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Workshop: Learning from Time Series for Health

MAEEG: Masked Auto-encoder for EEG Representation Learning

Sherry Chien · Hanlin Goh · Christopher Sandino · Joseph Cheng


Decoding information from bio-signals such as EEG, using machine learning has been a challenge due to the small data-sets and difficulty to obtain labels. We propose a reconstruction-based self-supervised learning model, the masked auto-encoder for EEG (MAEEG), for learning EEG representations by learning to reconstruct the masked EEG features using a transformer architecture. We found that MAEEG can learn representations that significantly improve sleep stage classification (~5% accuracy increase) when only a small number of labels are given. We also found that input sample lengths and different ways of masking during reconstruction-based SSL pretraining have a huge effect on downstream model performance. Specifically, learning to reconstruct a larger proportion and more concentrated masked signal results in better performance on sleep classification. Our findings provide insight into how reconstruction-based SSL could help representation learning for EEG.

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