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A Dictionary Approach to Domain-Invariant Learning in Deep Networks

Ze Wang · Xiuyuan Cheng · Guillermo Sapiro · Qiang Qiu

Poster Session 1 #456

Keywords: [ Non-Convex Optimization ] [ Optimization ] [ Stochastic Optimization ]


In this paper, we consider domain-invariant deep learning by explicitly modeling domain shifts with only a small amount of domain-specific parameters in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). By exploiting the observation that a convolutional filter can be well approximated as a linear combination of a small set of dictionary atoms, we show for the first time, both empirically and theoretically, that domain shifts can be effectively handled by decomposing a convolutional layer into a domain-specific atom layer and a domain-shared coefficient layer, while both remain convolutional. An input channel will now first convolve spatially only with each respective domain-specific dictionary atom to ``absorb" domain variations, and then output channels are linearly combined using common decomposition coefficients trained to promote shared semantics across domains. We use toy examples, rigorous analysis, and real-world examples with diverse datasets and architectures, to show the proposed plug-in framework's effectiveness in cross and joint domain performance and domain adaptation. With the proposed architecture, we need only a small set of dictionary atoms to model each additional domain, which brings a negligible amount of additional parameters, typically a few hundred.

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