QGFN: Controllable Greediness with Action Values
Elaine Lau · Stephen Lu · Ling Pan · Doina Precup · Emmanuel Bengio
West Ballroom A-D #6402
Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets; GFNs) are a family of energy-based generative methods for combinatorial objects, capable of generating diverse and high-utility samples. However, consistently biasing GFNs towards producing high-utility samples is non-trivial. In this work, we leverage connections between GFNs and reinforcement learning (RL) and propose to combine the GFN policy with an action-value estimate, , to create greedier sampling policies which can be controlled by a mixing parameter. We show that several variants of the proposed method, QGFN, are able to improve on the number of high-reward samples generated in a variety of tasks without sacrificing diversity.
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