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Non-Euclidean Mixture Model for Social Network Embedding

Roshni Iyer · Yewen Wang · Wei Wang · Yizhou Sun

East Exhibit Hall A-C #2102
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[ Paper [ Slides [ Poster [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


It is largely agreed that social network links are formed due to either homophily or social influence. Inspired by this, we aim at understanding the generation of links via providing a novel embedding-based graph formation model. Different from existing graph representation learning, where link generation probabilities are defined as a simple function of the corresponding node embeddings, we model the link generation as a mixture model of the two factors. In addition, we model the homophily factor in spherical space and the influence factor in hyperbolic space to accommodate the fact that (1) homophily results in cycles and (2) influence results in hierarchies in networks. We also design a special projection to align these two spaces. We call this model Non-Euclidean Mixture Model, i.e., NMM. We further integrate NMM with our non-Euclidean graph variational autoencoder (VAE) framework, NMM-GNN. NMM-GNN learns embeddings through a unified framework which uses non-Euclidean GNN encoders, non-Euclidean Gaussian priors, a non-Euclidean decoder, and a novel space unification loss component to unify distinct non-Euclidean geometric spaces. Experiments on public datasets show NMM-GNN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on social network generation and classification tasks, demonstrating its ability to better explain how the social network is formed.

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