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Predictor-Corrector Enhanced Transformers with Exponential Moving Average Coefficient Learning

Bei Li · Tong Zheng · Rui Wang · Jiahao Liu · 清妍 郭 · Junliang Guo · Xu Tan · Tong Xiao · JingBo Zhu · Jingang Wang · Xunliang Cai

East Exhibit Hall A-C #3607
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[ Paper [ Poster [ OpenReview
Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Residual networks, as discrete approximations of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), have inspired significant advancements in neural network design, including multistep methods, high-order methods, and multi-particle dynamical systems. The precision of the solution to ODEs significantly affects parameter optimization, thereby impacting model performance. In this work, we present a series of advanced explorations of Transformer architecture design to minimize the error compared to the true solution.'' First, we introduce a predictor-corrector learning framework to minimize truncation errors, which consists of a high-order predictor and a multistep corrector. Second, we propose an exponential moving average-based coefficient learning method to strengthen our higher-order predictor. Extensive experiments on large-scale machine translation, abstractive summarization, language modeling, and natural language understanding benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our approach. On the WMT'14 English-German and English-French tasks, our model achieved BLEU scores of 30.95 and 44.27, respectively. Furthermore, on the OPUS multilingual machine translation task, our model surpasses a robust 3.8B DeepNet by an average of 2.9 SacreBLEU, using only 1/3 parameters. Notably, it also beats LLama models by 5.7 accuracy points on the LM Harness Evaluation.

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