Gaussian Approximation and Multiplier Bootstrap for Polyak-Ruppert Averaged Linear Stochastic Approximation with Applications to TD Learning
Sergey Samsonov · Eric Moulines · Qi-Man Shao · Zhuo-Song Zhang · Alexey Naumov
West Ballroom A-D #6809
Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST
— 7:30 p.m. PST
In this paper, we obtain the Berry–Esseen bound for multivariate normal approximation for the Polyak-Ruppert averaged iterates of the linear stochastic approximation (LSA) algorithm with decreasing step size. Moreover, we prove the non-asymptotic validity of the confidence intervals for parameter estimation with LSA based on multiplier bootstrap. This procedure updates the LSA estimate together with a set of randomly perturbed LSA estimates upon the arrival of subsequent observations. We illustrate our findings in the setting of temporal difference learning with linear function approximation.
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