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A Hitchhikers Guide to Fine-Grained Face Forgery Detection Using Common Sense Reasoning

Niki Foteinopoulou · Enjie Ghorbel · Djamila Aouada

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Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Explainability in artificial intelligence is crucial for restoring trust, particularly in areas like face forgery detection, where viewers often struggle to distinguish between real and fabricated content. Vision and Large Language Models (VLLM) bridge computer vision and natural language, offering numerous applications driven by strong common-sense reasoning. Despite their success in various tasks, the potential of vision and language remains underexplored in face forgery detection, where they hold promise for enhancing explainability by leveraging the intrinsic reasoning capabilities of language to analyse fine-grained manipulation areas. As such, there is a need for a methodology that converts face forgery detection to a Visual Question Answering (VQA) task to systematically and fairly evaluate these capabilities. Previous efforts for unified benchmarks in deepfake detection have focused on the simpler binary task, overlooking evaluation protocols for fine-grained detection and text-generative models. We propose a multi-staged approach that diverges from the traditional binary decision paradigm to address this gap. In the first stage, we assess the models' performance on the binary task and their sensitivity to given instructions using several prompts. In the second stage, we delve deeper into fine-grained detection by identifying areas of manipulation in a multiple-choice VQA setting. In the third stage, we convert the fine-grained detection to an open-ended question and compare several matching strategies for the multi-label classification task. Finally, we qualitatively evaluate the fine-grained responses of the VLLMs included in the benchmark. We apply our benchmark to several popular models, providing a detailed comparison of binary, multiple-choice, and open-ended VQA evaluation across seven datasets. The code for our benchmark will be made publicly available.

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