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Early-Career Researchers Interested in ML & Climate Change

Sigrid Passano Hellan · Tiffany Vlaar

Room 392


This is an in-person social for early-career researchers wanting to work in the ML & Climate Change research field. The nature of this research area is inherently interdisciplinary and we welcome researchers from different backgrounds and interests. The social offers the opportunity for networking and informal discussion; aiming to both connect people starting out and introducing them to current ML & Climate Change researchers. We will start with an icebreaker bingo, followed by roundtable discussions on different topics, such as how to start interdisciplinary collaborations, finding and working with real-world data, the most impactful/urgent areas of research, and how to find jobs in ML & Climate Change, etc.

Confirmed roundtable moderators: Alex Hernandez-Garcia (Mila), Konstantin Klemmer (Microsoft Research New England and Climate Change AI), Anna Kwa (Allen Institute for AI), Alexandre Lacoste (ServiceNow), Mélisande Teng (Mila), and Bianca Zadrozny (IBM Research).

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