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ESPACE: Dimensionality Reduction of Activations for Model Compression

Charbel Sakr · Brucek Khailany

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3203
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[ Paper [ Slides [ Poster [ OpenReview
Thu 12 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


We propose ESPACE, an LLM compression technique based on dimensionality reduction of activations. Unlike prior works on weight-centric tensor decomposition, ESPACE projects activations onto a pre-calibrated set of principal components. The activation-centrality of the approach enables retraining LLMs with no loss of expressivity; while at inference, weight decomposition is obtained as a byproduct of matrix multiplication associativity. Theoretical results on the construction of projection matrices with optimal computational accuracy are provided. Experimentally, we find ESPACE enables 50% compression of GPT3, Llama2, and Nemotron4 models with small accuracy degradation, as low as a 0.18 perplexity increase on GPT3-22B. At lower compression rates of 20% to 40%, ESPACE drives GPT3 models to outperforming their baseline, by up to a 0.38 decrease in perplexity for GPT3-8B. ESPACE also reduces GEMM execution time and prefill inference latency on existing hardware. Comparison with related works on compressing Llama2-7B via matrix factorization shows that ESPACE is a first step in advancing the state-of-the-art in tensor decomposition compression of LLMs.

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