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Improved Particle Approximation Error for Mean Field Neural Networks

Atsushi Nitanda

East Exhibit Hall A-C #2209
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Mean-field Langevin dynamics (MFLD) minimizes an entropy-regularized nonlinear convex functional defined over the space of probability distributions. MFLD has gained attention due to its connection with noisy gradient descent for mean-field two-layer neural networks. Unlike standard Langevin dynamics, the nonlinearity of the objective functional induces particle interactions, necessitating multiple particles to approximate the dynamics in a finite-particle setting. Recent works (Chen et al., 2022; Suzuki et al., 2023b) have demonstrated the uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for MFLD, showing that the gap between the particle system and its mean-field limit uniformly shrinks over time as the number of particles increases. In this work, we improve the dependence on logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI) constants in their particle approximation errors, which can exponentially deteriorate with the regularization coefficient. Specifically, we establish an LSI-constant-free particle approximation error concerning the objective gap by leveraging the problem structure in risk minimization. As the application, we demonstrate improved convergence of MFLD, sampling guarantee for the mean-field stationary distribution, and uniform-in-time Wasserstein propagation of chaos in terms of particle complexity.

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