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On the Necessity of Collaboration for Online Model Selection with Decentralized Data

Junfan Li · Zheshun Wu · Zenglin Xu · Irwin King

East Exhibit Hall A-C #4800
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Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: We consider online model selection with decentralized data over M clients, and study the necessity of collaboration among clients. Previous work proposed various federated algorithms without demonstrating their necessity, while we answer the question from a novel perspective of computational constraints. We prove lower bounds on the regret, and propose a federated algorithm and analyze the upper bound. Our results show (i) collaboration is unnecessary in the absence of computational constraints on clients; (ii) collaboration is necessary if the computational cost on each client is limited to o(K), where K is the number of candidate hypothesis spaces. We clarify the unnecessary nature of collaboration in previous federated algorithms for distributed online multi-kernel learning, and improve the regret bounds at a smaller computational and communication cost. Our algorithm relies on three new techniques including an improved Bernstein's inequality for martingale, a federated online mirror descent framework, and decoupling model selection and prediction, which might be of independent interest.

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