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DeepITE: Designing Variational Graph Autoencoders for Intervention Target Estimation

Hongyuan Tao · Hang Yu · Jianguo Li

West Ballroom A-D #5005
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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Intervention Target Estimation (ITE) is vital for both understanding and decision-making in complex systems, yet it remains underexplored. Current ITE methods are hampered by their inability to learn from distinct intervention instances collaboratively and to incorporate rich insights from labeled data, which leads to inefficiencies such as the need for re-estimation of intervention targets with minor data changes or alterations in causal graphs. In this paper, we propose DeepITE, an innovative deep learning framework designed around a variational graph autoencoder. DeepITE can concurrently learn from both unlabeled and labeled data with different intervention targets and causal graphs, harnessing correlated information in a self or semi-supervised manner. The model's inference capabilities allow for the immediate identification of intervention targets on unseen samples and novel causal graphs, circumventing the need for retraining. Our extensive testing confirms that DeepITE not only surpasses 13 baseline methods in the Recall@k metric but also demonstrates expeditious inference times, particularly on large graphs. Moreover, incorporating a modest fraction of labeled data (5-10\%) substantially enhances DeepITE's performance, further solidifying its practical applicability. Our source code is available at

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