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Consistent Interpolating Ensembles via the Manifold-Hilbert Kernel

Yutong Wang · Clay Scott

Hall J (level 1) #313

Keywords: [ Ensemble methods ] [ interpolation ] [ Kernel Methods ]


Recent research in the theory of overparametrized learning has sought to establish generalization guarantees in the interpolating regime. Such results have been established for a few common classes of methods, but so far not for ensemble methods. We devise an ensemble classification method that simultaneously interpolates the training data, and is consistent for a broad class of data distributions. To this end, we define the manifold-Hilbert kernel for data distributed on a Riemannian manifold. We prove that kernel smoothing regression using the manifold-Hilbert kernel is weakly consistent in the setting of Devroye et al. 1998. For the sphere, we show that the manifold-Hilbert kernel can be realized as a weighted random partition kernel, which arises as an infinite ensemble of partition-based classifiers.

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