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Orals & Spotlights Track 07: Vision Applications

Ce Liu · Natalia Neverova

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Tue 8 Dec. 6:00 - 6:15 PST

Deep Wiener Deconvolution: Wiener Meets Deep Learning for Image Deblurring

Jiangxin Dong · Stefan Roth · Bernt Schiele

We present a simple and effective approach for non-blind image deblurring, combining classical techniques and deep learning. In contrast to existing methods that deblur the image directly in the standard image space, we propose to perform an explicit deconvolution process in a feature space by integrating a classical Wiener deconvolution framework with learned deep features. A multi-scale feature refinement module then predicts the deblurred image from the deconvolved deep features, progressively recovering detail and small-scale structures. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner and evaluated on scenarios with both simulated and real-world image blur. Our extensive experimental results show that the proposed deep Wiener deconvolution network facilitates deblurred results with visibly fewer artifacts. Moreover, our approach quantitatively outperforms state-of-the-art non-blind image deblurring methods by a wide margin.

Tue 8 Dec. 6:15 - 6:30 PST

Causal Intervention for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Dong Zhang · Hanwang Zhang · Jinhui Tang · Xian-Sheng Hua · Qianru Sun

We present a causal inference framework to improve Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS). Specifically, we aim to generate better pixel-level pseudo-masks by using only image-level labels -- the most crucial step in WSSS. We attribute the cause of the ambiguous boundaries of pseudo-masks to the confounding context, e.g., the correct image-level classification of "horse" and "person" may be not only due to the recognition of each instance, but also their co-occurrence context, making the model inspection (e.g., CAM) hard to distinguish between the boundaries. Inspired by this, we propose a structural causal model to analyze the causalities among images, contexts, and class labels. Based on it, we develop a new method: Context Adjustment (CONTA), to remove the confounding bias in image-level classification and thus provide better pseudo-masks as ground-truth for the subsequent segmentation model. On PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS-COCO, we show that CONTA boosts various popular WSSS methods to new state-of-the-arts.

Tue 8 Dec. 6:30 - 6:45 PST

Convolutional Generation of Textured 3D Meshes

Dario Pavllo · Graham Spinks · Thomas Hofmann · Marie-Francine Moens · Aurelien Lucchi

While recent generative models for 2D images achieve impressive visual results, they clearly lack the ability to perform 3D reasoning. This heavily restricts the degree of control over generated objects as well as the possible applications of such models. In this work, we bridge this gap by leveraging recent advances in differentiable rendering. We design a framework that can generate triangle meshes and associated high-resolution texture maps, using only 2D supervision from single-view natural images. A key contribution of our work is the encoding of the mesh and texture as 2D representations, which are semantically aligned and can be easily modeled by a 2D convolutional GAN. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on Pascal3D+ Cars and CUB, both in an unconditional setting and in settings where the model is conditioned on class labels, attributes, and text. Finally, we propose an evaluation methodology that assesses the mesh and texture quality separately.

Tue 8 Dec. 6:45 - 7:00 PST


Tue 8 Dec. 7:00 - 7:10 PST

DISK: Learning local features with policy gradient

Michał Tyszkiewicz · Pascal Fua · Eduard Trulls

Local feature frameworks are difficult to learn in an end-to-end fashion due to the discreteness inherent to the selection and matching of sparse keypoints. We introduce DISK (DIScrete Keypoints), a novel method that overcomes these obstacles by leveraging principles from Reinforcement Learning (RL), optimizing end-to-end for a high number of correct feature matches. Our simple yet expressive probabilistic model lets us keep the training and inference regimes close, while maintaining good enough convergence properties to reliably train from scratch. Our features can be extracted very densely while remaining discriminative, challenging commonly held assumptions about what constitutes a good keypoint, as showcased in Fig. 1, and deliver state-of-the-art results on three public benchmarks.

Tue 8 Dec. 7:10 - 7:20 PST

Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity Estimation

Divyansh Garg · Yan Wang · Bharath Hariharan · Mark Campbell · Kilian Weinberger · Wei-Lun Chao

Existing approaches to depth or disparity estimation output a distribution over a set of pre-defined discrete values. This leads to inaccurate results when the true depth or disparity does not match any of these values. The fact that this distribution is usually learned indirectly through a regression loss causes further problems in ambiguous regions around object boundaries. We address these issues using a new neural network architecture that is capable of outputting arbitrary depth values, and a new loss function that is derived from the Wasserstein distance between the true and the predicted distributions. We validate our approach on a variety of tasks, including stereo disparity and depth estimation, and the downstream 3D object detection. Our approach drastically reduces the error in ambiguous regions, especially around object boundaries that greatly affect the localization of objects in 3D, achieving the state-of-the-art in 3D object detection for autonomous driving.

Tue 8 Dec. 7:20 - 7:30 PST

Multiview Neural Surface Reconstruction by Disentangling Geometry and Appearance

Lior Yariv · Yoni Kasten · Dror Moran · Meirav Galun · Matan Atzmon · Basri Ronen · Yaron Lipman

In this work we address the challenging problem of multiview 3D surface reconstruction. We introduce a neural network architecture that simultaneously learns the unknown geometry, camera parameters, and a neural renderer that approximates the light reflected from the surface towards the camera. The geometry is represented as a zero level-set of a neural network, while the neural renderer, derived from the rendering equation, is capable of (implicitly) modeling a wide set of lighting conditions and materials. We trained our network on real world 2D images of objects with different material properties, lighting conditions, and noisy camera initializations from the DTU MVS dataset. We found our model to produce state of the art 3D surface reconstructions with high fidelity, resolution and detail.

Tue 8 Dec. 7:30 - 7:40 PST

Learning Semantic-aware Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks

Heliang Zheng · Jianlong Fu · Yanhong Zeng · Jiebo Luo · Zheng-Jun Zha

The recent advances in image generation have been achieved by style-based image generators. Such approaches learn to disentangle latent factors in different image scales and encode latent factors as “style” to control image synthesis. However, existing approaches cannot further disentangle fine-grained semantics from each other, which are often conveyed from feature channels. In this paper, we propose a novel image synthesis approach by learning Semantic-aware relative importance for feature channels in Generative Adversarial Networks (SariGAN). Such a model disentangles latent factors according to the semantic of feature channels by channel-/group- wise fusion of latent codes and feature channels. Particularly, we learn to cluster feature channels by semantics and propose an adaptive group-wise Normalization (AdaGN) to independently control the styles of different channel groups. For example, we can adjust the statistics of channel groups for a human face to control the open and close of the mouth, while keeping other facial features unchanged. We propose to use adversarial training, a channel grouping loss, and a mutual information loss for joint optimization, which not only enables high-fidelity image synthesis but leads to superior interpretable properties. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms the SOTA style-based approaches in both unconditional image generation and conditional image inpainting tasks.

Tue 8 Dec. 7:40 - 7:50 PST

Joint Q&A for Preceeding Spotlights

Tue 8 Dec. 7:50 - 8:00 PST

Neural Sparse Voxel Fields

Lingjie Liu · Jiatao Gu · Kyaw Zaw Lin · Tat-Seng Chua · Christian Theobalt

Photo-realistic free-viewpoint rendering of real-world scenes using classical computer graphics techniques is challenging, because it requires the difficult step of capturing detailed appearance and geometry models. Recent studies have demonstrated promising results by learning scene representations that implicitly encodes both geometry and appearance without 3D supervision. However, existing approaches in practice often show blurry renderings caused by the limited network capacity or the difficulty in finding accurate intersections of camera rays with the scene geometry. Synthesizing high-resolution imagery from these representations often requires time-consuming optical ray marching. In this work, we introduce Neural Sparse Voxel Fields (NSVF), a new neural scene representation for fast and high-quality free-viewpoint rendering. The NSVF defines a series of voxel-bounded implicit fields organized in a sparse voxel octree to model local properties in each cell. We progressively learn the underlying voxel structures with a differentiable ray-marching operation from only a set of posed RGB images. With the sparse voxel octree structure, rendering novel views at inference time can be accelerated by skipping the voxels without relevant scene content. Our method is over 10 times faster than the state-of-the-art while achieving higher quality results. Furthermore, by utilizing an explicit sparse voxel representation, our method can be easily applied to scene editing and scene composition. we also demonstrate various kinds of challenging tasks, including multi-object learning, free-viewpoint rendering of a moving human, and large-scale scene rendering.

Tue 8 Dec. 8:00 - 8:10 PST

3D Multi-bodies: Fitting Sets of Plausible 3D Human Models to Ambiguous Image Data

Benjamin Biggs · David Novotny · Sebastien Ehrhardt · Hanbyul Joo · Ben Graham · Andrea Vedaldi

We consider the problem of obtaining dense 3D reconstructions of deformable objects from single and partially occluded views. In such cases, the visual evidence is usually insufficient to identify a 3D reconstruction uniquely, so we aim at recovering several plausible reconstructions compatible with the input data. We suggest that ambiguities can be modeled more effectively by parametrizing the possible body shapes and poses via a suitable 3D model, such as SMPL for humans. We propose to learn a multi-hypothesis neural network regressor using a best-of-M loss, where each of the M hypotheses is constrained to lie on a manifold of plausible human poses by means of a generative model. We show that our method outperforms alternative approaches in ambiguous pose recovery on standard benchmarks for 3D humans, and in heavily occluded versions of these benchmarks.

Tue 8 Dec. 8:10 - 8:20 PST

Learning to Detect Objects with a 1 Megapixel Event Camera

Etienne Perot · Pierre de Tournemire · Davide Nitti · Jonathan Masci · Amos Sironi

Event cameras encode visual information with high temporal precision, low data-rate, and high-dynamic range. Thanks to these characteristics, event cameras are particularly suited for scenarios with high motion, challenging lighting conditions and requiring low latency. However, due to the novelty of the field, the performance of event-based systems on many vision tasks is still lower compared to conventional frame-based solutions. The main reasons for this performance gap are: the lower spatial resolution of event sensors, compared to frame cameras; the lack of large-scale training datasets; the absence of well established deep learning architectures for event-based processing. In this paper, we address all these problems in the context of an event-based object detection task. First, we publicly release the first high-resolution large-scale dataset for object detection. The dataset contains more than 14 hours recordings of a 1 megapixel event camera, in automotive scenarios, together with 25M bounding boxes of cars, pedestrians, and two-wheelers, labeled at high frequency. Second, we introduce a novel recurrent architecture for event-based detection and a temporal consistency loss for better-behaved training. The ability to compactly represent the sequence of events into the internal memory of the model is essential to achieve high accuracy. Our model outperforms by a large margin feed-forward event-based architectures. Moreover, our method does not require any reconstruction of intensity images from events, showing that training directly from raw events is possible, more efficient, and more accurate than passing through an intermediate intensity image. Experiments on the dataset introduced in this work, for which events and gray level images are available, show performance on par with that of highly tuned and studied frame-based detectors.

Tue 8 Dec. 8:20 - 8:30 PST

A Ranking-based, Balanced Loss Function Unifying Classification and Localisation in Object Detection

Kemal Oksuz · Baris Can Cam · Emre Akbas · Sinan Kalkan

We propose average Localisation-Recall-Precision (aLRP), a unified, bounded, balanced and ranking-based loss function for both classification and localisation tasks in object detection. aLRP extends the Localisation-Recall-Precision (LRP) performance metric (Oksuz et al., 2018) inspired from how Average Precision (AP) Loss extends precision to a ranking-based loss function for classification (Chen et al., 2020). aLRP has the following distinct advantages: (i) aLRP is the first ranking-based loss function for both classification and localisation tasks. (ii) Thanks to using ranking for both tasks, aLRP naturally enforces high-quality localisation for high-precision classification. (iii) aLRP provides provable balance between positives and negatives. (iv) Compared to on average ~6 hyperparameters in the loss functions of state-of-the-art detectors, aLRP Loss has only one hyperparameter, which we did not tune in practice. On the COCO dataset, aLRP Loss improves its ranking-based predecessor, AP Loss, up to around 5 AP points, achieves 48.9 AP without test time augmentation and outperforms all one-stage detectors. Code available at: .

Tue 8 Dec. 8:30 - 8:40 PST

Joint Q&A for Preceeding Spotlights

Tue 8 Dec. 8:40 - 9:00 PST
