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Meta-Learning Universal Priors Using Non-Injective Change of Variables

Yilang Zhang · Alireza Sadeghi · Georgios Giannakis

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Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Meta-learning empowers data-hungry deep neural networks to rapidly learn from merely a few samples, which is especially appealing to tasks with small datasets. Critical in this context is the prior knowledge accumulated from related tasks. Existing meta-learning approaches typically rely on preselected priors, such as a Gaussian probability density function (pdf). The limited expressiveness of such priors however, hinders the enhanced performance of the trained model when dealing with tasks having exceedingly scarce data. Targeting improved expressiveness, this contribution introduces a data-driven prior that optimally fits the provided tasks using a novel non-injective change-of-variable (NCoV) model. Unlike preselected prior pdfs with fixed shapes, the advocated NCoV model can effectively approximate a considerably wide range of pdfs. Moreover, compared to conventional change-of-variable models, the introduced NCoV exhibits augmented expressiveness for pdf modeling, especially in high-dimensional spaces. Theoretical analysis underscores the appealing universal approximation capacity of the NCoV model. Numerical experiments conducted on three few-shot learning datasets validate the superiority of data-driven priors over the prespecified ones, showcasing its pronounced effectiveness when dealing with extremely limited data resources.

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