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Spotlight Talk
Workshop: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Better! Bridging the gap between theory and empiricism in probabilistic machine learning

Udari Madhushani---It Doesn’t Get Better and Here’s Why: A Fundamental Drawback in Natural Extensions of UCB to Multi-agent Bandits

Udari Madhushani


We identify a fundamental drawback of natural extensions of Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithms to the multi-agent bandit problem in which multiple agents facing the same explore-exploit problem can share information. We provide theoretical guarantees that when agents use a natural extension of the UCB sampling rule, sharing information about the optimal option degrades their performance. For K the number of agents and T the time horizon, we prove that when agents share information only about the optimal option they suffer an expected group cumulative regret of O(KlogT + KlogK), whereas when they do not share any information they only suffer a group regret of O(KlogtT). Further, while information sharing about all options yields much better performance than with no information sharing, we show that including information about the optimal option is not as good as sharing information only about suboptimal options.

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