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Scribbles for All: Benchmarking Scribble Supervised Segmentation Across Datasets

Wolfgang Boettcher · Lukas Hoyer · Ozan Unal · Jan Eric Lenssen · Bernt Schiele

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


In this work, we introduce Scribbles for All, a label and training data generation algorithm for semantic segmentation trained on scribble labels. Training or fine-tuning semantic segmentation models with weak supervision has become an important topic recently and was subject to significant advances in model quality. In this setting, scribbles are a promising label type to achieve high quality segmentation results while requiring a much lower annotation effort than usual pixel-wise dense semantic segmentation annotations. The main limitation of scribbles as source for weak supervision is the lack of challenging datasets for scribble segmentation, which hinders the development of novel methods and conclusive evaluations. To overcome this limitation, Scribbles for All provides scribble labels for several popular segmentation datasets and provides an algorithm to automatically generate scribble labels for any dataset with dense annotations, paving the way for new insights and model advancements in the field of weakly supervised segmentation. In addition to providing datasets and algorithm, we evaluate state-of-the-art segmentation models on our datasets and show that the performance relative to supervised models drops to 70-80 % on ADE20K and Cityscapes as opposed to 90 % on ScribbleSup. Moreover, we document diverging robustness against scribble length with the methods. The datasets, scribble generation algorithm, and baselines are publicly available at

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