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Wed Nov 30 02:00 PM -- 04:00 PM (PST) @ Hall J #900
Neural Transmitted Radiance Fields
Chengxuan Zhu · Renjie Wan · Boxin Shi
[ Poster [ OpenReview

Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have brought tremendous progress to novel view synthesis. Though NeRF enables the rendering of subtle details in a scene by learning from a dense set of images, it also reconstructs the undesired reflections when we capture images through glass. As a commonly observed interference, the reflection would undermine the visibility of the desired transmitted scene behind glass by occluding the transmitted light rays. In this paper, we aim at addressing the problem of rendering novel transmitted views given a set of reflection-corrupted images. By introducing the transmission encoder and recurring edge constraints as guidance, our neural transmitted radiance fields can resist such reflection interference during rendering and reconstruct high-fidelity results even under sparse views. The proposed method achieves superior performance from the experiments on a newly collected dataset compared with state-of-the-art methods.