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Inferring stochastic low-rank recurrent neural networks from neural data

Matthijs Pals · A Erdem Sağtekin · Felix Pei · Manuel Gloeckler · Jakob H Macke

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3908
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


A central aim in computational neuroscience is to relate the activity of large populations of neurons to an underlying dynamical system. Models of these neural dynamics should ideally be both interpretable and fit the observed data well. Low-rank recurrent neural networks (RNNs) exhibit such interpretability by having tractable dynamics. However, it is unclear how to best fit low-rank RNNs to data consisting of noisy observations of an underlying stochastic system. Here, we propose to fit stochastic low-rank RNNs with variational sequential Monte Carlo methods. We validate our method on several datasets consisting of both continuous and spiking neural data, where we obtain lower dimensional latent dynamics than current state of the art methods. Additionally, for low-rank models with piecewise linear nonlinearities, we show how to efficiently identify all fixed points in polynomial rather than exponential cost in the number of units, making analysis of the inferred dynamics tractable for large RNNs. Our method both elucidates the dynamical systems underlying experimental recordings and provides a generative model whose trajectories match observed variability.

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