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Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Build Better Models Faster with W&B
Carey Phelps
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Conditional Compute for On-device Video Understanding
Tijmen Blankevoort
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Practical Deployment of Secure Federated Learning: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions
Yi Zhou · Nathalie Baracaldo
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Software-Delivered AI: Using Sparse-Quantization for Fastest Inference on Deep Neural Networks
Mark J Kurtz
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Real-time Navigation of Chemical Space with Cloud-Based Inference from MoLFormer
Payel Das · Brian Belgodere
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Full-Stack 3D Scene Understanding on an Extended Reality Headset
Hong Cai
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Human Modeling and Strategic Reasoning in the Game of Diplomacy
Noam Brown · Alexander Miller · Gabriele Farina
Expo Demonstration
Mon Nov 28 08:00 AM -- 10:00 AM & Mon Nov 28 12:00 PM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Ballroom C None
Efficient super-resolution using 4-bit integer quantization for real-time mobile applications
Anjuman Raha