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Learning in Presence of Strategic Behavior

Omer Ben-Porat 路 Nika Haghtalab 路 Annie Liang 路 Yishay Mansour 路 David Parkes

Mon 13 Dec, 8:50 a.m. PST

In recent years, machine learning has been called upon to solve increasingly more complex tasks and to regulate many aspects of our social, economic, and technological world. These applications include learning economic policies from data, prediction in financial markets, learning personalize models across population of users, and ranking qualified candidates for admission, hiring, and lending. These tasks take place in a complex social and economic context where the learners and objects of learning are often people or organizations that are impacted by the learning algorithm and, in return, can take actions that influence the learning process. Learning in this context calls for a new vision for machine learning and economics that aligns the incentives and interests of the learners and other parties and is robust to the evolving social and economic needs. This workshop explores a view of machine learning and economics that considers interactions of learning systems with a wide range of social and strategic behaviors. Examples of these problems include: multi-agent learning systems, welfare-aware machine learning, learning from strategic and economic data, learning as a behavioral model, and causal inference for learning impact of strategic choices.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
