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Disentangling Interpretable Factors with Supervised Independent Subspace Principal Component Analysis

Jiayu Su · David A Knowles · Raúl Rabadán

East Exhibit Hall A-C #1106
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: The success of machine learning models relies heavily on effectively representing high-dimensional data. However, ensuring data representations capture human-understandable concepts remains difficult, often requiring the incorporation of prior knowledge and decomposition of data into multiple subspaces. Traditional linear methods fall short in modeling more than one space, while more expressive deep learning approaches lack interpretability. Here, we introduce Supervised Independent Subspace Principal Component Analysis ($\texttt{sisPCA}$), a PCA extension designed for multi-subspace learning. Leveraging the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC), $\texttt{sisPCA}$ incorporates supervision and simultaneously ensures subspace disentanglement. We demonstrate $\texttt{sisPCA}$'s connections with autoencoders and regularized linear regression and showcase its ability to identify and separate hidden data structures through extensive applications, including breast cancer diagnosis from image features, learning aging-associated DNA methylation changes, and single-cell analysis of malaria infection. Our results reveal distinct functional pathways associated with malaria colonization, underscoring the essentiality of explainable representation in high-dimensional data analysis.

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