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Prediction with Action: Visual Policy Learning via Joint Denoising Process

Yanjiang Guo · Yucheng Hu · Jianke Zhang · Yen-Jen Wang · Xiaoyu Chen · Chaochao Lu · Jianyu Chen

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Thu 12 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in image generation tasks, including image editing and video creation, representing a good understanding of the physical world. On the other line, diffusion models have also shown promise in robotic control tasks by denoising actions, known as diffusion policy. Although the diffusion generative model and diffusion policy exhibit distinct capabilities—image prediction and robotic action, respectively—they technically follow similar denoising process. In robotic tasks, the ability to predict future images and generate actions is highly correlated since they share the same underlying dynamics of the physical world. Building on this insight, we introduce \textbf{PAD}, a novel visual policy learning framework that unifies image \textbf{P}rediction and robot \textbf{A}ction within a joint \textbf{D}enoising process. Specifically, PAD utilizes Diffusion Transformers (DiT) to seamlessly integrate images and robot states, enabling the simultaneous prediction of future images and robot actions. Additionally, PAD supports co-training on both robotic demonstrations and large-scale video datasets and can be easily extended to other robotic modalities, such as depth images. PAD outperforms previous methods, achieving a significant 38.9\% relative improvement on the full Metaworld benchmark, by utilizing a single text-conditioned visual policy within a data-efficient imitation learning setting. Furthermore, PAD demonstrates superior generalization to unseen tasks in real-world robot manipulation settings with 28.0\% success rate increase compared to the strongest baseline. Videos of PAD can be found at

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