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Multiclass Transductive Online Learning
Steve Hanneke · Vinod Raman · Amirreza Shaeiri · Unique Subedi
East Exhibit Hall A-C #4500
We consider the problem of multiclass transductive online learning when the number of labels can be unbounded. Previous works by Ben-David et al. [1997] and Hanneke et al. [2024] only consider the case of binary and finite label spaces respectively. The latter work determined that their techniques fail to extend to the case of unbounded label spaces, and they pose the question of characterizing the optimal mistake bound for unbounded label spaces. We answer this question, by showing that a new dimension, termed the Level-constrained Littlestone dimension, characterizes online learnability in this setting. Along the way, we show that the trichotomy of possible minimax rates established by Hanneke et al. [2024] for finite label spaces in the realizable setting continues to hold even when the label space is unbounded. In particular, if the learner plays for rounds, its minimax expected number of mistakes can only grow like , , or . To prove this result, we give another combinatorial dimension, termed the Level-constrained Branching dimension, and show that its finiteness characterizes constant minimax expected mistake-bounds. The trichotomy is then determined by a combination of the Level-constrained Littlestone and Branching dimensions. Quantitatively, our upper bounds improve upon existing multiclass upper bounds in Hanneke et al. [2024] by removing the dependence on the label set size. In doing so, we explicitly construct learning algorithms that can handle extremely large or unbounded label spaces. A key component of our algorithm is a new notion of shattering that exploits the sequential nature of transductive online learning. Finally, we complete our results by proving expected regret bounds in the agnostic setting, extending the result of Hanneke et al. [2024].
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