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Contributed Talk and Q&A
Workshop: Workshop on Deep Learning and Inverse Problems

GAN2GAN: Generative Noise Learning for Blind Denoising with Single Noisy Images

Sungmin Cha


We tackle a challenging blind image denoising problem, in which only single distinct noisy images are available for training a denoiser, and no information about noise is known, except for it being zero-mean, additive, and independent of the clean image. In such a setting, which often occurs in practice, it is not possible to train a denoiser with the standard discriminative training or with the recently developed Noise2Noise (N2N) training; the former requires the underlying clean image for the given noisy image, and the latter requires two independently realized noisy image pair for a clean image. To that end, we propose GAN2GAN (Generated-Artificial-Noise to Generated-Artificial-Noise) method that first learns a generative model that can 1) simulate the noise in the given noisy images and 2) generate a rough, noisy estimates of the clean images, then 3) iteratively trains a denoiser with subsequently synthesized noisy image pairs (as in N2N), obtained from the generative model. In results, we show the denoiser trained with our GAN2GAN achieves an impressive denoising performance on both synthetic and real-world datasets for the blind denoising setting.

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