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Consensus Learning with Deep Sets for Essential Matrix Estimation

Dror Moran · Yuval Margalit · Guy Trostianetsky · Fadi Khatib · Meirav Galun · Ronen Basri

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Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Robust estimation of the essential matrix, which encodes the relative position and orientation of two cameras, is a fundamental step in structure from motion pipelines. Recent deep-based methods achieved accurate estimation by using complex network architectures that involve graphs, attention layers, and hard pruning steps. Here, we propose a simpler network architecture based on Deep Sets. Given a collection of point matches extracted from two images, our method identifies outlier point matches and models the displacement noise in inlier matches. A weighted DLT module uses these predictions to regress the essential matrix. Our network achieves accurate recovery that is superior to existing networks with significantly more complex architectures.

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