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UQ-Guided Hyperparameter Optimization for Iterative Learners

Jiesong Liu · Feng Zhang · Jiawei Guan · Xipeng Shen


Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) plays a pivotal role in unleashing the potential of iterative machine learning models. This paper addresses a crucial aspect that has largely been overlooked in HPO: the impact of uncertainty in ML model training. The paper introduces the concept of uncertainty-aware HPO and presents a novel approach called the UQ-guided scheme for quantifying uncertainty. This scheme offers a principled and versatile method to empower HPO techniques in handling model uncertainty during their exploration of the candidate space.By constructing a probabilistic model and implementing probability-driven candidate selection and budget allocation, this approach enhances the quality of the resulting model hyperparameters. It achieves a notable performance improvement of over 50\% in terms of accuracy regret and exploration time.

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