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Organizing Committee

General Chair

Amir Globerson (Tel Aviv University, Google)
Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research)

Program Chair

Danielle Belgrave (DeepMind)
Jakub Tomczak (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Ulrich Paquet (Google DeepMind; AIMS South Africa)
Angela Fan (Meta)
Cheng Zhang (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)

Workshop Chair

Manuel Rodriguez (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
Rose Yu (UC San Diego)
Adil Salim (Microsoft Research)

Workshop Chair Assistant

Bo Zhao (University of California San Diego)
Jianing Zhu (HKBU)

Tutorial Chair

Gal Chechik (NVIDIA, Bar-Ilan University)
Andrew Dai (Google)
Irene Chen (UC Berkeley)

Competition Chair

Jake Albrecht (Sage Bionetworks)
Tao Qin (Microsoft Research AI4Science)

Data and Benchmark Chair

Lora Aroyo (Google Research)
Lingjuan Lyu (Sony AI)
Francesco Locatello (ISTA)

Affinity Chair

Nezihe Merve Gürel (TU Delft)
Ioana Bica (Google DeepMind)

Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Chair

Isabel Valera (Saarland University, Saarbrücken)
William Yang Wang (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Ethics Review Chair

Himabindu Lakkaraju (Harvard)
Jiahao Chen (New York City Office of Technology and Innovation)

Communication Chair

Alex X Lu (Microsoft Research)
Ehsan Adeli (Stanford University)
Yali Du (King's College London)

Social Chair

Hendrik Strobelt (IBM Research / MIT-IBM Ai Lab)

Journal Chair

Lam Nguyen (IBM Research, Thomas J. Watson Research Center)

Creative AI Chair

Jean Oh (Carnegie Mellon University)
Marcelo Coelho (MIT)

Workflow Manager

Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue (NeurIPS Foundation)

Logistics and IT

Max A Wiesner (NeurIPS Foundation)
Brad Brockmeyer (NeurIPS Staff)
Brian Nettleton (NeurIPS Staff)
Teresa M Auricchio (NeurIPS Staff)
Lee Campbell (NeurIPS Foundation)
Stephanie Willes (NeurIPS Staff)