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Perplexity-aware Correction for Robust Alignment with Noisy Preferences

Keyi Kong · Xilie Xu · Di Wang · Jingfeng ZHANG · Mohan Kankanhalli

East Exhibit Hall A-C #4102
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Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Alignment techniques are critical in ensuring that large language models (LLMs) output helpful and harmless content by enforcing the LLM-generated content to align with human preferences. However, the existence of noisy preferences (NPs), where the responses are mistakenly labelled as chosen or rejected, could spoil the alignment, thus making the LLMs generate useless and even malicious content. Existing methods mitigate the issue of NPs from the loss perspective by adjusting the alignment loss based on a clean validation dataset.Orthogonal to these loss-oriented methods, we propose perplexity-aware correction (PerpCorrect) from the data perspective for robust alignment which detects and corrects NPs based on the differences between the perplexity of the chosen and rejected responses (dubbed as PPLDiff). Intuitively, a higher PPLDiff indicates a higher probability of the NP because a rejected/chosen response which is mistakenly labelled as chosen/rejected is less preferable to be generated by an aligned LLM, thus having a higher/lower perplexity.PerpCorrect works in three steps: (1) PerpCorrect aligns a surrogate LLM using the clean validation data to make the PPLDiff able to distinguish clean preferences (CPs) and NPs. (2) PerpCorrect further aligns the surrogate LLM by incorporating the reliable clean training data whose PPLDiff is extremely small and reliable noisy training data whose PPLDiff is extremely large after correction to boost the discriminatory power.(3) Detecting and correcting NPs according to the PPLDiff obtained by the aligned surrogate LLM to obtain a denoised training dataset for robust alignment.Comprehensive experiments validate that our proposed PerpCorrect can achieve state-of-the-art alignment performance under NPs.Notably, PerpCorrect demonstrates practical utility by requiring only a modest amount of validation data and being compatible with various alignment techniques. Our code is available at PerpCorrect.

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