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Probabilistic Federated Prompt-Tuning with Non-IID and Imbalanced Data

Pei-Yau Weng · Minh Hoang · Lam Nguyen · My T. Thai · Lily Weng · Nghia Hoang

East Exhibit Hall A-C #4007
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Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Fine-tuning pre-trained models is a popular approach in machine learning for solving complex tasks with moderate data. However, fine-tuning the entire pre-trained model is ineffective in federated data scenarios where local data distributions are diversely skewed. To address this, we explore integrating federated learning with a more effective prompt-tuning method, optimizing for a small set of input prefixes to reprogram the pre-trained model's behavior. Our approach transforms federated learning into a distributed set modeling task, aggregating diverse sets of prompts to globally fine-tune the pre-trained model. We benchmark various baselines based on direct adaptations of existing federated model aggregation techniques and introduce a new probabilistic prompt aggregation method that substantially outperforms these baselines. Our reported results on a variety of computer vision datasets confirm that the proposed method is most effective to combat extreme data heterogeneity in federated learning.

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