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Workshop: Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences

A physics-informed search for metric solutions to Ricci flow, their embeddings, and visualisation

Aarjav Jain · Challenger Mishra · Pietro Lió

Abstract: Neural networks with PDEs embedded in their loss functions (physics-informed neural networks) are employed as a function approximators to find solutions to the Ricci flow (a curvature based evolution) of Riemannian metrics. A general method is developed and applied to the real torus. The validity of the solution is verified by comparing the time evolution of scalar curvature with that found using a standard PDE solver, which decreases to a constant value of 0 on the whole manifold. We also consider certain solitonic solutions to the Ricci flow equation in two real dimensions. We create visualisations of the flow by utilising an embedding into R3. Snapshots of highly accurate numerical evolution of the toroidal metric over time are reported. We provide guidelines on applications of this methodology to the problem of determining Ricci flat Calabi--Yau metrics in the context of String theory, a long standing problem in complex geometry.

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