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Transformers need glasses! Information over-squashing in language tasks

Federico Barbero · Andrea Banino · Steven Kapturowski · Dharshan Kumaran · João Madeira Araújo · Oleksandr Vitvitskyi · Razvan Pascanu · Petar Veličković


We study how information propagates in decoder-only Transformers, which are the architectural foundation of most existing frontier large language models (LLMs). We rely on a theoretical signal propagation analysis---specifically, we analyse the representations of the last token in the final layer of the Transformer, as this is the representation used for next-token prediction. Our analysis reveals a representational collapse phenomenon: we prove that certain distinct pairs of inputs to the Transformer can yield arbitrarily close representations in the final token. This effect is exacerbated by the low-precision floating-point formats frequently used in modern LLMs. As a result, the model is provably unable to respond to these sequences in different ways---leading to errors in, e.g., tasks involving counting or copying. Further, we show that decoder-only Transformer language models can lose sensitivity to specific tokens in the input, which relates to the well-known phenomenon of over-squashing in graph neural networks. We provide empirical evidence supporting our claims on contemporary LLMs. Our theory points to simple solutions towards ameliorating these issues.

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