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DropEdge not Foolproof: Effective Augmentation Method for Signed Graph Neural Networks

ZEYU ZHANG · Lu Li · Shuyan Wan · Wang · Zhiyi Wang · Zhiyuan Lu · Dong Hao · Wanli Li

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: Signed graphs can model friendly or antagonistic relations where edges are annotated with a positive or negative sign. The main downstream task in signed graph analysis is $\textit{link sign prediction}$. Signed Graph Neural Networks (SGNNs) have been widely used for signed graph representation learning. While significant progress has been made in SGNNs research, two issues (i.e., graph sparsity and unbalanced triangles) persist in the current SGNN models. We aim to alleviate these issues through data augmentation ($\textit{DA}$) techniques which have demonstrated effectiveness in improving the performance of graph neural networks. However, most graph augmentation methods are primarily aimed at graph-level and node-level tasks (e.g., graph classification and node classification) and cannot be directly applied to signed graphs due to the lack of side information (e.g., node features and label information) in available real-world signed graph datasets. Random $\textit{DropEdge} $is one of the few $\textit{DA}$ methods that can be directly used for signed graph data augmentation, but its effectiveness is still unknown. In this paper, we first provide the generalization bound for the SGNN model and demonstrate from both experimental and theoretical perspectives that the random $\textit{DropEdge}$ cannot improve the performance of link sign prediction. Therefore, we propose a novel signed graph augmentation method, $\underline{S}$igned $\underline{G}$raph $\underline{A}$ugmentation framework (SGA). Specifically, SGA first integrates a structure augmentation module to detect candidate edges solely based on network information. Furthermore, SGA incorporates a novel strategy to select beneficial candidates. Finally, SGA introduces a novel data augmentation perspective to enhance the training process of SGNNs. Experiment results on six real-world datasets demonstrate that SGA effectively boosts the performance of diverse SGNN models, achieving improvements of up to 32.3\% in F1-micro for SGCN on the Slashdot dataset in the link sign prediction task.

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