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ML Competitions at the Grassroots (CiML 2020)

Tara Chklovski · Adrienne Mendrik · Amir Banifatemi · Gustavo Stolovitzky

Fri 11 Dec, 7 a.m. PST

For the eighth edition of the CiML (Challenges in Machine Learning) workshop at NeurIPS, our goals are to: 1) Increase diversity in the participant community in order to increase quality of model predictions; 2) Identify and share best practices in building AI capability in vulnerable communities; 3) Celebrate pioneers from these communities who are modeling lifelong learning, curiosity and courage in learning how to use ML to address critical problems in their communities.

The workshop will provide concrete recommendations to the ML community on designing and implementing competitions that are more accessible to a broader public, and more effective in building long-term AI/ML capability.

The workshop will feature keynote speakers from ML, behavioral science and gender and development, interspersed with small group discussions around best practices in implementing ML competitions. We will invite submissions of 2-page extended abstracts on topics relating to machine learning competitions, with a special focus on methods of creating diverse datasets, strategies for addressing behavioral barriers to participation in ML competitions from underrepresented communities, and strategies for measuring the long-term impact of participation in an ML competition.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
