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MinMax Methods for Optimal Transport and Beyond: Regularization, Approximation and Numerics

Luca De Gennaro Aquino · Stephan Eckstein

Poster Session 5 #1631

Keywords: [ Algorithms ] [ Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning ]


We study MinMax solution methods for a general class of optimization problems related to (and including) optimal transport. Theoretically, the focus is on fitting a large class of problems into a single MinMax framework and generalizing regularization techniques known from classical optimal transport. We show that regularization techniques justify the utilization of neural networks to solve such problems by proving approximation theorems and illustrating fundamental issues if no regularization is used. We further study the relation to the literature on generative adversarial nets, and analyze which algorithmic techniques used therein are particularly suitable to the class of problems studied in this paper. Several numerical experiments showcase the generality of the setting and highlight which theoretical insights are most beneficial in practice.

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