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Truthfulness of Calibration Measures

Nika Haghtalab · Mingda Qiao · Kunhe Yang · Eric Zhao

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Fri 13 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


We study calibration measures in a sequential prediction setup. In addition to rewarding accurate predictions (completeness) and penalizing incorrect ones (soundness), an important desideratum of calibration measures is truthfulness, a minimal condition for the forecaster not to be incentivized to exploit the system. Formally, a calibration measure is truthful if the forecaster (approximately) minimizes the expected penalty by predicting the conditional expectation of the next outcome, given the prior distribution of outcomes. We conduct a taxonomy of existing calibration measures. Perhaps surprisingly, all of them are far from being truthful. We introduce a new calibration measure termed the Subsampled Smooth Calibration Error (SSCE), which is complete and sound, and under which truthful prediction is optimal up to a constant multiplicative factor. In contrast, under existing calibration measures, there are simple distributions on which a polylogarithmic (or even zero) penalty is achievable, while truthful prediction leads to a polynomial penalty.

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