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NoiseGPT: Label Noise Detection and Rectification through Probability Curvature

Haoyu Wang · Zhuo Huang · Zhiwei Lin · Tongliang Liu

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Machine learning craves high-quality data which is a major bottleneck during realistic deployment, as it takes abundant resources and massive human labor to collect and label data. Unfortunately, label noise where image data mismatches with incorrect label exists ubiquitously in all kinds of datasets, significantly degrading the learning performance of deep networks. Learning with Label Noise (LNL) has been a common strategy for mitigating the influence of noisy labels. However, existing LNL methods either require pertaining using the memorization effect to separate clean data from noisy ones or rely on dataset assumptions that cannot extend to various scenarios. Thanks to the development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) which possess massive knowledge and hold In-Context Learning (ICL) ability, this paper proposes NoiseGPT to effectively leverage MLLMs as a knowledge expert for conducting label noise detection and rectification. Specifically, we observe a \textit{probability curvature} effect of MLLMs where clean and noisy examples reside on curvatures with different smoothness, further enabling the detection of label noise. By designing a token-wise Mix-of-Feature (MoF) technique to produce the curvature, we propose an In-Context Discrepancy (ICD) measure to determine the authenticity of an image-label pair. Subsequently, we repeat such a process to find the best matching pairs to complete our label rectification. Through extensive experiments, we carefully demonstrate the effectiveness of NoiseGPT on detecting and cleansing dataset noise, especially on ILSVRC12, the AUROC of NoiseGPT reached over 0.92. And by integrating with existing methods, the classification performance can be significantly improved on noisy datasets, typically by 22.8\% on 80\% symmetric CIFAR-10 with M-correction.

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