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Fri Dec 09 04:30 AM -- 02:00 PM (PST) @ Virtual None
Learning Meaningful Representations of Life
Elizabeth Wood · Adji Bousso Dieng · Aleksandrina Goeva · Alex X Lu · Anshul Kundaje · Chang Liu · Debora Marks · Ed Boyden · Eli N Weinstein · Lorin Crawford · Mor Nitzan · Rebecca Boiarsky · Romain Lopez · Tamara Broderick · Ray Jones · Wouter Boomsma · Yixin Wang · Stephen Ra
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All events will be in a non-NeurIPS Zoom and on Gather.Town, without embedded streaming. Links below.

Poster Preview on Gather.Town (Poster Session)
Keynote - Rich Bonneau (Talks)
Contributed & Lightning talks (Talks)
Poster Session
Keynote - Shantanu Singh (Keynote)
Contributed & Lightning talks (Talks)
Keynote - Pulin Li (Talks)
Contributed & Lightning talks (Talks)
Itai Yanai - "Night Science:" The creative side of the scientific process (Talk)
Poster Session
Interpretable visualization of single cell data using Janus autoencoders (Poster)
Machine Learning enabled Pooled Optical Screening in Human Lung Cancer Cells (Poster)
An Empirical Study of ML-based Phenotyping and Denoising for Improved Genomic Discovery (Poster)
EpiAttend: A transformer model of gene regulation combining single cell epigenomes with DNA sequence (Poster)
Multimodal Cell-Free DNA Embeddings are Informative for Early Cancer Detection (Poster)
Continuous cell-state density inference and applications for single-cell data (Poster)
TranceptEVE: Combining Family-specific and Family-agnostic Models of Protein Sequences for Improved Fitness Prediction (Poster)
Neural Unbalanced Optimal Transport via Cycle-Consistent Semi-Couplings (Poster)
ChromFormer: A transformer-based model for 3D genome structure prediction (Poster)
Improving Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction with Structural Prediction & Graph Neural Networks (Poster)
A single-cell gene expression language model (Poster)
Standards, tooling and benchmarks to probe representation learning on proteins (Poster)
CP2Image: generating high-quality single-cell images using CellProfiler representations (Poster)
A Modelling Framework for Catalysing Progress in the Rod-Shaped Bacterial Cell Growth Discourse (Poster)
Knowledge distillation for fast and accurate DNA sequence correction (Poster)
MolE: a molecular foundation model for drug discovery (Poster)
Learning representations of cell populations for image-based profiling using contrastive learning (Poster)
Double trouble: Predicting new variant counts across two heterogeneous populations (Poster)
Transformer Model for Genome Sequence Analysis (Poster)
SCOOTR: Single-Cell Multimodal Data Integration with Contrastive Learning and Optimal Transport (Poster)
Conditional Neural Processes for Molecules (Poster)
Learning relationships between histone modifications in single cells (Poster)
Deep Fitness Inference for Drug Discovery with Directed Evolution (Poster)
Translating L-peptides into non-canonical linear and macrocyclic peptides (Poster)
Spatially-aware dimension reduction of transcriptomics data (Poster)
Using hierarchical variational autoencoders to incorporate conditional independent priors for paired single-cell multi-omics data integration (Poster)
3D single-cell shape analysis of cancer cells using geometric deep learning (Poster)
Representation Learning to Integrate and Interpret Omics Data (Poster)
Utilizing Mutations to Evaluate Interpretability of Neural Networks on Genomic Data (Poster)
Box Prediction Rebalancing for Training Single-Stage Object Detectors with Partially Labeled Data (Poster)
Designing and Evolving Neuron-Specific Proteases (Poster)
Network-Based Clustering of Pan-Cancer Data Accounting for Clinical Covariates (Poster)
CoSpar identifies early cell fate biases from single cell transcriptomic and lineage information (Poster)
What cleaves? Is proteasomal cleavage prediction reaching a ceiling? (Poster)
Learning More Effective Cell Representations Efficiently (Poster)
LANTERN-RD: Enabling Deep Learning for Mitigation of the Invasive Spotted Lanternfly (Poster)
scPerturb: Information Resource for Harmonized Single-Cell Perturbation Data (Poster)
Personalised drug recommendation from augmented gene expression data - the right drug(s) for the right patient (Poster)
Modeling Single-Cell Dynamics Using Unbalanced Parameterized Monge Maps (Poster)
Learning Canonical Cellular Environments from Spatial Transcriptomic Data via Optimal Transport (Poster)
Designing active and thermostable enzymes with sequence-only predictive models (Poster)
Joint Protein Sequence-Structure Co-Design via Equivariant Diffusion (Poster)
Find your microenvironments faster with Neural Spatial LDA (Poster)
Tuned Quadratic Landscapes for Benchmarking Model-Guided Protein Design (Poster)
decOM: Similarity-based microbial source tracking of ancient oral samples using k-mer-based methods (Poster)
Forecasting labels under distribution-shift for machine-guided sequence design (Poster)
Fuzzy Logic for Biological Networks as ML Regression: Scaling to Single-Cell Datasets With Autograd (Poster)
Unsupervised language models for disease variant prediction (Poster)
Biological Neurons vs Deep Reinforcement Learning: Sample efficiency in a simulated game-world (Poster)
Self-Supervised Learning of Phenotypic Representations from Cell Images with Weak Labels (Poster)
Is brightfield all you need for MoA prediction? (Poster)
Kernelized Stein Discrepancies for Biological Sequences (Poster)
Data-driven subgroup identification for linear regression (Poster)
Multimodal deep transfer learning for the analysis of optical coherence tomography scans and retinal fundus photographs (Poster)
Generative model for Pseudomonad genomes (Poster)
Simultaneous alignment of cells and features of unpaired single-cell multi-omics datasets with co-optimal transport (Poster)
meTCRs - Learning a metric for T-cell receptors (Poster)
Benchmarking Graph Neural Network-based Imputation Methods on Single-Cell Transcriptomics Data (Poster)
Seeded iterative clustering for histology region identification (Poster)
How can we use natural evolution and genetic experiments to design protein functions? (Poster)
Using co-localization priors and microenvironment statistics to reconstruct tissue organization from single-cell data (Poster)
A generative recommender system with GMM prior for cancer drug generation and sensitivity prediction (Poster)
Energy-based Modelling for Single-cell Data Annotation (Poster)
Biological Cartography: Building and Benchmarking Representations of Life (Poster)
Protein language model rescue mutations highlight variant effects and structure in clinically relevant genes (Poster)
Regression-Based Elastic Metric Learning on Shape Spaces of Cell Curves (Poster)