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Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems

Alexander Terenin 路 Elizaveta Semenova 路 Geoff Pleiss 路 Zi Wang

Room 387

Fri 2 Dec, 7 a.m. PST

In recent years, the growth of decision-making applications, where principled handling of uncertainty is of key concern, has led to increased interest in Bayesian techniques. By offering the capacity to assess and propagate uncertainty in a principled manner, Gaussian processes have become a key technique in areas such as Bayesian optimization, active learning, and probabilistic modeling of dynamical systems. In parallel, the need for uncertainty-aware modeling of quantities that vary over space and time has led to large-scale deployment of Gaussian processes, particularly in application areas such as epidemiology. In this workshop, we bring together researchers from different communities to share ideas and success stories. By showcasing key applied challenges, along with recent theoretical advances, we hope to foster connections and prompt fruitful discussion. We invite researchers to submit extended abstracts for contributed talks and posters.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
