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Prospective Representation Learning for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning

Wuxuan Shi · Mang Ye


Non-exemplar class-incremental learning (NECIL) is a challenging task that requires recognizing both old and new classes without retaining any old class samples. Current works mainly deal with the conflicts between old and new classes retrospectively as a new task comes in. However, the lack of old task data makes balancing old and new classes difficult. Instead, we propose a Prospective Representation Learning (PRL) scheme to prepare the model for handling conflicts in advance. In the base phase, we squeeze the embedding distribution of the current classes to reserve space for forward compatibility with future classes. In the incremental phase, we make the new class features away from the saved prototypes of old classes in a latent space while aligning the current embedding space with the latent space when updating the model. Thereby, the new class features are clustered in the reserved space to minimize the shock of the new classes on the former classes. Our approach can help existing NECIL baselines to balance old and new classes in a plug-and-play manner. Extensive experiments on four benchmarks demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Our code and models will be released.

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