Improved learning rates in multi-unit uniform price auctions
Marius Potfer · Dorian Baudry · Hugo Richard · Vianney Perchet · Cheng Wan
West Ballroom A-D #5806
Motivated by the strategic participation of electricity producers in electricity day-ahead market, we study the problem of online learning in repeated multi-unit uniform price auctions focusing on the adversarial opposing bid setting. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of a new modeling of the bid space. Indeed, we prove that a learning algorithm leveraging the structure of this problem achieves a regret of under bandit feedback, improving over the bound of previously obtained in the literature. This improved regret rate is tight up to logarithmic terms. %by deducing a lower bound of from the dynamic pricing literature, proving the optimality in of our algorithm up to log factors. Inspired by electricity reserve markets, we further introduce a different feedback model under which all winning bids are revealed. This feedback interpolates between the full-information and bandit scenarios depending on the auctions' results. We prove that, under this feedback, the algorithm that we propose achieves regret .
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