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Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps with Invertible Consistency Distillation

Nikita Starodubcev · Mikhail Khoroshikh · Artem Babenko · Dmitry Baranchuk


Diffusion distillation represents a highly promising direction for achieving faithful text-to-image generation in a few sampling steps. However, despite recent successes, existing distilled models still do not provide the full spectrum of diffusion abilities, such as real image inversion, which enables many precise image manipulation methods. This work aims to enrich distilled text-to-image diffusion models with the ability to effectively encode real images into their latent space. To this end, we introduce invertible Consistency Distillation (iCD), a generalized consistency distillation framework that facilitates both high-quality image synthesis and accurate image inversion in only 3-4 inference steps. Though the inversion problem for text-to-image diffusion models gets exacerbated by high classifier-free guidance scales, we notice that dynamic guidance significantly reduces reconstruction errors without noticeable degradation in generation performance. As a result, we demonstrate that iCD equipped with dynamic guidance may serve as a highly effective tool for zero-shot text-guided image editing, competing with more expensive state-of-the-art alternatives.

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