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Douwe Kiela · Barbara Caputo · Marco Ciccone

Demonstrations must show novel technology and must run online during the conference. Unlike poster presentations or slide shows, interaction with the audience is a critical element. Therefore, the creativity of demonstrators to propose new ways in which interaction and engagement can fully leverage this year’s virtual conference format will be particularly relevant for selection. This session has the following demonstrations:

  • Interactive Exploration for 60 Years of AI Research
  • SenSE: A Toolkit for Semantic Change Exploration via Word Embedding Alignment
  • Training Transformers Together
  • GANs for All: Supporting Fun and Intuitive Exploration of GAN Latent Spaces
  • Lesan - Machine Translation for Low Resource Languages
Douwe Kiela · Barbara Caputo · Marco Ciccone

Demonstrations must show novel technology and must run online during the conference. Unlike poster presentations or slide shows, interaction with the audience is a critical element. Therefore, the creativity of demonstrators to propose new ways in which interaction and engagement can fully leverage this year’s virtual conference format will be particularly relevant for selection. This session has the following demonstrations:

  • Automated Evaluation of GNN Explanations with Neuro Symbolic Reasoning
  • AIMEE: Interactive model maintenance with rule-based surrogates
  • AME: Interpretable Almost Exact Matching for Causal Inference
  • Exploring Conceptual Soundness with TruLens
  • An Interactive Tool for Computation with Assemblies of Neurons
Douwe Kiela · Barbara Caputo · Marco Ciccone

[ Virtual ]

Demonstrations must show novel technology and must run online during the conference. Unlike poster presentations or slide shows, interaction with the audience is a critical element. Therefore, the creativity of demonstrators to propose new ways in which interaction and engagement can fully leverage this year’s virtual conference format will be particularly relevant for selection. This session has the following demonstrations:

  • PYLON: A PyTorch Framework for Learning with Constraints
  • Real-Time and Accurate Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Mobile Device
  • Unsupervised Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning
  • Prospective Explanations: An Interactive Mechanism for Model Understanding
Douwe Kiela · Barbara Caputo · Marco Ciccone

Demonstrations must show novel technology and must run online during the conference. Unlike poster presentations or slide shows, interaction with the audience is a critical element. Therefore, the creativity of demonstrators to propose new ways in which interaction and engagement can fully leverage this year’s virtual conference format will be particularly relevant for selection. This session has the following demonstrations:

  • Protopia AI: Taking on the Missing Link in AI Privacy and Data Protection
  • MEWS: Real-time Social Media Manipulation Detection and Analysis
  • An Interactive Visual Demo of Bias Mitigation Techniques for Word Representations
  • TripleBlind: A Privacy Preserving Framework for Decentralized Data and Algorithms