experiences that are causally valid in the global model. We find that CoDA significantly improves the performance of RL agents in locally factored tasks, including the batch-constrained and goal-conditioned settings. Code available at

POMDPs in Continuous Time and Discrete Spaces

Bastian Alt · Matthias Schultheis · Heinz Koeppl

Many processes, such as discrete event systems in engineering or population dynamics in biology, evolve in discrete space and continuous time. We consider the problem of optimal decision making in such discrete state and action space systems under partial observability. This places our work at the intersection of optimal filtering and optimal control. At the current state of research, a mathematical description for simultaneous decision making and filtering in continuous time with finite state and action spaces is still missing. In this paper, we give a mathematical description of a continuous-time partial observable Markov decision process (POMDP). By leveraging optimal filtering theory we derive a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) type equation that characterizes the optimal solution. Using techniques from deep learning we approximately solve the resulting partial integro-differential equation. We present (i) an approach solving the decision problem offline by learning an approximation of the value function and (ii) an online algorithm which provides a solution in belief space using deep reinforcement learning. We show the applicability on a set of toy examples which pave the way for future methods providing solutions for high dimensional problems.

Long-Horizon Visual Planning with Goal-Conditioned Hierarchical Predictors

Karl Pertsch · Oleh Rybkin · Frederik Ebert · Shenghao Zhou · Dinesh Jayaraman · Chelsea Finn · Sergey Levine

The ability to predict and plan into the future is fundamental for agents acting in the world. To reach a faraway goal, we predict trajectories at multiple timescales, first devising a coarse plan towards the goal and then gradually filling in details. In contrast, current learning approaches for visual prediction and planning fail on long-horizon tasks as they generate predictions (1)~without considering goal information, and (2)~at the finest temporal resolution, one step at a time. In this work we propose a framework for visual prediction and planning that is able to overcome both of these limitations. First, we formulate the problem of predicting towards a goal and propose the corresponding class of latent space goal-conditioned predictors (GCPs). GCPs significantly improve planning efficiency by constraining the search space to only those trajectories that reach the goal. Further, we show how GCPs can be naturally formulated as hierarchical models that, given two observations, predict an observation between them, and by recursively subdividing each part of the trajectory generate complete sequences. This divide-and-conquer strategy is effective at long-term prediction, and enables us to design an effective hierarchical planning algorithm that optimizes trajectories in a coarse-to-fine manner. We show that by using both goal-conditioning and hierarchical prediction, GCPs enable us to solve visual planning tasks with much longer horizon than previously possible. See prediction and planning videos on the supplementary website:

Forethought and Hindsight in Credit Assignment

Veronica Chelu · Doina Precup · Hado van Hasselt

We address the problem of credit assignment in reinforcement learning and explore fundamental questions regarding the way in which an agent can best use additional computation to propagate new information, by planning with internal models of the world to improve its predictions. Particularly, we work to understand the gains and peculiarities of planning employed as forethought via forward models or as hindsight operating with backward models. We establish the relative merits, limitations and complementary properties of both planning mechanisms in carefully constructed scenarios. Further, we investigate the best use of models in planning, primarily focusing on the selection of states in which predictions should be (re)-evaluated. Lastly, we discuss the issue of model estimation and highlight a spectrum of methods that stretch from environment dynamics predictors to planner-aware models.

Learning Multi-Agent Communication through Structured Attentive Reasoning

Murtaza Rangwala · Ryan K Williams

Learning communication via deep reinforcement learning has recently been shown to be an effective way to solve cooperative multi-agent tasks. However, learning which communicated information is beneficial for each agent's decision-making process remains a challenging task. In order to address this problem, we explore relational reinforcement learning which leverages attention-based networks to learn efficient and interpretable relations between entities. On the foundation of relations, we introduce a novel communication architecture that exploits a memory-based attention network that selectively reasons about the value of information received from other agents while considering its past experiences. Specifically, the model communicates by first computing the relevance of messages received from other agents and then extracts task-relevant information from memories given the newly received information. We empirically demonstrate the strength of our model in cooperative and competitive multi-agent tasks, where inter-agent communication and reasoning over prior information substantially improves performance compared to baselines. We further show in the accompanying videos and experimental results that the agents learn a sophisticated and diverse set of cooperative behaviors to solve challenging tasks, both for discrete and continuous action spaces using on-policy and off-policy gradient methods. By developing an explicit architecture that is targeted towards communication, our work aims to open new directions to overcome important challenges in multi-agent cooperation through learned communication.

MultiON: Benchmarking Semantic Map Memory using Multi-Object Navigation

Saim Wani · Shivansh Patel · Unnat Jain · Angel Chang · Manolis Savva

Navigation tasks in photorealistic 3D environments are challenging because they require perception and effective planning under partial observability. Recent work shows that map-like memory is useful for long-horizon navigation tasks. However, a focused investigation of the impact of maps on navigation tasks of varying complexity has not yet been performed.

We propose the multiON task, which requires navigation to an episode-specific sequence of objects in a realistic environment. MultiON generalizes the ObjectGoal navigation task and explicitly tests the ability of navigation agents to locate previously observed goal objects. We perform a set of multiON experiments to examine how a variety of agent models perform across a spectrum of navigation task complexities. Our experiments show that: i) navigation performance degrades dramatically with escalating task complexity; ii) a simple semantic map agent performs surprisingly well relative to more complex neural image feature map agents; and iii) even oracle map agents achieve relatively low performance, indicating the potential for future work in training embodied navigation agents using maps.

Influence-Augmented Online Planning for Complex Environments

Jinke He · Miguel Suau · Frans Oliehoek

How can we plan efficiently in real time to control an agent in a complex environment that may involve many other agents? While existing sample-based planners have enjoyed empirical success in large POMDPs, their performance heavily relies on a fast simulator. However, real-world scenarios are complex in nature and their simulators are often computationally demanding, which severely limits the performance of online planners. In this work, we propose influence-augmented online planning, a principled method to transform a factored simulator of the entire environment into a local simulator that samples only the state variables that are most relevant to the observation and reward of the planning agent and captures the incoming influence from the rest of the environment using machine learning methods. Our main experimental results show that planning on this less accurate but much faster local simulator with POMCP leads to higher real-time planning performance than planning on the simulator that models the entire environment.

Security Analysis of Safe and Seldonian Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Pinar Ozisik · Philip Thomas

We analyze the extent to which existing methods rely on accurate training data for a specific class of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, known as Safe and Seldonian RL. We introduce a new measure of security to quantify the susceptibility to perturbations in training data by creating an attacker model that represents a worst-case analysis, and show that a couple of Seldonian RL methods are extremely sensitive to even a few data corruptions. We then introduce a new algorithm that is more robust against data corruptions, and demonstrate its usage in practice on some RL problems, including a grid-world and a diabetes treatment simulation.

Provably Efficient Neural GTD for Off-Policy Learning

Hoi-To Wai · Zhuoran Yang · Zhaoran Wang · Mingyi Hong

This paper studies a gradient temporal difference (GTD) algorithm using neural network (NN) function approximators to minimize the mean squared Bellman error (MSBE). For off-policy learning, we show that the minimum MSBE problem can be recast into a min-max optimization involving a pair of over-parameterized primal-dual NNs. The resultant formulation can then be tackled using a neural GTD algorithm. We analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithm with a 2-layer ReLU NN architecture using $m$ neurons and prove that it computes an approximate optimal solution to the minimum MSBE problem as $m \rightarrow \infty$.

An Equivalence between Loss Functions and Non-Uniform Sampling in Experience Replay

Scott Fujimoto · David Meger · Doina Precup

Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) is a deep reinforcement learning technique in which agents learn from transitions sampled with non-uniform probability proportionate to their temporal-difference error. We show that any loss function evaluated with non-uniformly sampled data can be transformed into another uniformly sampled loss function with the same expected gradient. Surprisingly, we find in some environments PER can be replaced entirely by this new loss function without impact to empirical performance. Furthermore, this relationship suggests a new branch of improvements to PER by correcting its uniformly sampled loss function equivalent. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed modifications to PER and the equivalent loss function in several MuJoCo and Atari environments.

Comparator-Adaptive Convex Bandits

Dirk van der Hoeven · Ashok Cutkosky · Haipeng Luo

We study bandit convex optimization methods that adapt to the norm of the comparator, a topic that has only been studied before for its full-information counterpart. Specifically, we develop convex bandit algorithms with regret bounds that are small whenever the norm of the comparator is small. We first use techniques from the full-information setting to develop comparator-adaptive algorithms for linear bandits. Then, we extend the ideas to convex bandits with Lipschitz or smooth loss functions, using a new single-point gradient estimator and carefully designed surrogate losses.