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Convergence of $\log(1/\epsilon)$ for Gradient-Based Algorithms in Zero-Sum Games without the Condition Number: A Smoothed Analysis

Ioannis Anagnostides · Tuomas Sandholm

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Fri 13 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST

Abstract: Gradient-based algorithms have shown great promise in solving large (two-player) zero-sum games. However, their success has been mostly confined to the low-precision regime because the number of iterations grows polynomially in $1/\epsilon$, where $\epsilon > 0$ is the duality gap. While it has been well-documented that linear convergence---an iteration complexity scaling as $\log(1/\epsilon)$---can be attained even with gradient-based algorithms, that comes at the cost of introducing a dependency on certain condition number-like quantities which can be exponentially large in the description of the game. To address this shortcoming, we analyze the iteration complexity of certain gradient-based algorithms in the celebrated model of smoothed complexity, and we show that they have polynomial smoothed complexity, in that their number of iterations grows as a polynomial in the dimensions of the game, $\log(1/\epsilon)$, and $1/\sigma$, where $\sigma$ measures the magnitude of the smoothing perturbation. Our result applies to optimistic gradient and extra-gradient descent/ascent as well as a certain iterative variant of Nesterov's smoothing technique by Gilpin et al. [2012]. En route, our characterization also makes a natural connection between the convergence rate of such algorithms and perturbation-stability properties of the equilibrium, which is of interest beyond the model of smoothed complexity.

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