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Machine Learning for Systems

Neel Kant · Martin Maas · Azade Nova · Benoit Steiner · Xinlei XU · Dan Zhang

Room 396

Sat 3 Dec, 6:30 a.m. PST

Machine Learning (ML) for Systems is an important direction for applying ML in the real world. It has been shown that ML can replace long standing heuristics in computer systems by leveraging supervised learning and reinforcement learning (RL) approaches. The computer systems community recognizes the importance of ML in tackling strenuous multi-objective tasks such as designing new data structures 1, integrated circuits 2,3, or schedulers, as well as implementing control algorithms for applications such as compilers 12,13, databases 8, memory management 9,10 or ML frameworks 6.

General Workshop Direction. This is the fifth iteration of this workshop. In previous editions, we showcased approaches and frameworks to solve problems, bringing together researchers and practitioners at NeurIPS from both ML and systems communities. While breaking new grounds, we encouraged collaborations and development in a broad range of ML for Systems works, many later published in top-tier conferences 6,13,14,15,16,17,18. This year, we plan to continue on this path while expanding our call for paper to encourage emerging works on minimizing energy footprint, reaching carbon neutrality, and using machine learning for system security and privacy.

Focusing the Workshop on Unifying Works. As the field of ML for Systems is maturing, we are adapting the focus and format of the workshop to evolve with it. The community has seen several efforts to consolidate different subfields of ML for Systems 4, 5, 6, 7. However, such efforts need more support. To boost recent advances in shared methodology, tools, and frameworks, this year we will welcome submissions presenting datasets, simulators, or benchmarks that can facilitate research in the area.

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