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Test-time Adaptation in Non-stationary Environments via Adaptive Representation Alignment

Zhen-Yu Zhang · Zhiyu Xie · Huaxiu Yao · Masashi Sugiyama

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3306
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Adapting to distribution shifts is a critical challenge in modern machine learning, especially as data in many real-world applications accumulate continuously in the form of streams. We investigate the problem of sequentially adapting a model to non-stationary environments, where the data distribution is continuously shifting and only a small amount of unlabeled data are available each time. Continual test-time adaptation methods have shown promising results by using reliable pseudo-labels, but they still fall short in exploring representation alignment with the source domain in non-stationary environments. In this paper, we propose to leverage non-stationary representation learning to adaptively align the unlabeled data stream, with its changing distributions, to the source data representation using a sketch of the source data. To alleviate the data scarcity in non-stationary representation learning, we propose a novel adaptive representation alignment algorithm called Ada-ReAlign. This approach employs a group of base learners to explore different lengths of the unlabeled data stream, which are adaptively combined by a meta learner to handle unknown and continuously evolving data distributions. The proposed method comes with nice theoretical guarantees under convexity assumptions. Experiments on both benchmark datasets and a real-world application validate the effectiveness and adaptability of our proposed algorithm.

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