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Eye-gaze Guided Multi-modal Alignment for Medical Representation Learning

Chong Ma · Hanqi Jiang · Wenting Chen · Yiwei Li · Zihao Wu · Xiaowei Yu · Zhengliang Liu · Lei Guo · Dajiang Zhu · Tuo Zhang · Dinggang Shen · Tianming Liu · Xiang Li


In the medical multi-modal frameworks, the alignment of cross-modality features presents a significant challenge. However, existing works have learned features that are implicitly aligned from the data, without considering the explicit relationships in the medical context. This data-reliance may lead to low generalization of the learned alignment relationships. In this work, we propose the Eye-gaze Guided Multi-modal Alignment (EGMA) framework to harness eye-gaze data for better alignment of medical visual and textual features. We explore the natural auxiliary role of radiologists' eye-gaze data in aligning medical images and text, and introduce a novel approach by using eye-gaze data, collected synchronously by radiologists during diagnostic evaluations. We conduct downstream tasks of image classification and image-text retrieval on four medical datasets, where EGMA achieved state-of-the-art performance and stronger generalization across different datasets. Additionally, we explore the impact of varying amounts of eye-gaze data on model performance, highlighting the feasibility and utility of integrating this auxiliary data into multi-modal alignment framework.

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